BP Dev-Chat Summary August 28, 2024

BuddyPress 14.1.0: Release Schedule

We set a date to release BuddyPress 14.1.0. September 4th, 2024. This is a minor release with two bug fixes and one enhancement.

New BuddyPress Standalone Theme – Upcoming Call

We have a day and time scheduled for a group call about the new BuddyPress standalone theme for buddypress.org. The last piece missing before the call was an agenda. @vapvarun suggested a pretty detailed one, of what we need to get out of the call with:

  1. Theme Selection
    • Use an existing theme for quick implementation.
    • Consider creating a custom theme for a unique design.
  2. Timeframe
    • Existing Theme: 2-3 weeks.
    • Custom Theme: 8-10 weeks.
  3. Team Involvement: 1-2 people will work on design, development, and content.
  4. Dependencies
    • Ensure compatibility with BuddyPress plugins and custom functionalities.
    • Check for shared resources that might impact bbPress.org.
  5. Impact on bbPress.org

15.0.0 Milestone Updates

  1. V2 – REST API: ticket identified as a priority since it is blocking other REST API related tickets for this milestone.
  2. Import/Export of all BuddyPress user data: @vapvarun has made good progress. There was some discussion about what sort of export/import tool is being built.
  3. Revamped Site (Wide) Notices
  4. Update WordPress and PHP Version Requirements: We are raising the minimum requirements to WordPress 6.4 and PHP 7.0.
  5. WPCS Improvements: @espellcaste is going to try to fix WPCS styling issues in bulk. But asked for at least one code review for the pull request.
  6. Notification Cleanup: @espellcaste asked for a second opinion on a proposed approach for cleaning read notifications.

Other Developments

📆 Next Dev-Chat Agenda

It will happen on Wednesday September 11, 2024 at 18:00 UTC in #BuddyPress.

#15-0-0, #dev-chat, #summary

BP Dev-Chat Summary June 19, 2024

⏳ BuddyPress 14.0.0

2 tickets were needing attention:

  • #8319 was reopened due to an issue with the BP Default theme: the way we are filtering current_theme_supports-buddypress needs some extra checks to avoid PHP warnings. The goal of this improvement is to let BP standalone theme developers opt-in for BuddyPress support globally using add_theme_support( 'buddypress' ) as well as for future specific component features using bp_current_theme_supports( array( 'activity' => 'block-editor' ) ) for instance. A patch has been added and will be committed shortly.
  • #9187 is a last minute improvement to bring back custom locations for language files. Thanks to it users will be able to fully customize all BuddyPress texts to match their community needs (eg: using “teams” instead of “groups” etc..) without fearing their language files to be updated with the regular BuddyPress ones. A patch enjoying WordPress 6.5 l10n improvements is ready to be committed.

Working on BuddyPress documentation is helping us finding bugs or potential improvements: #9187 can thank this PR being reviewed, @emaralive found a regression introduced in 12.4.1 as well as an issue with the BP Opt-outs tools screen options.

We’ve decided to set Beta2 release date to June 24 (next monday). If you haven’t tested Beta1 yet, please be our guests!

14.0.0 updated schedule

  • June 13: 14.0.0-beta1 ✅.
  • June 24: 14.0.0-beta2
  • July 8: 14.0.0.

Open floor

  • 12.6.0 milestone is there in case we’re releasing 14.0.0 after WordPress 6.6 is released. Main goal is to preserve the Notification WP Admin bar “bubble” position since 6.6 has made some changes into this area lately (See #9182).
  • We talked about the BuddyPress.org site’s new theme project (see #9193). The simpler the better (@emaralive).
  • @johnjamesjacoby reminded us that when we were batch closing all buddypress.org issues, we are effectively also closing them for bbPress.org, because they share a common codebase 😬.
  • WCEU 2024 was great! @vapvarun went there, met with Matt and with other great developers that may get involved into BuddyPress. The more we are the better (@im4th).

Next Dev-Chat

It will happen on Wednesday July 3, 2024 at 19:00 UTC in #BuddyPress.

#14-0-0, #dev-chat, #summary

BP Docs-Chat Summary March 28, 2024

BP Documentation tracker stats

  • BP Codex contains 271 pages.
  • 279 total tasks were created (migrate + ignore + add + update).
  • 267 tasks related to the pages reviewed were created (migrate + ignore).
  • 43 Open | 15 Closed « migrate » tasks.
  • 0 Open | 209 Closed « ignore » tasks.
  • 5 Open | 4 closed « add » tasks.
  • 2 Open | 1 closed « update » tasks.
  • Approximately 82% of 279 tasks have been reviewed (229 / 279).

Multisite and Multiblog Testing:

@vapvarun is testing multisite cases to prepare new screenshots and documents. Discussion on issues and complexities related to multiblog setup, including configuration and potential bugs.

Object Cache Testing:

@espellcaste mentioned limited testing against plugins like Redis and plans to set up CI for testing against Memcache. #9076

CSS Issues and Tickets:

Identified CSS issues with the “hello” screen and other areas. Discussion on related tickets and ongoing efforts to resolve them. @emaralive tasked with investigating a specific #9111 ticket related to BP Hello menu. Discussion on focusing documentation efforts on multiblog configurations for BuddyPress.

Multiblog Feature:

@vapvarun working on documenting various multiblog configurations and use cases. Consensus to deprecate multiblog due to low usage and maintenance challenges.

@imath suggest to consideration of deprecating multiblog feature. @patriciab mentioned using multiblog for multilingual communities where each subsite represents a different language. @imath reassured that deprecation is not happening soon and emphasized the need to preserve backward compatibility.

Participants discussed the use cases and challenges of the multiblog feature, as well as potential implications of deprecation. Plans were made for further discussions and a demo of the multilingual community site.

Next Docs-Chat

It will happen on April 10, 2024 at 19:00 UTC in #BuddyPress.

BP Docs-Chat summary: September 6, 2023

Here’s the recap of the BP Docs-Chat on Slack:

1. Follow-up on the actions planned for August

  • Starting a discussion with @johnjamesjacoby on how to add a warning message on the codex

-> See last docs-chat summary for more details.

@im4th said he’ll reach out to JJJ about this item (nothing urgent).

  • Deploying the tutorial on how to contribute to the new doc directly on Github

@im4th committed it to trunk here: https://github.com/buddypress/buddypress/tree/master/docs/contributor/documentation

As we said during the previous meeting, this PR is kind of a tutorial on its own, as it initiates subdirectories and shows what content might look like on Github.

  • Quick news: how are things going for 12.0.0?

@im4th said beta testers are still needed. 12.0.0-beta2 will probably be packaged on September 7.

For now, the documentation team isn’t ready to manage release notes on the new documentation. But it’s an opportunity to think about how we’ll document everything a release adds/removes/changes in the future.

The 12.0.0 release should help us identify the process to be implemented for the documentation team to update the content once the release notes are generated.

@vapvarun shared with us how release notes are generated. When 10.0 and 11.0 were released, the following plugin, built by @rayisme was used to generate release notes: https://github.com/r-a-y/bp-changelog

@im4th and @bouncingsprout quickly said it would be great to improve it to handle markdown formatting and maybe add some github action.

2. Main item of our meeting: how to start working on the content over the next two weeks:

The plan discussed is:

  • @im4th will share a csv file listing all the existing content urls from the codev to @jasonrouet who’ll create a spreadsheet on GDrive for the team to work on it easily,
  • once the spreadsheet shared with the team, people will be able to:
    • review: we’ll need @im4th and @dcavins help specifically to comment each urls by saying if:
      • the content is up-to-date (maybe it needs more details, but could be imported as is to the new doc)
      • the content needs editing (some parts of the content change but it’s still a relevant piece of content)
      • the content is totally outdated and should be rewritten from scratch (some pages could still be needs, others not anymore if it refers to some feature that doesn’t exist at all)
      • edit: once a url has been reviewed by someone with enough experience, it will be ready for assignment. Someone will then be able to take charge of editing the content (see tutorial on how to contribute to the doc for the steps).
  • Alongside, the work on the importing the content from the codex. We’ll have to reconsider how the content is structured. At first we’ll probably start with something close to the current codex structure and then progressively reorganise things based on the updated content.

So basically, the “reviewers” (a.k.a our gatekeepers as @bouncingsprout named them 😀 ) will add some kind of ‘inline comment’ on the spreadsheet. It will help “editors” know what to remove/amend/rewrite.

The initial work on sorting/importing content from the codex once done, we’ll be able to say “we are done with the codex, everything still up to date on the old documentation is already in the new documentation” and focus on producing new content that doesn’t exist on the codex (edited)

Starting by sorting/editing and importing the articles of the codex, we will quickly be able to ensure that what is still up-to-date in the codex is also already available in the new documentation (with updated screenshots, references to the latest versions, etc.). Then we’ll be able to focus on producing new content for the new documentation without having to care about the codex at all (with one exception: the release notes will still be published via the codex for now).

3. Language quality check: how can we ensure that the documentation is written in proper English? Is en-US the default language localisation?

Intro: it’s best to adopt good habits from the start. A significant part of the team won’t be English natives.

The group agreed on having en-US as the default language. Quick note from @jasonrouet: remember to set your tools like Deepl/Grammarly/LanguageTools/… to that specific locale! 😉

We said, language check (spelling/punctuation/grammar) should be part of the quality checks at the same level as Markdown formatting check, technical content check…

For now, Ben and David agreed to check the language. We’ll document this process in /master/docs/contributor/documentation/.

4. Get inspiration from what the WordPress project documentation team is doing

@bouncingsprout said he’ll introduce himself and attend some meetings from that team to collect good practices. Ben said they have a good new contributor onboarding process, internal team processes, etc… All good for the team, any external advice is welcome, we need our own processes, but learning from the team that has been working for years and that has already carried out a migration from their old codex to a new documentation is certainly worthwhile.

Finally, he said he’ll be our cookie dealer, copying @milanacap strategy! 🍪 See you at a WordCamp to share a snack together! 😉

Next Docs-Chat

It will happen on September 20 at 19:00 UTC in #BuddyPress. We are a small but friendly team, everyone is welcome to contribute: this may be done by editing the documentation or by sending us feedback on what is missing from the documentation.

#docs-chat, #summary

BP Docs-Chat summary: July 26, 2023

Quick note: I was largely afk in August, I was on summer holiday + sick for a week and when I went back to work I had a lot on my plate. I’ll do my best to publish the summaries as quickly as possible from now on. 💪

FYI: here’s the agenda we published before the meeting.

As the agenda was quite long, we didn’t have time to discuss all the items, so we have covered the main issues. Here’s the recap of the BP Docs-Chat on Slack:

1. Discussion about how to host @imath tutorial published on the previous BP Docs-Chat summary + extra discussion about the future documentation structure 

Props from @jasonrouet about @imath work, it’s fantastic and it will help new contributors (and even existing ones) dive into the new documentation on Github.

As for now, the tutorial only have been published on the bpdevel.wordpress.com website. It has to be available on the Github repo directly with further information about how to contribute to the BuddyPress project globally and to documentation specifically.

To do so, we discussed the /docs subdirectory and the needs to improve the folder structure. On the BP repo, we already have a /docs/ subdirectory where all the documentation will be added. Then we’ll have to polish the structure like this:

  • – /docs/user/ with all resources on how end-users can use BP
  • – /docs/dev/ with all technical resources for devs to learn how BP works
  • – /docs/contributor/ with all resources on how to contribute to the BP project

We discussed the /doc/contributor/ structure and said it could be organised like this:

  • /docs/contributor/
  • /docs/contributor/code/ with resources on how to contribute to BP codebase
  • /docs/contributor/documentation/ with resources on how to contribute to BP documentation
  • /docs/contributor/translation/ with resources on how to translate BP

@imath said he’ll move the tutorial to /docs/contributor/documentation and improve it with the latest screenshots he made.

To improve the tutorial, @bouncingsprout suggested starting a visual presentation (maybe a flowchart?) of the steps involved in the process to help people understand how to contribute. We all agree it could be useful to people who aren’t used to Github.

2. What to keep from the existing Documentation structure/content? Where to start building the new documentation?

@jasonrouet started the discussion by suggesting importing the contents of the existing documentation (the codex), then sorting out what is no longer up to date, what needs to be updated and what can be kept as it is still up-to-date. The aim would be to start from the existing content, rearrange it and then add new content.

@imath and @dcavins said the actual documentation is very outdated, screenshots need to be updated and shouldn’t be imported as is.

@im4th shared a PDF file listing all the existing content from the codex:

Rather than importing the actual content from the codex as is. It was suggested to think about the structure and what kind of content will be added to the documentation and then pick interesting information from the codex after checking it is still accurate.

@im4th said the team tried to update the codex at the beginning of the year but gave up as it was very deprecated and is suggesting starting from scratch rather than loosing too much time and energy starting from the existing content. Here’s a link to the result of the previous attempt to update the codex for the record.

At this point in the discussion, it seemed clear that the codex is kind of frozen and to be kept as an archive for users of previous versions of BP.

Moreover, let’s keep in mind that the release notes are also part of the documentation. We’ll have to rediscuss how to link the release notes with the rest of the documentation (e.g how release notes can help identify what part of the documentation needs updates).

So here’s our initial process idea:

  • have a look at the codex structure as an example to build the structure of the new documentation but we won’t rely on it at all for the content,
  • based on the PDF file, tag the content: “very outdated” for content that will not be imported, “need update” for content that could be imported after edition and “up to date” for content that can be added as is,
  • once done, contributors will be able to assign themselves the content to update, create, import and start PRs.

How to document BuddyPress efficiently in a structured way is something we’ll learn and adapt over time.

Other lower-priority topics discussed.

  • @jasonrouet has been invited as a contributor to the official Github BP repo by @imath with permission to sort the future PRs related to the documentation. Also a project (kanban view) has been started on the github repo to help sort the future PRs. We’ll have to think about the workflow to help sort the PRs.
  • How to coordinate with the core team about the next release (12.0.0): how to track changes, additions, deletions… @im4th suggested he will write a summary of the changes, specifically Rewrites API will change lots of things for users and devs.
  • If the codex is frozen (excepting the release notes section), wouldn’t it be a good idea to display a warning explaining that new documentation is in progress with a link to Github and a clear message about the codex being frozen/mostly outdated? @imath said he’ll ping @johnjamesjacoby to see how to put something like that on the codex.

#docs-chat, #summary

BP Dev-Chat summary : November 9, 2022

Unfortunately @vibethemes wasn’t able to join the meeting to share with us his progress about the BP Standalone Theme he’s been working on. We adapted our agenda to talk about 11.0.0-beta1 and 11.0.0 changes needing docs.

11.0.0-beta1 first feedbacks

  • An issue was raised into our Support forum topic. We believe this issue is specific to the active WordPress theme as we’re not able to reproduce with one of the WordPress default bundled themes.
  • Within the same forum topic, another minor layout improvement was discussed and later fixed in #8761.

11.0.0 changes needing docs

@dcavins & @im4th selected the tickets they will post documentation about in this site.

  • @dcavins will deal with #4184 (Activity loop arguments change) & #4075 (xProfile groups loop arguments change)
  • @im4th will work on #8679 (restrict BP Assets loading to community areas) & #8687 (Deprecated code loading).
  • About this last ticket @johnjamesjacoby suggested to rename the constant to load all deprecated code to BP_LOAD_DEPRECATED. We all agreed it was the right way of naming it. The change has been committed to Trunk version.
  • Finally the change about the .webp image format support will be documented by the first of us to have finished documented their tickets.

11.0.0 schedule reminder

  • RC: December 1st, 2022.
  • Release: December 14, 2022.

Open floor

During this part of the chat, we took the time to help @dcavins to fix PHPUnit testing suite, if like him you had the right idea to use the one we include into the development version of the plugin based on Docker, you can read this discussion to help you restart from scratch!

@johnjamesjacoby shared his intent to improve BuddyPress.org typography especially into the site’s Forum.

Next Dev-Chat

It will happen this week on November 23 at 19:30 UTC in #BuddyPress. If you have specific points or ideas you want to discuss about, don’t hesitate to share them in comments.

#11-0-0, #dev-chat, #summary

BP Dev-Chat summary : October 5, 2022

We’ve started the meeting talking about the 17 replies our call for feedbacks got at the time of the meeting. There are great remarks, ideas and suggestions. Many thanks to the contributors who shared their very inspiring thoughts. We value them a lot 😍.

11.0.0 updates

  • #8590: Cache improvements. The initial PR made by @nickchomey has been committed. We had a discussion about whether to include the other improvements that were added by a buddyboss-platform team member (This ticket was firslty added as a PR to the buddyboss-platform GitHub repository). The majority of the team thinks as code is open source & GPL compatible, there’s no reason not to enjoy these improvements as long as we properly credit its author and the buddyboss-platform project.
  • #8734: we’ve discussed about @dcavins first patch about how to implement a basic “private community” feature. Although the patch is already doing a great job and is a very interesting first approach, @im4th agrees with @johnjamesjacoby : a better one would be to think of it as a community visibility “level”. As announced during the chat, @im4th had a closer look to the patch and started an alternative PR to suggest the introduction of a bp_read cap which led to interesting new feedbacks on the ticket. Don’t hesitate to test it, and contribute to the ticket’s discussion.
  • #4184: being able to exclude a list of users from the activity stream is now possible in Core. This commit closed the ticket.
  • @im4th reminded the team we had 2 weeks left before the date we initially scheduled 11.0.0 first beta and asked @espellcaste to try to make the list of the tickets he owns for 11.0.0 less bigger (selecting the tickets we absolutely need to include in 11.0.0 and punting others to a next release).

11.0.0 schedule reminder

  • First beta: October 19, 2022 🚨 that’s tomorrow!
  • Release: December 14, 2022.

10.5.0 Maintenance release

@im4th announced he will package this maintenance release shortly before WordPress 6.1 is released so that BuddyPress behaves the best way into the next WP Default theme (Twenty Twenty-Three). If he finds the time, he’d like to finish optimizing some CSS rules about it. Don’t hesitate to give him a hand contributing to this ticket.

Open floor

About the BuddyPress.org website @johnjamesjacoby really wants us to feel more comfortable iteratively improving it, and asked the team to think about how we want to contribute to it. @im4th volunteered to give John’s a hand and maybe try to work on the list of submitted tickets about the website. As @dcavins noted, some of their authors are first time contributors and it would be great to include their suggestions. @espellcaste wants to spend more time on developer.buddypress.org along with PHPDoc improvements.

The new & gorgeous BuddyPress theme has a name and a GitHub repository, don’t hesitate to contribute to it.

Next Dev-Chat

It will happen tomorrow on October 19 at 19:30 UTC in #BuddyPress. If you have specific points or ideas you want to discuss about, don’t hesitate to share them in comments, the agenda will be published shortly.

#10-0-0, #11-0-0, #dev-chat, #summary

BP Dev-Chat summary : September 21, 2022

We’ve started the meeting talking about the latest discussions that happened since we’ve shared our concern about the active installs statistic negative trend into our September 7 dev-chat’s summary. There is some interesting conversations into this WP Tavern post and into these Slack threads here & here. On this subject, we’ve done what we wrote: we’ve published a post explaining the situation and also called for feedbacks and contributions to reverse this trend! We often say it, but it doesn’t hurt to always repeat it: BuddyPress is free & open source software, everyone is welcome to help the project various fields of improvements (documentation, beta testing, support and of course code!)

Our progress about 11.0.0 (next BuddyPress major release)

  • #8734: a basic “private community” feature, instead of using a new option to switch between a public and a private community, we could use the BuddyPress WP Pages post status.
  • #4184: being able to exclude a list of users from the activity stream is an interesting first step to help us building a “muting/blocking” member activity feature.

Both tickets are in need of a first patch, don’t hesitate to jump in!

BP Attachments / Activity block editor update

  • The BP Attachments’ feature as a plugin is now adding a front-end users Media Library (screenshot on the left) as well as Media blocks (screenshot on the right) to use into the Post/Widgets Block Editor as well as the Activity Block Editor 👇.
  • The Activity Block Editor feature as a plugin now includes a new Activity Admin area (to replace the current one) and users can now edit posted activities.

11.0.0 schedule reminder

  • First beta: October 19, 2022 🚨 that’s in two weeks!
  • Release: December 14, 2022.

Open floor (how to reverse the trend?)

Here are the various topics we’ve been talking about to start replying to what BuddyPress needs the most to reverse its usage trend.

  • A “health community check” or a Diagnostic/Audit tool to improve security and help users fight against spam accounts, rude behaviors… Quoting @johnjamesjacoby: “A rudimentary and obvious set of global anti-spam settings that are used by every active component, too. Throttling requests. Keywords. Profile fields values. PMs. Group data. Status updates. And an admin-area inbox to funnel all of the failed attempts into, with some kind of crappy confidence score, might not be perfect, but an OK thing to as a new component that could be unplugged or replaced if something better comes along, AI etc…
  • A new & gorgeous BuddyPress theme block-based (👈 @im4th‘s preference) or not, @vibethemes shared a lot of interests about it and raised some concerns with BuddyPress’ registration area, current design, the lack of customizability, Block template based theme compatibility and… the bp-core-catch-uri.php file which houses our legacy URL parser. @im4th and all the team share the same concerns about this last one, it’s the reason why the BP Rewrites plugin was published on the WordPress Plugin directory (to get more users testing it with their plugins to avoid potential missed back compatibility issues before merging it into BP Core)… @vibethemes even prepared a very interesting presentation. We talked about various stuffs related to theme design (CSS framework/library, webpack etc..). The BuddyPress Core team is totally in favor of building that new great looking theme and will help @vibethemes, @dunhakdis and any other contributors to make this come true asap.

Next Dev-Chat

It will happen tomorrow on October 5 at 19:30 UTC in #BuddyPress. If you have specific points or ideas you want to discuss about, don’t hesitate to share them in comments, the agenda will be published shortly.

#11-0-0, #dev-chat, #summary, #the-future

BP Dev-Chat summary : September 7, 2022

BP Attachments / Activity block editor update

  • @im4th has started working on templating to display single media on the front-end.
  • He also made it possible to share media using the Activity Block Editor when the BP Attachements plugin is active. This means block developers could soon enjoy a new playground to express themselves.
  • The BP Attachments Admin UI now includes an “Edit Item” view. See the screenshot below.

11.0.0 updates

  • @im4th shared he was hesitant about #8052. Now the blog post title is directly included into the corresponding activity type’s content, we don’t need to use a blog meta to retrieve it inside the activity action string anymore.
  • @dcavins suggested to request a feedback from @rayisme who worked on this part and should be the best of us to know whether it’s safe or not to make this move in 11.0.0.

11.0.0 schedule reminder

  • First beta: October 19, 2022.
  • Release: December 14, 2022.

Open floor

@im4th started discussing about the drop on the active installations stat we observed on the BuddyPress WP.org plugin’s page as it went down from 200k to 100k 😱. Thanks to @johnjamesjacoby we were able to get more precise numbers about this decrease and it turns out we’re around 190/195k active installs. But the trend since year 2017 is concerning as it’s 📉 not to mention the fact there are less and less contributors to the project 😭. We’ve discussed about the possible reasons for these bad results:

  • lack of cool front-end things added to the plugin recently,
  • hesitancy to install a big plugin like BuddyPress for a single feature,
  • lack of privacy tools, of a media component,
  • growth of the use of things like Teams and Slack,
  • BuddyBoss’s commercial aggressivity (eg: Google Adwords) or their slick-looking theme attractivity,
  • etc..

As the BP Attachments add-on should be available around the 11.0.0 release date, the first action we took was to open a ticket about including a basic private community feature into our next major release.

After some more discussions with @espellcaste we came to the conclusion we need more data from users. A new survey was suggested as well as asking the WordPress Marketing Team for help. We finally thought about posting into our support forum this simple question “what is the most important feature that BuddyPress is missing?“. We decided to test this last idea as soon as we have a text to explain why we are questionning ourselves about it. If you believe you have answers to share with us, don’t hesitate to comment this post 🙏.

Next Dev-Chat

It will happen on September 21 at 19:30 UTC in #BuddyPress. If you have specific points you want to discuss about, don’t hesitate to share them in comments.

#11-0-0, #dev-chat, #summary

BP Dev-Chat Summary : June 8, 2022 & June 22 BP Dev-Chat agenda

Features for BuddyPress next major release (11.0.0)

The BP Attachments React based UI
  • @im4th shared a GitHub link to an issue summarizing what is/will be inside the BP Attachments feature informing the delete action was still missing. Since this chat, he included this action to the React based UI. As you can see in the above screenshot, one of the goal is to be able to create folders to organize user generated media.
  • @im4th & @johnjamesjacoby agreed it was ok to bump WordPress required version to 5.7 in BuddyPress 11.0.0, see #8709.
  • As we lost ourselves into endless conversations about using PHPCS, @im4th said he would like to see a first patch added to #7228. He thinks this patch should include a GitHub action so that GitHub PR submitted to our repository could be checked against the PHPCS rules we choose to observe.

Next Dev-Chat

It will happen today on June 22 at 19:30 UTC in #BuddyPress. Here’s our agenda :

  • A new strategy for a Block based activity post form.
  • BP Attachments & Media in 11.0.0
  • Let’s work on things we can use for BuddyPress.org: a new bundled BP Theme (as a replacement to BP Default?)
  • Let’s work on removing our dependency to jQuery.
  • BP Rewrites 1.3.0: bbPress forward compatibility!

Let’s try to be a lot of BuddyPress contributors to join this chat 🙏🤝

#11-0-0, #agenda, #dev-chat, #summary