DC Database

"The Trial of Ontiir": Ontiir, at his trial, pleads guilty to infiltrating Earth on behalf of the Dark Circle, as he was ordered--by, he claims, the Science Police. When Chief Zendak of the SP denies that claim, Ontiir signals a Dark Circle ship to pick him up, which it does, coming right throu

Quote1 Blok, you're an old softie! Besides, don't be embarrassed. I thought you were cute. You go back to your your dusty history tapes, and I won't tell a soul... you sentimental old stone-face, you! Quote2
— Phantom Girl

Legion of Super-Heroes (Volume 2) #314 is an issue of the series Legion of Super-Heroes (Volume 2) with a cover date of August, 1984. It was published on May 31, 1984.

Synopsis for "The Trial of Ontiir"

Ontiir, at his trial, pleads guilty to infiltrating Earth on behalf of the Dark Circle, as he was ordered--by, he claims, the Science Police. When Chief Zendak of the SP denies that claim, Ontiir signals a Dark Circle ship to pick him up, which it does, coming right through the side of the planet. The Legionnaires on duty rescue the jury, spectators, guards, and judge, but cannot stop Ontiir's escape. Supergirl, Sun Boy, and Brainiac 5 take off to bring him back. Later, Ontiir tells the Dark Circle members that he is really a double agent working for them, and they do not know what to make of him, either. Finally, on Earth, Invisible Kid II visits Invisible Kid I, who repeats that he doesn't want to join the Legion again. The original Kid is addicted to watching computer-simulations of his "death" at the hands of Validus.

Appearing in "The Trial of Ontiir"

Featured Characters:

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Synopsis for "A Witch Shall Be Born"

Blok views a history tape in which White Witch tells of how she was born without psychic powers on Naltor, planet of clairvoyants, and how, after her mother's death, she opted to go to the Sorcerers' World to hone her mystic talents.

Appearing in "A Witch Shall Be Born"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:





  • Marvel character, Thor, can be seen at Ontiir's trial (page 2, bottom right).

See Also

Links and References
