
From IndieWeb

Create Day July 2022 was a one-day virtual IndieWebCamp held on 2022-07-31.

Notes archived from: https://etherpad.indieweb.org/IWCCreateDay-2022-07-31

IndieWeb Create Day July
When: 2022-07-31 09:00-17:00 Pacific






interesting home listings


example short note posts

In particular for resigning or declining:



composite streams

e.g. recently mentioned: https://chat.indieweb.org/dev/2022-07-26#t1658859007352500

Examples (of composite streams)

display people icons

Should you always display the full resolution icons of people of posts you reply to? e.g. in the reply-context?

People should be able to consent to their photos and other content being shared on other sites. If my site receives a webmention from your site, I should conservatively not re-host your content (e.g. your photo) unless you have given me explicit permission. ...but, how is best to give permission? Should consent be given in the process of sending a webmention, or should the content be marked up with licenses?

See: https://sebastiangreger.net/2018/05/indieweb-privacy-challenge-webmentions-backfeeds-gdpr/

  • Specifically the section: The initial solution: anonymizing “not intentionally submitted” feedback
  • indieweb-privacy-pixelated-1000x.png
  • backfeed is one of the primary use-cases of this, where people replying/liking/reposting have no idea that they will show up on another website

things built


Tantek Çelik:

  • /fta link — use-case: txting a link to someone so they can call me via FaceTime Audio (using my own domain as my identity, not a phone number)
  • tools to debug my home page but not *at* my home page in production, e.g. an /index-new (not a real path) instead of having to live deploy/test at my main home page at /.
  • fixed my home page photo grid! and added a bunch more testing, staging, and debugging capabilities for my home page and composite stream
  • updated home page events listing!

Tracy Durnell

Tracy Durnell

Kevin Marks

Kevin Marks

Jacob Hall

Jacob Hall

David Shanske

David Shanske - Worked on SImple Location improvements

  • Split Elevation calculation from reverse geocoding.
  • Introduce Structure for Venue Provider to integrate places/venue APIs
  • Refactor provider classes to make them more modular and prepare for new config plans
  • Fixed some very subtle bugs in the code
  • Move API keys to separate page hidden, and add show button.

Angelo Gladding

Angelo Gladding

  • fixed indieauth sign-in to imoxia toolbox
    • redirect HTTP -> HTTPS via 308
  • got composite stream on homepage consisting of (notes, rsvps, photos)
  • combination media upload + photo post via iOS shortcuts
  • added 400 users (and their posts) to indieweb.rocks directory

Marty McGuire

Marty McGuire


2024 BrightonDüsseldorfPortlandBerlinPlanning More Camps & Popups • …
Build a Website in an Hour March (P)
2023 NurembergSan Diego
Create Day November (O)CreateFest December (O)
Multi-Lingual Personal Websites (P)Build a Website in an Hour July (P)Build a Website in an Hour September (P)
2022 DüsseldorfBerlin
Create Day March (O)July (O)September (O)December (O)
Analog Meets Online (P)Personal Libraries (P)How to Make the IndieWeb More Approachable (P)
2021 Düsseldorf
Create Day July (O)October (O)December (O)
Respectful Responses (P)Webmentions Beyond Webmention.io (P) • Very Sensitive Data (P)Microsub (P)IndieAuth (P)Gardens and Streams II (P)IndieAuth 2 (P)
2020 Austin
Online London (O)West (O)East (O)Create Day (O)
Garden & Stream (P)Micropub (P)IndieAuth (P)Get Started with WP (P)microformats2 (P)Friendly WP Themes (P)
2019 AustinNew HavenBerlinDüsseldorfUtrecht9th IndieWeb Summit (Portland)AmsterdamOxfordNYCBrightonBerlin2SF
2018 BaltimoreDüsseldorf8th IndieWeb Summit (Portland)SFOxfordNYCNürnbergBerlin
2017 BellinghamDüsseldorfNürnberg7th IndieWeb Summit (Portland)IstanbulNYCBerlinAustin
2016 NYCMITNürnbergDüsseldorf6th IndieWeb Summit (Portland)NYC2BrightonLA (Santa Monica)BerlinMIT2
2015 Cambridge MAGermany (Düsseldorf)Portland & Brighton (5th Summit) • EdinburghMITSF
2014 SFNYCPortland/NYC/Berlin (4th Summit)UK (Brighton)Cambridge MAOnline
2013 Portland (3rd Summit)UK (Brighton)Hollywood
2012 Portland (2nd Summit)UK (Brighton)
2011 Portland (Summit)

See Also