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Vesuvius Challenge Segment Browser

An unofficial web app to browse segments of the Vesuvius Challenge in a convenient way.

The segment viewer is powered by openseadragon. The backend component powered by Apache Pekko HTTP.


  • Browse segments of the Vesuvius Challenge
  • View segment overview with area covered and masks
  • Link to the current view of a segment
  • Keyboard navigation


A public version of the app is hosted at To access it you will need to fill out the official registration form and use the same credentials as for the Vesuvius Challenge data server.


Run with docker

Build the docker container:

docker build .

Run with

docker run -p 8089:8089 -v <data dir>:/data -e APP_HOST= -e APP_DATA_USERNAME=<official data server username> -e APP_DATA_PASSWORD=<official data server password> <image id>

Run with sbt

Install sbt or use the included script sbt to run the app.


reStart ---<official data server username><official data server password>

to start the server in the background.

Visit http://localhost:8089/ to access the app.

Data License

Accessing the data on or through this app requires you to fill out the official form and agree to the terms of the data license. See


Code released under the MPL 2.0. See LICENSE for the full license text.