
Season 2 Quotes

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“Passion. It lies in all of us. Sleeping... waiting... and though unwanted, unbidden, it will stir... open its jaws and howl. It speaks to us... guides us. Passion rules us all. And we obey. What other choice do we have? Passion is the source of our finest moments. The joy of love... the clarity of hatred... the ecstasy of grief. It hurts sometimes more than we can bear. If we could live without passion, maybe we'd know some kind of peace. But we would be hollow. Empty rooms, shuttered and dank. Without passion, we'd be truly dead.”
Joss Whedon

Elric: We are dreamers, shapers, singers, and makers. We study the mysteries of laser and
“Elric: We are dreamers, shapers, singers, and makers. We study the mysteries of laser and circuit, crystal and scanner, holographic demons and invocation of equations. These are the tools we employ, and we know many things.

John Sheridan: Such as?

Elric: The true secrets, the important things. Fourteen words to make someone fall in love with you forever. Seven words to make them go without pain. How to say good-bye to a friend who is dying. How to be poor. How to be rich. How to rediscover dreams when the world has stolen them. That is why we are going away—to preserve that knowledge.

Sheridan: From what?

Elric: There is a storm coming, a black and terrible storm. We would not have our knowledge lost or used to ill purpose. From this place we will launch ourselves into the stars. With luck, you will never see our kind again in your lifetime. I know you have your orders, Captain. Detain us if you wish. But I cannot tell you where we are going. I can only ask you to trust us.”
J Michael Straczynski

“McCoy: Representing the High Tier...Leonard James Akaar.

Spock: The child was named Leonard James Akaar? Kirk nods.

McCoy: Has a kind of a ring to it don't you think, James?

Kirk: Yes, I think it is a name that will go down in galactic history, Leonard. What do you think, Spock?

Spock: I think you both will be insufferably pleased with yourselves for at least a month...sir.”
D.C. Fontana, Star Trek Omnibus - The Original Series

“Zen Wander: The helper seeks to help others because he knows what it is to be helpless.”
Wander Over Yonder