
Fluctuations Quotes

Quotes tagged as "fluctuations" Showing 1-5 of 5
“Quantum fluctuations are, at their root, completely a-causal, in the sense that cause and effect and ordering of events in time is not a part of how these fluctuations work. Because of this, there seem not to be any correlations built into these kinds of fluctuations because 'law' as we understand the term requires some kind of cause-and-effect structure to pre-exist. Quantum fluctuations can precede physical law, but it seems that the converse is not true. So in the big bang, the establishment of 'law' came after the event itself, but of course even the concept of time and causality may not have been quite the same back then as they are now.”
Sten F. Odenwald

“The unchangeable price of everything more precious and valuable is blood.”
Oscar Auliq-Ice

“In the beginning there was self not wanting to be by itself.”
Wald Wassermann

Christopher Manske
“Most people believe, “My lifestyle is about the same every month. Our savings are fixed. We make a salary, so what we earn is fixed. And lastly, what we spend is fixed.” But the truth is that no one reading this book has a robotic life filled with endless repeating loops
where they get paid the exact same amount of money every single month for decades on end. We all have fluctuations in our income.”
Christopher Manske, Outsmart the Money Magicians: Maximize Your Net Worth by Seeing Through the Most Powerful Illusions Performed by Wall Street and the IRS

Maggie Dallen
“You've taken romance out of the equation. And once you do that you limit the emotional fluctuations and variables that makes relationships so difficult for people our age. At any age, I guess”
Maggie Dallen, The Holiday Kiss