
Scottie King Quotes

Quotes tagged as "scottie-king" Showing 1-16 of 16
Kaui Hart Hemmings
“I hope she can’t tell that I’m appraising her and that I’m completely worried by what I see. She’s excitable and strange. She’s ten. What do people do during the day when they’re ten? She runs her fingers along the window and mumbles, “This could give me bird flu,” and then she forms a circle around her mouth with her hand and makes trumpet noises. She’s nuts. Who knows what’s going on in that head of hers, and speaking of her head, she most definitely could use a haircut or a brushing. There are small tumbleweeds of hair resting on the top of her head. Where does she get haircuts? I wonder. Has she ever had one before? She scratches her scalp, then looks at her nails. She wears a shirt that says I’M NOT THAT KIND OF GIRL. BUT I CAN BE! I’m grateful that she isn’t too pretty, but I realize this could change.”
Kaui Hart Hemmings, The Descendants

Kaui Hart Hemmings
“We walk up the sandy slope toward the dining terrace. I see Troy sitting at a table with some people I know. I look at Scottie to see if she sees him, and she is giving him the middle finger. The dining terrace gasps, but I realize it’s because of the sunset and the green flash. We missed it. The flash flashed. The sun is gone, and the sky is pink. I reach to grab the offending hand, but instead, I correct her gesture.

“Here, Scottie. Don’t let that finger stand by itself like that. Bring up the other fingers just a little bit. There you go. That’s the cool way to do it.”

Troy stares at us and smiles a bit. He’s completely confused.

“All right, that’s enough.” I suddenly feel sorry for Troy. He must feel awful.”
Kaui Hart Hemmings, The Descendants

Kaui Hart Hemmings
“My God,” she says. “I feel like I’ve gone through a car wash.”

I laugh, or force myself to, because it’s not something I’d normally laugh at.

“What about you?” she says to Scottie. “How did you make out?”

“I’m a boy,” Scottie says. “Look at me.”

Sand has gotten into the bottom of her suit, creating a huge bulge. She scratches at the bulge. “I’m going to go to work now,” she says. I think she’s impersonating me and that Mrs. Speer is getting an unrealistic, humiliating glimpse.

“Scottie,” I say. “Take that out.”

“It must be fun to have girls,” Mrs. Speer says.

She looks at the ocean, and I see that she’s looking at Alex sunbathing on the floating raft. Sid leans over Alex and puts his mouth to hers. She raises a hand to his head, and for a moment I forget it’s my daughter out there and think of how long it has been since I’ve been kissed or kissed like that.

“Or maybe you have your hands full,” Mrs. Speer says.

“No, no,” I say. “It’s great,” and it is, I suppose, though I feel like I’ve just acquired them and don’t know yet. “They’ve been together for ages.” I gesture to Alex and Sid. I don’t understand if they’re a couple or if this is how all kids in high school act these days.

Mrs. Speer looks at me curiously, as if she’s about to say something, but she doesn’t.

“And boys.” I gesture to her little dorks. “They must keep you busy.”

“They’re a handful. But they’re at such a fun age. It’s such a joy.”

She gazes out at her boys. Her expression does little to convince me that they’re such a joy. I wonder how many times parents have these dull conversations with one another and how much they must hide. They’re so goddamn hyper, I’d do anything to inject them with a horse tranquilizer. They keep insisting that I watch what they can do, but I truly don’t give a fuck. How hard is it to jump off a diving board?

My girls are messed up, I want to say. One talks dirty to her own reflection. Did you do that when you were growing up?

“Your girls seem great, too,” she says. “How old are they?”

“Ten and eighteen. And yours?”

“Ten and twelve.”

“Oh,” I say. “Great.”

“Your younger one sure is funny,” she says. “I mean, not funny. I meant entertaining.”

“Oh, yeah. That’s Scottie. She’s a riot.”
Kaui Hart Hemmings, The Descendants

Kaui Hart Hemmings
“Scott still stares at Sid, then turns to Alice and hands her the Scotch. “We’re going to go see Joanie today,” he says.

Alice grins. “And Chachi?” she asks.

Sid bursts out laughing and Scott turns back to him, then places a hand on his shoulder, which makes me fear for his life. “You be quiet, son,” Scott says. “I could kill you with this hand. This hand has been places.”

I shake my head and look at both Sid and Alex.

Scott lifts his hand off Sid’s shoulder and turns again to his wife. “No, Alice. Our Joanie. Our daughter. We’re going to give her anything she wants.” He glares at me. “Think about what she would want, Alice. We’re going to get it for her and bring it to her. Bring it right to her bed.”

“Joanie and Chachi,” Alice chants. “Joanie and Chachi!”

“Shut up, Alice!” Scott yells.

Alice looks at Scott as though he just said “Cheese.” She clasps her hands together and smiles, staying in the pose for a few seconds. He looks at her face and squints. “Sorry, old gal,” he says. “You go ahead and say whatever you want.”

“It was funny,” Sid says. “All I was doing was laughing. She has a good sense of humor. That’s all. Maybe she knows she’s being funny. I think she does.”

“I’m going to hit you,” Scott says. His arms hang alongside him, the muscles flexed, veins big like milk-shake straws. I know he’s going to hit Sid because that’s what he does. I’ve seen him hit Barry. I, too, have been hit by Scott after I beat him and his buddies at a game of poker. His hands are in fists, and I can see his knobby old-man knuckles, the many liver spots almost joining to become one big discoloration, like a burn. Then he pops his fist up toward Sid, a movement like a snake rearing its head and lunging forth. I see Sid start to bring his arm up to block his face, but then he brings it down and clutches his thigh. It’s almost as if he decided not to protect himself. The end result is a punch in his right eye, a screaming older daughter, a frightened younger daughter, a father trying to calm many people at once, and a mother-in-law cheering wildly as though we have all done something truly amazing.”
Kaui Hart Hemmings, The Descendants

Kaui Hart Hemmings
“We need to get home and put some ointments and ice on the stings. Vinegar will make it worse, so if you thought Giraffe Boy could pee on you, you’re shit out of luck.”

She agrees as if prepared for this—the punishment, the medication, the swelling, the pain that hurts her now and the pain that will hurt her later. She seems okay with my disapproval. She’s gotten her story, after all, and she’s beginning to see how much easier physical pain is to tolerate than emotional pain. I’m unhappy that she’s learning this at such a young age.

“The hospital will have ointments and ice,” she says.”
Kaui Hart Hemmings, The Descendants

Kaui Hart Hemmings
“Say goodbye to your mom.”

Scottie pauses, then keeps going.


“Bye!” she yells.

I grab her arm. I could yell at her for wanting to leave, but I don’t. She pulls her arm out of my grasp. I look up to see if anyone is watching us, because I don’t think you’re supposed to aggressively hold children these days. Gone are the days of spanking, threats, and sugar. Now there are therapy, antidepressants, and Splenda.”
Kaui Hart Hemmings, The Descendants

Kaui Hart Hemmings
“Do you guys have sunscreen?” I ask.

“No,” Scottie says. “Do we have water?”

“Did you bring any?” Alex asks.

“No,” I say.

Alex pops her head up. “Did you bring snacks for us?”

“We can walk to town.”

How do mothers manage to bring everything a child could need?”
Kaui Hart Hemmings, The Descendants

Kaui Hart Hemmings
“Scottie and I walk down the hall. Her T-shirt says MRS. CLOONEY,”
Kaui Hart Hemmings, The Descendants

Kaui Hart Hemmings
“TIA OR TARA has stopped applying makeup to my wife’s face and is looking at Scottie with disapproval. The light is hitting this woman’s face, giving me an opportunity to see that she should perhaps be working on her own makeup. Her coloring is similar to a manila envelope. There are specks of white in her eyebrows, and her concealer is not concealing. I can tell my daughter doesn’t know what to do with this woman’s critical look.

“What?” Scottie asks. “I don’t want any makeup.” She looks at me for protection, and it’s heartbreaking. All the women who model with Joanie have this inane urge to make over my daughter with the notion that they’re helping her somehow. She’s not as pretty as her older sister or her mother, and these other models think that slapping on some rouge will somehow make her feel better about her facial fate. They’re like missionaries. Mascara thumpers.

“I was just going to say that I think your mother was enjoying the view,” Tia or Tara says. “It’s so pretty outside. You should let the light in.”

My daughter looks at the curtain. Her little mouth is open. Her hand reaches for a tumbleweed of hair.

“Listen here, T. Her mother was not enjoying the view. Her mother is in a coma. And she’s not supposed to be in bright light.”

“My name is not T,” she says. “My name is Allison.”

“Okay, then, Ali. Don’t confuse my daughter, please.”

“I’m turning into a remarkable young lady,” Scottie says.

“Damn straight.” My heart feels like one of Scottie’s clogs clomping down the hall. I don’t know why I became so angry.”
Kaui Hart Hemmings, The Descendants

Kaui Hart Hemmings
“I see Dr. Johnston at the end of the hall, walking toward us. He stops talking to the other doctors and gestures for me to wait. He holds up his hand: Stop. His face is eager yet unsmiling. I look in the other direction then back at him. His steps quicken, and I squint, for some reason pretending I don’t recognize him. And I think: What if I’m wrong? What if Joanie doesn’t make it out of this?
“Scottie,” I say. “This way.”

I walk in the other direction, away from Dr. Johnston, and she turns and follows me.

“Walk quickly,” I tell her.


“It’s a game. Let’s race. Walk fast. Run.”She takes off, her backpack jiggling on her back, and I follow her, walking quickly then breaking into a slow jog, and because Dr. Johnston is my friend’s dad and was a friend of my father’s, I feel like I’m fourteen again, running from the patriarchs.”
Kaui Hart Hemmings, The Descendants

Kaui Hart Hemmings
“I had to ask Scottie what TYVM meant, because now that I’ve narrowed into her activities, I notice she is constantly text-messaging her friends, or at least I hope it’s her friends and not some perv in a bathrobe.

“Thank you very much,” Scottie said, and for some reason, the fact that I didn’t get this made me feel completely besieged. It’s crazy how much fathers are supposed to know these days. I come from the school of thought where a dad’s absence is something to be counted on. Now I see all the men with camouflage diaper bags and babies hanging from their chests like little ship figureheads. When I was a young dad, I remember the girls sort of bothered me as babies, the way everyone raced around to accommodate them. The sight of Alex in her stroller would irritate me at times—she’d hang one of her toddler legs over the rim of the safety bar and slouch down in the seat. Joanie would bring her something and she’d shake her head, then Joanie would try again and again until an offering happened to work and Alex would snatch it from her hands. I’d look at Alex, finally complacent with her snack, convinced there was a grown person in there, fooling us all. Scottie would just point to things and grunt or scream. It felt like I was living with royalty. I told Joanie I’d wait until they were older to really get into them, and they grew and grew behind my back.”
Kaui Hart Hemmings, The Descendants

Kaui Hart Hemmings
“We get in and I start the car. “Are you going to be good to Lani?” I ask. I think of Tommy Cook, a pale boy with psoriasis; we used to tie him to a chair with bungee cords and put him in the middle of the road, then hide. Few cars would actually come down Rainbow Drive, but when they did, it always surprised me that the drivers would slow their vehicles and swerve around the chair. None of them ever got out of their cars to help Tommy; it was as though they were in on the prank. I don’t know how Tommy managed to let us catch him more than once. Maybe he liked the attention.

“I’ll try,” Scottie says. “But it’s hard. She has this face that you just want to hit.”

“I know what you mean,” I say, thinking of Tommy, but realize I’m not supposed to empathize. “What does that mean?” I ask. “The kind of face that you want to hit. Where did you get that?” Sometimes I wonder if Scottie knows what she’s saying or if it’s something she recites, like those kids who memorize the Declaration of Independence.

“It’s something Mom said about Danielle.”

“I see.” Joanie has carried her juvenile meanness into her adult life. She sends unflattering pictures of her ex-friends to the Advertiser to put in their society pages. She always has some sort of drama in her life, some friend I’m not supposed to speak to or invite to our barbecues, and then I hear her on the phone gossiping about the latest scandal in an outraged and thrilled voice. “You are going to die,” I’ll hear her say. “Oh my God, you will just die.”

Is this where Scottie gets it? By watching her mother use cruelty as a source of entertainment? I feel almost proud that I have made these deductions without the blogs and without Esther, and I’m eager to tell Joanie about all of this, to prove that I was capable without her.”
Kaui Hart Hemmings, The Descendants

Kaui Hart Hemmings
“What are we talking about?” Alex says. “This is fucking nonsense.”

The couple ahead of us turns slightly.

“What are you looking at?” Alex says to them.

I don’t bother to reprimand her, because really, what are they looking at? I slow my pace and Alex punches Scottie in the arm.

“Ow!” Scottie screams.

“Alex! Why are we still on this pattern?”

“Hit her back, Dad,” Scottie yells.

Alex grabs Scottie’s neck.

“You’re hurting me,” Scottie says.

“That’s kind of the point,” Alex says.

I grab both children by the arm and pull them down to the sand. Sid covers his mouth with his hand and bends over, laughing silently.

“‘What do you love about Mom?’” Alex says, mimicking her sister. “Shut up, already. And stop babying her.”

I sit down between them and don’t say a word. Sid sits next to Alex. “Easy, tiger,” he says. I look at the waves crashing down on the sand. A few women walk by and give me this knowing look, as though a father with his kids is such a precious sight. It takes so little to be revered as a father. I can tell the girls are waiting for me to say something, but what can I say that hasn’t been said? I’ve shouted, I’ve reasoned, I’ve even spanked. Nothing works.

“What do you love about Mom, Scottie?” I ask, glaring at Alex.

She takes a moment to think. “Lots of stuff. She’s not old and ugly, like most moms.”

“What about you, Alex?”

“Why are we doing this?” she asks. “How did we get here in the first place?”

“Swimming with the sharks,” I say. “Scottie wanted to swim with sharks.”

“You can do that,” Sid says. “I read about it in the hotel.”

“She’s not afraid of anything,” Alex says.

She’s wrong, and besides, I think this is a statement and not something that Alex truly loves.

“Let’s get back,” I say.

I stand up and wipe the sand off of me. I look at our hotel on the cliff, pink from the sunset. The girls’ expressions when I told them about their mom made me feel so alone. They won’t ever understand me the way Joanie does. They won’t know her the way I do. I miss her despite the fact that she envisioned the rest of her life without me. I look at my daughters, utter mysteries, and for a brief moment I have a sick feeling that I don’t want to be alone in the world with these two girls. I’m relieved they haven’t asked me what it is I love about them.”
Kaui Hart Hemmings, The Descendants

Kaui Hart Hemmings
“There’s something different about her. I realize it’s her breasts—they’re huge. I see that she’s stuffed her bikini top with wet balls of sand.

“What is that?” I say. “Scottie. Your suit.”

She shields her eyes with her hand and looks down at her chest. “Beach boobs,” she says.

“Take that out of there,” I say. “Alex. Why’d you let her do that?”

Alex is on her stomach, with the straps of her top untied. She lifts her head toward Scottie. “I didn’t know. Take them out, stupid.”

Sid lifts his head. “Honestly,” he says, “big boobs look kind of fatty.”

“As Bebe says, boobs suck,” Alex says, “and Sid’s full of shit. He loves big boobs.”

“Who’s Bebe?” Scottie lets the sand fall out of her top.

“Character from South Park,” Sid says. “And I love small boobs, too, Alex. I’m an equal-opportunity employer.”
Kaui Hart Hemmings, The Descendants

Kaui Hart Hemmings
“Reina sounds awesome,” Sid says. “I’m digging her more and more.”

“Were you there?” I ask. “Have you seen one of these movies?”

“No,” Scottie says.

“Scottie,” Alex says, kicking Sid in the ribs. “Reina is a fuckedup ho bag, and you need to stay away from her. I’ve already told you that. Do you want to end up like me?”

“Yes,” Scottie says.

“I mean the earlier me, when I was yelling at Mom.”

“No,” Scottie says.

“Well, Reina is going to be a crackhead, and she’s going to get used. She’s a twat. Say it.”

“Twat,” Scottie says. She gets up and runs across the room, saying, “Twat twat twat twat twat.”

“Holy shit,” Sid says. “This is some messed-up parenting. Isn’t it?”

Alex shrugs. “Maybe. I guess we’ll see.”

“I don’t get it,” I say. “I don’t know what to do. These things she does, they keep happening.”

“It will go away,” Alex says.

“Will it? I mean, look at how you kids talk. In front of me, especially. It’s like you don’t respect authority.”

The kids stare at the television. I tell them to get out. I’m going to bed.”
Kaui Hart Hemmings, The Descendants

Kaui Hart Hemmings
“Your phone’s vibrating,” Scottie says. She takes my cell phone out of her pocket, the phone she has stolen from me to text her friend. She doesn’t even care that she has disobeyed. She doesn’t care that she said “finger-fucked” in front of me. It’s as though I’m not a father.

I don’t recognize the number, so I don’t answer. I like to let people leave messages, and then I’ll call back after I rehearse what to say.

“You never answer your phone,” Scottie says. “What if someone needs help?”

“Then they can leave a message and I’ll call right back.”

Alex takes the phone out of my hands. “Hello?” she says.

“What the—? Do I not exist, girls? Do you realize I’m in charge here?”

Scottie whispers, “Who is it?”

“Oh, no,” Alex says. “This is the right number. This is his assistant…Sharon.”

Scottie opens her mouth, delighted. I’ve always been impressed by Alex’s effortless ability to lie.

“That sounds nice,” Alex says, then punches me lightly on the arm. “Where? Great. And for how long? Okay. Well, thanks. Maybe we’ll peek in on Sunday. Thanks so much. Okay.”

She closes the phone.


“That was a Realtor, Dad, from Brian’s office. She says she’d be happy to show you the house you called about. Well done, Dad. Very clever.”

“Good one, King,” Sid says.

“What about Brian?” I ask. I feel strange talking about this with Joanie in the room. I position myself so that I face away from her.”
Kaui Hart Hemmings, The Descendants