
Valkyries Quotes

Quotes tagged as "valkyries" Showing 1-16 of 16
Erik Pevernagie
“If we cannot tame the valkyries of our emotions and restrain the burgeoning crankiness of our actions, we have to empower our mind, at some point, and let time flow on the waves of remission and compassion… and loosen up. ("Transcendental meditation")”
Erik Pevernagie

“Chapter One: The Dawn and the Dread

Heartbeat, heartbeat comes from Valhallan way,
To meet down in judgment, to ply its trade.
Two →swords← to join in worthy cross,
Actions to be rendered, one to be lost.

She did come now from ’yond northern slope,
A day of reckoning did she again once hope.
A devout meeting was her qwesterly bane,
To stay her hand was to go insane.

St. Kari of the Blade to meet her past,
A wicked enemy, peerless of match.
Rode Kari she her charger on down,
Past the Dead Land where Gaul sat crowned.

A killing job, yea, she desired to lastly kill,
To set things right so her heart might lie still.
Upon the mist and roaring plain,
She entered in, a soul uncontained.

A fierce wind in deed, and forever freed,
Enemies she annihilhates (’tis hur’ creed).
Her own advanced guard of a sort,
Multitudes to follow in her report.

Know this Valkyrie from on cold,
An ancient maiden soft and bold.
A warrior spirit from Ages past,
A fragmented mind like broken glass.

Solid in stature this eternal framed being,
Yet crippled within from internaled bleedings.
A sword saint so refined in the poetic art,
A noble character yet with a banshee’s heart.

Rhythmed horse now to the beats,
Kari emboldened amid the sleet.
Beyond the mountain she does come,
Unto southern fields wherein rules hot sun.

Far from that murderous Deadlands ground,
The land up swells; the dead still abound.
Traverses she those bygones of leprous civilizations
Those cities crumbled by the exhalted of oblivions.

Stark traces etched now bare in the land,
That are no more again, save dust in the hand.
A cool stream now in desert sans
(Does more good when one is damned).

Stopped she her mount to admire the flow,
A lovely stream with skeletons packed below.

Blue air whisps; dragon flied motion.
Flintsteel striking!!! Sparked of commotion.

Cold water chortles rushtish with tint,
Told of past carnage, it whetted her glint.
Fallen warriors, they are no more,
Swirls and eddies mark their discord.

Gurgled shouts slung and gathered,
Faces glazed while steel lathered.
Refreshing though it was to her mouth,
She smelled an air; she flared about.

Came up that ridge of loud, sanded hill,
Below a man and his half-score of kills.
Kari’s eyes waxed in smug contempt,
Possibilities ran deep with no repent . . .

On Kari, Valkyrie, Cold Steel Eternity Vol. II”
Douglas M. Laurent

“Games that are played and always won,
Often bring the tragedy of victory
And songs that must be sung.

Kari, Garden of the Dragons, Vil. III”
Douglas Laurent

“The Cutting Edges of all Eternities combined were not as sharp as those of the Blade-Saint Valkyrie’s, who loved much and who pierced deep, far beyond infinity’s meager grasp for those whom she loved.

On Valkyrie Kari, Cold Steel Eternity, Vol. II (Valley of the Damned)”
douglas laurent

“Games that are played and sometimes lost,
Often bring the joy of loss that learns our course.

Valkyrie Kari, Garden of the Dragons, Vol. iii”
Douglas Laurent

“Samurai: I have searched for you a very long time.
Kari: Do not waste breath, kill. It is our way here.
Samurai: Not before I have my say, Corpse-eater.
Kari: No wonder you took so long to find me.

on Valkyrie Kari,, Garden of the Dragons, Vol, iiii”
Douglas Laurent

Arizona Tape
“With my stomach growling, I took my place at the head of the dining table and switched the fork and knife around. Two and a half years, and the girls still forgot to place the cutlery for a left-handed person.”
Arizona Tape, Valkyrie's Chaos

“Midnight Steel

When Love’s steel draws near it doth but conspire,
And pierces she the hearts of all she holds and so desires.
Come thou, dear Love, to sleep, rest in your arms and dream but deep.
Help me to love all of my days, so that on sweet earth I may stay.

—Valkyrie Kari, Musings in the Night”
douglas laurent

Amanda  Carlson
“Fen referred to my lack of finesse as my sluggish human carryover, which was an artful way of saying I sucked and hit like a girl. He kept at me to become more Zenlike and less like a human zombie while I was fighting.”
Amanda Carlson, Freed

Amanda  Carlson
“His warm breath hit my neck, and my toes curled. “That may be true,” he murmured, “but I’m pretty sure there’s a wolf inside you, too. Here, let me help you find it.”
I turned, falling into his arms, his lips meeting mine, both of us hungry.
At least one thing would go right today.”
Amanda Carlson, Freed

Amanda  Carlson
“I’d gone from living alone in New York as a lowly shoe clerk to becoming a shieldmaiden with a family to come home to. It didn’t get much better than that.”
Amanda Carlson, Freed

“Insanity is often compounded on the multiplicity of simple things, as so often seen in deranged people who have a simple logic all their own.

on Kari, Valkyrie, Cold Steel Eternity, Vol. II”
Douglas Laurent

“Chapter Six: Mistress of Red

From underneath from hellish bowels,
She lives the torment she shrieks and howls.
A damned flame of volcanic intent,
Seeks a city where her hatred may vent.

Underneath the bow of vaulted earth,
This spirit breaks from infernoed perch.
Circles the span of inward woe,
From beneath the caverns does she go.

She seeks the city she may destroy,
To lie in ruins for her ploy.
From lofty plume of sordid ash,
She delights to see her cuts and gash.

Vulcania Draconis, spirit of bitter ’ire,
Rings the earth with her dredful fires.
Horrendous demon from Vulcan’s forge,
Lays waste to the earth, her inhabitants engorged.

Mighty Pompeii knew her ways,
Scoffed at her threats and would not pay.
In vindiction’s rage hissed she their doom,
Cast them alive within their tombs.

And Krakatoa and Mycenae,
They would not yield, she laid them waste.
An extortioness, royal supreme,
To conquer or destroy, her consummate dream.

How this evil one sets her pace,
Rings sweet earth in her death’s nec-lace.
Far from below she blasts her smoke,
To cover their eyes until they choke.

At her command cities fall and swell,
Earthquake, tidal wave, gives masses to hell.
This spirit from the blackest pit,
Broods deep on those she kiss.

She comes to seek those to enslave,
To fuel her bowels, her booty in trade.
The pride and ruination of nations and men,
Seeks souls and bodies to ambition her ends.

Now this licking creature of red-hot glow,
Sends her heat to make fumerals.
Damns the many and damns the one,
As empires burn when her rage is done.

A vengeful spirit, Draconis is,
Smiles so pleasant as victims drop in.
Opens her shotted eyes in mirth,
To hear the screams of their heated death lurch.

This diabolic holds much potent sway,
Seeks for victims as ground gives way.
She holds the riddle to the land,
And holds it she must for her time is at hand.

Had learned she now that Kari had come,
That timeless conflict again begun.
“Never did I see one I could not coerce,
But now a convolcation of power, a tour de force.”

Suppressed regret ruminated throughout,
Yet shreds of fear left no doubt.

“I will finish what was started here in mmy land,
Beyond records treatise once we did stand.
Past all memories, hmm, even so,
Before myth began and Rome’s trumpets blowed.

I will shatter her like earthenware because I mmust,
She tasks mme this creature, mmy hate it is just.
Wounded mme she did, her preysence calls,
If nothing else, ha I will hurt her if I faullt.”

On Vulcania Draconis, Kari's Diabolical Enemy
Cold Steel Eternity Vol. ii”
Douglas Laurent

“Garden of the Dragons (Vol. Three, 'The 'Halla')
Epilogue (abridged

'Tis an immortaled foreverness we go to,
On that wind shorn and storm torrid plain,
Where hopes, dreams and life never dies -
As we encounter ourselves, and in our love
The victory do we gain.
Even so, there are more forgotten fables of
This eternaled lass,
She exists in our dreams forever, that shadow land
Where true hearts do last.
She is our story, the legends and myths as are we,
A tale to be told to the child within, who forevermore is free.
Rides she everlasting in our quietest stores,
And summons up the courage to live of what we
Have royally into been born.
Yea, once more she rules the Forgottenland,
She has learned to love, but forever
Alone, she stands.
But we should know, deep down inside,
Kari doth smiles for she is one of her kind
(For if nothing else, she appreciates her all,
Who she is and in this, knowing she will never fall).
Thus it is written perhaps with our dissent,
That those in Hell are of the unrepent.
A place of one's own choosing so it would seem,
Moment by moment we enter therein with our false dreams.
Yet those who are there know one truth above all,
The strength of iron hopelessness -
Of realities not false.
A prison to some, a Heaven to others,
Freedom reigns when earthen illusions are shattered asunder.
And Kari, does she know her secret? Surely she does,
That to love and to be oneself are blessings from Above.”
Douglas Laurent

“Valley of the Damned (# 1 The 'Halla)

As she sat teary, another story arose,
Young and full of vigor hewed with manymanymany
years of repose.
“Comrades” she brightened, “listen again to my tale,
Of courage and power, and how evil can never prevail.

—Valkyrie Kari, Saint of the Blade
Chapter 15, Valley of the Damned

Footnote: In one form or another, everybody hears but very few listen. It is a lost art. Like developing a taste for classical art, music or fine wine, listening is a skill, a ‘taste’ to develop, an “acquired sound.”

Valley of the Damned et al.”
douglas laurent

“Yellow Hand Running Epic Poem
(The 'Halla # 5)

Kari, the Valkyrie
Yellow Hand Running Epic Poem

Don't you lie to me you damned ghost. I can see right through you.

--Kari, the Valkyrie
Chapter Double Nought Zero”
douglas laurent