
Epistomology Quotes

Quotes tagged as "epistomology" Showing 1-4 of 4
Peter Boghossian
“Faith taints or at worst removes our curiosity about the world, what we should value, and what type of life we should lead. Faith replaces wonder with epistemological arrogance disguised as false humility. Faith immutably alters the starting conditions for inquiry by uprooting a hunger to know and sowing a warrantless confidence.”
Peter Boghossian, A Manual for Creating Atheists

Ayn Rand
“Hence the sterile, uninspiring futility of a great many theoretical discussions of ethics, and the resentment which many people feel towards such discussions: moral principles remain in their minds as floating abstractions, offering them a goal they cannot grasp and demanding that they reshape their souls in its image, thus leaving them with a burden of undefinable moral guilt.”
Ayn Rand, The Romantic Manifesto

“My head is a prison I’ve been locked in from the start,
So if I'm treated like a criminal I might as well play the part.

(attrib: E. Tancarville)”
Dan Garfat-Pratt, Citations: A Brief Anthology

Patty Houser
“When we own our beliefs, we have clear boundaries. We know what we believe and we know what others believe. There is no confusion. Our identity is strong to us and everyone else.”
Patty Houser, A Woman's Guide to Knowing What You Believe: How to Love God With Your Heart and Your Mind