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Special relief from the deposit requirements for registration. (cont'd)
Special relief: in general. (Cont'd)

deposited where two are not needed, and so that reasonable adjustments can be made to meet practical needs in special cases." See H.R. Rep. No. 94-1476, 94th Cong., 2d Sess. at 151 (1976), and S. Rep. No. 94-473, 94th Cong., 1st Sess. at 134 (1975).

Special relief: criteria. The decision whether to grant special relief is based on the acquisi­tion policies of the Library of Congress in force at the time the request is made and the examining and archival requirements of the Copyright Office.
Special relief: procedures. The procedures for special relief are the following.
Required elements of request. Requests for special relief must be made in writing to the Chief, Examining Division, Copyright Office. The request must be signed by or on behalf of the person signing the application for regis­tration. The request must set forth the specific reasons that it should be granted. Examples include unavailability of the re­quired deposit, financial burden, confiden­tiality, rarity, fragility, and weight. The request should also state the form of relief desired, e.g., permission to deposit one copy or phonorecord rather than two, permission to deposit alternative identifying material rather than one or two copies or phono­records, permission to deposit incomplete copies or phonorecords rather than those normally constituting the best edition, or (for works first published before 1978) permission to deposit a later printing or edition rather than the work as first pub­lished.
Responsibility for decision. The decision to grant or deny special relief is made by the Chief of the Examining Division after con­sultation with the Chief of the Acquisitions and Processing Division of the Copyright Office.