The Alliance

A superhero roleplay group - create your own superhero and join the roleplays. [Not accepting new members.]
group type
This is a private group. Members must be invited or approved by the group's moderator. This group is accepting new members.
1. Everything must be clean - no swe…more

Showing 6 of 6 topics — 51 comments total
+ Welcome!
* Intro to the Group
By C.B. · 1 post · 7 views
last updated Apr 10, 2015 09:13AM
By C.B. · 27 posts · 10 views
last updated May 02, 2015 05:20PM
By C.B. · 9 posts · 5 views
last updated Apr 26, 2015 12:38PM
By C.B. · 10 posts · 5 views
last updated Apr 13, 2015 05:51PM
Rooming Assignments
By C.B. · 1 post · 6 views
last updated Apr 11, 2015 11:07AM
This topic has been closed to new comments. Superheroes
By C.B. · 1 post · 6 views
last updated Apr 10, 2015 04:13PM
Showing 4 of 4 topics — 709 comments total
+ Chatting
* Chat Room
By C.B. · 200 posts · 7 views
last updated Aug 03, 2016 10:29AM
Truth Or Dare
By C.B. · 386 posts · 6 views
last updated Sep 01, 2015 12:29PM
The Rules
By C.B. · 31 posts · 5 views
last updated May 07, 2015 05:24AM
By C.B. · 68 posts · 7 views
last updated Apr 28, 2015 08:30AM
Showing 12 of 12 topics — 2,302 comments total
+ Roleplays
* Info/Requests
By C.B. · 51 posts · 7 views
last updated Aug 30, 2015 06:03PM
* Main Roleplay Plot (Read before joining!)
By C.B. · 47 posts · 6 views
last updated Jun 10, 2015 07:33AM
1x1 - Shine/C.B.
By C.B. · 75 posts · 5 views
last updated Aug 03, 2016 10:26AM
1x1 - Kaitlyn/Nat
By Kaitlyn · 17 posts · 4 views
last updated Sep 03, 2015 04:53PM
1x1: Sarah/Kaitlyn
By Sarah · 12 posts · 4 views
last updated Aug 31, 2015 08:42AM
1x1x1 - Sarah, Natalee, Kaitlyn
By C.B. · 103 posts · 5 views
last updated Aug 30, 2015 05:35PM
1x1 - Sarah/C.B.
By C.B. · 186 posts · 5 views
last updated Jun 10, 2015 10:56AM
1x1x1 - Sarah, Kaitlyn, C.B.
By C.B. · 532 posts · 5 views
last updated May 27, 2015 01:21PM
1x1 - Kaitlyn/C.B.
By C.B. · 535 posts · 5 views
last updated May 22, 2015 03:05PM
Everyone - Dinners
By C.B. · 583 posts · 5 views
last updated May 05, 2015 02:05PM
Everyone - Chatting
By C.B. · 96 posts · 5 views
last updated May 04, 2015 12:47PM
This topic has been closed to new comments. Main Roleplay
By C.B. · 1 post · 6 views
last updated Apr 10, 2015 10:23AM
You have no friends in the The Alliance group. Invite some »
Final voting!!! Which last name do you prefer for Tucker?

Tucker Raymond
  2 votes, 50.0%

Tucker Simmons
  2 votes, 50.0%