
Gender Inequality Quotes Quotes

Quotes tagged as "gender-inequality-quotes" Showing 1-6 of 6
Stieg Larsson
“As a girl, she was a legal prey, especially if she was dressed in a worn black leather jacket and had pierced eyebrows, tattoos, and zero social status.”
Stieg Larsson, The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo

“At times I am flabbergasted that my memory is considered false and my alcoholic father's memory is considered rational and sane.

Am I not believed because I am a woman?

If Peter Freyd were a man who lived in my neighborhood during my childhood instead of my father, would he and his wife be so believable? If not, what is it about his status as my father that makes him more credible?”
Jennifer J. Freyd

Diriye Osman
“She was a spiky teenager rebelling against the soul-suck mirror reflected back at her in her mother’s blank stare, her question mark of a spine. Determined to beat the odds, she completed high school with distinction. But there was a caveat. Beydan was allowed to roam and educate herself – up to a point. On her eighteenth birthday her Father sat her down and held out his Rolexed wrist. Studded with crystals and flecks of diamond, the watch dazzled in the light. All Beydan could hear, however, was tick-tock-tick-tick-tick-tick - time to neatly fold all her hard work, to parcel up her progress, send it to the attic in her subconscious and let dust gather on her dreams. There was a lump in her throat and a stopwatch in her womb.”
Diriye Osman

“In the world of data, women must be mythical creatures. That's the only explanation for why we're so often left out.”
Anubha Saxena

P.S. Jagadeesh Kumar
“True nation is born when no fetus is aborted on gender discrimination”
Sir P.S. Jagadeesh Kumar

“Women have always been at par with men when it comes to their abilities; it is just that both men and women are gifted differently. Women are more intelligent, while men exhibit traits of being intellectuals. Hypothetically if there is a weighing scale to weigh the abilities of what men can achieve and women can achieve, I am confident that the scale will be balanced. I think creating such awareness will do much good rather than reclaiming something which naturally exists.”
Henrietta Newton Martin - Legal Counsel & Author