Monster Fuckers

"I'd fuck that." -said by ever monster fucker out there.

A space for discussion and gushing about books in the erotica genre....mostly with non-human love interests, non-human couples, non-human MCs, and just monster lovin all around.
Talking about all the funny, steamy, smutty, books we've read, want to read, want to write and sharing our thoughts and opinions on the topic.

****This is an adults only discussion, so, 18 and over only. If you want to join, make sure you answer the prompts or your re
group type
This is a private group. Members must be invited or approved by the group's moderator. This group is accepting new members. This group is for adults only.
Must be 18yrs or older, these are ad…more

This is an Adults Only group. You must be at least 18 years old and must join this group to view the discussion boards.
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