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How to Harness the Power of Herbs and Spices

Eat February 20, 2020

Herbs and spices are part of a rich story grounded in medicine, economy, and cooking. Today, chefs use aromatics to add delicious flavor — and you can, too.

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What to Eat Before and After Working Out

Eat January 14, 2020

You might have heard, “abs are built in the kitchen,” — and it’s true that what to eat before and after working out defines a good fitness routine.

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Thanksgiving Food Coma Survival Guide

Lifestyle November 22, 2018

A few too many indulgences got you in a Thanksgiving food coma? Learn which foods put you to sleep, why they do, and how to wake back up again. 

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5 Foods That Are Good For Your Teeth

Tips & Tricks November 1, 2018

Now that Halloween (and your sugar rush) is over, it’s time to show those pearly whites some love. We did some digging to find out which dentist-approved foods to chow down on this November.  

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Top 10 Foods for Heart Health (Hint: Think Red!)

Tips & Tricks February 13, 2018

What better time to talk about your heart than February? Now we know what you're thinking: Valentine's Day! But what most people don't realize is that February is also American (...)

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Why You Should Be Taste Training With Your Picky Eaters

Eat October 4, 2017

If you have picky eaters — fear not, you can help them enjoy new foods and build their taste buds with a fun, hands-on approach called taste training.

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3 Tart and Sweet Kiwi Recipes to Make This Summer

Eat July 26, 2017

Step out of the ordinary with these three kiwi recipes! Once you peel back their scruffy skin, you’ll find an explosion of vibrant color and delicious, tropical flavor.

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How to Make The Perfect Boiled Egg (+5 ways to use them)

Eat June 22, 2017

When it comes to food that is delicious, nutritious, inexpensive, and quick to prepare – eggs have it all. To elevate your recipes, add a perfect boiled egg.

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Why Colorful Food Makes You Happy (and lets you taste with your eyes)

Lifestyle May 3, 2017

On today's edition of 100 Days of Happy Cooks, we're talking about the scientific relationship between colorful food, mood, and flavor. Our brains have evolved to associate the flavors of sweet, (...)

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Spring Strawberry Rhubarb Salad With Spinach, Mint, and Pistachios

Eat April 19, 2017

Step aside, winter fruits and vegetables. There’s a new seasonal power couple in the house that dominates with flavor: strawberry rhubarb. Continue reading for a quintessential spring salad recipe that tastes just as delicious as it looks. 

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