
Telesales Quotes

Quotes tagged as "telesales" Showing 1-16 of 16
“You can never learn Sales by reading books and watching videos, you can only get motivated by that.. To learn Sales (telesales) dial 300+ calls daily and (direct field sales) meet at-least 5 clients daily...

Only customers can teach u sales!”

“There is something about sales that is universal;

Out of ten at' least one says YES... try it anywhere... will work!”

“Sell (service or product) as if you are buying it, convince yourself first that, it is worth buying..

It is very simple; u 'cannot' convince someone till the time you're not convinced”

Rob Liano
“The customer isn't always right, but they're always important.”
Rob Liano

Rob Liano
“Is it really that surprising when sales reps you don't train, coach or support properly aren't successful?”
Rob Liano

Rob Liano
“Sales pressure is like blood pressure, it's not healthy when it gets too high.”
Rob Liano

Rob Liano
“If price is your only advantage, you have no advantage.”
Rob Liano

Rob Liano
“If you do what’s best for the prospect, you cannot fail and you cannot be outsold.”
Rob Liano

Rob Liano
“All the marketing in the world won't help you crush it if you can't close sales.”
Rob Liano

Rob Liano
“Let people buy how they prefer to buy, not how you prefer to sell.”
Rob Liano

Rob Liano
“Stop making your needs analysis a medical or financial exam. Ask questions in the prospect's interest, not yours.”
Rob Liano

Rob Liano
“Selling is simply having a discussion, where the goal is to discern how you can best serve
the prospect.”
Rob Liano

Rob Liano
“You'll rarely have a price advantage. What separates the best is their level of expertise, service and the value they provide to customers.”
Rob Liano

Rob Liano
“The quality of a lead is most often in direct proportion to the quality of your sales skills”
Rob Liano

Rob Liano
“Cold calling sucks, when you suck at cold calling.”
Rob Liano

Rob Liano
“If you're ahead of the your sales quota, don't rest, if you're behind, don't sleep.”
Rob Liano