Things We Never Got Over Quotes

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Things We Never Got Over (Knockemout, #1) Things We Never Got Over by Lucy Score
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Things We Never Got Over Quotes Showing 1-30 of 443
“There’s a difference between taking care of someone because you love them and taking care of someone because you want them to love you,”
Lucy Score, Things We Never Got Over
“You’re the one who has to live your life. Don’t apologize to other people for the decisions you make for yourself.”
Lucy Score, Things We Never Got Over
“At some point, you have got to stop worrying so much about what everyone else needs and start thinking about what you need.”
Lucy Score, Things We Never Got Over
“When you trust someone to see you for who you really are, the betrayal is a thousand times worse than if you hadn’t handed them the weapons in the first place,”
Lucy Score, Things We Never Got Over
“You get to decide how you show up in this world. No one else gets to dictate to you who you are,”
Lucy Score, Things We Never Got Over
“You know what they say about fine. Fucked up. Insecure. Neurotic. And emotional,”
Lucy Score, Things We Never Got Over
“This book is about the bravery it takes for us to love someone when we all know how every love story ends.”
Lucy Score, Things We Never Got Over
“Sooner or later, you have to accept that you’re not responsible for other people’s choices. Worse, sometimes you can’t fix what’s wrong with them.”
Lucy Score, Things We Never Got Over
“You make broken things whole again. Me. You made me whole. And every time you smile at me, I feel like I hit the lottery again.”
Lucy Score, Things We Never Got Over
“Mistakes were meant to be learned from, overcome. They weren’t meant to destroy.”
Lucy Score, Things We Never Got Over
“I’d lost myself while trying to convince someone else that I was what he wanted. I’d forgotten who I was because I’d let someone else take over the definition.”
Lucy Score, Things We Never Got Over
“We both just wanted someone to love us enough to make up for all the times we hadn’t been enough.”
Lucy Score, Things We Never Got Over
“So is setting an example for your niece about how she doesn’t need to turn herself inside out to be loved. How she doesn’t need to set herself on fire to keep someone else warm. Demanding to have your own needs met isn’t problematic—it’s heroic, and kids are watching. They’re always watching. If you set an example that tells her the only way she’s worthy of love is by giving everyone everything, she’ll internalize that message.”
Lucy Score, Things We Never Got Over
“You can have anything you want. A big church wedding. A backyard barbecue. A five-figure wedding dress. But I have one demand.”
Of course it was a demand and not a request. “What’s that?”
“I want daisies in your hair.”
Lucy Score, Things We Never Got Over
“You’re telling me he’s a grumpy, overprotective hottie next-door and you’re not going to sleep with him? How wasteful.”
Lucy Score, Things We Never Got Over
“My wish for all of us is that we love whole-heartedly and are present enough in our relationships that when we part our only regret is quantity not quality. That we all understand that the pain of loss is what gives the rest of our life color and flavor and texture.”
Lucy Score, Things We Never Got Over
“Some people don’t know what to do with their pain,” Naomi said, looking out the window again. “So they take it out on whoever is nearby.”
Lucy Score, Things We Never Got Over
“Words have power. They make people feel things”
Lucy Score, Things We Never Got Over
“Because that’s what you fucking do when you love something. You show up. Even if you’re pissing your pants scared.”
Lucy Score, Things We Never Got Over
“Baby, you need to stop obsessing about the things you should be doing and make some time for the shit you wanna do.”
Lucy Score, Things We Never Got Over
“Was there someone out there who would find me to be enough? Not too much or too little, but the person they’d been waiting for their whole life.”
Lucy Score, Things We Never Got Over
“But I did know that sometimes a bad seed was just a bad seed. No matter what field it was planted in, no matter how it was tended, some just came up rotten.”
Lucy Score, Things We Never Got Over
“This book is about the bravery it takes for us to love someone when we all know how every love story ends. It’s about choosing love over fear again and again. It’s about showing up and being brave even when we know it’s going to hurt like hell.”
Lucy Score, Things We Never Got Over
“She was carrying a bouquet of flowers, and for a second, I wanted to know who the hell had given them to her so I could kick their ass.”
Lucy Score, Things We Never Got Over
“There were things a person never got over. We both just wanted someone to love us enough to make up for all the times we hadn't been enough. It felt like such a waste that we could feel the way we did, but neither of us could be that person for the other.”
Lucy Score, Things We Never Got Over
“Because sometimes people don’t know how to ask for what they really need. You needed a hug.” “No. I didn’t,” he rasped. He was quiet for a long moment, and I listened to his heartbeat. “I needed you.”
Lucy Score, Things We Never Got Over
“The first time he met me, he called me trash.” “That bitch.” “Well, technically he thought I was Tina when he was yelling at me in front of an entire cafe full of strangers.” “That vision-impaired bitch.”
Lucy Score, Things We Never Got Over
“I’m going to tell you something that you and your brother both need to know, and I need this to resonate in your soul,” I said. His eyes locked on mine. Well, more on my mouth than my eyes. But it was good enough. “You’re both idiots.”
Lucy Score, Things We Never Got Over
“Yeah. You do,” he countered. “Pain is what tells you you’re alive. You numb that, and how do you know you’re still here?”
Lucy Score, Things We Never Got Over
“What’s anyone’s problem? Baggage. People meet, sparks fly, then they spend all their time trying to hide who they really are so they can stay attractive. Then we’re surprised when it doesn’t work out.” She had a point. “If everyone just introduced themselves with their baggage, imagine how much time we’d save.”
Lucy Score, Things We Never Got Over

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