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Sea Breeze #3

While It Lasts

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Maybe driving home after a few (or more) shots of tequila had been a bad idea, but hell, he did it all the time. The cops had to have been freaking bored to have pulled him over. He wasn’t even swerving! That’s Cage York’s story and he’s sticking to it.

Unfortunately, his baseball coach isn’t buying it. Cage has a free ride to the local junior college for baseball -- or he did, until he’d gotten a DUI. Now, Cage has to decide: does he drop out and give up his dream of getting noticed by a college in the SEC, and possibly making it into the Major Leagues -- or does he give in to his coach’s demands and spend his summer baling hay?

Eva Brooks planned out her life step by step when she was eight years old. Not once over the years had she lost sight of her goals. Josh Beasley, her next door neighbor, had been the center of those goals. He’d been her first boyfriend at seven, her first kiss at ten, her first date at fifteen, and her first tragedy at eighteen. The moment she’d received the phone call from Josh’s mother saying he’d been killed along with four other soldiers just north of Baghdad, Eva’s carefully planned life imploded in the worst way possible.

Cage isn’t real happy with his closet-sized bedroom in the back of a foul smelling barn, or his daily interactions with cows, but he knows that if he doesn’t make his coach happy then he can kiss his scholarship goodbye. Only a sick and twisted man would decide his punishment was to be working on a farm all summer. No hot babes in bikinis waiting to meet a Southern boy to make her vacation complete. Just him and the damned cows.

Oh -- and an uptight, snarky brunette with the biggest blue eyes he’s every seen. But she doesn’t count, because as hard as he’s tried to charm her out of her panties - he’s pretty sure she’d rather see him hung from the rafters than let him get a taste of her pretty little lips.

304 pages, Kindle Edition

First published April 25, 2012

About the author

Abbi Glines

128 books86.2k followers
Abbi Glines is a #1 New York Times, USA Today, and Wall Street Journal bestselling author of the Rosemary Beach, Smoke, Sea Breeze, Vincent Boys, Field Party and Existence series. She never cooks unless baking during the Christmas holiday counts. She believes in ghosts and has a habit of asking people if their house is haunted before she goes in it. She drinks afternoon tea because she wants to be British but she now lives in New England and that's as close as it is going to get. When asked how many books she has written she has to stop and count on her fingers. When she’s not locked away writing, she is reading, watching Netflix and all the introverted stuff.
You can connect with Abbi online in several different ways. She uses social media to procrastinate.

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Profile Image for Tough Critic Book Reviews.
308 reviews2,188 followers
August 10, 2012
Dear Abbi Glines,

I've been a reader of yours for sometime now. Even before Fifty Shades of Grey introduced my girly bits to a full blown bookgasm; I was a Glines reader. The sharp edge to your YA-writing style tends to posses a reader!

However, me and the actual stories have had quite the love/hate relationship. Imagine a hot guy that gets you all worked up, makes you feel it in all the right places, but every single time he finishes without ever giving you the big "O". Of course you still keep coming back because well, he's hot, he makes you tingle, and you ALWAYS enjoy yourself, but he repeatedly finishes before you do. So far, your books have made me feel "good" but no big "O".

While it Lasts was my big "O"! It's like daddy erotic novel got with mama YA-fiction and made a baby! One hot, emotionally charged YA-mature baby! I giggled, I blushed, I changed my knickers about 6 times! You made my eyes drip one page, then turned right around and made everything else drip the next!

You got rid of all things "fluff" and delivered a fast-paced, hit you in the heart, pantie dropping romance. There was no draggy bits or boring monologues. You pushed the limits of passion and emotion and left me very, very satisfied! That scene against the wall at that place towards the end. OMG! It was like cupid shot an arrow straight between my legs.

I know me and your books have had an indifferent relationship in the past, but I love your writing; always have. It's never failed to give me something worth reading. And now that you've got me coming, I will most definitely be coming back for more!


Your Reader

Reviewed at http://toughcriticbookreviews.blogspo...
Profile Image for Stacia (the 2010 club).
1,045 reviews4,061 followers
August 2, 2012
We Now Interrupt Your Regular Review Programming for a Rather Long Ramble.

I am going to opt out of writing a traditional review of this book. Here's my end note up front, so you can read it and move on while I stay behind and rant to myself :

Who should read this book? Anyone who loves protective, slightly possessive alpha males who are sexy as hell and love to think, talk and act dirty. If you like lots of great sexual tension, being inside of a man's head as he thinks naughty thoughts, and yummy foreplay leading up to when the couple seals the deal, you'll be good to go.

Who should NOT read this book? Anyone who rolls their eyes at super jealous alpha males, stories that focus on not much else except for romance and sex, or anyone who's read more than one Glines book before (other than Breathe because that one was her weakest) and struggles with the fact that not much changes from book to book other than minor location and story details.

*end review and commence rambling*

Abbi Glines is like wicked voodoo to me. I know I shouldn't be messing around with the stuff, yet I can't seem to stop doing it. Her repetitive alpha characters and plot devices constantly make me think of her as the Mature YA/New Adult version of Kristen Ashley, which is funny because I had to stop reading KA for the time being because of the repetitiveness, while I can't seem to make myself stop reading Glines. What I have managed to figure out, is that even though AG tends to push all of the buttons linked to what annoys me, she also manages to push the ones that trigger the happy "romance/love for sexual tension" factor in my brain (but in about half the page length of a KA book, so I'm not struggling to finish).

Quick time-out for the "grown-up" talk. This book was sexy as hell. The sex scenes were better than some I've read in full-on adult romance novels. Cage brought the dirty talk, the cocky attitude, and the naughty thoughts (loved, loved being in his head). If Glines excels at ONE thing it would be this : the sexual tension is off the charts. She teases us with hot kisses and growling and intimate touches, then moves up to hand jobs and undressing and exploration. Then when we're really all hot and bothered, she delivers with the sex (and she didn't leave out detail there either). I like how she works up to the act in stages. She really captures the wide range of foreplay and other sexual options that are normal for college age kids who are still figuring out if they want to give it up or not.

But when you take all of that away... I was hoping for so much more out of Cage's book. I felt like I was reading Beau (from Vincent Brothers) all over again. There are different ways for males to be alpha and protective without stepping in and getting mouthy before knowing what's going on. Is there even one guy in a Glines book who takes a second to think before reacting? Not all alphas are the SAME.

To be fair, I can appreciate the realism of jealousy and emotions and hormones. All of these things happen to most of us at some point or another. But WHY does every single guy have the same trigger reaction in every single book? There is such a thing as a brooding alpha or the kind who gives you those evil looks when you're acting in a way they don't like. Not every single alpha chooses to act like a drunken frat boy looking to smash faces in without first finding out what's really going on.

I honestly loved that Cage was protective of his best friend Willow and would have bent over backwards for her...BUT I was hoping that when he met a girl in this book, he'd meet someone who would banter back and forth with him, and that they'd develop a relationship through resistance because the girl wasn't going to put up with his crap. I wanted to see someone who would really challenge him. Instead, nope...we get another instance of a guy who is drawn to a girl with a sad story, and how he wants to do nothing more than comfort her and take her pain away. Then a bunch of misunderstandings happen and they both go back and forth pursuing each other while the other one runs. Bleh. It's regurgitated crap. REGURGITATED CRAP.

Please excuse me while I bang my head on the desk repeatedly over yet another book from this author. *pause*

Yet, I can't seem to stop reading AG books. I'm sure she'd probably pay me to quit reading her books because my reviews are probably doing more harm than good. However, for reasons unknown, I find reasons to keep reading, even with all of my major bitching and whining. Did I say this book was sexy as hell? Yes, I do believe that's probably why I keep reading.

If you plan on reading this series, do yourself a favor and skip right over Breathe, the first book. Really, the book was painful to read. It doesn't even connect to the second book in the series other than a brief cameo from the original characters. Just go ahead and start with Because of Low (Marcus is quite delicious), then read this one if you are interested.

Signing out...I officially need to step off the romance drama train and immerse myself in some gory zombie madness for a minute.

Profile Image for Sheryl C. Nash.
1,757 reviews430 followers
July 30, 2012

OH MY FREAKIN' GOODNESS..... i'll will write my proper review soon BUT in the meantime...

I'm sure lots of you remember how crazy i was for Marcus in Because of Low... well... i can SAFELY say after finishing While It Lasts, that i am A MILLION times more in love with Cage... Who would have thunk it... after meeting Cage in Because of Low, i was CONVINCED he was the biggest man-whore/a$$wipe on the face of the earth... it was when he made amends at the end of that story that i started to realise that MAYBE he wasn't so bad after all... now i realise he is just the BIGGEST sweetheart who was obviously waiting for the right girl to come along (and turn into a pile of goo) and that girl was Eva...

Oh Cage... *SIGH*... hot, sexy... pierced nipple/s... sweet, funny... BOY, you have JUST BECOME MY #1 FICTIONAL BOOK BOYFRIEND!!!!
Profile Image for ♥Rachel♥.
2,081 reviews898 followers
August 7, 2012

While It Lasts is a companion novel in the Sea Breeze series. When I first heard that Abbi Glines was writing a book about Cage, I was a little skeptical. Cage is a character we first met in Because of Low, and to be honest, I was not part of his fan club. In fact this is my status update at 31% in Because of Low: “Someone needs to tell Cage this is no way to woo a woman. Cage=Moron!” He was a total man-whore who had a different girl/girls, every time he came into the picture (yes, girls as in pleural!) So yes, I knew I was going to take some definite convincing to warm up to Cage. Thankfully, Abbi never disappoints me, and I fell hard for that boy!

Cage gets into some trouble jeopardizing his scholarship and chances of finishing school by getting a DUI. His coach gives him the option to work at his brother Wilson’s farm, as a punishment and as a condition to keep his scholarship. Wilson is someone who demands respect and hard work, so Cage is not getting off easy. Cage has to bale hay, herd and clean up after cows; miles away from the parties and girls as he’s accustomed to. The only woman in the near vicinity is Eva, the farmer’s daughter. Even if Wilson didn’t tell Cage that she’s completely off limits, Eva herself looks at him like he’s the dirt beneath her fingernails.

Twenty-year old Eva is still grieving over the only love she ever knew, Josh. He was her first love and she was engaged to marry him before he was killed on duty in Bagdad, a year and a half ago. She still wears her rings and finds little enjoyment in life. When Cage shows up on her doorstep, she has no intention of letting him into her heart. Sure he is gorgeous, but he knows it, and she’s seen his type before. Eva is not about to let him use and lose her!

Like I said before, Cage’s previous record was going to be hard for me to overcome to the point where I’d actually like him. Luckily, he came off as sweet and protective in this story. And it certainly didn’t hurt that he oozed devilish charm and charisma. Here’s an example:

He stood up and glanced back over his shoulder. When his eyes locked with mine, a wicked grin touched his lips. “You see somethin’ ya want, baby?” “Maybe. I’m checking things out. Seeing if I’m interested,” I shot back with my own evil grin. Both his dark eyebrows shot up and he turned completely around giving me a view of his sweaty chest. Oh my. That never got old. “I see something I want,” he drawled as he came toward me. My heartbeat started that silly fluttery thing it did when he got near me. “You do?” I asked as he stopped in front of me and leaned in. “Hell yeah, I do,” he murmured. “I love chocolate.”…..His arm reached out beside me and took the piece of chocolate cake I’d brought him.

For some reason, Eva was a girl who commanded his respect. Probably because she wasn’t easy like all the other girls he’s come across. Also, once he found out her sad story, he really wanted to be the one to make her happy again. After being slowly wooed and seduced by Cage, Eva finds that she’s coming back to life again, but guilt feelings over Josh hold her back.

Another reason I gave Cage a chance is because we find out some of the reasons behind his behavior. Because of being neglected by his mother and treated like nothing, he decided to never let anyone close enough to give them the chance to hurt him. So he just used girls up, never letting them mean a thing. Low, his best friend, was the only exception; she loved him unconditionally since they were young.

When reading an Abbi Glines story, I know I’m always in for a fun read full of sexy banter and steaming hot chemistry; one that will leave me with a satisfied grin on my face when I’m through. I think this is Abbi’s hottest story to date. It was a scorcher!

I should say that this was not a YA story. I think this falls under the New Adult or Adult genre and there are some explicit scenes in this story. So if you’re young or if that kind of thing bothers you, consider yourself warned.

You can find this review and more at The Readers Den.
Profile Image for Kristin (KC).
265 reviews25.3k followers
October 11, 2014
"She had the power to break me. No one had ever been given that power, ever. Eva could do it. If I let her in any further she could completely destroy me."

When Eva and Cage first meet there is an immediate attraction...but Eva, a good girl trying to cope with a recent tragedy, wants nothing to do with a (gorgeous) bad-boy like Cage who was sent there to work for her father as punishment for his DUI. Besides, even if she was interested, her father has forbidden her to even go near Cage...

Let's give a warm welcome to the flirtatious bickering, charming jealousy and delicious sexual tension...!!

This story was so sweet and off-the-charts STEAMY! I was pleasantly surprised, actually, because I initially thought this was young-adult. While the story reads like a YA, the toe-curling love scenes most definitely do not! Ms. Glines certainly does an amazing job bringing a scene to life, allowing you to forget your even reading. Amazingly real and sensual are the best ways to describe the intimacy levels in this book...bravo! ;)

Ok, but enough of the sex fluff, the story was wonderful as well! The writing was perfect and flowed flawlessly. At first I felt Cage's transition from bad-boy to good-guy could have been a little more in-depth, but Cage never truly loses his edge. All-in-all a witty, funny, and sweet book- I just loved it! This was my first Abbi Glines read and I could not be happier to have stumbled upon such an amazingly talented author!

Profile Image for Amy | Foxy Blogs.
1,681 reviews1,035 followers
July 23, 2014
**4.5 Cage stars**

Apparently, I'm the last romance reader to read this steamy Abbi Glines book. :) I had read book 2, Because of Low, in 2012 but never made it around to reading the others in this series. While browsing the local online library I saw this one was available as an audio download. Both a male and female read Cage and Eva's parts. I know I've said it before but audios can be great because they allow you freedom to do other things while listening-> you can cook dinner, go on a walk, etc.

Listening to this story had me swooning over Cage. I can see why my friends loved him as a bad boy. When Cage meets Eva he finds himself transforming from a player to a better man who was both sweet and protective.
“I understood that pain was real and sometimes things didn't last. Sometimes you just had to enjoy it while it lasts and cherish it when it's gone.”-Eva


Breathe (Sea Breeze, #1) by Abbi Glines Because of Low (Sea Breeze, #2) by Abbi Glines While It Lasts (Sea Breeze, #3) by Abbi Glines Just for Now (Sea Breeze, #4) by Abbi Glines Sometimes It Lasts (Sea Breeze, #5) by Abbi Glines Misbehaving (Sea Breeze, #6) by Abbi Glines Bad for You (Sea Breeze, #7) by Abbi Glines Hold on Tight (Sea Breeze, #8) by Abbi Glines
Book #9 is due out Oct. 2014 to find out when it is available click here.
Profile Image for S.
388 reviews91 followers
May 3, 2015
4.5 Cowboy Stars!

Abbi Glines – I love you again! It was IMHO her best one yet. I cried, laughed and tingled all over. I want to spend my summer on a hot cowboy ranch with Cage York to drool over.

“You see somethin' ya want, baby?"
"Maybe. I'm checking things out. Seeing if I'm interested," I shot back with my own evil grin.
"I see something I want," he drawled as he came toward me.
"You do?"
"Hell yeah, I do," he murmured. "I love chocolate." What? My excitement turned to confusion. His arm reached out beside me and took the piece of chocolate cake I'd brought him.


Cage York is sent to Eva Brooks’ father’s ranch for the summer as a penance for his bad boy spins lately. Eva Brook’s is still in mourning 18 months after her fiancé was killed in a bomb outside Baghdad. She still wears his ring and refuses to let go. Her father tells Cage to stay away – otherwise he can kiss his baseball scholarship goodbye. Easier said than done, when he lays eyes on beautiful Eva. Eva is soon drooling over Cage – even though she doesn’t want to be. It was so cute how she put out water and cold towel but didn’t want him to know!
”The invisible fairy was embarrassed by her behavior,” I muttered and sank deeper into the water.
“Why? What did she do?” he asked, following me out deeper into the water.
“She drank a little too much,” I admitted.
Cage eyes went wide in surprise. “Really? Fairies drink? I’ll be damned. I had no idea. Would you mind letting her know I don’t hold it against her. I happened to have made some bad choice where tequila was involved.”
It has it all! A wonderful setting, a drool-worthy bad boy, a heart tugging backstory, a lovely heroine and just enough drama. Dual 1-POV between chapters worked wonders! And did I mention that it is H.A.W.T? Abbi Glines stepped into adult territory. The chemistry is sizzling !


description You made me love you by the smile on your face, the kindness in your eyes and the heat of your skin.
One kiss makes all that’s been hurt fade away.
You made me love you for the man inside.
The one no one sees but me.
The man who listens to what my heart has to say.

Profile Image for Courtney Wyant.
95 reviews3 followers
August 1, 2012
Will I make it to August 7th?? I seriously doubt it!!! I need CAGE NOW!!
Someone take me to Cage Heaven!!! I want him!! I want him now!!

Starts off:

Ends: ((This is what you did Abbi! :) ))
Profile Image for Splage.
614 reviews386 followers
August 26, 2012
Review posted to: Swept Away By Romance

Genre: Contemporary, MATURE Young Adult Romance
Heat Barometer: 4 out of 5 flames
Written from alternating POV’s of Cage & Eva

LOVED IT LOVED IT LOVED IT! This is what I want when I read a YA romance, the raw lust, the passion, the freshness of young love, the way you feel when the H&h can hardly function because of the intense obsession for each other. Boy, does it bring back memories and that is what I am looking for when I pick up a YA. I rarely give YA books 5 stars because I am usually left wanting more. I didn’t happen here. I devoured this book in a half a day, crossing my fingers that it would keep delivering and it did to the very end with a heartfelt, chest tightening epilogue.

While it Last grabbed me from the first page. I had tears glistening in my eyes and I didn’t even know the characters yet. It starts off a year and a half after Eva’s fiancée, Josh, a soldier, is killed in Iraq. Her dreams are crushed, she doesn’t have the will to move forward. Josh was her everything, her security, the boy next door, her first kiss, her one and only. All Eva ever saw was her future with Josh; they were going to grow old together, continue their beautiful love story and watch their grandchildren grow. It was so sad, my heart just broke for her.

Cage was introduced in Because of Low, book 2. I did not read the previous 2 books in this series because from the reviews they weren’t as highly rated and after coming away somewhat disappointed from Abbi Glines, The Vincent Boys series, I wasn’t sure I wanted to waste my time. I might now go back and read them, but I wasn’t lost in starting at Book 3, WiL.

Cage is sent for the summer to work for Eva’s dad on their ranch as punishment from his junior college baseball coach because he received a DUI. I didn’t think the whole DUI and baseball future was taken very seriously, sort of just glance over, even though it was the whole reason they were thrown together. Cage still would drink a beer and drive a car, it made me nervous, it wasn’t smart.

Eva read Cage immediately; a bad boy, a girl user, a heart breaker and total trouble, but he did make her broken heart beat faster. Cage was a complete flirt and he checked out anything with boobs, but the love bug knock Cage off his feet and he was completely blindsided by his developing feelings for Eva. I loved how different he was with her. He was protective and possessive, their chemistry was scorching, and he had a wicked dirty mouth when he was in the moment with Eva… he had me completely hot and bothered. Where Josh and Eva’s love was from a comfortable history, Cage and Eva’s was all consuming, “surrendering of your heart” love. The author handled the distinction very tastefully because I felt deeply for both Josh and Cage.

I highly recommend this story to even those who are skeptical about Young Adult romance books like me. It didn’t feel YA; it had steam, angst (but not over the top), jealousy- because of lots of “other women” situations, cheating, awesome characters and a very good story.
Profile Image for • Lisa •.
561 reviews1,576 followers
February 20, 2013
I think I just struck gold with my latest read by Abbi Glines. I have always enjoyed her books, but 'While it lasts' was in a different league altogether.

The book starts with a heart clenching prologue which sets the scene nicely for the addictive read.

Gorgeous Bad boy with the kindest heart, meets bitter, heartbroken country girl - Need I say more? Let the fireworks begin ...

I gobbled this book up, it totally had me from chapter one, when I wasn't reading (and attempting to function in 'real life' housework, mummy, wife) I was still thinking about this book.

Abbi Glines books are swoon worthy, heart felt and very nicely written, I love how I am involved in her stories from the start and this book delivers on all counts for me. By far the best in the Sea Breeze collection.

4.5 Stars and a start to an unhealthy obsession with men in cowboy hats.
Profile Image for AJ.
3,093 reviews1,035 followers
November 4, 2015
3 stars

Cage York was introduced in the last book of this series, Because of Low, where he showed himself to be an epic manwhore with a huge heart. After landing himself in trouble on a DUI, his baseball coach sends him off to work on a farm for the summer as punishment and to sort himself out, otherwise he risks losing his baseball scholarship.

Eva takes one look at Cage and knows that he is trouble. It’s her father’s farm where Cage is sent to work, and she is highly unimpressed by him, writing him off as a spoiled, irresponsible slut. Eva is nursing her own hurts though, after the death of her fiancé, childhood best friend and life-long love 18 months previously. She is still very much in mourning and has shut herself off completely from relationships and men – especially gorgeously sexy womanising bad boys.

Cage is smitten by Eva at first glance, but she is snarky and dismissive of him. They commence a battle of wills which becomes mild teasing and flirtation when they both notice the other watching them. And as Cage’s attention is snagged by one woman only for the first time ever, Eva’s harsh exterior starts to melt and the slow and gradual slide into friendship, and then something more, begins.

This is a really sweet relationship. The bad boy falling in love for the first time is always great reading, and I enjoyed watching Cage go through all of the motions as he realised what he was feeling.

“She deserved a man who could take care of her. But fuck if I was just going to leave her. I couldn't do that. I may not be good enough for her but I was gonna damn well try my hardest to become worthy.”

And Eva’s story was beautifully told. Her heartbreak and sense of absolute loss over the death of her fiancé was devastating to read at times, and I liked the development of her character as she started to overcome that and come back to life, with Cage right beside her and holding her hand.

All was progressing well, and the romance was becoming something really gorgeous, and then comes the inevitable drama that unfortunately brought this book down for me. . Not what I wanted for this couple. It does all get resolved eventually, and there is a swoony (and possibly overly-sappy) HEA, but by then I was annoyed with both of them and wasn’t as invested in the story.

If you’ve read the earlier two books in this series, then you’ll pretty much know exactly what to expect going in. They are all fairly similar in terms of characters and plotlines, and my visit to the early work of Abbi Glines is showing me that I’m much more of a fan of her later books rather than her earlier books. But it was an enjoyable read, and I’m definitely going to keep going because I really like the larger group of characters and I’m interested to see where some of their stories are going to go.

3 stars.
Profile Image for Jenny - TotallybookedBlog.
1,883 reviews2,067 followers
August 31, 2013
4.5 stars

I knew this book was going to be special and steal my heart when I had tears reading the first couple of pages.. Yes, this book had me at the prologue!

I’ve been in a bit of a book funk and when I heard this was coming out I couldn’t wait to get started and it definitely didn't disappoint.

I’ve anxiously been waiting for Cage’s book. I wanted to see who would break through this bad boys shell and what type of girl Cage would give his heart to.

Eva was perfect. She was everything I would wish for Cage, and even though at times I wanted to slap her, overall she was just what Cage needed. Just seeing how she lifts him when he needs it was wonderful and I loved her for that.

Cage is still the dirty talking bad boy we love. Can this boy ever be tamed? Just the way he spoke had me fanning myself. That boy has a way with words!

I loved how Abbie Glines wove Low into the story. Low is such an important part of Cage’s life and I was so happy to see her have a part in this book.

While It Lasts had it all for me. It had warm relatable characters, great storyline, just enough angst, a lot of emotion but it was also a fun and easy to read book. I could not put it down. I was so wrapped up in the characters I had to stay and finish it. There was no putting this down and leaving it for another day!

I liked Breathe, I loved Because of Low, but boy I just LOVED While It Lasts!
Profile Image for Cande.
1,049 reviews194 followers
January 25, 2015
Edito: 24/01/2015

Hay muy buenas formas de ganar mucho dinero, una muy útil es sacar continuaciones de esos personajes secundarios que apenas desarrollaste. Abbi Glines podrá ser muchas cosas (machista y superficial está entre su lista de muchas cualidades, por ejemplo), pero tonta para nada. Es que por lo menos le voy a dar el mérito porque de alguna forma sigue ganando dinero con estos libros de mierda. Y quiero imaginar que algún esfuerzo requiere escribirlos, pensar nuevas formas de denigrar a las mujeres debe ser un trabajo agotador, ¿no?

¿Por qué leí esta mierda este libro si no me gustaron los anteriores? Era en esa época lejana en la que era una nena ingenua e inocente que creía que las cosas podían mejorar. Y bueno, no me gusta dejar las cosas a medias. Pero ahora ya aprendí, no se preocupen. No pienso tocar un libro de Abbi Glines en mi vida.

While It lasts tiene como protagonista a Cage York, la tercera rueda de Because of Low. Mujeriego, violento y con una infancia terrible, Cage es el típico personaje masculino que odio con toda mi alma.

Por un accidente relacionado con el alcohol (recuerden que conducir ebrio no es una buena idea, chicos) nuestro amado protagonista va a parar a una granja, para andar sin camisa mostrado sus atributos hacer un poco de trabajo duro y conservar así, su beca de baseball.

El clásico personaje de ciudad que es engreído y vanidoso, que va al medio de la nada en donde se vuelve un pan de dios. Puff. Es increíble, cuando ya pensás que más cliché no puede ponerse la historia, ¡más cliché se pone!

El pobrecito se enamora de Eva Brooks, la hija del granjero, con la que claro, no puede estar. ¿Un amor imposible? Casualmente. Entre los amores instantáneos, los pasteleros y los imposibles, no sé cuáles detesto más.

A lo largo de libro el protagonista supuestamente va cambiando y se pone menos estúpido. La protagonista, sin embargo, siempre es igual de tonta e ingenua. Eso es algo que no entiendo todavía, ¿cómo una mina de dieciocho años pueden ser tan pelotuda? A ver, no me molesta que nunca haya tenido sexo ni novio ni nada, el no entender qué está pasando no tiene que ver con la inexperiencia. Pongamos las cosas como son, Eva en realidad tiene quince años y las hormonas alborotadas.

Y como cereza del postre, por si todavía les quedan ganas de leer esta mierda este libro; matrimonio adolescente. Supongo que eso es más personal, a mí no me gusta para nada esa necesidad de tener/querer casarse apenas se termina el secundario. Pero ese no es el problema, el problema es que es la idea de un matrimonio del siglo XV. Eva debe casarse y debe buscar un buen partido, debe ser pronto. Y les juro que es literal, y eso es lo que más bronca me da. Porque claro, ¿qué podemos hacer sin un hombre en nuestra vida? Nada, ni siquiera respirar.

Como una gran resumen, los libros de la autora son todos iguales; protagonista malo con infancia dura, chica linda que no lo cree y se la pasa babeando por el chico, amores imposibles por culpa del dinero y/o la familia, los dos idiotas se enamoran al instante, se aman como nunca, el chico mete la pata (generalmente por una exnovia supermodelo, o algún secreto familiar), se separan, se deprimen porque no están juntos, vuelven, ¡felices para siempre!

¿Cuál es la gracia de hacer tantas historias iguales? Ganar dinero, obvio. Como pierdo la esperanza en la humanidad.
Profile Image for Jillian Dodd.
Author 121 books6,577 followers
August 12, 2012
Whooooo was this book hot!! I'm super excited that Abbi went out of YA and into contemporary romance with this book. Cage is too hot for PG!! This book was everything I want in a book. Heart tugging, steamy romance, and a dreamy guy!
Profile Image for Tee Loves Books.
945 reviews
August 1, 2012
Hooooooly moley, Abbi Glines has nearly left me speechless!!! I say nearly because I am actually going to write this review...despite the fact that sentences aren't forming as clearly in my head as they should be right now, thanks to a certain god-like steamy fantasy come true named Cage that I was just treated to!!
....................................*long, breathless, lightheaded sigh* ..........................

While It Lasts is the book I've been waiting for anxiously since I first heard that sexy beast named Cage was getting his own story! In Because of Low, he was constantly on my radar, and though I never wanted him with Low, I secretly fantasized about this guy the whole time I was reading her story. He's the sex-crazed, irresponsible bad boy that you never want your girlfriend to date because you know she'll be left in blissful content momentarily, only to have sheer heartbreak the next day. When Cage gets a DUI and sees his free ride to the local junior college going down the drain, he doesn't really have a choice when his coach offers him an out. He has to work his butt off on a farm for the summer (talk about character building!), or lose his chance at a better future. The decision is obvious, and Cage soon finds himself sweltering in the heat for hours on end at Wilson Brooks' farm. That wouldn't be so bad, if it weren't for the farmer's tempting and beautiful daughter Eva always being around. Having dealt with heartbreaking loss that left her broken and bitter, she's in no mood to deal with someone like Cage...or so she thinks. She soon realizes that playboy persona Cage puts on isn't really him deep down, and Eva finds herself more and more drawn to him as the weeks pass. The little stollen moments and sweet things she does for him were cute, and you can't help but cheer them on! These two had a lot of obstacles to overcome in order to be together, though, given Cage's rocky past, Eva's recent tragedy, and her family less than accepting of the bad boy she was falling for!

I loved Cage just as much as I did in Low, this guy is just the epitome of the bad boy who suddenly realizes there is a girl for him! He is sexy as all get-out, and I loved seeing the sweet side of him with Eva. And getting to see his POV, as always is the case with Abbi's work, was just a delish treat!!!!! Good god, the thoughts that run through this boys head!!!! *bites knuckles, fans self, douses head with icy water* I was concerned at first that he was coming across a lot like a cross between Sawyer and Beau, which I didn't want because I don't see him as either of these guys. The more I saw of him, though, the more differences and personality traits unique to him came out, so it worked itself out. =) And Eva, my heart just broke for her!! The prologue was so incredibly sad, and she was such a lost soul for so much of the book. Cage really brought her to life and made her a new person, and it was really sweet and sexy all at once!! I was actually very surprised at how far this book went (in a VERY good way); with the VB series we got to see a little bit of Abbi Glines' steamy writing, but HOLY CRAP she just blew this one out of the water!!! These two had so many scenes that had my heart about to race out of my chest, I felt like I'd gotten a full hour of cardio in for the day!! I just loved that she took the risk and went there with these characters, because she definitely knows what she's doing and it absolutely worked wonders in this story!!!

The plot for this story was well thought-out; I liked seeing more of Cage's lifestyle outside of Low, and I actually really liked that the storyline was simple. It didn't need shocking twists or narcissistic antagonists to keep me hooked, it was just a great romance. I was sitting on the edge of my seat many times, and of course there was some serious heartbreak for both characters. I love the way Abbi rips your heart out and then smashes it back in your chest with a pulse-racing moment that takes your breath away!
Profile Image for Alexis *Reality Bites*.
757 reviews3,664 followers
August 22, 2012
Spoiler Free Review
4 STARS out of 5
Genre: New Adult Contemporary Romance
Series: Book #5 in Sea Breeze series

"You touched something you had no business touching, boy. She ain't one of your little sluts. She's a good girl who had one helluva year. I ought to put a bullet through your head and bury you in the yard,"
Hahahahahaha! Dad was not playin any games when it came to his babygirl. Besides who can blame him if you read the previous book Because of Low then you know how much of a man whore Cage is. Cage has never been one to stick around the morning after his sexual quest. Oh no, he is out the door and on to the next one. But not this time, this time is different. This time with this girl he knows he is in it for the long haul. So why the FRICK does he leave?!?

Character Introductions
->When Cage York gets in trouble with the law and is slapped with a DUI his coach decides to put him to work over the summer at his brothers farm. Left with no other choice Cage is off to the country.
->Eva Brooks recently had her world shattered when the love of her life Josh was killed in Baghdad. Now left picking up the peices of her life she finds comfort in the friendship to the only other person she believes feels her level of pain. Jeremy, Josh's twin brother.

When Eva first encounters Cage she gives him her ass to kiss. Slowly his charm gets the best of her and she stops fighting the attraction. She gives in to temptation knowing that Cage is a player and can charm just about any girl out of her panties. And charming Eva out of her panties is exactly what he does.

Not sure who thought to classify this as YA, there was nothing YA about it. This is not something you read in YA. Examples below

'His finger slowly eased out and back in and I thought I was going to die from pleasure.' -Eva's inner monologue

"Your so wet. So hot." -Cage

"I want inside Eva. I want inside so damn bad." -Cage

" Oh, God Eva," he groaned as he slid slowly out then back inside.

Ummmmmmm, yeah, so not so much YA if you catch my drift. Not that i mind in the least i like my YA with a little spice but all the sliding and thrusting caught me a little off guard.
Anywho, i read this whole series just to get to this book i am not a huge Abbi Glines fan however this series has won me over i am excited that Cage and Eva will soon get another book. Yes, book #5 is their next book so i am super hype about this revelation! While it last was very steamy and had alot of laugh out loud moments. We get to see some of our fave characters in the series like Marcus, Low and Preston. Ok so maybe these are my fave characters.lol! Preston's book is next and i can't wait. Am i the only one who noticed he has a thing for Amanda, Marcus's little sister?!? Hmmmmmmm....
I recommend this to all YA Romance lovers over the age of 17!

Now go forth and read. Then come tell us all about it on Goodreads!
My Ratings
Characters- Lovable
Writing Style- Good
Plot/Storline- Good
Steam Factor- High/Very Steamy
Overall- I totally loved it!!!
Profile Image for Madison.
184 reviews87 followers
August 6, 2012
Check out this and other reviews at Madison Says.

Absolutely loved it. Can't even review it yet but it was just ridiculous. I thought I was obsessed with the Vincent Brothers, but Cage just blew them outta the damn water!

UPDATE 8/4/12 :: ok, now that I've had a few days outside While It Lasts and have read a few other books, I feel like it's still safe to say that I ABSOLUTELY LOVED THIS BOOK. LIKE CAN'T HANDLE HOW YUMMY CAGE IS. I'll probably go back and read this many times - just for his deliciousness alone. Honestly, I have loved all of Abbi's books so far, but this was certainly my favorite. I think it definitely has some to do with the fact that it is her most "adult" book, and I loved that. Girl knows how to write adult romance. That's for sure. Smoking. Hot.

I loved Cage in Because of Low. I know a lot of people thought he was just a gross, womanizing ass, but I couldn't wait for his story, because I knew there was more to this dude than he let on. I mean, look at how he took care of Low all those years, never pushing her for more, and just being there for her. That's love. And then, he gets himself a DUI, which threatens his college education and placement on the baseball team, and he lands on a farm - in the boonies - for the summer. Now, doing manual labor like that isn't something he's used to, and add into that the firecracker farmer's daughter who wants nothing to do with him - Cage is definitely out of his element. Especially when he finds himself falling in love with said firecracker...who he's supposed to stay away from.

Cage and Eva's love story is so great because it overcomes so much. Eva's dealt with a major heartbreak - more than any 20 year old should endure (which by the way, had me crying during the first 3 pages) and Cage just doesn't know how to actually handle the fact that he's in love with her. Mix all that drama with some steaminess and you have yourself one hell of a fantastic Abbi Glines novel.

I give this book 5 stars and will recommend to everyone, including random old women at the grocery store. I cannot wait for Preston's story, but am still secretly wishing for more Cage and Eva (and while I'm at it, more Ashton, Beau, Sawyer and Lana, because let's face it, that's how I fell in love with Ms. Glines in the first place..yeah, that's right...love). If you haven't read this yet, you should do so, now, but keep in mind that chances are your pulse will race, you'll breath heavier than normal, and you'll more than likely need a cold shower - multiple times.
Profile Image for Bethany.
498 reviews84 followers
August 10, 2013

This book is just as good the second time around and Cage is still sexy as hell.

I never thought I would really like Cage, but after reading White it Lasts I fell in love with him. Abbi really knocked it out of the park with this one and even turned up the heat. I loved it so much! There isn't a book out there of Abbi's that I haven't loved and this one is right up there with the rest.
Profile Image for Autumn Review.
1,023 reviews529 followers
July 27, 2012
It's no surprise that I loved this book. I'm a huge Abbi Glines fan, but that aside, I was really excited about getting inside Cage's head. Mission accomplished! I absolutely knew that Cage was going to be special. I remember sending Abbi a note while I read Because of Low asking (begging) if there would be a story about Cage. I think Cage crept into my heart at that point and held on tight. I was dying to see what kind of girl could get into his heart (besides me). Immediately, I knew Eva had what it took to make that happen.

Within the first few pages of the book I was in tears. However, that quickly changed once Cage entered the scene in chapter one. He's cocky, sarcastic, and oozes sex appeal. Eva is not impressed in the slightest. See...Eva has had a very different life than Cage. She's confident in herself, feels loved, and has a clear plan for her life. Unfortunately, she's had to alter that plan because of Josh's death and she certainly doesn't want someone like Cage York to interfere in her life. As time goes by, she can't fight her attraction to him and Eva learns that there is more to Cage than just a pretty face.

I loved seeing Cage's heart warm up to the possibility of trusting someone to love him. Also, allowing himself to love someone truly. He's had a tough childhood and the only one he had to count on was Low. He protected himself by jumping into bed with anyone to fill a void. I think that he knew right away that Eva was going to be different. She wasn't a game to him. As much as I loved seeing him fall in love, I was still happy to see that Cage's humor and some of the sexy cockiness wasn't lost. Man...that boy has some good lines and some good moves. *sighs*

I just want to briefly mention that I was really happy to see Low again. I hadn't realized how much I had missed her until she showed up. Of course, I loved seeing a little snippet of Marcus too, even though it was brief. What I would like to see, (crosses fingers) is a story with AMANDA (Marcus' sister)! Agree???

Overall, While It Lasts, was everything I had hoped for and more. There were times I wanted to yell at Eva and smack Cage upside the head. There were times I needed to catch my breath from all the steam. There were tears, laughter, and full out swoon. AND, I absolutely adored the ending! One of the things I appreciate the most about Abbi's stories is that they aren't wrapped up in a nice little package. Her characters have to work for their love. While the situations are more dramatic, it makes it seem more realistic to me. Ultimately though, her characters find their happy ending.

If you are a fan of a great love story, sexy guys, and strong females, then you must check out the Sea Breeze Series!
Profile Image for Laura.
1,463 reviews245 followers
August 8, 2012
3.5 Stars

You should probably know up front that the hot, lost, and difficult men that usually end up crushing my heart like a bug are my type of guys in real life. I know, I know—but I fall every time. Sooooo....

Cage York is my type of guy! Man whoring ways and all! :D

Our man-whore hero is sent off to the farm for physical-shirtless labor due to a DUI charge. To keep his baseball scholarship, Cage must behave and work on a farm for the summer, but behaving means NO playing with the farmer’s daughter. *points finger at Cage* Eva, a farmer’s daughter with an inner bad girl mode, is sheltered and emotionally shut down due to pain and loss of her own. The last thing she wants is to fall for the bad boy. *coughs* Yeah right. Can Cage keep his hands off? Can Eva really resist the delectable Cage York? These two clash and spark causing the summer to heat up with off the chart hotness! Can Cage and Eva handle the heat? Hell, can we?

I love an Abbi Glines world. Her slow, hot, sexy summer days seep into my heart and soul. Cage had me swooning pretty much every time he opened his mouth to speak, lick, and oh-so much more. :)

”I wanted to be the one to hold up while you cried and dealt with the coming change. But you wouldn’t let me in. I’ve never wanted in, Eva. Not until you.”

Cage’s pull and attraction was more than his wicked “just-this-side-of-dirty” charm and looks though. At times, Cage made my chest ache. The insecurities under all that swagger broke my heart. Readers heard the pain from his point of view, but I never felt like he shared it with Eva. Even when Cage introduced Eva to his world and opened up in ways he never had before, they really just dealt with his reputation. His bad-boy ways were center stage. I never felt like these two talked and shared their real pasts and pain under their images and reputations. The chemistry and heat were there on the page. Boy o’boy was it there! But for me, the banter, flirting, and emotional punch to the heart were missing between Cage and Eva. Hell—Eva started off with attitude, but it never built or showed itself again after their first meeting. The tension and foreplay turned into a lot of staring out the window and dropping invisible fairy gifts off for Cage when he wasn’t around. That kind of silent flirting and action did not work for me in building a relationship. Cage stole my heart, but as a couple, the love affair did not sweep me off my feet. Lots of sexy fun though!

That said--I had fun here with Cage and Eva on the farm. A world filled with heat, skinny dipping, lemonade, need, lust, and perhaps much more. A hot summer read that I would recommend for any Glines fan.

Profile Image for Jen .
807 reviews610 followers
January 4, 2014
I ended up enjoying this one more than I thought I might. I'm not going to write much until I let this one process a little more. One thing screamed out at me as I was reading this, though. Eva reminded me ALOT of Ashton from the Vincent Boys/Bros and Cage seemed like almost a knockoff of Beau, sometimes to the point of distraction for me. Ashton and Eva are both innocents who experienced long term relationships with stable, good boys without managing to give away their V cards. Both have families that expect them to end up with a certain type of guy and they're expected not to deviate from that path. Beau and Cage are both studly athletes from the proverbial wrong side of the tracks with their fair share of female experience. Both man boys harbor deep seeded beliefs that they're just not good enough for the lovely ladies they've fallen for, especially in comparison to the good boys these gals have loved in the past.

Were the two stories exactly the same? No, but similar enough for me to notice as I was reading While It Lasts. Regardless of that, it's still a solid 3 stars because I had a good time reading it and didn't end up feeling like I wasted my time. I hate when that happens.
Profile Image for Joanna.
752 reviews24 followers
February 14, 2016
If you want me to compare this book to all the other Sea Breeze books, i am so begging you not to let me do that. Please?

The book was ok. Maybe i was just expecting a lot from it. Don't get me wrong I was entertained, i got teary-eyed in some parts, especially the prologue. But... I somehow find it lacking. Or something...

Eva's pain has got to really hurt so much. I mean she just lost the person she loved for 18 years. There were promises that she hoped to have someday. Yet all those promises were broken because of the lost love. That just effin sucks man! Yep she was scared to move on because it's like disrespecting or being unfaithful to Josh but we all know life has to go on. She knew that, of course, she just couldn't handle it yet.

"She always had Josh. He was her best friend, her protector and he made he
Of course because of this Jeremy, Josh's twin brother is trapped with her."

---of course because of her sorrow, Jeremy was hurting along with her and trapped. You can't blame the guy for feeling responsible and guilty for not watching out for his precious brother's fiancé.

"I’d worried that letting her get too close would break me. Unfortunately, I’d worried about that a little too late. Because I was broken."

Of course, there enters our bad boy.
He's actually charming and a flirt and just damn gorgeous. I never expected him to go crumbling down in front of a girl. Well, guess what. This is his moment! He's afraid to be rejected by the girl who means so much to him. Yes he's used to rejection all his life but that doesn't mean it can't hurt him. In fact, it's what's breaking him.

"Getting attached to Cage was bad. He had been the key to my healing. He’d forced me to get over things. No one had pushed me before him. I’d always cherish him for that."

--- Eva's feelings for Cage is new to her. She's feeling the intensity of what and how it is to love someone and making the right decisions. She never experienced this with Josh and it's kinda scary for her. Cage may have a lot of experiences with women but he never experienced falling in love with someone hard. That makes him and Eva equal. They have to start from what they know. Eva was able to experienced being loved the same way she loved a person while Cage never had that before. You know that part when Eva was saying that Cage has more experience than she is? That's just for sexual and physical stuff. Funny thing is Cage is inexperienced in falling hard for someone.

This is self pity:

"Girls like Eva didn’t want to keep me. They wanted to play with me for a while and then go find the boy their parents would approve of. I wasn’t the keeping kind."

--- now that's just self pity and not having confidence! Other than rejection, self pity is another one of our bitches in life. I pity Cage for this. I can't blame him because he lived his life like that. Knowing that he wasn't the keeping kind. It was like a slap in the face to know that the girl you love doesn't want you.

Like i said, not enough drama for me. It was just like that. I was like "oh hey, wait. That's it?"
Yeah oh man. I was so ready to cry really hard!

Anyway, even though it wasn't enough for me. I enjoyed other parts!
Eva singing that song in the bar declaring her love for Cage! Dude! So freakin awesome!!! I was really happy about that.
Also when Cage has heard the first time that Eva played the guitar and singing in his apartment. Moment alert! :)

I think i am not making sense, i am so sleepy right now.

This is a quote from that bassist dude, made me laugh so effin much!:

“Fuck man, do you know how many girls I’ve met that don’t even know what the hell a bassist is? NONE! Fucking NONE! Where’d you get her? I want one too.”

All in all. It was good.

I can't stop thinking about this book!
"I really miss your hair in my face
And the way your innocence tastes
And I think you should know this
You deserve much better than me"

---- perfect line for Cage York! From the song Better Than Me by Hinder

What about some sexy sweet Cage line? Here:
"Crazy, girl, don’t you know that I love you?
And I wouldn’t dream of goin’ nowhere"
from the song Crazy Girl by Eli Young Band

Last Cage line that is making me melt? Here:
"I got a thing for you
And I think it's kinda crazy"
(Thing for You by Hinder)

What about Eva?
"You showed me something that I couldn't see
You opened my eyes and you made me believe
You lift my feet off the ground, spin me around
You make me crazier, crazier"

(Crazier by Taylor Swift)
Profile Image for La-Lionne.
484 reviews822 followers
January 4, 2014
(The review was written back in 2012, when I was a fangirl of Abbi Glines, so be kind ;-))

Talking about a good girl going bad. And bad she went. Good for her :).
This one was one of those (few) books that I just couldn't put it down.
I didn't knew what I was getting my self in to. When I read the plot I thought it's going to be a story about summer love, a lot of flirting, maybe some making out here and there and a lot of boy chasing after a girl. But it was so much more than that.

Let me just start by saying how many time I wished I could slap Cage across the face! What a filthy mouth he had. And to think that he was kissing Eva with it :). Panties, titties and getting some was all he thought about antil....
My palms were twitching every time he made inappropriate comment toward her. Don't get me wrong, I loved his character. But I just wished that he would have threatened her a little better. She had gone through a lot and she didn't need some one like him storming in to her life and messing with her head like that. And then it hit me. Everybody around her was handling her like she was made out of glass. Afraid to mention HIS name, which could trigger and bringing back memories and the feelings that comes with it. But then again, maybe he was exactly what she needed, someone real. Someone who would help her to snap out of it. It has been long enough.

But putting jokes aside. Losing a son, a lover, a friend, a brother or just someone you deeply care about is no laughing matter. I think that most of us can relate to that. We all deal with loss in our own way. And people that care about us always try to do their best to ease our pain and help us to move on. But sometimes, unintentionally, they just choose the wrong approach. And I think that that was exactly what happened in Eva's case. She needed someone to show her that there is life outside the pain, grief and what ifs. As brutal as it sounds, life does goes on, either you want it or not. It's what your choose to make of it that counts.

And from that point on I started to cheer for Eva. The hell with it. If looking at his ass makes you feel better so be it. At least you found something that makes you feel… something :).

As I was reading I was thinking about what an odd couple they would make. The whole "apposite attract" came in to my mind. But then, if you think about it, they weren't that different. They both had experienced loss in their lives. The first one have lost his childhood and the second one the love of her life. It's not quite the same but both of them are familiar with the feeling of emptiness, being left alone to figure things out on your own. The only difference is that they had different support systems, or lack thereof.
And then the song came in to my mind. I can't recall either name of it or the artist who sang it, but just few worlds which was in it:
"In order to find me I had to find you"
And I thought that it suited their relationship perfectly.
I have heard many times people say that strength comes from with in. And it's only up to us how we choose to live our life's. In some cases ( or maybe most of them) it's true. But In others... Sometimes you feel so lost, helpless and alone that you have no strength left to fight anymore or see no hope for the future. And then you meet people in your life that gives you a total 180. And it's like a feeling of lightbulb going off in your head "I never thought of it that way". In my case it was my teacher, long time ago.

Characters and situations they were in was very believable and realistic, and hit way too close to home than I expected to. Especially Cage's.
It made me very sad when I read:

"I wouldn't cry. I didn't cry. I also didn't fucking beg. I knew what it felt like to beg someone to want you. I'd been called a worthless piece of shit by my father from the time I was five. Then again by my mother when I was teenager rebelling because of the life I'd been handed. I decided long ago if I was worthless then I didn't have to live by anyone's fucking rules. I'd make my own."

And I say AMEN to that!!!

This one is my favorite book of this summer and in my opinion the best one from this author so far. Brilliantly written, hilarious and heartbreaking. Combination that is hard to find. It went to my top shelf with books such as Beautiful Disaster, Easy, Flat Out Love and Slammed. Which are my favorite books of this year.
Profile Image for Morgan.
521 reviews264 followers
August 2, 2012

***While it Lasts and my review for While it Lasts are intended for mature young adults***

I don't hand out 5 STARS often. I promise I haven't gotten soft with my ratings. While it Lasts was just that damn good!!! Well done, Ms. Glines.

I have enjoyed many books by Abbi Glines over the last year or so, but While it Lasts is hands down my new favorite. It was absofreakinlutely amazing!! Simply put, this book has everything that I look for in a contemporary romance novel. Flirty, witty banter. Check. Hot, sexy hook ups. Check. Check. Check. Romance. Check. Passion. Check. Heartbreaking discoveries. Check. Character growth. Check. Conflict and Drama. Check. While it Lasts was about as close to perfection as they come. I strongly recommend this novel!

Cage's character was first introduced in Because of Low, the "predecessor" to While it Lasts. In Because of Low, Cage was quickly labeled a womanizing bad boy because he lives by the motto: love 'em and leave 'em. Even though he was somewhat of a jerk in Because of Low, I had high hopes for Cage's story. I just knew that there was a softer, sweeter side to him that was covered up by his playboy ways. Needless to say, I had high expectations going into this novel, and While it Lasts surpassed all of them.

I loved both of the main characters in this novel. Cage is sex on a stick. Seriously! Not only that, but there was so much more to his character than we saw in Because of Low. Behind his yummy, charming exterior is a....wait for it.....wait for it.... a total sweetheart!!! He even has this vulnerable side to him that will melt your freaking heart! Girls, get ready to fall in love!

Eva is an extremely lovable character with a heartbreaking back story. Her character blossoms in this novel. She has a shy, sweet, innocent way about her, but she also has a feisty, flirty, fun side. It was extremely realistic and extremely touching to watch her character come to life. I love how Cage was the one who brought out her fun side. I think it said a lot about him and their relationship. :)

It normally takes a lot to make me bawl like a baby. I tear up all the time, but I rarely lose my stuff. Well, Ms. Glines had me bawling my eyes out on page five! I'm not kidding. I was sitting outside work, trying to get a few pages in on my lunch break, and the tears just started pouring down. That was a common thing for me throughout the novel. Not tears. Just overwhelming, uncontrollable emotion. Every scene in this novel elicited a powerful response from me. This book just made me feel. A lot.

I gave While it Lasts (Sea Breeze #3) by Abbi Glines 5 STARS (4.5 STARS). I STRONGLY RECOMMEND THIS NOVEL. It's a sweet and sexy story that you MUST READ! And, I'll definitely be re-reading it in the future!


Profile Image for Isamlq.
1,578 reviews703 followers
August 1, 2012
“I gotta admit your gallantry at attempting to save me from the big bad mean cows was noble in a moronic sort of way” <--- Therein lies the solitary golden moment for me. It's when I thought I was going to love WHILE IT LASTS. It's with a line like that I turned all hopeful, expectant even. I really thought this would have just the right mix of funny, dramatic, and sexy. (That maybe, just maybe, my moment of loving Vincent Brothers wasn’t a one time only.)

Sadly, it’s too much of the last two, with fewer and fewer instances of the first. What’s worse, having just read a similar story in Come See About Me, I found Eva's part in all this paling in comparison to Leah's. Needless to say, there was a lot of comparing going on, in the end Eva’s story offered little beyond sexy times with Cage.

And the sexy times? They were sexy indeed, but a girl’s got to have more, yes? Bad boy Cage is present off and on in this one… so not surprising are the suggestive bordering on raunchy talky talk here and there. Really, there’s nothing new there, but what’s actually surprising is how he added more to the drama. Between the two of them, with the disagreements and the misunderstandings and the cold shoulder treatment and the walking out... well, blergh, I say!

Moderation. That's what was missing. With it, I might have liked this more. But that moment when I was sure it lost me was her demonstrating her musical prowess. I wish... I really do wish that WIL had stuck to the hints of music. When first touched on, I felt like said aspect might have/could have become a major plus for me. Those early hints revealed little of what Eva had to offer. Sadly (again) I found that what would eventually be offered up to be too sappy-sweet for my taste. Forgive me, but I just cannot get over the corniness. Grand gestures are all well and good, but I just wish there was more subtlety in execution.

Too much of everything... I didn’t love this.

Profile Image for Anne OK.
3,803 reviews537 followers
August 3, 2012
The cover drew me to this book. After reading the book’s description, I was hooked. This is also my first book by this author. I didn’t regret it. Cage and Eva’s story begins with a heart-wrenching Prologue and ends with a heart-warming Epilogue. In between, there’s a sweet and spicy story that melts your heart. I would classify this story in the Mature Young Adult category.

Cage York is a wild and reckless young man. He’s never had a real family so he’s had to fend for himself. After making an unwise choice and an illegal one as well, Cage finds himself facing retribution in the form of farm labor for the summer. Otherwise, he loses his baseball scholarship and any hope for staying in school.

Eva Brooks is an only child and has been raised by her father on their farm. She’s a lovely young woman, musically talented and broken hearted. She’s not only lost her fiance’ but her lifelong best friend as well.

For both Cage and Eva, the summer is just beginning. The days and nights will be filled with hot and sizzling encounters, surprises neither expected, and healing for two broken spirits.

An all-around positive reading experience and one I truly enjoyed – enough that I want to backtrack and read more about Cage in the previous book in this series.
Profile Image for Jennifer.
374 reviews619 followers
June 30, 2013
This book brings out the country girl in me! And I didn’t even know I had one y'all! Lol!

Cage York is bad (and I like!). He is every woman’s wet dream. After getting into some trouble, his baseball coach sends him to do some hard labor at a farm. Ladies, this means he was shirtless and sweaty for most of this book.Hehehe.

Eva’s heart has been broken for a year and half after losing the love of her life. Nothing helps. She can’t move forward……until Cage. She cannot resist (no woman could!).

Cage and Eva’s story was sexy...and surprisingly touching. Eva’s character was strong, yet vulnerable, so we got to see the vulnerable side of Cage too. I loved every second of this book!

Some of my favorite quotes:

She was the “do not touch” toy.

The panties are always on my priority list.

Damn his pretty face.

Damn, she was sexy when she was saucy.
Profile Image for Syndi.
3,278 reviews956 followers
February 14, 2019
Well this book should be my Valentine reading. But its not really satisfy reading. Agaian I love the Rosemary Beach series. But Sea Breeze is disappointment. The characters and story is too juvenile. I mean look at Eva. She can not even explain to Cage that her fiance is dead. But then she ends up drunk and who she throws herself into? Cage.

And Cage is also very dumb. Knowing his sordid history, he took Eva to the club and introduce her to his friends and telling her about his sexual past. Its just dumb move. The chemistry between the character is also dry. Really dry. The flirting is dry.

2 stars
Displaying 1 - 30 of 2,431 reviews

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