
Lor Quotes

Quotes tagged as "lor" Showing 1-24 of 24
Karen Marie Moning
“The more excited I get, the more I vibrate."
"Now there's a thought," Lor says.
"If you mean what I think you mean, you want to shut the fuck up and never think it again," Ryodan says.”
Karen Marie Moning, Iced

Karen Marie Moning
“Like a horse, honey, somebody's gonna break you.'
'Never. Going. To. Happen.”
Karen Marie Moning, Iced

Karen Marie Moning
“Stop. Vibrating." Ryodan plucks a paper out of the air and slaps it back down on his desk.
I wonder if he cleans it. How many tushes have been on that thing? I'm never touching it again. "Can't help it," I say around a mouthful of candy bar. I know what I look like: a smudge of black leather and hair. "It happens when I get really excited. The more excited I get, the more I vibrate."
"Now there's a thought," Lor says.
"If you mean what I think you mean, you want to shut the fuck up and never think it again," Ryodan says.
"Just saying, boss," Lor says. "You can't tell me you didn't think it, too.”
Karen Marie Moning, Iced

Karen Marie Moning
“And Mega has a crush on Chester."
"I do not!"
"Do too, Mega."
"He's like, old!"
"How old, Christian says."
"Like at least thirty or something."
Lor laughs. " Fucking ancient, ain't it, kid?"
"Dude," I agree. I like Lor.”
Karen Marie Moning, Iced

Karen Marie Moning
“Lor blows in like he was plastered to the other side of the door.
"Escort the kid to clean the fuck up and get that stench off her."
"Sure thing, boss."
He scowls at me.
I scowl right back.
Lor points through the glass floor. "See that blonde down there with the big tits? I was about to get laid."
"One, I'm too young to hear that kind of stuff, and two, I don't see you carrying a club to knock her over the head with, so how were you going to accomplish that?"
Behind me, Ryodan laughs.
"You're ruining my night, kid."
"Ditto. Ain't life at Chester's grand.”
Karen Marie Moning, Iced

Karen Marie Moning
“I'll never get laid trying to keep you safe. You're a train wreck on steroids.”
Karen Marie Moning, Iced
tags: lor

Karen Marie Moning
“If you can't fuck it, eat it or use it for a weapon--kill it.”
Karen Marie Moning, Burned
tags: lor

Karen Marie Moning
“I see how he feels about his world and I want to be one of the parts he prizes. I want to be worth fighting for. Worth the same kind of effort he puts into the things that matter to him. Like Dani.”
"I don’t tell her no human matters to the boss like Dani.”
Karen Marie Moning, Burned

Karen Marie Moning
“A Seelie. A fucking prince,” Lor said. “He’s got a couple hundred more Seelie from a dozen different castes waiting outside. Threatening war. Demanding you shut the place down, stop feeding the Unseelie.”
I gasped, “V’lane?”
“You told him to come!” Ryodan accused.
“She knows him?” Lor exploded.
“It’s her other boyfriend,” Ryodan said.
“Besides Darroc?” one of the other men demanded.
Lor glared at Barrons. “When are you going to wise up and shut that bitch down for good?”
Karen Marie Moning, Shadowfever

Karen Marie Moning
“Sonofamotherfuckinggoddamnbitch! JaysustiittyfuckingChrist!"

That was Lor. Man of few words.”
Karen Marie Moning, Feverborn

Karen Marie Moning
“We fuck up. Over and over. And we get back up and try to do better. That's all any of us do.”
Karen Marie Moning, Feversong

Karen Marie Moning
“It’s not what Ryodan does,” Jo says slowly. “It’s more what he is.” Her eyes take on a serious sheen. “He’s like, unbelievably brilliant, ten steps ahead of everyone else all the time.”
Bullshit. He’s not that smart. I beat him at Triad. Once. About ten thousand years ago.”
Karen Marie Moning, Burned
tags: jo, lor

Nisha J. Tuli
“Yes, you can. You’re going to do this because you are the strongest fucking woman I’ve ever met. Because you’re a queen without her crown and it’s time to take it back. Do you hear me?”
Nisha J. Tuli, Rule of the Aurora King

Nisha J. Tuli
“How can this woman have spent half her life in Nostraza and turn out like that? It should have broken her. It should have left her as a shell. But somehow, she survived both that and Atlas’s Trials and came out on the other end in a blazing ball of confident fire that threatens to burn me up every time she walks into the room.”
Nisha J. Tuli, Rule of the Aurora King

Nisha J. Tuli
“Lor,” he whispers. His voice is soft, but there’s something as jagged as torn iron buried in that single syllable. He said my name. My actual name and I’ve never loved the sound of it more than I do at this moment. That simple, nothing name that was given to me to keep me as anonymous and unremarkable as possible. Somehow, he makes it sound like it’s a name forged in fire and created for a queen.”
Nisha J. Tuli, Rule of the Aurora King

Nisha J. Tuli
“In this Keep that once haunted my dreams with this dark prince at my feet, I feel more powerful than I ever have in my life.”
Nisha J. Tuli, Rule of the Aurora King

Nisha J. Tuli
“He will never break me. “Show me how you’re going to make me talk, oh mighty prince. I promise there’s nothing you can do I haven’t already survived.”
Nisha J. Tuli, Rule of the Aurora King

Nisha J. Tuli
“It’s addictive. The way she hates me. The way she burns with that fire that glows so white hot, I ache whenever she looks at me. Like she’s always just on the edge of erupting and blowing my entire life to pieces.”
Nisha J. Tuli, Rule of the Aurora King

Nisha J. Tuli
“My…our grandmother was the Heart Queen who almost broke the world.”
Nisha J. Tuli, Rule of the Aurora King

Nisha J. Tuli
“I’m not the Heart Queen.” Yet.”
Nisha J. Tuli, Rule of the Aurora King

Nisha J. Tuli
“We’re both caught in a trance, our breaths the only sounds in the room. But I’ve never felt more at peace than I do right now. I’ve never felt so comfortable in my own body. There’s a disconcerting sense that I’ve found something I’ve lost. Like I’ve come home.”
Nisha J. Tuli, Rule of the Aurora King

Nisha J. Tuli
“When did I start to care about this woman who should mean nothing to me? The moment I laid eyes on her, that’s when. Fuck.”
Nisha J. Tuli, Rule of the Aurora King

Nisha J. Tuli
“Zerra, you’re going to destroy me, aren’t you, Heart Queen?”
Nisha J. Tuli, Rule of the Aurora King

Nisha J. Tuli
“But I didn’t want to. She’s mine. I don’t know why I believe it with such conviction, but deep in my bones, I know she belongs to me. And I’ll die before anyone else touches her.”
Nisha J. Tuli, Rule of the Aurora King