
Pick Up Quotes

Quotes tagged as "pick-up" Showing 1-10 of 11
Christina Engela
“I believe most people are good, even deep down, even if you have to dig a little - although some people can tempt one to pick up a shovel and actually put that to the test.”
Christina Engela, Blachart: Galaxii Series Book 1

Miya Yamanouchi
“A man's level of "toughness" (as assessed by other men), will determine whether or not his girlfriend will get hit on by other guys right in front of him in public places. If you're deemed a "p*#%y" by other guys and they want your girlfriend, even in your company she'll be considered "fair game".”
Miya Yamanouchi, Embrace Your Sexual Self: A Practical Guide for Women

Simone Elkeles
“Hey, mamacitas! How about you ditch those losers and come with us. We'll show you a real good time," one of them shouts through the window.
"Fuck off," Doug shouts.
One of the guys stumbles out of the car and advances on Doug. Sierra yells something but I'm not paying attention. Instead, I'm watching Alex tear off his jacket and block the guy's path.
"Get out of my way," the guy orders. "Don't lower yourself by protecting this white dick."
Alex stands toe to toe with the guy, the tire iron gripped tightly in his hand. "You fuck with the white dick, you fuck with me. It's that simple. Comprendes, amigo?"
Another guy steps out of the car. We are in some serious trouble.
"Girls, take the keys and get in the car," Alex orders, his tone precise.
"But . . ."
There's a lethal calmness in his eyes. Oh, boy. He's dead serious.
Doug tosses Sierra his car keys. Now what? Are we supposed to sit in the car and watch them fight? "I'm not going anywhere," I tell him.
"Me, either," Sierra says.
A guy in the other car sticks his head out of the window. "Alejo, that you?"
Alex's stance relaxes. "Tiny? What the hell you doin' with these pendejos?"
The guy named Tiny says something in Spanish to his buddies and they jump back into the car. They almost seem relieved they won't have to fight Alex and Doug.
"I'll tell you as soon as you tell me what you're doin' with a bunch of gringos," Tiny says.
Alex chuckles. "Get out of here."
When we're all back in the car, I hear Doug say, "Thanks for having my back."
Alex mumbles, "Don't sweat it.”
Simone Elkeles, Perfect Chemistry

Deyth Banger
“I hate the forest, it's absence of social enviroment.”
Deyth Banger

Eleonora C. Caruso
“Julian pensa che da cogliere ci siano i frutti, i fiori, le occasioni, non le sofferenze nelle foto altrui.”
Eleonora C. Caruso, Tutto chiuso tranne il cielo

Deyth Banger
“Pick up is not easy shit… you need constantly to expose yourself.”
Deyth Banger, How to Talk to Anyone

Steven Magee
“Most people with COVID-19 pick up some damage from it. It may not be apparent, but it is there.”
Steven Magee

Deyth Banger
“Self-help one moment from working on yourself movement became.
Mental Masturbarion movement!”
Deyth Banger, How to Talk to Anyone

Deyth Banger
“Pick up, self help doesn't matter how you call it. Out there is really good advice I have watched a lot of videos, I have been through a lot of courses.
But here is the thing put theory in practice.
Its a golden rule!”
Deyth Banger, How to Talk to Anyone