
Stephenie Meyer Quotes

Quotes tagged as "stephenie-meyer" Showing 1-30 of 37
Stephen         King
“Both Rowling and Meyer, they’re speaking directly to young people. … The real difference is that Jo Rowling is a terrific writer and Stephenie Meyer can’t write worth a darn. She’s not very good.”
Stephen King

Christopher Moore
“Stephenie Meyer: Her vampires are sparkly, which I think we can all agree is wrong.”
Christopher Moore

Stephenie Meyer
“You never know how much time you'll have.”
Stephenie Meyer, The Host

Stephenie Meyer
“Um," Doc said in a mild voice, "medically speaking, I'm not sure that was the most helpful thing for his condition."
"But I feel better," Jared answered, sullen.
Doc smiled the tiniest smile. "Well, maybe a few more minutes of unconsciousness won't kill him.”
Stephenie Meyer, The Host

Stephenie Meyer
“Do you want me to sing to you? I'll sing all night if it will keep the bad dreams away.”
Stephenie Meyer, Breaking Dawn

Stephenie Meyer
“It's the strange world.'
'The strangest.”
Stephenie Meyer, The Host

Stephenie Meyer
“Tonight the sky was utterly black. Perhaps there was no moon tonight—a lunar eclipse, a new moon. A new moon. I shivered, though I wasn't cold.”
Stephenie Meyer, New Moon

Stephenie Meyer
“Like a stalker. An obsessed stalker. An obsessed, vampire stalker”
Stephenie Meyer, Midnight Sun [2008 Draft]

Stephenie Meyer
“You’ve got to have a little more confidence in us than that. It’s insulting.”
Stephenie Meyer, New Moon

Stephenie Meyer
“How old are you?” she asked.
My answer was automatic and ingrained. “Seventeen.”
“And how long have you been seventeen?”
I tried not to smile at the patronizing tone. “A while,” I admitted.
“Okay,” she said, abruptly enthusiastic. She smiled up at me.”
Stephenie Meyer

Stephenie Meyer
“I believe that. But I want you to know something — when it comes to all this enemies nonsense, I’m out. I am a neutral country. I am Switzerland. I refuse to be affected by territorial disputes between mythical creatures. Jacob is family. You are . . . well, not exactly the love of my life, because I expect to love you for much longer than that. The love of my existence. I don’t care who’s a werewolf and who’s a vampire. If Angela turns out to be a witch, she can join the party, too.”
Stephenie Meyer, Eclipse

Stephenie Meyer
“Damn rancid chicken.”
Stephenie Meyer, Breaking Dawn

Stephenie Meyer
“I know
Okay, Sorry. I am.
Look, I'm human. It's hard to be fair sometimes. We don't always feel the right thing, do the right thing”
Stephenie Meyer, The Host

Stephenie Meyer
“Bella, there's a part of you that loves me.”
Stephenie Meyer

Stephenie Meyer
“Love is simply where it is.”
Stephenie Meyer

Stephenie Meyer
“It was sort of the pattern to my life - I'd never been strong enough to deal with the things outside my control, to attack the enemies or outrun them. To avoid the pain. Always human and weak, the only thing I'd ever been able to do was keep going. Endure. Survive.”
Stephenie Meyer, Breaking Dawn

Stephenie Meyer
“He was trying to be everywhere at once," the redhead told the human. "Trying to make sure Alice had nothing to do, actually." He shook his head as he looked at the tiny blackhaired girl. "Alice doesn‘t need anyone‘s help." The vampire named Alice shot a glare at Jasper. "Overprotective fool," she said in her clear soprano voice. Jasper met her stare with a half smile, seeming to forget for a second that I existed.”
Stephenie Meyer, The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner

Stephenie Meyer
“I grinned at him, feeling more enthusiastic about my plan now that he was on board. Rosalie was a pain, but I would always owe her one for choosing Emmett; no one had a better brother than mine.”
Stephenie Meyer

Stephenie Meyer
“The clouds I can handle, but I can't fight with an eclipse.”
Stephenie Meyer, Eclipse

Stephenie Meyer
“She’s just a little faint,” I reassured Mrs. Hammond. “They’re blood typing in biology.”
She nodded, understanding now. “There’s always one.”
I stifled a laugh. Trust Bella to be that one.”
Stephenie Meyer

Stephenie Meyer
“I was not the one she was destined to say yes to. It was someone else, someone human and warm. And I could not let myself hunt him down and kill him, because she deserved him. Whoever it was. It really didn't matter if I left, because Bella could never see me the way I wished she could. Never see me someone worthy of love. Never. Could a dead, frozen heart break? It felt like mine would.
"Edward," she mumbled softly. She was dreaming of me. Could a dead, frozen heart beat again? It felt like mine was about to.
I would always love this fragile human girl, for the rest of my limitless existence.”
Stephenie Meyer, Midnight Sun [2008 Draft]

Stephenie Meyer
“It was a weird thing for me, because I don't read vampire books. I don't watch vampire movies. I'm not into the horror genre. I'm a wuss, I'm a scaredy cat.”
Stephenie Meyer

Stephenie Meyer
“It had not been Edward and Jacob that I'd been trying to force together. It was the two parts of myself, Edward's Bella and Jacob's Bella but they could not exist together, and I never should have tried.”
Stephenie Meyer, Eclipse

Stephenie Meyer
“I wish there was some way to explain how very uninterested I was in a normal human life.”
Stephenie Meyer, New Moon

Stephenie Meyer
“Era plăcut să fiu singură, să nu fiu nevoită să zâmbesc şi să par mulţumită; era o uşurare să pot privi deprimată pe fereastră la perdeaua de ploaie şi să las să ��mi scape câteva lacrimi.”
Stephenie Meyer

Oliver Gaspirtz
“Books like Twilight are not art. They are mass-produced crap that is meant to be consumed by the widest possible audience, for the largest possible profit.”
Oliver Gaspirtz

Stephenie Meyer
“Jahrtausende lang haben die Menschen nicht herausgefunden, was es mit der Liebe auf sich hat. Wie viel davon ist physisch, wie viel spielt sich nur im Kopf ab? Wie viel ist Zufall und wi viel Schicksal? Warum scheitern Paare, die perfekt zueinander passen, und völlig unterschiedliche Paaer bleiben zusammen? Ich kenne die Antworten genauso wenig wie? Sie. Liebe passiert einfach.”
Stephenie Meyer The Host

Stephenie Meyer
“Jahrtausende lang haben die Menschen nicht herausgefunden, was es mit der Liebe auf sich hat. Wie viel davon ist physisch, wie viel spielt sich nur im Kopf ab? Wie viel ist Zufall und wie viel Schicksal? Warum scheitern Paare, die perfekt zueinander passen, und völlig unterschiedliche Paaer bleiben zusammen? Ich kenne die Antworten genauso wenig wie? Sie. Liebe passiert einfach.”
Stephenie Meyer The Host

Stephenie Meyer
“[...], y me recordé a mí misma que el amor es irracional. Cuánto más quieres a alguien, menos lógica tiene todo.

•La familia, 347”
Stephenie Meyer, New Moon

Stephenie Meyer
“Bella, mi vida era como una noche sin luna antes de encontrarte, muy oscura, pero al menos había estrellas, puntos de luz y motivaciones... Y entonces tú cruzaste mi cielo como un meteoro. De pronto, se encendió todo, todo estuvo lleno de brillantez y belleza. Cuando tú te fuiste, cuando el meteoro desapareció por el horizonte, todo se volvió negro. No había cambiado nada, pero mis ojos habían quedado cegados por la luz. Ya no podía ver las estrellas. Y nada tenía sentido.

•La verdad, 523”
Stephenie Meyer, New Moon

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