DC Database

Natives of the planet are noted for their ability of precognition, providing them with glimpses of the future. Some Naltorians are without this ability, known as being "future blind" on Naltor. Mysa Nal is one of these Naltorians, which is what led her to study magic instead. Due to their precogniti

Quote1 Most sophisticated and richest planet of its quadrant, almost all its inhabitants have some degree of predictive ability. Quote2
—Encyclopaedia Galacticasrc

Naltor is the home planet of Legion of Super-Heroes members Dream Girl, and her sister White Witch.


Natives of the planet are noted for their ability of precognition, providing them with glimpses of the future. Some Naltorians are without this ability, known as being "future blind" on Naltor. Mysa Nal is one of these Naltorians, which is what led her to study magic instead. Due to their precognitive abilities, it was implied that Naltor was a highly affluent planet, running an effective stock market and known for its investment banking sector amongst the other United Planets.

The planet is ruled by a High Seer, who has extensive abilities in this regard. The current High Seer is Beren Kah.


Pre-Zero Hour

Post-Zero Hour



  • During the Five Years Later period of Legion history, Nura Nal left the Legion to succeed Beren as the High Seer, but this has become apocryphal.
  • Naltor is home to the Naltor Dreamers, a popular Moopsball team. It is also known for being a matriarchal planet.
  • There are (supposedly) no family surnames on Naltor. This is why brothers Kenz Nuhor and Yark Althu do not share a surname.[1]

See Also

Links and References

Wikipedia This page uses content from Wikipedia. The original article was at Naltor. The list of authors can be seen in the page history. The text of Wikipedia is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.