
Consuming Quotes

Quotes tagged as "consuming" Showing 1-14 of 14
Brandon Sanderson
“I hadn’t been a nerd, mind you. I’d just been the type of guy who spent a lot of time by himself, focused entirely on a single consuming interest.”
Brandon Sanderson, Firefight

Dianna Hardy
“Love. It seemed impossible that she could love him, but she was so deep in him there was really nowhere to go but further in. So this is what love was. Uncontrollable. Consuming. But so irresistible you wanted to be consumed.”
Dianna Hardy, The Demon Bride

Melissa Foster
“Love is like this amazing, all-consuming force that sneaks up on you and steals all those brain cells that make you think rationally and replaces them with emotions so powerful that you're impotent to change their course.”
Melissa Foster, Seaside Secrets

“...all winter the acorns and red Maple leaf moldered in silence - in the same way grief is gnawing at me - slowly, imperceptibly... consuming...”
John Geddes, A Familiar Rain

Rachel Nicole Wagner

You, you’re deep water
And I’m scared because I can’t defaulter
I don’t know how to swim,
So, if I jump in,

I’ll be consumed by your waves.
I’ll try to keep my head above the rage.
But you’ll just swallow up my whole.
My entire being will be controlled.

If I were to dive,
I could no longer thrive.
You would consume my being;
Leaving me breathless, not breathing.

Is there a medium I can prescribe?
That would allow me to disguise
The fear I gather in my bones.
I just can’t swim in the water of morone.

Do you possess a life support
To hold me up? My last resort.
If I jump in, I’ll drown in bends.
Your love is suffocating, nothing can amend.

November 20, 2011”
Rachel Nicole Wagner, Yesterday's Coffee

Bryant McGill
“Consuming what is natural, good and untainted frees you, protects you, and realigns you with what is natural, peaceful and safe.”
Bryant McGill, Voice of Reason

Sy Montgomery
“Always somewhere there is fire or smoke, insistent reminders of the greed consuming the world”
Sy Montgomery, Journey of the Pink Dolphins: An Amazon Quest

Lisa Kleypas
“Jack let her hide nothing from him, either physically or emotionally, and she was never quite comfortable with being so ruthlessly exposed. He took, and he gave, and he demanded, until it seemed that she no longer belonged to herself. He taught her things that no lady should know. He was the kind of husband she had never known she needed: a man who shook her from her complacency and inhibitions, a man who made her cavort and play until she had lost all bitterness over the responsibility-laden years of her youth.”
Lisa Kleypas, Suddenly You

Connie Kerbs
“Freedom from fear's consuming control over us hinges upon our honestly dealing with what our overwhelming fears are specifically about and then coming to terms with those tedious, often emotionally driven details.”
Connie Kerbs, Paths of Fear: An Anthology of Overcoming Through Courage, Inspiration, and the Miracle of Love

Lisa Kemmerer
“If one cares about the earth—if one respects nature—it is better to consume vegetables, fruits, nuts, and grains. If you care about the planet and wish to adopt an earth-friendly lifestyle, it is advisable to focus only secondarily on the car that you drive, or recycling, or turning off lights and turning down heat, and primarily on what you buy at the grocery store. What we eat has a much greater impact on the environment.”
Lisa Kemmerer, Animals and World Religions

Bret: [There is a] distinction between the satisfaction of life coming from consuming, which is inherently empty, versus producing. Producing doesn't necessarily have to mean [producing] stuff. It can be [producing] meaning or insight or any one of a number of other things. [...]

Heather: Recognising the long-term glow that you get from producing something of lasting value and beauty and meaning in the world, as opposed to only being exposed to [producing] short-term stuff. [...]

Coming to know a craftsman who really builds things with care and knowledge with the intention that you will be able to pass this on to your children or your friends or whomever later on. This is a piece with lasting beauty; with lasting function, that was built with someone who knew something about the wood or the metals or whatever the materials are. This is a way into finding the kinds of meaning that a fourth frontier mentality can provide.”
Bret Weinstein & Heather Heying

Domenico Starnone
“He stared at the first one, seeming to drink it up with his eyes, an antiquated metaphor that I’ve always loved: People and things dissolve, turn to liquid, and the eyes become mouth and throat, changing the irreducible world into a potion.”
Domenico Starnone, Trick

Steven Magee
“For USA civilians, the Ukraine war is something that is happening on the opposite side of the world that is extensively consuming their tax dollars.”
Steven Magee