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Surrounded by War Wheels, Wonder Woman quickly takes action by taking off the outer casing of the communicator and bundling Steve and Ernst in a mattress shortly before the War Wheels began firing on the prison. Among the rubble, the soldiers discovered the communicator's casing and inform their supThe Savage Time, Part III is an episode of season 1 of Justice League. It premiered on November 9, 2002.

Synopsis for "The Savage Time, Part III"

Surrounded by War Wheels, Wonder Woman quickly takes action by taking off the outer casing of the communicator and bundling Steve and Ernst in a mattress shortly before the War Wheels began firing on the prison. Among the rubble, the soldiers discovered the communicator's casing and inform their superiors that the communicator to be destroyed, allowing Vandal Savage to proceed with the invasion, "Operation Endgame". After the soldiers left, Wonder Woman, Steve, and Ernst safely emerges from the rubble and continue with their goal of decoding the communicator.

Hawkgirl, Flash, Superman, and the Blackhawks destroy the German factory in which Superman and Hawkgirl neutralized the anti-aircraft guns while Flash helped in evacuating the workers. In the ruins, the Leaguers reunites with J'onn and finds an jet engine, another one of Savage's technology.

Ernst finish decoding the communicator, and intercepts the invasion signal. He reveals that Vandal's invasion force is not heading directly for Britain, but America. Wonder Woman prepares to leave, but Steve ask her if he will ever see her again. She responds by kissing him.

Easy Company and Green Lantern find the airfield hidden under an artificial hill, where Savage's fleet of enormous jet aircraft are preparing to take part in the invasion. Savage is there to command the invasion force. Easy Company attack, forcing Savage to having the jets to quickly take off. Green Lantern makes a daring move in boarding Savage's flagship while the rest of Easy Company manage to prevent some of the planes from taking off.

Word of the invasion soon reaches the Blackhawk Squadron, who informs this to the League. Flash runs across the Atlantic Ocean to warn American naval forces while the League flies off to stop the invasion force.

Green Lantern sabotages Savage's flagship, causing it to lose radio contact and slowing down. Without contact from Savage, the rest of the invasion force also slow down. Lantern is subsequently captured and brought before Savage, who begins to torture Lantern with an electric gauntlet. But the invasion force is attacked by the League, who are then reunited with Wonder Woman. The heroes are able to down or disable several of the planes before Savage finally repair communication with the other planes, ordering them to move on ahead of him; the surviving planes accelerate and outpacing the League. However, the invasion forces is intercept into anti-aircraft fire from U.S. Navy ships, warned by the Flash.

As Savage's crew are distracted, Green Lantern overpowers his guards and destroying the flagship's control panels, causing the aircraft to veer into the ocean. Just as he struggles with Savage, J'onn detects Lantern's presence. Hawkgirl flies into the flagship by smashing into the bridge's windows and lifting Lantern out, moments before it crashes into the ocean and taking along with Savage. The remains of the invasion force, having taken heavy losses and without Savage, retreat, but only to be finally decimated by the Blackhawk Squadron.

The German High Command in Berlin receive news of Savage's death and the failure of Operation Endgame. As a result, one of Savage's most vocal critic, General Hoffman, reinstate Adolf Hitler as their leader.

The Justice League returns to the present and finding Batman (in his regular non-militarized attire) awaiting them, proving that their efforts have restored the present and preventing Savage's victory from happening. After a confused Batman is hugged by Superman, the League begins telling him of their adventures in the past while Wonder Woman becomes concern of the fate of Steve Trevor. Wonder Woman visit a retirement home and finds a now elderly Steve, who still fondly remembers her as "angel."

Appearing in "The Savage Time, Part III"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:







  • Originally aired on November 11th, 2002 as an hour and a half television movie.


  • No trivia.

See Also

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