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Sea Breeze #4

Just for Now

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The day Preston Drake figured out that wealthy women paid well for a set of tight abs and a pretty face his life turned around.

The run down rat-infested trailer he had shared with his alcoholic mother and three younger siblings was now only a place he visited to pay the bills and stock the pantry with food.

He no longer worried about his family starving or living without electricity. The money he made entertaining rich older women more than covered his family’s needs and his own. He had it all figured out. Except…

There was this girl.

She was as innocent as he was tainted.

Amanda Hardy wished her knees didn’t get weak when Preston walked into a room. She hated the fact her heart raced when he flashed his smile in her direction. He had a different girl in his bed every night. He was the kind of boy a smart girl ran from. So, why was she coming up with ways to get close to him? Even when it was obvious he wanted to keep her at a distance.

Maybe her heart knew something the world didn’t. Maybe Preston Drake was more than just a pretty face.

304 pages, Kindle Edition

First published October 30, 2012

About the author

Abbi Glines

128 books86.2k followers
Abbi Glines is a #1 New York Times, USA Today, and Wall Street Journal bestselling author of the Rosemary Beach, Smoke, Sea Breeze, Vincent Boys, Field Party and Existence series. She never cooks unless baking during the Christmas holiday counts. She believes in ghosts and has a habit of asking people if their house is haunted before she goes in it. She drinks afternoon tea because she wants to be British but she now lives in New England and that's as close as it is going to get. When asked how many books she has written she has to stop and count on her fingers. When she’s not locked away writing, she is reading, watching Netflix and all the introverted stuff.
You can connect with Abbi online in several different ways. She uses social media to procrastinate.

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Profile Image for Sheryl C. Nash.
1,757 reviews430 followers
October 30, 2012
WARNING: This was a FAIRLY ADULT book so its only fitting that it have a FAIRLY ADULT review.... you have been warned :)

OH LORDY, LORDY, LORDY... have mercy... i've fallen to my knees servicing Preston errmmm... praising the Gods... You know unlike A LOT of people, i DID NOT read the teasers of Just For Now that Abbi had up on her Facebook page. Why? Because i KNEW that ONE small bite of Preston would not satisfy me... i needed that WHOLE DAMN PRESTON ENCHILADA!!! So when i started reading, within the first few pages, i realised something...


Wow... and here i thought Cage was the man-whore... turns out Preston was REALLY the man-whore... but i got it, i got WHY he had to do it; he loved his brother's and sister and his deadbeat mom was NOT going to do the job so HE needed to "be the man" and step up to the plate and earn enough to support his siblings...

And ohhhhhh...... what he had with Amanda... *PHWOAR*, it was sweet, sexy, powerful, gut-wrenching and breath-taking ALL rolled into one. But i think what got me MOST of all was what Preston said when Marcus (Amanda's brother...*DROOL* that boy can STILL drag me back to his cave...) realised that Preston was with Amanda, and was beating the crap out of him;

Marcus: She loves you. Do you even know what to do with that?

Preston: Cherish it like it’s the most precious thing on the face of the earth...

OH MY GOD!!!! Can someone say *LE SIGH*???!!!!!

And Rock??!!! WHAT AN AWESOME DUDE!!! LIKE SERIOUSLY! When Amanda had left Preston because she found out about his "job" and Preston FELT that he didn't have any other alternative BUT to continue with it, seeing as he needed the money to support his brother's and sister, who should come flying in and SAVE him but Rock... oh wow Rock... you totally... ROCK *GRIN*.

It was beautiful to see how trusting and understanding Amanda was and in the end i just wanted to CRY when she gave Preston a second (or would that be a third) chance... (maybe i wanted to cry because i REALLY wanted Preston to myself...LMAO!)

BUT WAIT!!! Back to those DARN SMOKIN' HOT SEX SCENES!!!! Seriously Abbi, you REALLY know how to make a girl crazy and insane with lust for a guy, don't you... i mean, Preston and his MOVES!! Seriously like *POW*... i TOO would come in 2 seconds like Amanda... *BIG GRIN*

Bravo AGAIN Abbi!!! Brilliant story!!! Worthy of MORE than 5 stars... AGAIN!!!!

Profile Image for Juice.
11 reviews
October 5, 2013
Disclaimer: I have nothing against sex in books, as long as if it is a LOVE story, there is actual LOVE.

You heard the song Sex On The Beach?

Yes? Well change it to: "I wanna have sex anytime, anywhere and claim I'm in love." And you've got the plot of this whole book.

No, wait they did have sex on a beach....

If you love books with loads of sex scenes and nearly no plot, stop reading this review and pick up the book!
You have 3 seconds...




I cannot remember anything in this book but sex.

Did they have those cute, witty couple moments that make you hate your life because you are single? No.

Did they get to know each other before doing the dirtaaay? No!

Did they go on any dates? Nope.

Did they use the fact they were friends in childhood to not re get to know each other and have sex 8/10 times they saw each other? You bet!

And some how they are in LOVE?

This is all I got out of Preston's character

Oh, and he looks after children sometimes.

All I got from Amanda is;

And she gets pushed around a lot and is NOT a slut, but a innocent girl who has more sex than a Russel Brand in the play boy mansion.

I seriously doubt that either Amanda or Preston could name each other's favorite colour.

To make it worse I cannot recall any romantic moment in the entire book.

Reading from Preston's point of view was horrible, all I got was a horny git who looks after children, I don't see the appeal. And the graphic descriptions of what he wanted sexually?

"Mm, yeah I like that..." Well, that makes one of us Preston.

Some of the things he thought just made me do this:

Amber hates Preston and suddenly she finds out that he's sorry for humping and dumping her and that he has siblings who he occasionally looks after and, BAM!
It's time to:

[image error]

Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why?

(Bet you didn't notice the completely random sex in that paragraph, but you probably noticed it in the book)

If this is how I feel after reading a book:

Then clearly something's wrong, a book's lasting impression is as important as the content and all I got was:

Advice for Amanda?

Advice For Preston?

Yep, they have a f*cking app for everything these days.

Profile Image for Jennifer Kyle.
2,509 reviews5,351 followers
November 12, 2012
5 Sea Breeze Alabama Stars!!

"She thought I was like Cage and the right girl could tame me. It wasn't about that. I didn't need taming. I needed fucking saving."

Preston Drake...

Amanda Hardy is Marcus’ little sister. She is so very sweet and head over heels in love with her brother’s best friend, the king of one night stand’s Preston Drake. Preston is a wonderful brother, a loyal friend and athlete who lives a hard hard life. He also hides a pretty big secret.

When Amanda’s fantasies become reality the results aren’t what she's imagined. Preston thinks Amanda deserves much better than him but he is drawn to her unlike any other. Eventually, Preston can’t stay away and they attempt to pursue a relationship. Amanda has Preston questioning so many things in his life and feeling so many wonderful things for the first time.

When secrets are exposed,changes will be made along with declarations of love:

”I love you with a scary, insane, wild, amazing love. I always will. No one else could ever make me feel this way.”

My only issue was that I felt that the story ended abruptly. I kept trying to turn the page. With that being said, great read!
Profile Image for Searock.
147 reviews1 follower
November 10, 2012

I don't know what it is about this author.
I have tried a few books from this series and it hasn't gone well.

I couldn't finish the second book, Because of Low, due to a serious lack of interest in the characters and story. But the next book in the series, While It Lasts, looked so good I had to try it.
It was good.
I honestly can't explain why, even though I liked that book, I couldn't find anything exciting to say about it? It's like when you go on a date with a good-looking guy. He's nice and he's interesting (if a little shallow). He might even give you a pretty sweet kiss at the end of the night, but he just doesn't make you sigh or make your heart stutter or rock your socks or whatever.
It's kind of like that.

And then there's this book, Just for Now.
Oh brother. How do I describe this vapid, overly sexualized, "is this really the new YA?", manipulated bunch of phllt?
(ok... like that, I guess)

I closed the book at 63% and said aloud, "I couldn't care less what happens next."

This author is obviously well-liked and favored, but I don't get it. So far, her books are just sort of all show and lack a bit of soul.
It's like a Kardashian.
(I actually don't know anything about a Kardashian, so maybe that's unfair...)
It seems very "cranked out". I'll leave it at that.

Profile Image for Jennifer.
374 reviews619 followers
September 2, 2013

This is my FAVORITE Abbi Glines book so far! Of course, if Ms. Glines wrote a story about a dust bunny, I would love it!!! Just For Now made me smile, grin, giggle, laugh out loud…..and cry.

PRESTON!!! – jerk, dirty mouth, sexy sex machine = one of my favorite book boyfriends ever! He makes me laugh and cry at the same time!

My Preston:


I’m not what you think. I’m so much worse.

I didn’t need taming. I needed fucking saving.

Amanda – strong, sweet, loves Preston with everything she has, even though she knows he is a man whore :)

My Amanda:

Amanda - Just For Now

Hearts don’t realize they’ve been lied to. They still love anyway.

I had to include the lyrics to this Eminem song because I thought they were perfect!

Just gonna stand there and watch me burn
Well that's alright because I like the way it hurts
Just gonna stand there and hear me cry
Well, that's alright because I love the way you lie
I love the way you lie

Re-Read 9/1/2013
Profile Image for Laura's Book Addiction.
2,730 reviews457 followers
November 8, 2012
I need Preston & Amanda's story NOW PLEASE!!!!

Edit 21st Aug= OMG fan-girling the summary just made my day and that's saying alot as I got 2 ARC's for review from my 2012 wish list today as well but Abbi has them beat

Edit 8th Nov=freaking EPIC. I loved it sooooo much.
Profile Image for Gitte TotallyBookedBlog.
2,048 reviews940 followers
October 25, 2012
Reviewed on: http://totallybookedblog.com/2012/10/...

I absolutely love the Sea Breeze series by Abbi Glines so I was beyond excited for Preston and Amanda’s story. Once again Abbi did not disappoint by writing this blinder of a story which had me hooked from the start. The books in this series can be read as stand-alone, however if you’re anything like me, you’ll want to read in order to get to know all the characters and their backgrounds.

I have to say I found this one to be the most emotional book in this series. I was in tears several times following their journey. Preston has been dealt one hell of a bad hand in life and the way he ‘mans’ up and takes responsibility, his protective streak that goes above and beyond what you would or should expect…well my heart hurt so bad and it melted into a puddle on the floor.

Oh and this guy is beyond HOT…yeah true story, but we already knew that right, just thought I’d throw that in there! Also, this book has more ‘sex factor’ (you won’t hear me complaining) than the other books in this series and I thought it was brilliantly balanced with the emotional turmoil making this story spot on and completely un-put-down-able! So yeah if you thought it got hot with Cage…you haven’t met Preston yet.

Now, when I got to a certain point in this story a song was mentioned which is one I happen to love. As soon as I saw that, I turned my iPod on, and listened to it whilst reading. Let me tell you…if I wasn’t emotional before, listening to this song completely did me in. Whenever a particular emotional scene with Amanda and Preston came up, I was a glutton for punishment and hit play on my iPod. Yeah at times I am a masochist because it made me cry even more! But then I like a good cry in a book.

Seriously, have a listen to this song: Hunter Hayes – Wanted, I promise you will feel it!

So, we have Preston who is the definition of ‘a player/man-whore’ no getting around that, we know this is a fact, we have followed him from book to book in this series, but you know what, I get it now. His story showed me why…and I got it. If you have never been shown love, how would you know how to give it or even know how to recognize it to be love when you feel it? Our Preston is envious of those who have the ability to love and receive love in return. He doesn’t believe he is worth it.

Preston grew up under dire circumstances, with no one to take the brunt of it and no one to look out for him. He is adamant that his younger siblings don’t suffer the same way he did and works hard to make sure they eat and have a roof over their heads. His siblings live with their Mum in a cramped trailer that has seen better days and is actually more like a hole in the ground. Actually to call her “Mum” is an insult because she does not deserve the honour of that title. Can you tell that she got to me? Yeah….if I could have reached into the story I would have grabbed her and slapped some sense into her! Preston hates that they have to live like that and goes above and beyond to try and make sure they have what they need but also making sure they know he is there for them despite having to leave them to it. It breaks his heart….it broke mine! It all comes down to money…so Preston does what he thinks he needs to, in order to make enough to look after them ,as well as himself. The means to which, though questionable, are kind of understandable.

Preston is not proud of himself. He knows exactly what he is doing and he hates it. As to knowing who he is, he has no idea, confused by responsibilities and actions; he has lost himself along the way.
Preston thinks Amanda is way too good for him; the light to his darkness. An innocent who will be tainted by his ugliness, a beauty and perfection he does not deserve. However, he can’t get her out of his head; out from under his skin.

“I want to be near you. I can’t seem to keep away.” - Preston

Lovely, adorable sweet and loveable Amanda has had it bad for Preston for years, a fact she hides from everyone especially her older brother Marcus who is best mates with Preston. They hang around in the same crowd and no way would anyone think Preston was good enough for her and she knows that Preston only sees her as the little sister, no matter the effort she puts into making him notice her.

Amanda is quite clued up about Preston’s ‘persona’, she has seen him in action yet she loves him still. She sees the real Preston underneath; the sadness the hopelessness and despite knowing she deserves more, she can’t leave him alone, she craves him and wants to be there for him; protect him.

Amanda knows what love is. She has a huge heart and knows the value of forgiveness; one of the biggest and hardest gifts you can give to another. Despite Preston giving Amanda whip lash she sticks around, she fights for it. She believes she can teach Preston how to love, how it feels and show him he deserves to be loved for who he is.
Then one night it happens….Preston sees Amanda:

“You need to push me away and send me packing ‘cause I don’t think I can stop this on my own”….”Manda you’re real sweet. Real fucking sweet and I’m not the kind of guy you’re supposed to let get this close”

…and so their emotional journey begins....

“I’m sorry I can’t be who you need me to be” … “I want to change. You make me want to change everything. I just can’t”

“Why are we here, Preston?” - Amanda
“I don’t know. I wanted to come out here to think. It’s where I think best. And I wanted you to be with me.” - Preston

“Did I need her to breathe….

Could I imagine life without her….

Could I be in love with her…..”

I cannot recommend the ‘Sea Breeze’ series highly enough and once again just when I thought Abbi Glines couldn’t top the last book in this series, she goes and does just that!

We were sent an ARC by the author for a fair and honest review
Profile Image for Vishous.
610 reviews579 followers
October 31, 2012
I already knew i was going to like this book when I read a teaser and boy did I like it!

For start this is very adult book ...


It's really amazing how Abbi Glines can always make me fall in love with one of her characters! I mean why do they all have to be so yummy?!?!? Preston was no different!
What would you do if you find out that you're deeply in love with a gigolo and that that gigolo is your dream guy that still works and sleeps with older women?
I can tell you that if that gigolo would be Preston I would forgive him everything ...



"I didn’t need taming. I needed fucking saving"

I wanted to hug him all the time, to curl up with him and tell him everything is gonna be fine. He was so sweet taking care of his younger sister and brothers, he didn't want for them to have shitty life with nobody to take care of them like he did and he would do everything for them. And in his fucked up life there was one more problem... he fell in love with his best friends sister Amanda and she is off limits! He was so torn with feelings for her and respect for her brother. Yeah he was sometimes asshole toward her but that was all because he didn't want to disappoint Marcus and he thought he didn't deserve such girl like Amanda was. I totally understand why was all female population in that town crazy about him and why was he such a man-whore, I mean he was hot! What was there not to like him? NOTHING! He was smooth/dirty talking guy that every women wanted to lick from head to toe including me!
He was:

“Are you sure it wasn’t my sexyashell voice whispering in your ear that caused your momentary lack of oxygen?”

“I’m getting your sexy ass back here so I can strip off your clothes and bury my dick into that tight little pussy."

“Don’t. Touch. Her.”
"I’m not going to lie, I’m jealous as hell. You’re mine, and he’s after you."

“Baby, all I see is you. It’s something I’ve never experienced, but I can’t see anyone else anymore. Just you.”


And then Amanda finds out! From her mother! I wanted to slap that bitch so hard even though I understood why did she do that! But they were so sweet together, so made to be and that's why I wanted to strangle her for ruining everything because he really was trying to change everything because he didn't want to loose her....


I just gotta tell that I don't blame her at all for using him to lose her virginity while he was drunk, obviously when a girl knows what she wants she'll do it however she can and hell we're talking about PRESTON here! i think that's enough said :D
Profile Image for Amy | Foxy Blogs.
1,681 reviews1,034 followers
July 23, 2014
**4.75 STARS**

I lucked out with my local online library because I got this one and While It Lasts back to back. Just For Now was an enjoyable audio. Hopefully my online library will get the other books in this series because currently it doesn't own them.

Abbi Glines created another likable tale with a younger sister, Amanda, in love with her older brother's best friend, Preston. But this tale has a twist because for the hero to support his younger siblings he has become a gigolo.

“I love you. I love you so damn much it consumes me. I don't deserve you, but I'm gonna become the man who does deserve you. I promise you. I'll make you proud of me.”

Breathe (Sea Breeze, #1) by Abbi Glines Because of Low (Sea Breeze, #2) by Abbi Glines While It Lasts (Sea Breeze, #3) by Abbi Glines Just for Now (Sea Breeze, #4) by Abbi Glines Sometimes It Lasts (Sea Breeze, #5) by Abbi Glines Misbehaving (Sea Breeze, #6) by Abbi Glines Bad for You (Sea Breeze, #7) by Abbi Glines Hold on Tight (Sea Breeze, #8) by Abbi Glines
Book #9 is due out Oct. 2014 to find out when it is available click here.
Profile Image for Autumn Review.
1,023 reviews529 followers
October 22, 2012
I have been waiting and waiting for Amanda's book. I have loved this girl since I met her in Breathe. Something about her, just spoke to me. Well, my wait is over and I couldn't have picked a better match for her. Preston is one smokin guy.

Amanda has had her eye on Preston for a long time. The problem is that Preston is her brother Marcus' best friend. Well...that and he's a big player. In a desperate attempt to get some kind of attention from him, they have one hot night together. The thing is, Preston doesn't really remember it. He thinks it was a dream, while she's left mending a broken heart. Then there's the fact that they have to be near each other. He's her brother's best friend. A bit unavoidable. Plus, she knows that Preston has had a difficult life, but he's never really let anyone really see it. But, Amanda can see through the wall he's put up and she wants in.

Preston can't stop thinking about Amanda and his attraction to her. He's tried to put her out of his mind, but he simply can't when everywhere he looks she's there. So, does he give in or try to keep avoiding her. Well, we all know the answer to that. BUT, Preston has a secret. No one knows what he's had to do take care of his family. His mom is a wretched woman who has no use in being a mother, but there are three kids that need to be taken care of and Preston is the one to do it. The only thing Preston knows to do in order to keep food on the table is use his looks and his body for money.

Preston truly broke my heart. Getting into his head and his life really affected me. Yes, he's a player, but you have a better understanding as to why he is the way he is. He's never really felt love. The closest relationship he's had is with Marcus, as a brother type relationship. Once he stops fighting his attraction for Amanda and he really let's her in, he can't help but fall hard for her.

Amanda really is the perfect girl for Preston. She's been patient with him and develops a great relationship with his siblings. Now, she doesn't know what he's had to do in order to survive, but it effects their relationship. I'm not going into too much detail about that, because obviously it's big factor in the story. But, I will tell you this....I believed in their love for each other.

Was there steam??? Why yes. Yes, there was. While there was more sexual content in this book than in others in this series, I felt that it was appropriate for the story. The relationship that Preston and Amanda have is full of love. It was hot, but tender as well. You know what I mean? So, for those of you that like a bit of steam to your story, you won't be disappointed.

Abbi Glines has delivered another favorite for me. While I'm now satisfied that my girl Amanda has gotten her story and her guy, I'm always anxious for more of this bunch. I feel like these characters are true part of my life.

If you haven't started this series...WHAT are you waiting for????
Profile Image for Mirjana **DTR - Down to Read**.
1,448 reviews790 followers
August 19, 2015
**2.75 stars**

Dual POV's saved this book for me, along with Preston's relationship with his brothers and sister.

My biggest problem was that Amanda was too much of a doormat.

I can sympathize with what it was like to be 18 and in love, but come on....where were her friends to help her pull her head out of her ass at times. Self-respect girl, self-respect.
Profile Image for Splage.
614 reviews386 followers
March 4, 2013
5 Stars
Genre: Contemporary, Mature Young Adult Romance
Heat Barometer: 4 out of 5 stars
Written from alternating POV's of Preston and Amanda

I know this is categorized as YA, but it is in no way what I would consider YA even with the label Mature. That is why I probably loved it so much because I got the young carefree characters with raging hormones and hot young bodies. And the relationship starts off quick, "slambam thank you mam". This and the last book in this series, While It Lasts, are absolute favorites of mine and I can see potential for future books because there are some good characters left. Can't Wait!

The story line has been done before, Preston falls in love with his best friend's younger sister, but he is not good enough for her in anybody's mind except for Amanda's. She has been in love with Preston since she was 16 years old and she decides she is going to have him. Preston is a Horndog, with a capital "H" and he tries to resist, but we all know how that tends to work out. Even though the plot has been done before I felt there was a lot more depth with additional hurdles and situations Preston had to deal with in his family life and "job" situation. Along with the fabulous chemistry the story does pull on the heartstrings, as well as, add the element of jealousy with other opposite sex interests.

If you like the Young Adult vibe, but with the things they can't put in a book to keep it true YA, like hook ups, hot sex, dirty language and adult themes, you will find it here. Happy Reading!
Profile Image for Christy.
4,233 reviews35.1k followers
April 20, 2015
I have to say... Abbi Glines is a fantastic author! I love everything she writes- everything! Just for now was no exception! She was able to take a character (Preston) that was just okay for me in the other books and made me fall in love with him! I loved Preston! Like he seriously gave Cage a run for his money and that is really saying something!!!! His story was heartbreaking at times, but he was so wonderful! Amanda leads a totally different life than Preston. She may have some family issues, but compared to Prestons they seem pretty minor. Amanda hasn't wanted for much of anything in her life, whereas Preston has to make many sacrifices to support his 3 siblings (I loved those kids!). Sacrifices that threaten his realationship in a huge way.
By the way, did I mention that this book is hot?!?!? HOT , Just saying. This series just gets better and better as it goes on. I am so happy there is going to be another one! If you haven't read this book, or any others in the series, you are missing out big time!
Profile Image for ★Ruth★.
1,270 reviews
January 1, 2014
I think I actually melted into a puddle of goo!!!
My one major complaint about this books was that it was TOO SHORT!
I want soooooo much more! More Preston Drake!More Seabreeze! More everything!
I can't believe that I nearly didn't read these books just cause I wasn't a fan of Breathe (Sea Breeze, #1) by Abbi Glines but I am so glad a friend of mine convinced me to read While It Lasts (Sea Breeze, #3) by Abbi Glines (thanks Jul's) and I really need to go back now & read Because of Low (Sea Breeze, #2) by Abbi Glines
There was a time when I didn't understand what all the fuss about Abbi Glines was, but I get it now! I totally get it :)
Profile Image for Kara.
130 reviews27 followers
April 14, 2013
Throughout most of this book, I was fully prepared to give it three stars. Before I get into the delightful reasons why I could not, let me explain where I was going with this.

So, I don't have an easy time going to sleep, and I wanted something light and fluffy to read, something I would fall asleep to without realizing it. So, cheesy light corny romance it is! I was wary about picking something "New Adult" as I've had serious issues with most of the ones I've tried so far, but it was getting late and this was the first $2 holla that caught my eye, so I sucked it up.

Suffice it to say, I was pleasantly surprised. Of course, I realized I was grading on a curve, so it wasn't that I really liked the book so much as I didn't hate the book as much as I expected. (Let's all take a moment of silence and reflect on the tragedy of that)

Don't get me wrong. Just For Now isn't a particularly well written book. It's simplistic in its language, does way more telling than showing, and manages to include excessive details on some stuff, while leaving out very basic details on other things (for example, one thing that bothered me: I have no idea how old the male lead was).
And of course, it's a corny good-girl-and-bad-boy romance which I am way tired of but again I was looking for something light and I'm starting to think these are the only types of romances written these days.

But what I was unexpectedly pleased by was the characterization of the "bad boy." As I mentioned in my Edge of Never rant was that there seems to be this checklist of qualities and behaviors that make up a typical bad boy, and Preston had few, if any of these!!!
He had no tattoos, he did have a six-pack, but you know what - he was an athlete! He worked for them!!! He drove a regular car, as opposed to a motorcycle or a vintage car, he wasn't nursing a secret artistic talent.
And more importantly, he wasn't violent - he wasn't someone "everyone was scared of". He wasn't even necessarily the alpha male of his particular clique of friends (and, hello, he HAD friends and wasn't the tortured loner).
There were no public singalongs, he didn't pick her up in public and take her away, for god's sake he didn't fall asleep with her on the bathroom floor because she drank too much and can't keep her hair out of the toilet! I guess we can start calling her Madame President since she somehow manages to fend for herself...

And as if I could even dare to dream further...yes, this is one of those boy-pushes-girl-away novels. But honestly, he had ACTUAL LEGIT REASONS for doing so!!! Preston had a terrible mother (and no father is ever mentioned) - she was an alcoholic, neglectful and was verbally abusive. He now has three little brothers and sisters and since his good for nothing mother does nothing to take care of them, Preston has stepped in and is essentially bankrolling the family - he pays their rent (in addition to his own), buys groceries, clothes and tries to spend time with the kids and be a loving adult presence.
How does he do all this when he's also trying to keep his grades up so he can keep his scholarship as well as stay on top of his game for his budding baseball career? By being a male prostitute for all the lonely middle aged socialites in town.
No one, not even his friends, know how he makes his money, and he damn sure doesn't wanted our heroine Amanda, who he seems to legitimately care about, sucked into his drama. So he isn't pushing her away out of some melodramatic "I'm worthless and I'll never be good for anyone" martyr complex. He's pushing her away because he has mouths to feed and a messy personal life and doesn't want to drag her into that. YES!!!!!! YA that makes some f-ing sense! Never thought I'd see the day!

I also appreciated how Amanda was done. While much was made of her "sweetness" and "innocence", I wasn't quite clear if this was just because she was a somewhat-sheltered 18-year-old, or if she was above and beyond as compared to other girls her age. But in any case, it was thorough and consistent throughout. It wasn't "I'm pretending to be a good girl when in reality I do all the wild crazy dumb shit all the other girls do, I just don't get pigeonholed for it" (Abby Abernathy, no pun intended), she wasn't just fucking stupid (hey Ana Steele!), she wasn't complete devoid of any personality (don't think I forgot about you Bella Swan), she was just a normal 18-year-old girl, who hadn't yet learned to be bitter or heartbroken or manipulative or distrustful. A. MEN!!!
And what's more, she recognized the flaws in her logic and behavior. Preston repeatedly tried to push her away, mainly by either avoiding her or saying really really mean things to her. And she's not so stupid that she questions her whole existence. It's more "what did I do to make him treat me this way?" Which is valid, especially at that time in her life. But of course, Preston is drawn to her in spite of himself and isn't always successful in his efforts to stay away from her, so when he turns hot and shows interest and attraction to her - in, it should be noted, a genuinely nice and friendly way, and not the smooth operator way we've come to expect from such novels - she caves. But she KNOWS she's making the wrong choice, she's just not yet at a point to tell him to go to hell. (Abby and Ana, hope you're taking notes) She doesn't delude herself, and she doesn't excuse his behavior, she just recognizes that she's still got a weak spot for him.
And honestly, that is all I fucking ask for from my romantic leads. They don't have to be perfect, they don't have to make good decisions, just some goddamn self-awareness would be nice from time to time.

But oh how things went so terribly wrong...Now, if you're a friend/follower of mine, chances are you will never read this book, but on the off chance you think you might, or if you're just here visiting, then I have to warn you that I have to spoiler alert my problem because it was a pretty big development as far as story lines go.

So without further ado:

So, as you can see, I had no choice but to downgrade any book that would put in something so spectacularly absurd. And while the lolz will stay with me forever, those 3 or 4 pages almost completely erased any credibility it had established.
There are other problems - the cheezeball factor, the goddamn as-soon-as-we-kiss-we're-an-inseparable-couple factor, the failure to explore in depth some of the more interesting character dynamics and instead just glossing over them with a couple of paragraphs - but because it bucks many of the NA romance prototypes, I still had to give it 2 stars.

Profile Image for • Lisa •.
561 reviews1,576 followers
March 2, 2013

I am OFFICIALLY in love with this story. It had gorgeous drawn out tension, a great build up, fabulous story telling and the cherry on the top - A misunderstood bad boy who needs to be loved. Need I say more? Abbi Glines has really delivered with this nicely presented treat, and I'm now a firm (slightly stalkerish) fan.

Preston Drake the resident man whore of sea breeze is doing all he can for his younger siblings and their dubious living/family situation. In order to provide for his family that he loves, Preston makes himself available to rich older women. Preston knows that his 'arrangements' are less than ideal especially when his best friends little sister keeps getting under his skin. Amanda 'manda' Hardy has been in love with her older brothers best friend for as long as she can remember. Desperate for his attention she flirts tirelessly to gain his affections. A string of bad decisions and heart ache follow and therein begins the journey of love, betrayal and the search for a happily ever after ... And the hope that dreams can come true.

Oh yes, my romance book heart feels fully content. Unputdownable and right up my library. The 'sea Breeze' series started on shaky ground for me but I can honesty say that the books have got better and better ... Here's to the next book in the series. I'm a 'sea breeze' addict, bring on the next fix.

Abbi G thank you ... I'm in love with your characters, don't stop you'll break my book heart.

5 stars (if you didn't already guess from my over the top loving of this book)!
Profile Image for Kellie Maddox-Ward.
746 reviews519 followers
March 15, 2015

This was my favourite of the series!
Preston and Manda were perfect! I loved Prestons Bro’s and sister!

Preston Drake may be a manwhore, but I feel hard for him. I mean yes Preston was a giggilo, but who cares? He was an AMAZING older brother. An Amazing lover. And an even better friend. I mean yeah at the start when he took her V card plastered? ASSHOLE! But redeemed himself in my eyes.

Amanda Hardy may be a princess but she sure sucked it up when it came to Preston and his family. Put Marcus in his place. Stepped up for her Mum. Was just an all round sweetheart.

It had all the making of a great Abbi Glines novel. Everything I wanted.
Back story on their pasts.
Broken people and families.
We find out about re-occurring characters HEA
We get a HEA
Smoking hot sex scenes.

What more do you want?

2012 sometime..
I just checked out the Prologue and First Chapter at

Headed over to Amazon to add it to my wishlist..

They want $7.99! FOR AN EBOOK!!

What the hell? Pictures, Images and Photos
Profile Image for Charisse.
424 reviews
November 11, 2012

I.LOVED.IT!!!! This series is getting sexier and hotter as hell! I'm so in love with PRESTON DRAKE!! Looks can be deceiving right? Hohoho!

"I love you. I love you so damn much it consumes me. I don't deserve you, but I'm gonna be the man who does deserve you. I promise you. I'll make you proud of me."

I'm 100% sure, I'm going to read this book over and over again! Teehee!

Profile Image for Kathleen.
30 reviews
August 14, 2012
Saw Preston's name and shouted 'LOVE IT' my dad must have thought WTF!
It's so gonna be Preston and Amanda. I wonder how Marcus will act if his sister hooks up with manslut Preston
Profile Image for AJ.
3,093 reviews1,035 followers
February 5, 2016
3.5 stars

Amanda has been in love with Preston for as long as she can remember. He is the best friend of her big brother, Marcus, and is another of the bad boys in town – a total manwhore who doesn’t do relationships and seems to be with a new girl every night. The book begins with Amanda thinking that her dreams of finally having Preston for herself are coming true, but she is left broken hearted and decides it’s finally time to move on.

Marcus knows his reputation, he knows it’s well deserved, and he knows damn well that Amanda deserves better than him, but there’s something about her that he can’t resist. After letting her down so badly, he’s got a fight on his hands to win her trust again, but he puts his heart on the line and goes for it.

“Nothing about this thing we have is a bad thing. I’m not gonna lie about it: I don’t deserve you. I’m sure as hell not good enough for you, but as long as you want me, I’m all yours.”

But that’s only the first hurdle, because still has to prove that’s he is worthy of her to her brother and his friends who know him all too well.

“She loves you. Do you even know what to do with that?”
I kissed the top of her head. “Cherish it like it’s the most precious thing on the face of the earth.”

And then there is his big secret – one that could destroy everything if it’s revealed.

“Hearts don’t realize they’ve been lied to. They still love anyway.”

There’s a very definite pattern with this series – if you’ve read one book, you can pretty much predict what’s going to happen in the next one. Of course there are some definitely plot differences, but the storyline goes the same way every time. That’s not necessarily a bad thing because sometimes it’s nice to know exactly what you’re getting into when you read a book, but the predictability can get a bit boring…

- He’s a manwhore, she’s a sweet (usually virgin) heroine
- There’s some back and forth, with a side of “I’m not good enough”
- Love / attraction overcomes all
- There’s a misunderstanding and / or breakup
- Last minute reunion for a happy ending

This book is no different, though I’m a sucker for the ‘my big brother’s best friend’ set up, and I really liked Preston, which helped. Yes, he’s a manwhoring bad boy, but he has a huge heart. Plus, there’s his secret which puts a different spin on things . He’s under an enormous amount of stress trying to balance the different aspects of his life, but he truly loves Amanda and he wants what is best for her. There is so much more to him than anybody thinks, and his struggle is really well written so you can’t help but feel for him despite the mistakes that he makes.

“She thought I was like Cage and the right girl could tame me. It wasn't about that. I didn't need taming. I needed fucking saving.”

Amanda willingness to overlook Preston’s manwhoring and his other questionable behaviour is a little eyebrow raising at times, but she’s young and so blindly in love that it comes off as being sweetly endearing . Plus, she’s a sweetheart, and it’s just who she is. But she finds her strength when it counts, and she and Preston turn out to be a really good match for each other. Their love story is sweet, with a bit of sexy time, and I love how they were there for each other and stood up for each other and eventually found a place where they could open up to each other freely and honestly. Swoon!

Preston pulled me up against his chest and cupped my face in his hands. “I love you. I love you so damn much it consumes me. I don’t deserve you, but I’m gonna become the man who does deserve you. I promise you. I’ll make you proud of me.”
I reached up and ran my thumb over his lips. “I am and will always be proud of you. I want the world to know you’re mine.”

But there’s other stuff going on in town other than the latest romantic hook up. Marcus and Willow are getting married, Jax Stone’s younger brother is in town and showing an interest in Amanda, and Preston’s family dramas are heart breaking. His two younger brothers and little sister absolutely stole my heart, and I really liked the way they were included in the story, and how that all played out.

This is a sweet little story, and my favourite of the series so far. I really enjoyed it.

3.5 stars.
Profile Image for Mariℓina.
624 reviews202 followers
November 4, 2014
What a great story it was! I loved it from the first page till the last one. Preston is perfect and i always loved Amanda from the previous books.. Together they are the ultimate big-brother's-best-friend couple.

So what if Preston has to do a very "interesting" job in order to support and provide for his siblings? Does it matter that he is the biggest playboy around? And even if he is broody and untaineable??? So what? He is the one for Amanda!

Well of course someone has to tell him that, because he is conveinced she deserves so much more than him. But Amanda won't go easy on him or run away.. She is strong, calm, smart and absolutely adorable.
And she has her sight on Preston, for far too long.

The book was great, the writing improved and the characters special and lovely. I had an amazing time reading and i would definitely recommend it.


- Preston is admireable.
- Daisy is a sweetheart.
- Brent is so cute and Jimmy is very responsible.
- Rock and Trisha are great with the kids.
- I loved their first time together. It was incredibly hot.
- Marcus handled the whole situation like any brother would, but in the end he wanted the best for two of his dearest people in the world.
- Jason wasn't pushy or demanding as a rival, actually he was a great supporting character, with many potentials..
Profile Image for Jenny Levine.
99 reviews735 followers
October 31, 2012

So I haven't read the first three Sea Breeze books and I started with the fourth one. YAY ME! Haha. Anyway, I have a wonderful time reading this! I enjoyed it a lot.

My favorite lines:

“I disagree. You’re special, Preston Drake. I think I've been in love with you since my sixteenth birthday and you came to my bonfire party on the beach with Marcus. You winked at me and called me beautiful. From that moment on I watched you. I was fascinated by you. Then as I got older, I wanted you. Once I got you, I realized I was in love with you.”

“The night you walked out on me and you knew the truth, there were no more lies standing between us, and I realized this crazy, wild, intense feeling I had for you was love. I’d never had this before. Sure, I loved my brothers and sister, but nothing like this out-of-control emotion I couldn't name. I had been scared to tell you I loved you because I couldn't believe that what I was feeling was love if I wasn't telling you the truth about me. I lied to you because I knew you’d
leave me if you found out. I didn't want to lose you.”
Profile Image for Bethany.
498 reviews84 followers
November 3, 2014
I want more, no I need more! Abbi did it again. Another amazing book in the Sea Breeze series. Preston's story broke my heart. He lived a hard life and did want he needed to do to take care of the people he loved the only way he knew how. I'm going to be very sad when the next book comes out because it will be the last. I might just cry. I don't think I'll be ready to let this series go.
Profile Image for Sombra.
342 reviews43 followers
November 21, 2017
Este libro es difícil de clasificar para mí.
La historia me ha gustado, pero Preston me ha dejado mal sabor de boca y su relación con Amanda no me ha parecido muy sana que digamos.
No quiero decir mucho más para no spoilear, pero el que él haya tenido algunos arranques tan machistas y que luego haya echo algo que no me ha gustado nada no ha ayudado a que la historia me pareciera muy bonita como me lo estaba pareciendo hasta ese momento.
Es cierto que luego ella le hace sufrir un poco, pero es que esa situación me ha superado y no, no me ha convencido del todo.
Profile Image for Georgia Cruz.
536 reviews62 followers
November 1, 2012
I will never get tired of Abbi Gline's novels. From Vincent Boys to Sea Breeze series, I just can't get enough! I have no words but to say.. WOW! I was swooning all over the book for a day! It just keeps getting better, hotter, and makes me panting for more! (Damn Preston). Adored it!

“I love you with a scary, insane, wild, amazing love. I always will. No one else could ever make me feel this way” - Preston Drake.
Profile Image for Christine Gay.
20 reviews7 followers
November 7, 2012

I have been doing my happy dance since I first heard about this and I cant seem to stop until the day it will be released. :)
Profile Image for Melissa.
94 reviews10 followers
November 1, 2012
Okay I don't know it anymore now
Marcus, cage, Preston...
Can I have a piece of all 3 of them please?


As usual:

Glines definitely comes a long way since her first Sea Breeze book Breathe. Just as with the previous 2 books, I was sucked into this story immediately and I enjoyed every page. Of course I can't help myself to compare... It's pretty obvious Glines is making her books more naughtier now than Breathe but that's not the reason I liked Breathe less. It's because in the last 3 books there is more to the story then just the expected and predicted love story.

In While it Last, Preston is portrayed as a pig. And it was interesting to discover that there is an insecure, able to love, sweet guy hidden somewhere. The typical "ruined boy cause of bad childhood that needs to be rescued". He did upset me though when he continued to do 'business' while he and Amanda were finally together. There are other ways to make money right? But ok, I get that doing it for 3 years and the need to take care of his brothers and sister make that he couldn't stop in 1-2-3.

The only thing that could've been done better IMO is the death of the mom. Everything happened so fast. Boom she's death and a second later things are taking care of and Preston has custody over his siblings. I didn't feel much and I think if Glines spent a bit more attention to that part it could have been more emotional.

I'm really curious for the next Sea Breeze book. Glines created a lot of opportunities! Since Preston and Cage were the typical lady magnets that needed to be tamed it would be nice if the next book had a "good" guy again, just to keep a little variation.
Profile Image for Bryanna Nicole.
706 reviews35 followers
November 5, 2012
5 Stars? No stars needed, just read it.

Preston. The bold print should already tell how I feel about him. There was nothing YA or "new adult" about him. Abbi makes it so darn hard to choose a favorite when all her heroes are so damn sexy and delicious and yummy and sweet and.... You get the picture. I'll just say he was sex on a stick. Yeah that's it.

This book was definitely worth the hype. When I first read the snippet I wasn't so sure I'd get behind the idea of him ummm, "lending" himself for a worthy cause. After reading I do understand the reasons and I even applaud him and let him off the hook but I'm so happy he got a real job. The HEA for his siblings did me in. So undeniably sweet.

On to the good stuff: I have to see this as an adult romance because boy did Preston bring it. Matter of fact, he brought it so many times I surprised he had anything left to bring. I'll just let you stew in that for a moment... Preston and Amanda's romance is utterly perfection and both are great characters. I just love Abbi Glines' books. They bring me back to the reason I used to love this genre. Now that I'm older I get choosy and feel over the hill sometimes because the lack of originality in YA books but I have never felt that way in an AG book.

Another A+ in this series.
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