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Despite being dumped on a primitive alien world, Lily is adapting to life there, with the help of Frrar, Tor, and Arruk. But they can’t stay in the safety of the caves forever. The flood waters have receded and it’s time to join the rest of the tribe…

While traveling, their group meets a familiar face from Arruk’s past – a man half feral and covered in vicious scars. Something about him draws Lily in, despite those who already hold her heart. But that isn’t her biggest concern.

Can Lily keep the Tribe Mother from discovering just how much being with her has changed her new mates? Will the tribe accept her, a stranger in their lands? Or will Lily have to fight the very people who were supposed to offer her safety and a home?

330 pages, Kindle Edition

First published May 20, 2018

About the author

Stacy Jones

21 books778 followers
Stacy Jones is an award-winning author with an obsession for all things science fiction, romance, and adventure. She adores creating strange, wondrous worlds and watching her characters come to life. She can usually be found typing frantically on her laptop, dancing like a crazy person with her son, or cuddling with her husband.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 199 reviews
Profile Image for Rain.
2,108 reviews28 followers
January 28, 2024
Lily and her men (Frrar, Tor, and Arruk) have to spent the rainy season in their cave, learning each other’s bodies and languages.

Their words required a lot of barks, grunts, and growls in order to enunciate them correctly, and unfortunately, her puny human vocal cords were suited to none of those.

The water is a receding, and it is time to take a journey to find the rest of the tribe.

Primitive alien world
Reverse harem
Language barrier (but learning)
Sweet/innocent heroes
Strong/kind fmc
Matriarchal society

Will the Tribe Mother accept Lily? What is this attraction to the scarred, gentle giant? And oh my heart, the little pantari cub!!!

Tor’s fear of Lily’s ‘sentient’ eyebrows is hilarious.

She waggled her brow fur at him, making each move independently, bouncing them up and down before moving them in a wave. He reared back slightly, his tail kinking in on itself as his ears pinned flat to his head, thoroughly unnerved at the amount of movement the little beasts were capable of, more convinced than ever before that they were alive and knew he was suspicious of them.
Profile Image for Bex (Beckie Bookworm).
2,249 reviews1,494 followers
April 15, 2021

This second book surpassed the first and I’m seriously I love with all of Lilly’s hot alien mates.
They are equally adorable and all in different ways, Tor with his mischievous playfulness. Arruk with his shy gentle teddy bear persona and Frrar with his serious protectiveness and constant hovering.

Their time spent isolated together in their cave retreat has only furthered their bond but now with the floods receding it's time to journey back down to the forest and rejoin the rest of the tribe.

Lily’s mates are also concerned about being able to fully protect her and keep her safe but at the same time are reluctant to introduce unworthy males into their family dynamic as is their usual custom.
But there is a male they all-ready consider family Arruk’s twin brother Drrak a scarred and almost feral loner who is also like them on the fringes of their society.

So having a new male introduced was intriguing we aren’t quite there with Drrak yet he and Lily are both naturally optimistic and equally cautious but lily is also becoming open to the possibilities and does see just what Drrak could bring but she is also naturally wary at the same time.

Drrak for once in his life feels a glimmer of hope especially observing how Lily interacts with her mates accepting them fully and he desperately wants that for himself.
Because of his scars and his wild nature he has resigned himself to being alone now he finally feels that there may be a chance for him.

I worried that bringing in a fourth mate so late in the game would upset the balance and easy dynamics already established but it actually didn’t.
Drrak’s inclusion added something extra and he is different from Lily’s current mates bringing his own magnetism it was also undertaken really well he just slots right in like a piece of a puzzle you never knew was missing.
I’m interested in seeing how this new potential connection thrives going forward it’s early days yet but the roots are taking hold.

There’s much more going on in this second book and I was on tenterhooks when lily was finally introduced to her mate's tribe man that was intense Tors mum was super scary.
There are also strange things afoot and it may have something to do with just how lily arrived on this planet so I’m intrigued to discover more there.
This series is so much better than I was expecting and I adore just how original it all is I definitely recommend.

Untitled design

Reviewed By Beckie Bookworm
Profile Image for Erin *Proud Book Hoarder*.
2,652 reviews1,148 followers
June 19, 2018
I still like the main character and the guys but this one was dull compared to the first. The harsh world became somewhat sweet when they found their cave home, but in the sequel they just found the annoying family race I wanted to bitch slap half the time. Lilly should also have been more annoyed with some of her guys trying to control her choices at time. Still, I like the hair braiding, bonding and new kitty companion.
Profile Image for S.R. Harris.
Author 1 book65 followers
June 16, 2018
I loved this book. It didn't suffer from second book RH syndrome at all. I don't know if it is the sci-fi aspect of this series or what.

This book picks up about a month after Lily got to the planet and first met her guys. They leave the safety of the caves and make their way through the forrest to make their way to the guys tribe.

I really enjoy that the guys are really aliens and not just oversized humans and the picture in the front of the book allows you to know exactly what the guys look like.

Looking forward to the next book.
Profile Image for Kristi.
592 reviews22 followers
March 30, 2021
This is an enjoyable episode in Lily's story. During the group's journey from the cave to the Tribe, we learn much more about their fit in the relationship and the worries that each guy has about how to protect their Lily due to her being a healer.

The new man in Lily's life is an interesting guy who draws her attention. I can't wait to see where this goes in the next book.

Also - what a horrible introduction to her new Tribe. I hope she actually gets to talk to the Tribe Mother about her suspicions about other races.

While I liked the book and have been waiting for it, I would like it to have been a bit longer and resolved the issue with the new man at least. I still recommend it to people who have read the first book!
Profile Image for ❤️Emma Book Lover ❤️.
499 reviews295 followers
October 30, 2022
I liked the second instalment too, with the meeting the tribe and a potential new addition to the harem. Favourite aspect was the new pet, totally cute.
The book is still steamy and fun, although I would have wanted at least one scene with dd ( would have been pretty spectacular to see them doing Lily at the same time😅😏😳 and not just one on one sessions) but still very enjoyable easy read.
Profile Image for Wendy.
842 reviews142 followers
August 21, 2021
Ugh. Poor Drrak! Oh wait, no spoilers. Ok, fine. But I must immediately start book 3. I don’t like leaving Drrak this way! I loved book 1. I loved book 2. So I am sure book 3, the finale will be great.

Profile Image for Daisy Delfin.
1,200 reviews158 followers
February 28, 2023
2.5 stars rounded up to three

Lily has adapted a lot to the new world she is living in. Frrar, Tor, Arruk (the guys who saved her in the first book) are her group of guys now and they are in love with Lily and Lily with them. They meet Drrak. And they travel to the tribes home.

I thought there would be more interaction with Drrak and also the Tribe. But there wasn't and I was a bit disappointed. After book 1 I wanted to stop reading this series but I didn't, after a friend told me it is worth reading. But this series is just not my style and I think I will stop after book 2.
Profile Image for Rachel.
246 reviews24 followers
February 26, 2023
I'm surprised by how much I'm enjoying this series. I suppose it's not what I expected out of your typical alien romance but more than that it's so different from anything I have ever read before. I love the characters the author has created and how much emotion shines through on the pages. The alien reminds me of a mashup of a spider monkey gorilla and the cowardly lion but despite their many animalistic qualities they have very different and distinct personalities. The world she has created is also quite imaginative and I'm looking forward to exploring more of it and all its inhabitants with the strong female lead Lily.
Some spoiler facts in my following inquiry...
I do have one tiny little detail that has been nit-picking at me through the whole series though, the author went to pretty detailed lengths to explain how she is keeping up her hygiene on this primitive planet even explaining how she tinkled while living up in the trees and unable to go to ground but never once mentions what she's doing when she needs to go poo!? I know it's a silly fact to focus on but it's been bugging the Beetlejuice out of me. And why we are on the subject of bathroom matters I know in book one it was mentioned that the aliens "leak water" very rarely but it was never written that one of them every went number 1 or 2, you would think that on one of the many pit stops they make so Lily can "leak water" they would need to go also instead they stand with their backs turned waiting and listening like sentries every time for Lily to finish! Okay enough bathroom spoilers.
June 14, 2018
Book 2 in this sci-fi reverse harem series

If you haven’t read book 1.. you freaking need to because

1) it’s so bloody great
2) it’s gives the story of how ellie ends up with the 3 guys
3) have I mentioned it’s great??

So... picking up not long after book 1 ends..

Ellie and her 3 husbands A💚 F❤️ And T, who are furry, 4 armed ( hey I love forearms and they each have forearms!! BONUS!! 😂😂😂) and be-tailed are living in the mountain cave after escaping the annual flood.

After the floods disperse they plan to travel back to meet up with their matriarchal tribe for safety. When it turns out that ellie is a healer, F and A are more concerned than ever that their soft and small pascha will need more than just 3 mates to protect her and keep her safe. Not just from the number of predators on the planet but from other tribe members.
They hope that there will be worthy males that come forward and ‘present’ their interest in becoming additional mates. More specifically they hope that A’s twin brother and the boys lifelong friend, the reclusive scarred up loner D will join their family unit... that if they can find him. ...and that ellie can see past his outward exterior and accept him also.

Again no more regarding the story because #NoSpoilers and it’s too great not to read.

This is a wonderfully constructed book that is filled with beautiful descriptive imagery that literally fills your mind with pictures. I adore how vivid the planet is and I adore even more how original and creative it is.

I’m really enjoying our boys individual development with their growing confidence with ellie and as a family unit as a whole. I adored the segments from the boys and it was great seeing their thoughts and personalities.
now I have my favourite of the boys.... it’s allowed! I can totally have a favourite...this book is a fantastic reverse harem that doesn’t play favourites or reduces one boys ‘on screen’ time or affection over another’s and it’s so well done that the equality in the family unit is clearly show and beautifully done. They each bring something to the units dynamic.

A💚 as always is the marshmellow! The wonderfully big, gruff but gentle souled giant and my total favourite of the boys!
F❤️ Is the planner, the serious and soul hurt semi bad boy of the bunch and a very very close second favourite of mine!
T💙 is they joker, the wonderful mood defuser and his obsession with Ellie’s potentially fatal dancing furry catepilars literally cracked me up!! 🐛🐛

D🖤... Im simply loving what I’ve read about him so far, he’s a daredevil and a shy guy rolled into one...filled with self doubt.

I’m looking forward to the next instalment. There is rumbling of difficulties and trials for our unit on the horizon with the unknown threat that has attacked the boys original tribe and I’m looking forward to seeing how it all unfolds as well as how ellie copes with her new ‘mother in law’.

I’m hoping that it’s not too far away because this series and author is continuing to become a solid favourite of mine!! And I’m not sure I can wait patiently! 😂😂😂
Profile Image for Jacquelyn G.
956 reviews57 followers
October 18, 2021
Great adventure

I am absolutely loving the world that Stacy Jones has created in her stories. I love that she's even created a language for them to mash up with English, it really makes the story so much more realistic and enjoyable. I am definitely reading the next book, I cant wait to see how this turns out.
Profile Image for Country Goose.
1,125 reviews10 followers
May 23, 2018
LOVE This Series

If you're this far, you probably liked "Chosen." This one is just as good (possibly better) as it kept me on the edge of my seat until I finished it (way too quickly). There IS a cliffhanger, so be prepared for that. As for me? I await anxiously for Part Two.
Profile Image for Courtney.
1,210 reviews189 followers
February 11, 2022
I Give this Book a 3.5-4/5, Listing as a decent 4.

Cliffhanger(?): Yes
Relationship Type: RH: Reverse Harem: MFMMM
Heat: 4/5
Romance: 4/5
Pacing: Mid-Mid Fast
Drama: 3.5/5
Suspense: 3.5-4/5
Dark(?): No.

*Due to the Many Various type of Language Barriers I will put them in One of Three Categories.
Language Barrier(?): Yes.

Language Barrier - Temporary, Semi or Permanent(?): Semi.

*Permanent is where >both main characters/significant others< speak their own languages but cannot understand each other so they have to rely on using either various basic words, sounds or gestures to get a point across, and there is no mechanical solution or it’s unable to be used.
*Semi Permanent is where one or both teach each other their language and can at some point speak near fluent and may or may not have a mechanical solution at some point, but in the end can go without mechanical help but the option is there.
*Temporary is where there IS a mechanical solution to fix the language barriers between significant others permanently. No future issues.

Sorry this review is Brief but I want to jump into the next book since I’m currently reading the Boxset 😆
Profile Image for Sabrina.
432 reviews28 followers
May 23, 2018
All the stars

First of all, If you haven't read CHOSEN...what are you waiting for?

Romantic Sci-Fi has become a favorite flavor of mine from some time and I spent many hours trying to find the perfect book to satiate my alien/cyborg hunger. THIS SERIES is one of the many delicious treats I've found and with a reverse harem to boot!! ♥

Tribe was a really good continuation of the Chosen series. Lily's harem has become one of my favorites...EVER. It really seems impossible to choose and maybe thats what Mrs. Jones was going for.

Now, in CHOSEN we get a new character and I cant WAIT to read more about him, besides getting to meet the tribe, getting a new pet and getting it on trees...I just cant stop grinning just remembering this awesome book.

Now we dont know WHEN the second part will be out....but WE NEED IT MRS. JONES, WE. NEED. IT!!
Profile Image for K Reynolds.
299 reviews3 followers
May 24, 2018
Even better!!!

Definitely impressed. The writing itself showed growth and development. I felt even more immersed into this masterpiece of a world. Stacy Jones just gets it. You don’t need big huge battles or forced dramatic things when you have so much to discover and explore right in front of you. I’m lost in Lily discovering her new surroundings and such a goner for the mutual appreciation of Lily and her lovely and dare I say captivatingly swoony aliens. These characters are everything and more. They have such layered richness with a realness that seems impossible within sci-fi reverse harem. Yet somehow before you know it you are there and feeling Lily’s feels and never wanting it to end. I simply cannot wait for my next journey back to discover more about the brewing mysteries and the fascinating journey ahead. As I did the first, I highly recommend this book!
Profile Image for Autumn Miller ~ autumnbookreads.
1,205 reviews339 followers
November 20, 2019
I liked this book. It was a solid sequel and continued the series very well. The world was expanded even more and the plot got more complex. I loved the addition of Drrak and I like what he brings to the harem. I’m also really loving the progression of Lily’s relationships with her mates.

What I Didn't Like- At times, the pacing was slower than I would have wanted and I had to push myself to keep reading. I’m also not that enthusiastic about this kidnapping plot line. I don’t really have any interest in the matriarchal society that these people have or their people. Honestly, I would be perfectly fine with Lily and her mates just living off by themselves.
Profile Image for Heather Gilbert.
1,629 reviews75 followers
February 20, 2021

A different kind of reverse harem, though a bit shorter than I’d like. Placed on an alien world, with, obviously, aliens, it runs the usual themes while carving a unique place. Sci- if RH, third person
Profile Image for Gena.
649 reviews15 followers
July 4, 2018
Guilty pleasure read :) The story is pretty non existent, just Lily getting to know her guys and having one more added to the mix. Filler book with a set up for the next in the series. One thing I like is that Frrar, Tor, Arruk and Draak all have distinct personalities and they are all likeable.
312 reviews1 follower
July 12, 2018
Incomplete and the story did not start till 1/2 way through the "book."
Profile Image for OneDayI'll.
1,489 reviews34 followers
May 29, 2018
Lily's adventure continues

After being accidentally kidnapped, doing time in an alien zoo pen, being scared to death then released by fish beings onto a strange world, being adopted by an alien aardvark, winding up with 3 alien husbands and damn near eaten by huge 6 legged alien versions of wolves, Lily is ready for some down time. The flood has receeded and it is now time to rejoin the tribe. Arruk, Tor and Frrar are concerned that the behaviors that kept them from being Chosen but that Lily loves will only help influence the decision to not allow her into the tribe. She's already got alien, hairless, less limbed and lack of fangs going against her. But to allow dominance in her harem could be the final straw. The guys can't risk not going to the tribe, though. As a Pasha and a healer, Lily needs more mates and protectors. Her lack of physical defenses leave her helpless on this world. And her status as a Healer means her value needs to be protected. Lily has no clue of their agenda, she's just worried about them not liking her or fearing her differences enough to reject her. Maybe even kill her for her audacity in thinking she should be allowed to join them. Discovering a pantari cub in the way, and still feeling Seti's loss she winds up adopting it. But more shocking is the male she finds hiding in the vegetation. He looks very much like one of her mates but is a lot more feral. Scars that speak of a brutal life catch her attention but not as much as familiar blue green eyes with a wary hope.

Eeee! Stacy finally gives us the next part in her Shevari saga. She does such a great job world building and I have been looking forward to this installment ever since I finished the 1st. We finally get to meet the tribe! Thank you, thank you, thank you for the glossary at the end, too. Some of it is translated as you read along, or through context clues but some of it being able to look it up is a big help. I love thst Lily and guys had a chanting bond away form the tribe as their customs are very different from human. And I adore that while she accidentally aquired her guys that any possible additions will be set at a slower pace and not just lumped in. And that she's still cracking jokes and enjoying her adventure instead of being clinging, whining, being helpless or antagonistic is such a relief to us readers. Thanks for keeping her the person she was in the 1st book, the one we all fell for. Such a relief from TSTL heroines or hand wringers.
Profile Image for Tiblu.
1,251 reviews48 followers
June 23, 2018
I loved it.....

Wonderful,wonderful,wonderful story, I really don’t have much to say....
Weird , huh?
But Ms. Jones here has created a beautiful if often deadly world here and I’m grateful for the chance to pay another visit to Lily and her amazing makes....
I love all of them really, Aaruk, Frrar and Tor and now Drrak ...
I think Drrak will a great fit for Lilly and will be a great balance for her but as much ass I adore them all, and I do, Tor just cuts me up... Tor is soo silly and funny and mischievous,and he knows it , he the kinda guy who keeps your torn between wanting to scold him at times and joining in on his fun...
Even when he’s acting a lil like a spoilt pushy child, “Hey, I don’t care your trying to tend to Frrar, I need more kisses to feel better give them to me.” With all the spoiled entitlement of your average cat,pushing what your doing out of the way from the attention they feel the need and deserve and seriously not understanding why your not giving it to them... Yet, lol, you find yourself almost laughing at them as you give in knowing you don’t really have a choice...
Seriously that. Is. Tor... but he’s also sweet, and kind and amazingly loyal and cuts thru the crap in a heartbeat ,he thinks you or his harem mate are beating yourself over stuff you should let go he’s there with a big No! Don’t do that... Let . It. Go! But he says all that with, No...
I really really had a great time,Lily and her men really helped me turn a not soo great Night Around...
Thank you Ms. Jones...
I know the guys feel about feeling lost alone and feeling no one wants you for you, I soo wish you could send a few males like this my way....
I m wondering if Lily guys should stay with the tribe, I don’t trust them but we will see....
Only thing that confused me was the sex.... huh ?
The lack there of ,til the very last chapter....
The book didn’t really need it, didn’t hurt the story or the flow, it just felt odd after having a good deal of it the last to have just kisses and cuddles and snuggles for 95% of it here....
Lily and her males are soo lost to each other you didn’t need it to see that m which was beautiful and sweet...
Just threw me off a little wondering what happened at first...
I can’t wait to have another visit ,Thanks again Ms.Jones...
Profile Image for Nancy Reads Romance.
1,062 reviews29 followers
May 23, 2018
Stacy really knows how to grab you and suck you right in to her storyline. I've got to say I've really enjoyed reading the Chosen Series!! Book 2 finds Lily and her three men leaving the safety of the caves and returning to join Frrar, Arruk, and Tor's tribe. Along the way they have some harrowing adventures and meet up with a strange, wild man that intrigues Lily greatly. I prefer not to give anything away, but I will tell you I stayed up until 4 a.m. reading Tribe. Shhhh, don't tell my family why I was such a zombie today!

This book is not a stand alone. I recommend you read Chosen first. Stacy Jones is a first rate world-builder and master with words. 5 stars for Tribe: Part One. I cannot wait for the next book!!
Profile Image for M.
745 reviews5 followers
November 24, 2019
This was a great sequel to Chosen. I'm having a hard time just sitting and letting myself read slowly. Again, I had huge a smile on my face during parts and I laughed at a few. Especially when she was describing a goat looking thing.

"What a weird animal. It looks like My Little Pony mates with a demonic sea-goat and turned into a nightmare"

I loved that they were finally able to start communicating with each other learning their languages. I loved how they were all coming into their personalities so much more and then the introduction to Drrak. I couldn't help but love him just from the explanation of him when they met.

What I did not like: the other mother-effing females in the tribe. I wish they could have stayed in their cave or found an even better one. They are going to have to make the trip again at some point for the next Sakra and so I thought it would be better to just grab a whole bunch of supplies and store them before the flood happened again. I was sad they had to go to the tribe. But I get it. There's much more protection for everyone when it's a large group compared to just the 4 of them..soon to be 5, I'm sure.

I'm starting book 3 and honestly, at this point, I just want to start book one over and then read the second one again. That is how much I'm loving this series. I'll have my final review of the series on book 3's review. Book 3 is going to make or break this.... I'm hoping it's good. It's like when you are sucked into a tv show that you watch all of the seasons of, but you get to the last episode and it makes you never want to watch the show ever again.

I'm sure I'll finish book 3 today.
468 reviews
May 22, 2018
I love this book!!!

I love this series. I love this book. I love these characters. I love the characters relationship. I love the plot line. I love the writing.

Sci-Fi is not always for every reader. But everything I mentioned above surpasses genre! Stacy Jones is an excellent writer and a fantastic storyteller. She has created an unforgettable world for her characters and her readers.

This book begins where Chosen left off. The readers watch as the characters and their relationship with each other grow. Lily, our MFC, must navigate a new world and a new culture while building her relationship with Frrar, Arruk, and Tor. The reader can feel how important it is to Lily to make her relationship with the guys the number one priority. Readers will fall in love with Lily’s caring and generous nature. Readers will fall in love with the guys - best book boyfriends ever!!! Plenty of swoon moments from Lily and the guys. Plus, the sexy index between the characters is even more potent than in Chosen!

Fans of Chosen will LOVE Tribe, Part 1.
Profile Image for Stephany.
71 reviews4 followers
August 29, 2022
Sweet alien romance
Available on Audible - Narrator is so good
Heroine accidentally abducted
h dropped in alien planet
communication barrier
Matriarchal alien culture
Reverse harem
sweet smitten protective aliens
adventure, they most survive in a planet full of predators
great world build, description of fauna and flora
sexy scenes are yum - H produce sexy pheromones

Part of a series, perfect for binge read
feel good read
Profile Image for Lyrik.
778 reviews28 followers
October 20, 2022
I liked seeing how Lily and the dudes relationships progressed. Their communication is easier, but not perfect. Not as much seemed to happen? I guess the whole point of the book was to get back to the tribe. This one is less spicy - all the traveling got in the way. I wasn't sure I'd like the addition of Drrak, but so far so good. Both he and Lily are attracted to each other, but each decided to take it slow. The ending was very abrupt.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 199 reviews

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