Lynn Kelling's Blog

April 25, 2024


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Published on April 25, 2024 01:00

July 12, 2021

How to Purchase Digital Copies of My Books

For anyone interested in purchasing digital copies of any of my novels or short stories, please send me a quick email at this address with what books you’re looking for and in what format (mobi, epub or pdf). I am usually available for prompt, same-day replies* and am always thrilled to connect readers with my books! Please don’t worry that you’re bothering me or that I’m too busy. I’d love to hear from you!

You will not find my books on Amazon, as they have been pulled for copyright infringe...

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Published on July 12, 2021 13:46

August 30, 2020

Important Message

TO MY READERS: Please don’t purchase my books. I have not been paid royalties by my publisher (Enspire Publishing aka Fantastic Fiction Publishing aka Forbidden Fiction) since 2017. They have stopped replying to all attempts at communication. They have relocated without a forwarding address. They have been actively stealing from all of their authors. I am demanding my book rights be returned to me as they are in violation of all contracts on my work with them.

I am working to legally resolve thi...

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Published on August 30, 2020 06:59

August 4, 2019

Yes, I’m still alive! Huzzah

Hey everyone,

I hope you’re all doing well. This is my first post in a while as I’d stepped away from social media and this blog for my mental health. I’ve gotten enough emails to know it was time to share some of what’s been going on. Forbidden Fiction / Enspire Publishing has stopped communicating with me and many other (all?) of their authors. They have not paid me. They’re in breach of contract on a manuscript of mine, for failing to complete edits or publish the story in the agreed upon...

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Published on August 04, 2019 08:19

May 9, 2018

Hush – Recommended Read + 5 Star Review

Hush_CvrSMALLHey y’all! I’m excited to share that Hush was included as a Recommended Read for April over at Gay Book Reviews. Stop by to see the review from Ele and the entire list of fabulous books�� 

There’s also a new 5 STAR REVIEW for Hush just posted at On Top Down Under Book Reviews from the illustrious Kazza K.

“This book. Wow! Just wow! Lynn Kelling floors it with this story and these men. There is so much unbridled passion and emotion, so much push-pull. I loved it. It’s 398 pages of riveting read...

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Published on May 09, 2018 14:40

April 20, 2018

Hush Blog Tour Final Day: Adam interviews Oliver + Exclusive Excerpt + Giveaway

Hush_BlogTourFFPThe final, delectable offerings of the Hush Blog Tour are some of my favorites… At Gay Book Reviews, Adam is interviewing Oliver, with some bonus commentary by Jackson. And at Love Bytes Reviews we have an Exclusive Excerpt from the novel! Don’t forget to enter the giveaway before it’s too late!

Thank you so much to Gay Book Reviews & Love Bytes Reviews, and ALL of the blogs who were so very kind as to join in on the fun this week!! It’s been a pleasure to introduce you all to this story and...

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Published on April 20, 2018 12:31

April 19, 2018

Hush Blog Tour Day 5: Embracing Open Relationships + Giveaway

Hush_BlogTourFFPFor those who haven’t yet seen the Author’s Notes in Hush, there’s a shout-out to Jay at Joyfully Jay Reviews, where I’m stopping by on Day 5 of the tour. Jay was one of the first to give me the nudge to explore the relationship between Rune, Oliver & Jackson more deeply. Part of the reason for my intrigue into their story was the open-relationship aspect, since no one in Hush is monogamous (though all relationship boundaries are respected and communication is a priority). Read more about it...

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Published on April 19, 2018 12:39

April 18, 2018

Hush Blog Tour Day 4: Jackson/Oliver Interview + Taking on Hate Groups + Quadruple Review + Giveaway

Hush_BlogTourFFPOn Hush Blog Tour Day 4, we have a packed schedule with a guest post about taking on hate groups at On Top Down Under Book Reviews, and a character interview with Jackson and Oliver at Wicked Reads. Don’t forget to enter the ebook giveaway while you’re over there!

I’m astonished and so grateful to see Hush has a quadruple review over at Wicked Reads with 5 & 4 Star reviews:

~* 5 Stars from Ruthie at Wicked Reads *~

“This was an exceptional read… It will stick with me for a long time as a real...

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Published on April 18, 2018 14:06

April 17, 2018

Hush Blog Tour Day 3: Release Day + Rune Interview + Review + Giveaway

Hush_BlogTourFFPBecause the guys in this story are so much fun, I’ve got 3 different character interviews lined up as part of the Hush Blog Tour. An exclusive  interview with Rune is posted right now over at Sinfully Gay Romance Book Reviews. Rune and I sat down to have a virtual chat at the Born Soldier’s headquarters. Head on over to see what he had to say, and don’t forget to enter the ebook giveaway while you’re there!

Later this week, we’ll have an interview with Jackson and Oliver, then we’ll have Adam...

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Published on April 17, 2018 13:58

April 16, 2018

Hush Blog Tour Day 2: Exclusive Excerpt + Reviews + Giveaway

Hush_BlogTourFFPTo get your first taste of Hush, run right over to Kimmers’ Erotic Book Banter to read an EXCLUSIVE EXCERPT from the book! Don’t forget to enter the ebook giveaway while you’re there!

I’m also thrilled to share links to some new Pre-Release Reviews of Hush, including Trio’s 5 Heart review:

“Hush has all the things I love most about Lynn Kelling’s writing: the way she explores the psyche of her characters, the intense and beautifully written BDSM scenes, and the social commentary with a hopefu...

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Published on April 16, 2018 12:43