
Spas Quotes

Quotes tagged as "spas" Showing 1-8 of 8
Pete Morin
“Only a few short years ago, the average stay-at-home mom spent her relaxation time reading Jackie Collins and staring at the pool boy. Now, half of them are outselling Jackie Collins writing porn about the pool boy.

The other half are writing reviews of them."

[Surviving in the Amazon Jungle – How authors and reviewers can co-exist in a hostile environment (and run to court if they don’t), Blog post, March 20, 2014]”
Pete Morin

Pete Morin
“Remember, we all make our work available in a commercial transaction, the terms of which we, ourselves, dictate. If we give it away for free, that’s our decision, and there is no refuge in the lame defense, “what do you want for nothing?” The buyer does not waive his right to express his opinion."

[Thick Skin and Bad Reviews, Blog post, June 26, 2013]”
Pete Morin

Khaled Hosseini
“Konopac koji te spasi od poplave može ti postati omča oko vrata.”
Khaled Hosseini, And the Mountains Echoed
tags: spas

Victor Hugo
“Čovjek se hvata za svaku granu kada osjeća da pada.”
Victor Hugo, Les Misérables

عائض القرني
“Koliko je spasa nakon očaja došlo, koliko se puta lice nakon brige sretno nasmijalo.”
عائض القرني, لا تحزن

عائض القرني
“Čovjeku je najbliži spas kad mu se srce slama.”
عائض القرني, لا تحزن

Guillaume Musso
“A kada je bol prejak i kad
udarci postanu neizdrživi, onda se zavučemo u sebe i čekamo da oluja
prođe. Uvek dođe trenutak kada se neprijatelj umori. Uvek dođe
trenutak kada se, najzad, ukaže nada za spas.”
Guillaume Musso, Parce que je t'aime
tags: bol, nada, spas

Guillaume Musso
“Retko se spasemo sasvim sami...”
Guillaume Musso, Parce que je t'aime