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Just when you thought doomsday was over...

Centuries ago Acheron saved the human race by imprisoning an ancient evil bent on absolute destruction. Now that evil has been unleashed and it is out for revenge.

As the twin to Acheron, Styxx hasn’t always been on his brother’s side. They’ve spent more centuries going at each other’s throats than protecting their backs. Now Styxx has a chance to prove his loyalty to his brother, but only if he’s willing to trade his life and future for Acheron’s.

The Atlantean goddess of Wrath and Misery, Bethany was born to right wrongs. But it was never a task she relished. Until now. She owes Acheron a debt that she vows to repay, no matter what it takes. He will join their fellow gods in hell and nothing is going to stop her.

But things are never what they seem, and Acheron is no longer the last of his line. Styxx and Acheron must put aside their past and learn to trust each other or more will suffer.

Yet it’s hard to risk your own life for someone who once tried to take yours, even when it's your own twin, and when loyalties are skewed and no one can be trusted, not even yourself, how do you find a way back from the darkness that wants to consume the entire world? One that wants to start by devouring your very soul?

836 pages, Hardcover

First published January 1, 2013

About the author

Sherrilyn Kenyon

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New York Times and international bestselling author Sherrilyn Kenyon is a regular at the #1 spot. With legions of fans known as Paladins (thousands of whom proudly sport tattoos from her series and who travel from all over the world to attend her appearances), her books are always snatched up as soon as they appear on store shelves. Since 2004, she had placed more than 80 novels on the New York Times list in all formats including manga and graphic novels. Her current series are: Dark-Hunters, Chronicles of Nick and The League, and her books are available in over 100 countries where eager fans impatiently wait for the next release. Her Chronicles of Nick and Dark-Hunter series are soon to be major motion pictures while Dark-Hunter is also being developed as a television series. Join her and her Paladins online at MySherrilyn.com and www.facebook.com/mysherrilyn

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Profile Image for Jen Davis.
Author 7 books717 followers
September 15, 2013
Some people really loved this book. They gave it 5 star reviews. Some even called it the best thing Sherrilyn Kenyon has ever written. I am not one of those people. In fact, I was barely able to make myself finish Styxx. Not because it was 800-and something pages... but because it was one of the most miserable books I have ever read. It is filled from cover to cover with rape, incest, abuse, torture, and unrelenting suffering for our hero. Before you tell me that Kenyon is Queen of the Tortured Hero, don't waste your breath. There is no balance in this story between darkness and light. It's 95% horrible and 5% ...well, not horrible for Styxx. And in case you're wondering, "It can't be worse than Acheron, can it?" Well, yes it can. And yes, it is.

Basically, this is the companion story to Acheron's book, from Styxx's point of view. It essentially throws out everything Ash thought he knew about his brother. Styxx was abused physically, emotionally, and sexually. He loses his virginity in an incestuous gang rape. On page. Then he is raped more times than the total of all rapes I have ever read in any books in my life, put together. He is raped and raped and raped. By his uncle, the guy's buddies, senators, Greek gods, Atlantean gods, the guards, the fucking guy who whips him for his dad. Everybody rapes him. And then when you think to yourself, he can't possibly be raped any more, he is taken captive and raped for a year straight. It's simply horrific. And that is not counting the torture by the monks with the hot pokers, the constant pain he feels from every injury committed against Acheron, or the attempts on his life by every single member of his family.

His mother hates him. His sister hates him. Ash hates him. So does every member of the government... every member of the royal household. Pretty much everyone except his beloved trainer Galen, who actually hated him for several years first. He doesn't even meet his heroine until 175 pages into the book. They're with each other off and on about 5 years (while he is getting raped on the side all the while) -- and they are apart more than they are together. Then Ash becomes a God and Styxx gets sent to live alone on an island for 11-thousand years. With his heroine dead. 11-thousand years. Because 21 years of rapes, torture and abuse isn't enough. Yet he comes through it all with a good heart. And he still is capable of love and a desire to have sex. Only with Bethany, of course. (That's the heroine's name, by the way.)

Plus... when he finally gets off the island... and he tries to kill Ash to end his own miserable existence... he gets the extra treat of living through Acheron's memories for three years. There is no end to this man's suffering. And even past page 775, he is still miserable and being manipulated and thrown away. Does this tell you anything??

I know the idea is that there is supposed to be something beautiful about a man so tortured being able to retain his ability to love. But there is nothing beautiful here. I ended up just wishing the poor man could die, simply to end the cruelty.

P.S. Acheron is painted as a complete dick in this book.

I'm done.

Rating: D-
Profile Image for Angela Carr.
732 reviews82 followers
April 1, 2015

There just not enough stars to rate this book. 5+++

Only an amazingly talented author can pull off an EPIC read such as this. Her talent of creating tortured heroes goes beyond any other authors I know. She has proven this novel after novel and Styxx tops it all. Yes, it is better than ACHERON. And yes, it is THE best of the Dark Hunter series. In fact, it is one of THE BEST of the PNR genre!!!

For the two days that I read this book, I did nothing but sobbed and ugly cried over Styxx’s story. I knew Kenyon will somehow open the reader’s eyes to a whole new perspective on his character, but I never expected for Styxx to outshine Acheron in every way. Seeing the story in Styxx’s point of view just left me in utter shock. I don’t want to give anything away but know that Styxx had it worse in every possible way. But he rose above it all and still managed to love. He did not do things out of spite nor did he retaliate against the ones he loved…Yes, I would say he is the better man.

The love story was also amazing. One thing I love about PNR novels is the eternal love. On this, I will be brief because there’s just no way I can explain this without any spoilers. I will tell you that Styxx will prove his love for Bethany is eternal. I know it sounds sooo cliché, but it is incredibly romantic. If anybody deserves this happy ending, it’s Styxx.

I was very impressed with the timeline of this book and connections to Acheron’s, Nick, Talon and the rest of the Dark Hunters stories. Each scene reminded me of which books they came from. The twists and turns of the stories just left me reeling (in a good way). And I can’t help but to feel happy seeing the heroes I’ve fallen for. But still, none of them can ever beat Styxx.

I would like to put out a warning that STYXX is not for the faint of heart. It is heavy on sexual, physical and most of all emotional abuse. It really is very violent. But know that the abuse is not what this book is about. Many have said how tortured Styxx was and how they cried all day and night but it is not about that. It is about the survival of this victim that makes it so heartwarming. Readers not only fall in love, they will feel empowered.

Forgive me if this offends anyone, but I thought it was important to mention this. Though this novel is fiction, there is so much to Acheron and Styxx lives that still exist even in our time. Their abuse happens in real life every day. Ms. Kenyon says she simply wrote this for the “character” itself, and no lesson was intended. Even if it wasn’t her intention, I hope that it still sends out the message. The best way to explain is through the writer herself. Ms. Kenyon had posted a heartfelt message that I think must be read by anyone who reads this book.
Sherrilyn Kenyon's Message

I have nothing but adoration for her talent and bravery in succeeding in life despite her past. Bravo Ms. Kenyon for rising up to the top.

*Review copy provided by publisher in exchange for an honest review
Profile Image for Sophia Triad.
2,240 reviews3,658 followers
January 13, 2018
I don’t know what horrors haunt you, but I know that you haven’t allowed them to destroy the most beautiful part of yourself. You have the heart of a lion. Fearless. Tell me what is manlier than that?

This is one of these rare books that I am absolutely sure that I will NEVER EVER read again. For obvious reasons as I will explain. I feel emotionally exhausted. It had been only August 28, 9533 BC and I wanted to start taking antidepressants.

This review will be full of spoilers for two reasons:
1. Most have already read Acheron
2. There are spoilers everywhere by everyone

This review will also be long. Because this is a long book and it is completely packed with events and feelings. And because this is one of these books that I will never be able to get out of my mind and this review will be my catharsis.

Basically the story of Styxx is delivered in two parts:
1. Part One
June 19, 9548 BC to June 26, 9527 BC
i.e. when he was a boy
2. Part Two
AD January 3, 2004 to September 21, 2013
i.e. when he already is an ancient

So the review will have two parts

Styxx as a young boy (or ‘the whole world against Styxx’ or ‘Styxx in the role of the punching bag’ or ‘Styxx as a deprived whore’ or ‘Styxx loses chunks of reality because of the drugs’)

Well… here it goes. The story of Styxx is sad. And dark. It is the saddest and darkest story so far in the Dark Hunters and I think that it is not possible that there can any story more intense and extreme after this one.

If you have read even just one book from the Dark Hunters’ series, you will know that all the main characters had suffered severely, before they became the untouchable larger than life heroes: Death of their beloved one, rapes, mutilations, torturing, horrible useless deaths without honor most of the times. All of these before they come back from death wiser, stronger and forceful after taking their revenge.
So think of these Dark Hunters’ stories,
Think of your emotions when you read them,
Think of the darkness and the feelings of sympathy about them,
Think of your relief when they get their revenge,
Think of the happiness when they get someone that loves them and they have their HEA

Multiply all these emotions and feelings by 100 when you read Acheron’’s book
Multiply all these emotions and feelings by 1000 when you read Styxx’s book.

I cannot lie. When I was reading the first part when Acheron and Styxx were children; I was so angry with Sherrilyn Kenyon. I thought we were friends (hahaha I wish). How could she do this to me? How could she fool me like that? I thought that this stupid bitch Ryssa was actually a really nice person who was thinking only the best in people. And I had forgiven all the stupid mistakes that she did in the book of Acheron. I had forgotten somehow that because of her a whole civilization was forced to die young or if they didn’t die young they could not face the light of the day again. Of course in Acheron we had only her point of view in the beginning. We did not know that she was a bipolar bitch.

Now, we have Styxx’ point of view. And everything becomes a bit clearer. Thus, when I survived the initial shock; I had to go through the actual story of Styxx.
And trust me, you may need antidepressants in order to read his story.

We basically see world through Styxx’ eyes. And it is not a nice world. Styxx can see only his personal flaws and shortcomings. Nobody loves him. Everyone lusts after him. He is cursed. You may say that this is exactly what happened to Acheron. The problem is that Styxx is just a victim of fate. He was not a God like Acheron was. He was supposed to grow up and become a great king in Didymos. Instead he had a fate cruelest than his brother. And he was completely lonely and miserable because there was no sympathy for him. He was never supposed to be the victim.

Unfortunately Styxx never talked. He was listening to the insults of his father, his mother and his sister and he never talked back. He was rarely sarcastic. He was always backhanded by someone (mostly his father and sister) and stabbed a few times by his lovely family.
Honestly there were times that I would love to backhand him as well with this victim attitude (Sorry Styxx’s fans). Sh!t happens in life. Get your sh!t together and move on for god’s sake! You cannot die anyway. Stop this ‘Oh why should I bother?’ attitude!
Styxx was such a weak,tender hero who never thought of revenge.

As a result the two brothers, the two toughest and strongest men on Earth, will be almost equally tortured. Their country should have been thriving. Instead there was one catastrophe after the other.

The book is full with graphic details. Much more than Acheron’s book. And I am sure there is a new record in raping scenes.

The first time we see Styxx is through Bethany’s eyes. And he is magnificent:

She came around a tent and froze as she caught sight of the infamous Didymosian prince, Styxx. While she’d heard his name countless times, she’d never seen him before.
Arrogant snot. That was her first thought as she saw him swathed in his expensive black armor with a bright red chlamys, and rigidly perched on the back of an exceptional black stallion. His regal pride bled from every pore of his body. Still, he cut a gorgeous picture as the light breeze ruffled his unruly blond curls that gave him an unorthodox, boyish appearance. Dark brown brows slashed above intelligent eyes so blue they matched the Aegean Sea for clarity and vibrance. His stern expression made his cheekbones sharp and well sculpted. Too young for a full beard, he held the lightest bit of dark brown dusting around his chin and upper lip.
He was truly a thing of great beauty.

But he had to be magnificent. He is Acheron’s twin brother. His identical image. All the worms around him loved to belittle him and make him suffer so that they would feel superior.

After I finished the first part of the book, I was almost shouting
Burn the damn Didimos to the ground!
Burn the damn Atlantis!
Burn the damn Olympus!

Triggers: Child abuse, Child molest, Multiple rapes continually (don’t think that after the first few, everything will stop); rape drugs; incest; incest and rape at the same time; gang rape; mutilation; extreme torturous mind games (belittling, insulting, emotional blackmail, general blackmail); bulling; actual torturing (burning, branding, bleeding, hair removal, beating, caning, whipping etc.).

I try to think some of my dark reads; and I cannot think of a darkest story.

REVIEW FOR PART 2: Eleven Thousand, Five Hundred and Thirty-One Years Later
Styxx as a free man (or ‘Styxx finally has family’ or ‘Brother, how could you be that wrong?’)

Ok, so in second part things are toned down. Styxx is still is a martyr, but thank god there are not the triggers in this part of the book that made you what to throw up in the first part of the book.
This is actually a typical Dark Hunters book. Much shorter that the first part. The main hero wants revenge and a happily ever after. And this is what he will get. Bad things will stay in the past and finally FINALLY he will get some retribution and an “I am sorry” from the person that he loves almost the same as his wife and his mentor.

The two brother had been two broken boys , the two halves of a whole who were constantly mistreated and were constantly told lies (especially Acheron). Now that they are men and they know the truth, they will try to find a common ground.

“Tory, if I’ve done what I think I have, I don’t know how I’ll live with it.”

I did not hate Acheron after Styxx’s book. Acheron had an extremely cruel youth. He was a whore before Styxx become one. And he was whoring himself for thousands years in order to save his dark hunters.

“Why can’t I just hate you?”

Styxx was a philosopher, a poet, a gentle soul. He became a warrior because he was also a survivor. He only wanted someone to love him.

Favorite quotes from the book: Every time Styxx talks to Beth about his love for her.
“As long as I make you smile, I will always be a fool for the woman I love.”
“You love me?”
“Like the full moon loves the night. I might always be around, but I only shine in your presence.
And no matter where you go, I will follow you, even if I’m a million miles away.” He’d held her hand to his chest for her to feel his heart beating. “And this part of me will never belong to anyone else. I don’t give gifts lightly and I never take them back.”


The tenderness in those blue eyes for her. The love and pain. It seared her. He buried himself deep inside her body. “Never once in my life did I feel sunshine on my skin until the day you touched me,” he breathed in her ear. “And without my Bethany, I dwell in total darkness.”
Her throat tightened. “I’ve missed my poet so.” No one had ever talked to her the way he did. He could be so bashful and clumsy and at the same time so eloquent and graceful. It was what she loved most about him. He was always unexpected.
In that moment, her body erupted with pleasure. Arching her back, she cried out as he thrust harder and deeper, giving her more pleasure until he finally joined her there. His breathing ragged, he shook in her arms. “I love you with all my heart, Beth”

Lastly I don’t know if it is in Sherrilyn Kenyon’s plans; but I would love to read a book about Artemis. I want to read her point of view.

I just only want to say that I could give easily either 1 star or 5 stars. Nothing between.
I think I will settle to 5 stars.
Profile Image for Kristalia .
394 reviews647 followers
September 21, 2017
Final rating: 4.25/5 stars

“The most beautiful heart of all is the one that can still love even while it bleeds, and especially after its been broken into thousands of pieces.”

That's it. That is the book. And i am not even joking. Well, other than that i have a message for Sherrilyn Kenyon:

Dear Miss Sherrilyn Kenyon,

You are a master of sadism, tortured heroes, heroines,tragedies, and everything else. Thank you for making my life miserable by reading this book. Not only have you made my life miserable, but you have also made the lives of Styxx, Acheron (and Seth's, but he is another story) completely and utterly unbearable. They suffered so much that i just had to rip them out from the book and hug them until they got bored of me.

Why? Why can't they have a little break from their pasts and even though they all had end it was just completely heartbreaking. You have stomped on my heart, crushed it to pieces and put it back inside again. I will forever love Acheron and Styxx thanx to you, and i shall not blame them for their idiotism and hate and suffering towards each other. I shall forever love those two idiots - and never will hate them.
~ Kristalia

Onto the real review now: Well, if you have read Dark Hunter series before, you won't have a problem catching up with this book. But if you haven't and you are interested in what happens... just read the whole series. Or read Night pleasures,Night embrace,dance with the devil, Devil may cry, Acheron and The Guardian... I believe they are necessary for your journey for this series (but seriously, just read them all in correct order and you won't have any problems).

Like Acheron's book, this one is split in 2 parts: past and present. Past part was filled with pain,suffering and loneliness, but sometimes, there was a ray of hope and happiness... until it all began from the start... In the second part there is only suffering and in the end came happiness (in like last 10 percent of the book?). But don't worry, this story has so much more in it that you can't even imagine. And most important of all, it has ending. The story with characters aside was interesting, especially with Urian!

But i have to say this: i would have given it pure five stars. But i didn't. Why? Because Acheron's book was the only one which made me cry the entire book. And even then, it the misery odds were 70:30... here it was more like 90:10.

I wanted to see Styxx's redemption. Ever since he helped save Tory in Acheron's book, it made me like him and I was interested in him, because it felt like he was finally letting go and wanting peace. Oh, how I was wrong. For everything Styxx has done before, there is usually a solid and bulletproof glass explanation. It felt like Sherri decided that Styxx deserved another chance by making his life as miserable as Acheron's, and neither Styxx nor Ash had time off in their lives. When you read this one, you will understand. Ash was denied that (time off) whole his mortal life and that is what hurt me the most. But over time, he earned his freedom, no matter how thin. And in this book we see another, even darker, aspect of his personality. But i don't blame him - and i will never hate him. He is still my ultimate favorite. Neither Styxx nor Acheron deserved what happened to them, and they will always be brothers - in idiocy, in cruelty, in suffering, in hating each other, in loving each other, in thinking wrongly and so on. They are similar in so many ways. And only one of them knows the true life of the other. We all know Styxx ended up with Ash's memories (which were not so pretty, actually plain horrifying), but Styxx already HAD a lot of burden going on in his soul and he didn't need more.

I don't know if Sherry even planned his redemption before writing his book - so she added lot of scenes form his perspective through the years of which the books happened and events.

Brothers forever and always.
Even through mutual idiocy.

There is something you should know about this book. Like Acheron, this book is very, very dark. Maybe even more than Acheron. Sherrilyn Kenyon was bold with this one. Especially when it comes to make horrifying history of the characters. In this book there is a heavy accent on and she did it in that way so you know that it happened, when it happened, who did it, and how it happened, and it happened many times. Brutal. Very, very brutal. And it's also very heartbreaking. And horrifying. Not only that, but also many other triggers. The list would be too long. There is a difference between darkness of Acheron's and Styxx's book. While it was hinted many, many times and we saw evidence of what happened to Acheron, this was very... detailed. It's not for the faint hearted.


Styxx is a prince of Greece, and a "beloved heir"... If only that was true. His life was sheer and utter terror and misery. The only one who had accepted him for who he was, was his twin brother, Acheron. But - when they had 7 years, Acheron was taken away from him and Styxx was left alone, without anyone else who cared for him. Ever since then, he was shrouded in misery, despair and cruelty. Until he met Bethany, a blind girl who had accepted him for whom he is... except she didn't know the truth. The truth that he was pretending to be Hector, just another normal person. But he wasn't. He was also a Greek general, and mortal enemy of Atlantean forces and their gods. Especially Bet'anya Agriosa.

“You love me?”
“Like the full moon loves the night. I might always be around, but I only shine in your presence. And no matter where you go, I will follow you, even if I’m a million miles away.”

Styxx is my adorable little baby. I was wrong about him on so many levels, but even he had moments of epic fails and idiotic decisions.

Bethany is the goddess of Wrath and Misery, Bet'anya Agriosa, and she is a force so powerful, that even her own Atlantean Pantheon is afraid of. And yet, after she met this interesting mortal named Hector... she fell in love, despite him being Greek and despite the fact that he was hiding so many things to her. But over time, she accepted him for what he is, but she feels devastated knowing that she was is lying to him. Lying to him that she is a god.

Styxx pulled her against him and held her close as self-loathing and hatred shredded his soul. “I’m sorry, Beth. You deserve a man, not—”
“You are a man,” she said, interrupting him. “More so than any I’ve known. It’s not manly to hurt others or belittle them. Respect and kindness require more courage because people take advantage of those. I don’t know what horrors haunt you, but I know that you haven’t allowed them to destroy the most beautiful part of yourself. You have the heart of a lion. Fearless. Tell me what is manlier than that?”

Beth was adorable, interesting and wonderful character and i love how she accepted everything about him,even his soul and heart.

Acheron is a twin brother of Styxx. Once, they were best friends, brothers, who always sheltered each other and protected each other. But, when Acheron is taken to Atlantis, he is shown a whole different level of pain and misery - and he was completely and utterly broken.

“What are we?” Styxx breathed.
Acheron’s eyes were still red. “Damned.” Then he started laughing hysterically.

If by any chance, you read this book instead of Acheron's first, be aware that not all is what it seems. His past was so cruel and so horrible that he was left bitter/angry/scared. In this book, his much more darker side is revealed, and he did some stuff that were unforgivable... (of which he doesn't actually remember ever commiting, but some of them, he did remember and he thought it was justified. But, knowing nothing, it was his own way of protecting himself), but even after all of that, i still love him. Why? Because when you connect his book with Styxx's book, there is no telling who was wronged more. Acheron and Styxx have been made to fight against each other from the moment they were born, and each side had someone who filled them with lies about the other brother. But... no matter what, i will, never, and i mean never hate Ash. I just can't do that. Too many books in this series spoiled me enough. No matter what he did in the past, he saved more people than the ones he damned (like Nick, or even Styxx, for that matter).

Ryssa is the sister of Acheron and Styxx. While she showed really carrying side for Acheron, she was really and utterly horrible and she constantly judged Styxx. Everything she did, she did for Acheron, because he was the only abused one in her eyes, and she never, ever, lifted her head and saw what Styxx felt about her. She only made him feel worthless, unwanted and evil that shouldn't breathe the same air as her and her other brother.

{It was like reading about two different personalities and after all this, i don't like her anymore as much as i used to.}

Other characters : I thought Artie was the most horrible character that was ever made. She is not. Not when you see what Apollo did in this book. I just had no words - he is sadistic SOB and i hate him with burning passion. The way he was obsessed with his victim and how he haunted him, tortured him and made his life miserable was horrifying. He is a damn monster. I of course, dislike Styxx's and Acheron's father, for many justified reasons and his actions scarred both of them. Don't even get me started on Estes, that f***ing sadistic SOB. I don't know who was worse, Estes or Apollo. At least their father had some minor compassion in his rotten soul.

From the present time, Urian and Simi were absolutely adorable and interesting and i always love to read about these two! :D And we find out something very interesting about Urian, Apollymi (hope I spelled her name right) and we also get to see Danger, Alexion and some other main characters like Savitar, Simi, and so on.

“Again, French Revolution here. Les Mis, I get. This…” She wagged the spatula. “My extent of Greek history is Troy with Brad Pitt and,” she looked over at Alexion, “Mr. Luscious in his armor.”


Oh my god. What a roller coaster of emotions. Don't read this book in public places like i did - you may embarrass yourself. I welcome Styxx in my collection of fav characters of all eternity. IF you still haven't read this series, JUST DO IT. IT IS WORTH IT.


EDIT: I have to sit and reread all books in order because i need to write reviews for all of this fantastic books. Just read the whole series, trust me on that. And since GOODREADS gloriously screwed up the Dark Hunter book order, i have written them all down earlier... List can be seen here:

This review can be found on my blog: infinity-of-time.blogspot.com also known as...
Profile Image for Neyra ♦.
304 reviews108 followers
November 26, 2013

"You're right Acheron. I am a selfish bastard. I had to be, because no one else gave a single shit about me, except me."

It doesn't usually take me this long to write a review, but between my busy work schedule and conflicted feelings towards this book, I just couldn't sit my tushh down and get this review going. I'm not sure how this'll turn out, but I'm hoping for the best...

I love SKenyon's Dark Hunter world with it's vampires and Greek Gods causing havoc. If you want tortured heroes with reedemable hearts, SKenyon's Hunters are the sexy paranormals to fall in love with. Each character brought his own kind of pain to the series, but the one who's pain was far more cruel than you could possibly imagine was Acheron. Not because his pain was above all others, but because his pain he kept hidden. While most of the Dark Hunters took their pain and turned it into revenge, anger, misery... Acheron chose to be these misguided souls' conscious and help them regain some form of happiness in their lives, or at least set them in the right direction. To have endured 21 years of torture, slavery, rape, abuse and be despised by the very people whom were suppose to protect him... my heart was broken... shattered. We find out about his sister, who adored him; and the twin who despised him, and received everything Acheron did not....

But there are always two sides to every story...

I'll be the first to admit that I wasn't a fan of Styxx while reading Acheron's book. He was perceived as a spoiled Prince who got away with anything and everything, but what Acheron, Ryssa and the world failed to see was that it was all just a facade. Styxx was anything but spoiled, and he made Acheron's pain seem like child's play. The only time he ever had peace and happiness was with the one woman he was never meant to have.

Here's where it gets tricky. While I sympathized with Styxx, and found my heart in pieces because of the cruelty done to him, I do believe that SKenyon took it a little too far. Everything seemed so... exagerated, for lack of a better word. Then it became unrealistic for me. While Acheron was despised by the King, at least he had Ryssa's love. She defended him; but Styxx didn't have a single member of his family, or the kingdom who believed him to be better than they thought he was. Everyone wanted to rape him, and believed he deserved beatings, humiliations, etc. Styxx's saving grace came a little later in the form of Galen, his fighting instructor, who saw him for he truly was and would sometimes speak up for him but otherwise, Styxx was alone. There was so much unnecessary violence towards him that at one point I wanted to skip all 600 pages just so I could move on with the BS. Ryssa, his father, even his own mother did everything to make him feel like a worthless SOB, it was ridiculous.

As you know, this book is 800+ pages long, bigger than Acheron's book, and while I love that we get to see the world through the eyes of Styxx, I also believe it was unnecessary to repeat the same scenario to me in different words, days, months. Six hundred pages later, and we finally arrive 11,000 years towards the future where Styxx must face Acheron, or stand beside him. I always wanted to know what caused the rift between the twins, and I saw.. but I was extremely disappointed... they're such idiots! LOL Acheron was told lies by his uncle; while Styxx, even though he knew what Acheron was going through, what was being done to him, held a grudge over the fact that he was being abused as well. Instead of trying to understand each other, they further stoked their hatred. It was unbelievable.

This is the first time I've been disappointed by a SKenyon Dark Hunter book. Don't get me wrong, I sobbed like a baby every time Styxx hurt, and I loved watching his and Bet'anya's (I hope I spelled that right, I don't have the book anymore!) relationship and how they gave each other something they were both missing. She's just badass, hands down, and I love her father, Set. I am just disappointed it took 800+ pages to tell me this story. I didn't need inane details of something I already knew was going to happen just by reading the first few chapters.. some thing's did not need repeating! I will say this though, it's worth the late nights of, "just one more chapter". And, from me, it gets a star for simply having my Zarek in the book! :P

There's so much more in the world of the Dark Hunters to come, and believe me you guys, it wont be pretty... but some things, once set in motion can no longer be stopped. I'm looking forward to seeing what new battles SKenyon brings to the table. What can top the God and Goddess of Destruction and Misery?



NO WAY, NO WAY, NO WAY!!!!! *DIES* I can't believe Styxx gets his own book!! I need to catch up, and soon! >.< Have me all like:

Profile Image for Gianne Kris.
92 reviews18 followers
November 9, 2014

Styxx paused inside the courtyard doorway as he caught sight of Apollymi sitting on a stone bench that overlooked a dark fountain. So this was the bitch who had forever changed and ruined his life…

And all to save the life of her own son.

He should probably hate her for that alone, but given the fact that he’d have sold his soul to have a mother who would just acknowledge his existence, how could he? In spite of what Acheron thought, Apollymi’s love for Acheron was the only thing Styxx had ever coveted.

That and Ryssa’s.

Styxx swallowed hard as that old wound ripped open and flooded him with pain. He’d done everything he could to make his sister love him, but her unwarranted jealousy and love of Acheron had kept her from seeing him as anything other than worthless, spoiled and selfish. While he’d done his absolute best to protect and shield Acheron, Ryssa had ruthlessly blamed him for things he had no control over.

For things he hadn’t done.

But he wouldn’t think about that. The past was ancient history. Literally.

This was the present and once again, Acheron needed him. Taking a deep breath, Styxx studied the goddess who despised him even more than his own mother and sister had.

Her pale blond hair was a stark contrast to her black gown, both of which flowed around her perfect body. Ironically, the Atlantean goddess of ultimate pain and destruction had to be the most beautiful woman who had ever lived.

The splashing water made a soothing sound in spite of the fact that they were both currently in hell. Her isolation struck him hard as the memory of his own slammed into him and reawakened a horror he did his best every waking minute to forever bury. There was nothing worse than to exist in a tight hole where the only company you had was the sight of your own face in a cold reflection that showed you just how much you hated yourself.

But unlike him, Apollymi didn’t sit alone in her prison.

His gaze went to the two Charontes who stood on opposite sides of her. While they didn’t speak, they were at least another life form nearby. Not to mention, she had an entire Daimon army to serve her and keep her company.

He winced as he remembered all the centuries he’d screamed out for someone, anyone, to have mercy on him and just speak so that he could hear them. They didn’t even have to talk to him. Just speak.

Eleven thousand years was hard to live through.

Eleven thousand years of utter solitude…

“So you’re not a coward, after all.”

He narrowed his gaze on Apollymi as his hatred rose to swallow every last remnant of his pain. “I’ve been many things in my life, but never a coward.”

She rose with the same slow, graceful movements he was now trying to learn from Acheron. As she turned to face him, her eyes flashed from swirling silver to a deep, vibrant red- another thing she shared with her son. “You don’t fool me, dog. I see you for what you really are.”

Styxx caught his bitter laughter out of habit. As a human, that kind of response would have caused his father to knock him through a wall. But then Apollymi couldn’t kill him.

Only Acheron could.

“I find that hard to believe, my lady.” Not once in his entire existence had anyone ever seen the truth in him. And that was okay. He’d long ago grown used to being misjudged and despised.

Before he could blink, she vanished, then reappeared right beside him. She sank her hand deep into his short blond hair and wrenched it hard. “But for my son, I’d have your heart in my fist right now.”

He didn’t flinch or react to the pain at all. “But for my brother, I’d gut you where you stand.”

She laughed at his threat, then tightened the grip in his hair. “You are nothing but a second rate copy of my Apostolos. A mere shadow of the man he has become. No one will ever mistake you for him. How could they?”

Strange to hear his own doubtful litany coming out of someone else’s mouth. She might as well be his father, telling him how he’d never be good enough to rule. How he should have been drowned the moment he was born.

When he didn’t respond, she hissed at him, baring her fangs. “I hate you.”

Styxx smirked. “The feeling is entirely mutual.”

She yanked his hair so hard, he was amazed she didn’t draw out a fist full of bloody strands. Her eyes flashing again, she jerked him against her and sank her fangs into his neck.

He gasped at the raw, unrelenting pain of her bite. A pain she took pleasure in giving him. For the love of the gods, please rip out my throat. Maybe then, for a few minutes at least, he might actually be at peace.

But as she drank from him, her hold started to gentle and the pain lessened. Within a few seconds, it almost felt like a mother’s embrace. Not that he remembered the sensation of being hugged. In fact, he could count on one hand how many times in his entire existence he’d been held by anyone.

And none of those had ever come from his own mother.

Apollymi pulled back to look up at him with a stern frown. His blood stained her lips. To his complete shock, she brushed a tender hand over the wound she’d left in his neck. “I had no idea,” she said in a tight voice.

Styxx shrugged her arms away. He didn’t want or need anyone’s kindness or pity, and especially not hers. “Yeah well, we all have shit to deal with, don’t we?”

She reached out to him, but he stepped back. He wasn’t a boy anymore begging for a modicum of kindness from someone. He’d learned as a toddler that he was alone in this world. And honestly, he preferred it that way.

“Is it done?” he asked.

Apollymi gave a subtle nod.

Good. Now he could move into his next prison and be done with it. He wiped the blood off his neck and turned to leave.


He paused, but didn’t speak.

“Thank you for doing this for Apostolos,” she whispered, her voice thick with emotion. “And for what’s worth, I am so sorry for what happened to you.”

Sorry… That one word caused his lip to curl.

This time he gave free reign to his disdainful snort. “Everyone’s sorry for something.” He pinned her with a heated glare. “And there are some things, my lady, that sorry doesn’t fix.”
Profile Image for SheReadsALot.
1,840 reviews1,246 followers
Want to read
August 26, 2012

funny gifs

I can't even keep up with the who and why's of it all. When in the hell is Jaden or Savitar getting their book? I'll read this book cause I have to see where Sherrilyn is going with this series...hopefully closer to Savitar & Jaden's stories.
October 2, 2013
There are always two sides to every story, and I'd long been wondering just how Sherrilyn Kenyon would handle Acheron's twin brother Styxx. I figured she would continue the theme of reluctant/redemptive hero and she did. Too bad this book was an incredible let-down.

This was nearly six-hundred-plus pages of rape, verbal and physical abuse, incest and bloodshed with some forgiveness and HEA thrown in at the last minute. Worse, there was major gender and GLBTQ fail (the first I've sadly come to expect in romance these days, but the latter was a shock and disappointing to say the least). To add insult to injury, those first six-hundred pages which was supposed to take place eons ago read more like Survivor or Big Brother set in some ancient time. Nothing drives me crazier than ancient characters in an ancient fantasy time sounding like spoiled frat-emo kids.

I actually felt sorry for both Styxx and Acheron because they deserved a far better tale than this gratuitous torture porn. I got the feeling that by the end of this needlessly horrific book (which should come with a label slapped to it that says TRIGGER WARNING), that I was supposed to yay Styxx and boo Ash. Actually, they're both victims. Not just of the gods and the cruelty of people, but from an author who thought upping the ante on a story already told (and just as painful to read) while throwing even more indignity just for fun is what makes a great book. There were times while reading this that I hoped Styxx would put us both out of our misery and just kill everyone--THE END. Still trying to figure out how Styxx's daddy dearest managed to keep his dumb rear end on the throne and not have a clue about his children. Oh, my psycho wife stabbed my son for giving her a birthday present? No problem, Styxx go to your room. Your bitch of a sister slaps you in the face for breathing even though YOU'RE the freaking heir to the throne and all daddy does is coo at her/buy her nice trinkets but punishes YOU for not being "kingly" enough? This clan makes The House of Atreus look like the crew of 'Seventh Heaven'. There's dysfunctional then there's batshit crazy, and even if all these spoiled rotten pantheons are using mortals for sport, a lot of the cruelty was simply there for jollies or as filler. I get it, Styxx had a crappy life. I also get Ash's behavior towards his twin (though it would have made far better sense had he been given Styxx's memories rather than the other way around). It took nearly goddess-knows how many pages before he could forgive his brother when it could have happened sooner, considering that Styxx could read his thoughts and feel whatever was happening to him. Granted Kenyon is well-known for mercilessly torturing her heroes (Zarek anyone?) but this was just over the line.

As usual in Kenyon's world, the female characters don't often fare very well. They either die horribly (after being raped) or are written as insane bitches on permanent PMS, such as Ryssa and her mother and most of the goddesses. I really tried to like Bethany, especially being a part of the Egyptian pantheon (which it seemed Kenyon tried to whitewash a bit) but she just seemed another in a recurring theme of angry goddess who gets it all wrong. As a mortal she couldn't see Styxx/Hector, but as a goddess she could. As bad-ass goddess of misery/suffering/boredom she should have researched her quarry better since Styxx and his army was kicking major Atlantean butt and she was supposed to hate the "spoiled and arrogant prince". If I recall correctly, Astrid was a blind nymph/demi-being of innocence//justice and she was a lot kinder to Zarek than Beth was to Styxx. To be honest, I haven't liked most of Kenyon's heroines save for the early few right up to Bride McTierney (whom I love). After that, most of them were just "meh". Once again it seemed that another romance author committed literary misandry by creating less than interesting heroines because the hero gets all the attention.

There are two saving graces of this book: Styxx's weapons master Galen. He made sense in his initial dislike only to realize his charge was far more noble and honorable than he'd been led to believe. He truly was loyal unto death and the bright spot in Styxx's life. The other is Simi. Simi just has the power to make even a wretched story such as this a little more enjoyable, though it was cool to see Kyrian, Julian and Zarek make an appearance. I love Simi, but there's just not enough barbecue sauce to have made this book even remotely flavorful.

On the GLBTQ fail--It was totally offensive to make the openly gay character Estes into the stereotyped depraved sex fiend. To make it worse, the god Apollo was just sadistic on top of his explicit attraction for Styxx. Both characters could have been handled in a more nuanced way, especially in light of the fact that not everyone wanted a piece of Styxx's ass (figuratively as well as literally) in spite of the curse that made him and Ash into pure lust objects. And while Ash was graphically shown servicing both genders, the inference was that Styxx was only given to men--a strange way to "preserve" him for Bethany I guess. I'm still wondering about the weird sexism in that. I get that ancient times were often cruel nor am I saying that there can't ever be evil gay male characters, but Estes, Apollo and most of the males who enjoyed raping them seemed written by gleeful anti-gay zealots rather than an author who should know better.
Profile Image for Kat valentine ( Katsbookcornerreads).
721 reviews1,153 followers
July 2, 2018
The thing I love most about Sherrilyn Kenyon's books is she shows that just because you think you know the whole story,doesn't mean you known the whole story.Their are always two sides of the story and that's what we learn from Styxx's side.I will admit I hated styxx,I thought that he could of stopped the abuse that Acheron indured,but in his story we find out that not only was Acheron being sexually abused but so was styxx by the almost the same sick bastards! When these two brothers are bought together their hate for each other will boil over and old secrets will come out and finally the two divided will become one and heads will roll !! Out standing writing!!
Profile Image for Natasha.
44 reviews3 followers
September 23, 2013
HMMM WOW!!!! Well I really don't care what order Sherrilyn Kenyon goes in, I just like the fact she keeps writting. I love her work so much, and all of her characters are extreamly interessting and loveable in their own ways.

While I have loved all of her Dark Hunter, Dream Hunter, and Were Hunter books, the one I will always love the most is Acherons. It was written with such depth, emotion and pain. I can only imagine what it took to write it. So yes, I am so looking forward to Styxx's book, because I know Sherrilyn will deliver another masterpiece. While I've had my issues with Styxx, I have also always had a small measure of sorrow for him. I want to understand his story and understand his hatred towards Acheron. I want to know how Styxx felt during all of Acheron's torture. I am glad she is writting this book and I will wait for it because I know this will be a huge tear jerker!

I just want to say thank you to Sherrilyn Kenyon for writting. Reading your books brings me to another world, a sort of escape if you will, and this is what I love so much about the world you have created

Update September 21,2013

I loved this book. It was definitely a masterpiece. I will not review it or spoil it. All I can say is read it!!!!! Its amazing. Five stars all the way.
September 26, 2013
This is the moment we've been waiting for...to finally get Styxx's POV and find out what happened between him and Ash. And I have to tell you...it's not pretty. Not at all...in fact, be prepared to have all your views challenged, your loyalties torn (yes, I'm talking about Ash) and your heart hurt.

Well, I'm beginning to feel like a broken record since it seems like I keep saying this about SK but seriously, she is the Queen of Torture. No one, and I mean no one, does it better than her. But I have to tell you, this book about did me in. And what I mean by that is...I will definitely give any more of her books a second...or even third thought before I read them. The exception being The Chronicles of Nick...well, at least so far. The jury is still out on that one.

This book is depressing as hell so be prepared and it does not let up! And you know what that means at 848+ pages...that's a lot of emotional turmoil to go through. Every type of torture imaginable is done to Styxx and then some. Also, the past doesn't stop at 50% oh no...we get a good 70% of the past in this one.

I never thought I would see the day where I would be upset with Ash but unfortunately, I was and more than once. I hate that SK did this to me because I'll never feel the same way about Ash again. Oh, he's still amazing but he just doesn't shine as much as he did.


And I was totally shocked about Ryssa....so not the same person I thought she was in Ash's book. But no worries...there are explanations and some redemption just not enough to make everything okay.

I really have to say that I fell for Styxx...he is the sweetest thing. My heart just went out for him over and over again. "I" wanted to hug him!! I also really liked Bethany. The back story was really interesting and definitely something you would find in mythology. I really enjoyed her and Styxx falling in love...it was sooo bittersweet.


Simi was her usual hilarious self and if I didn't already love her, I definitely would after reading what she did. Urian as well and what an interesting twist about him.

And what was up with the random tourist girl and the kissing? What was the point of that? blah!

I was a bit disappointed with the ending. It seemed things wrapped up too easily and too quickly but that's what happens when 90%+ of the book is all about the struggle. I would have liked more happy times.

One last note...I think you can read this after Acheron's book. In fact, it might be a really good idea since Ash's POV will be fresh...or even read them together and just go back and forth reading each POV for each scene. The books after Ash's book are a lot of the dream hunters and dark hunters that we haven't really been familiar with before. There is a touch of them at the end but nothing that is going to mess you up.

Favorite quotes:

♥ “Brothers—always and forever."

♥ “Like the full moon loves the night. I might always be around, but I only shine in your presence. And no matter where you go, I will follow you, even if I’m a million miles away.”
May 25, 2017
love Styxx, love Acheron, hell I love em all! I will say this is one of the saddest stories I have ever read. I almost need a antidepressant after reading it lol. They all were so hurt and abused it just rips your heart out and makes you feel helpless, and sad for the characters. You feel such joy that they get their happy endings, and I just loved that Apollo gets his comeuppance. I had a hard time on Whether to give it a 4 or 5 stars I went with 5 because I was so happy that he got his family in the end

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Profile Image for ReviewerLarissa.
691 reviews32 followers
August 17, 2015
Re-read in 2015.

Still don't like the first 75% of this book and I stand by what I originally stated. I do have a little more appreciation for the second part. Styxx is a sweetie, but the book is still to black and white.

review from 2013
What I liked:
-Styxx. He is a good character. Sweet, strong and noble but waaaaay too self sacrificing.
-St. Ryssa, no longer a saint
-Epic battle between the Atlantian Gods
-Styxx being a Chnotonian/God Killer
-Simi's interfering
-Bethany rocks!

What I didn't like:
- The 600+ pages of rape and (public) gang rapes, incest, child abuse, violence, humiliation and degradation. It was not in line with the other books, except Acheron's, but even that book did not contain the level of explicitness that Styxx's book had. Nor did it have the balance of that book.

- Did an editor even see this book? Or did she have a carte blanche with her publisher for there to be that many explicit and semi-explicit scene's of incest, rape, (public) gang rapes of a 14 year old up until his majority? Seriously, while most of it was fade to black, there was enough of it to turn my stomach. (And this from someone who reads hardcore m/m BDSM)

- There was a lot of switching perspectives and twisting characters around compared to previous stories. While I liked that for instance Ryssa was not the saint she was portrayed to be in the previous books, a lot of characters – including Acheron – became cardboard stereotypes of evil and wrong done to Styxx. His father was actually the most believable character. It was hard to grasp that every servant, every instructor, every senator or other person was against Styxx and only wanted to hurt him in some way. It was waaaaaaay to black and white.

- The inconsistencies. We know Sherrilyn Kenyon has a tendency to twist the previous stories to suit her needs (which up until now has been mostly okay), but this book contains a lot of inconsistencies. There is Artemis and her scheming that doesn't add up that is then conveniently forgotten and forgiven (I would be pissed off if I was put on an island for over 11,000 years). Styxx's behavior and actions in past books and in particular Acheron's book that don't add up to this one. The nature of the Gods. How could Savitar not have known (there is a weak explanation in the book) or Ash. That he could have forgotten as a human, I could grasp, but not as a God.

- What also bothered me (and that falls in line with the black and white characters) is the number of people in on the torture of Styxx and even Acheron. The number of senators and other people who went along with the rapes of Styxx and Estes schemes without his father actually knowing or the lack of rumors. There were some, but not too many. It didn't make sense. Didn't they realize he was a prince that would make their life miserable once he was on the throne? The unsupervised punishments were also a question mark. No prince would be punished without someone supervising to prevent exactly some of the scenes in the book.

- Then there was the part where Styxx was on an Island (or two) for over 11,000 years. That is a bloody long time with no company and having to fend for yourself. There is a terrible concept of time in this book series, but to be alone for so long and still sane? Yeah. Not working for me much. And how could he still want to help those who put him there after all that has happened to him? And then there was Ash putting him back on an island which doesn't add up either except as a filler and show everyone that Ash is asshole.

- There was no real romance to speak of. Only glimpses.

Really, Styxx himself was a sweet character and I liked him a lot, but there was no balance in this story. The torture is drawn out for over 600+ pages before the actual story started and that was over way too quickly. There should have been an equal balance, but there wasn't.

Up until now I have liked all of the Dark- Were- and Dream Hunter books out there. They always have been between 4 and 5 stars. This one is the first one that is truly not well done or thought out. I liked the idea of having Styxx's story, but this doesn't do him justice.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Louise.
285 reviews141 followers
September 22, 2013
“Be kind to everyone you meet, for we are all fighting a fierce battle.”

“...Life, like war, is neither right nor wrong. It just is. And rather than worry over a philosophy you can’t change, you should just try to live through it as best you can.”

Warning: the events in Styxx's life is very nauseating, do not attempt to read if you are not comfortable with raped, abuse, violence, war, degradation, and torture and other acts of inhumane proportions.
and read the book Acheron first before this.

Time can heal a broken heart, but can anything save a shattered soul?

You think Acheron, Darling or even Zhadist from BDB got it worst in their life then you haven't met Styxx.

as the twin brother of Acheron, many had thought that Styxx was the arrogant, pampered prince who turned against Ash when he badly needed saving...not knowing that
with the allure he has like his brother many people wanted him and physically abused his body.
His family hated him because they saw Acheron in his presence, his father had doubted he's one of them, his mother hated him for being born and even

and as fuck up like his brother, he a worst gift given to him by life.
His brother wasn’t the only one damned. It was both of them. Two lives tied together in complete and utter misery.

“Acheron thinks that just because he has it bad, I have it good.”

both brothers had it good when they where young, even abused by their father, they communicate like two little kids finding ways to be happy only for a little while...

Will you keep it for me, Styxx? I would weep if it were lost.
Pulling it toward him, he cradled it to his chest. “I won’t let it be harmed, Acheron. It will be here for your return. I promise.”
No matter where they lived or how far apart, they were still brothers.
Forever and always.

until they were separated...
both their life has thrown into spiral, prejudice to both part got them in bitter hatred to each other because people around them feed them with false reality...

Hatred was a lot easier to deal with than guilt or remorse. And memories that couldn’t be changed. Styxx knew that better than anyone.

It’s amazing the damage we do to ourselves and others when all we’re trying to do is protect ourselves from being hurt.


The truth is not always obvious, and it's never easy

Styxx might be the best character so far, he exceeds Ash.
he was totally misunderstood by most people, I for one...I hate him in the book Acheron. I don't know his side of story until now and I never thought that I will love him way better than Ash.
He is humble, loyal and compassionate to those he loved even to Ash
he wasn't the spoiled rotten prince people knew.
He cared to his men at war and he doesn't take anything for granted because he knows first hand how happiness can be stolen in just a glimpse.
there's only two people who loved and cared for him, and I loved them for taking good care of him.
What I love most about him was his strength and resilience, the pain he dealt with, the longings he'd gone through, he did give up most of the time, cos he wanted out of this life so badly. you will feel his emotion pouring out of the story. He endured it all. He survived. He's a better man through and through.
Another thing I like about him was his sarcasm, it's very sharp which made me laugh sometimes. His ability to hide his pain is what gets him into trouble because no one knows his true feelings.
People make their own reality...A hundred people can witness the same exact event, and give two hundred and three different accountings of it.
“Everything is filtered through our emotions that change over time,...listen to both sides of every matter and try to find the truth that lies somewhere between the opposing accounts.”

The most beautiful heart of all is the one that can still love even while it bleeds, and especially after its been broken into thousands of pieces.

He never dared of finding love, when he jumped off a cliff to kill himself..., he was founded by a beautiful blind woman who took care of him, she didn't know him and he gave him a false name because Styxx was scared that she might hate him too.
Her name was Bethany...
Bethany was the right hand of Dikastis, their god of justice. and in order not to judge others for what she saw, she is to be blind when she took human form. and also she's the Atlantean goddess of misery and wrath.
while Styxx was scared that Bethany might reject him for finding the truth that he was a the infamous prince most people falsely accused him to, Bethany was also afraid to tell him that she was a goddess.
not knowing that it wouldn't even matter because love have already bound their two hearts.

Styxx and Bethany got the best love team ever and it spans through the years together and apart. unlike other couples who had it in a couple of weeks and declared their HEA.
they have the genuine love for each other and you can't help but support them against all odds for better or for worst...
Their love for each other was ordinary, a weary soldier and a simple girl which made it very special.
Their complete trust to each other and their vow of never letting go was the part that made me cry.

“I will count the heartbeats until I see you again.”
“And I will make your count as brief as possible. I promise.”
“And I will be counting down every beat of my heart until we’re together.”

the very strong message of it is that Love is the source of strength from someone we dearly love and makes things alright even in the depths of darkness, the pulse that we hear for us to continue living and the light that will lead us back to their warm embrace...
Faithfully yours.

“Never once in my life did I feel sunshine on my skin until the day you touched me,” he breathed in her ear. “And without my Bethany, I dwell in total darkness.”

What they have was truly Heart felt, heart wrenching, beautifully tragic but also there's a Hope that it will find a way no matter what, a love so profound that even through the test of time, no matter how life will separate them, a

There's a lot of going on in this book, a lot of twist and surprising revelations and I hope I have a dark hunter guide book to help me with all the characters, the enemies are still the enemies and and the good one's? well I love them and there's nothing to say.
one of my favorite heroes, Urian has an important role in this book.
I'm a little bit angry to Ash because he's the one who's holding grudges to Styxx. but I still love the man of course I love him, he's inspirational...just don't tell him that I have a soft spot towards Styxx lol:D
I thought I would never get a happy ending, the suffering that Styxx went through I thought it would not end happily but I'm glad it did.
I wanted to say more but my ramblings doesn't do any justice on how much I love this book. Every time I try and come here and made some editing work, a tear will fall, its just to much to bear, I don't even want to share this review. That's how tough it is. I will hold this book so dearly.

Another amazing and torturous book from the master of fucked up PNR heroes Sherrilyn Kenyon. This is the best she got!
Styxx held his hand out to his brother. Acheron took it and allowed him to pull him to his feet.
They stared at each other, fully united for the first time since the day Estes had taken Acheron to Atlantis. Brothers forever and always.
Acheron hugged him close

Profile Image for Stacia (the 2010 club).
1,045 reviews4,062 followers
April 14, 2017
You are one twisted woman, Sherrilyn Kenyon. How could you make me love this impossibly disturbing book? How???

*Trigger warning : extreme rape, abuse and gore* from what I can remember. I'm reviewing this book months after I read it.

4.5 stars I hesitated for a minute over the thought of adding Styxx to my favorites shelf since favorites tend to equal recommendations, yet I've struggled so much with this series that I find it hard to recommend. There are so many weak books in Dark Hunter lineup that it honestly surprises me when an incredible book comes along from out of nowhere and blows my mind like this one did. However, Styxx is now a favorite book, and so to the shelf it goes.

But let's get to the star of this story. ***Very slight character spoilers ahead. No major plot spoilers.*** I will mention Styxx's abuse with the assumption that most people will know that his abuse was going to happen in his book. He is after all the twin of a man who was severely abused, and this story is the other side of the coin

Once Upon a Time I hated Styxx. True story.

I had something to say about him on my review for his brother Acheron's book. I was positive that Styxx would not find redemption. I pretty much deemed it impossible.

Yes, I will take that plate of crow now. Maybe Simi will let me borrow her BBQ sauce.

I don't have much in the way of pretty words to describe a book that rips your heart out. Before Styxx came along in the series, my favorite book was Ash's. Before Styxx came along, my favorite character was Ash. Dare I say that Styxx might have edged Ash out?

Wait, no. Ash is still my favorite character. But Styxx won the book race.

In some ways, I was less emotional when reading Styxx's story. So much of his story was a different spin on what happened to Ash, so I was slightly desensitized to the extreme abuse having gone through it before (only slightly though. There were definitely some scenes that hit me right in the feels).

In some ways, I was more emotional. Kenyon took a character that I'd hated and made me love him - from out of nowhere. Then, all of a sudden, I was invested. And I wasn't ready.

Through all of this, I didn't lose any respect for Ash like some other fans did. Ash went through hell, and on top of all of that he'd sacrificed for others for thousands of years without asking for anything in return. People have treated him like a servant for as long as he's been alive, even his precious Dark Hunters. He deserved to have each and every last little shit fit that he wanted to throw, and had every right to be bitter and mistrusting of anyone and everyone, especially Styxx. Period.

But wow, I might have felt more sorry for Styxx. I didn't think that was ever possible. I wanted to cuddle him so much. I might have even had a moment or two when his sexiness surpassed Ash's for me. Again, HOW???

Well played, Kenyon. You managed to pull out the stops. This book messed with me well and good. If you could write like this every time, you would be on my favorites shelf a whole hell of a lot.

If I had to mention a negative, I think the shock factor became played out after a while. After the first couple of dozen intense scenes, I started to become detached again because it got repetitive.

Okay, wait, there's a second negative.
Profile Image for Jilly.
1,838 reviews6,475 followers
December 28, 2015
"I love you, Acheron."
"I love you too, brother."
"Do you think we'll ever be able to leave this place and find peace?"
"No. I think we were born to suffer."
"At least we have each other."
Acheron nodded. "Brothers - always and forever."

If you were ever a fan of this series, and she lost you at some point between Acheron and this book, let me encourage you to read this one. It completely changes everything you thought you knew about Ash's past. In other words:

This book is a lot like Acheron. The first part is the past and the second part is present time. The past goes through the same events in Ash's life, from Styxx's point of view. If you think you knew Styxx, you are thoroughly mistaken. We all knew his dad was a horrible dick, so why did we assume that he didn't question Styxx's paternity too?

"you look like us, but are you really my son?"
"You look so human... but are you human? I have to know." Before Styxx could move or react, his father seized his forearm in a merciless grip then he violently slashed it open.

Also, we all saw the way Ryssa hated Styxx in Ash's book, but we never saw WHY she hated him when he was just a young boy. Was it his fault that Ash's parents were jerks? Why couldn't Ryssa love both brothers? Did she have a one-brother allotment for her love?

She glared at him as if it was his fault that Acheron was gone. "What do you want, you selfish little beast?"
"I could be your little brother too. Like Acheron."
"You? You're the reason they took my brother from me. Just because you look like him doesn't make you what he is. You're just a poor copy of him. Get out of my sight. You sicken me."

So, this book changes everything, and in a good way. Contrary to what some other readers felt, I didn't like Ash less after reading it. He was a victim of his past and his perception was skewed by his circumstances and Ryssa's vitriol. Plus, he does finally figure things out.

But, there is a lot of frustration when reading this story because it is one of those things where a 30 minute conversation could have prevented thousands of years of suffering. I guess men would rather suffer in silence than actually talk about their feelings. Am I right, girls? ;)

Men: Not known for their communications skills.

So many things are revealed, and change, in this book. I love Urian, who was Stryker's son that is now Ash's ally. He is awesome in this story and I can't wait for him to have his own book.

Profile Image for Jo ★The Book Sloth★.
485 reviews441 followers
August 8, 2014
I think I'll give this one a 4. Maybe a 4,5 or a 4,75. Oh, screw it. It's a 5!!!

Where to begin with this one? You think you know your characters and then "BOOM", the skies open, the fires roar and suddenly you're in a new world. Let me explain...


See that gorgeous guy? That's Ash's twin the infamous Styxx. Before his book Styxx was an arrogant guy who saw the light to me. Boy was I wrong Styxx's life was an even bigger tragedy than Acheron's. Everything bad that happened to Ash happened to Styxx as well. And were Ash had at least one or two people who loved him uncoditionally Styxx had no one. He grew up in a violent family, with negligent and many times cruel parents, two siblings who begrudged him every breath, an asshole for an uncle. He was just so caring and loving that you couldn't help siding with him every single time. The one light in his life was Beth and she was taken from him as well. I think I cried the whole way through the book.


I loved Beth. She was a nice girl(goddess), fresh and hopefull but she wasn't a naive little virgin. She knew what she wanted and did what she had to get it. She wasn't unnecesarily cruel but she was no pushover either. I enjoyed her snarky side. I think that generally she was one of SK's best heroines so far.


I am so used to rooting for Ash that I was so majorly disappointed by the fact that he behaved like a jerk. Styxx tried so freakin hard and every time he got only a slap in return. If Ash was a real life person I'd have slapped some sense into him but I won't get the satisfaction. *sad face*


What a selfish bitch. I didn't have much love for her in Acheron's book and I actually hate her in this one. Ash had some excuses for his behaviour but this jealous, spoiled brat had none at all. Every time someone said something good for Styxx or did sth good for him(usually by accident) she was there to poison the moment. She was the only one being spoiled and loved by everyone and she begrudged Styxx every moment of success.


Now Apollo makes Artemis look like a harmless little kitten. The things this guy does. He is just so perverted and cruel that I don't have the words to describe him. I won't try. Just be prepared for hard-core abuse.

I can go on and on and on. There are so many characters in this book that I won't be able to sum it up if I continue. What you have to be prepared for...

1) Two revelations concerning characters we love. *faint*
2) The "baddie" for me(which you won't get if you haven't read my reviews so bad for you).
3) Prepare to change your mind for many people.
4) Much blabbering.
5) Gods from both Greek and Egyptian pantheons. *fangirling*

Okay...Here I must add some things because it's very obvious were I got bored with writing this. It will be even more spoilerish than the previous so stand warned.

I loved the book. I loved it but still some things annoyed me. To begin with it had the same problem as Acheron's. The "past" part was too long. Yes it didn't exactly drag but it was too emotionally loaded and got a tiny bit tiring by the time you finished it. It was important that we knew these things to be able to invest on Styxx's happiness but it could have been described with less words. Thank god for Galen or I would have dropped the book just because I couldn't bare the bleakness.

Then came the "modern" part which wasn't bad but it wasn't good either. I mean the dessert? Really? How....Boring. It was so uninteresting. All the other heroes had violence and risks and excitement in their live. Styxx decided to live in a tent with the sand for company. It was a bit dissapointing tbh.

And of course in the end everything had to resolve in about 10 seconds flat. The only positive was the Urian thing. I loved that little surprise there.

PS. Did you see the next book's blurb? Why two strangers? I want Savitar(with Apollymi or I'll be really disappointed) or Urian damn it! I want them yesterday.
Profile Image for Grecia Robles.
1,628 reviews425 followers
July 16, 2018
****3.5 Latidos de Corazón STARS****

Al fin tuve el valor de leer a Styxx

Antes de empezar tengo que decir que soy TEAM ASH FOREVER

SK nos ha enseñado a lo largo de toda la serie que no todo es blanco o negro también hay tonos grises y como dijo Acheron hay tres versiones de la historia la tuya, la mía y la verdad, que es un punto intermedio, así que ahora tocó la versión de Styxx.


Styxx es el hermano gemelo de Ash en su vida como humano, que en los libros anteriores lo vemos como un villano al menos eso es lo que cuentan y sobre todo en el libro de Ash, ya que eso fue lo que contó Ryssa ya que era su diario el que leímos.

Pero cuan alejados de la verdad estamos, Ryssa sólo contó su versión de la historia basado en lo que veía y sentía cegada por los celos hacia su hermano, PERRA EGOÍSTA !!

Styxx no lo vivió bien al ser el príncipe heredero desde niño cargó con responsabilidades no acorde a su edad, no tuvo infancia y fue separado de su gemelo al que tanto quería tampoco tuvo el amor de sus padres ni de su hermana prácticamente vivió sólo y si a eso le agregamos que era duramente castigado y criticado por su padre.

No voy hacer el cuento largo la historia prácticamente es la de Ash versión Styxx, con sufrimiento, violación y tortura multiplicado por 100 y al ser un libro de casi 900 páginas sólo si acoso 100 la pasó bien fue mucho.

Kenyon se ensañó con este personaje, en serio para mí lo que le sucedió fue TOO MUCH, o sea no había necedidad de tanto, si nos quería dejar claro que era bueno no la pasó bien y bla bla bla con poquito lo hubiera entendido y es que hubo un momento que dije YA POR FAVOR PIEDAD.

Y no me gustó para NADA, que haya victimizado bastante su personaje y que a Ash lo pusiera de malo el que no comprendía el mal hermano

En este libro odié a todo el mundo otra vez empezando por Estes asqueroso degenerado ojalá Hades te esté torturando en el tártaro, y Apolo ay como te ODIO tenía que ser hermano de la Diosa Vaca. Yo quería que corriera sangre.

La historia de Amor de Styxx y Bettany fue bonita, de esas historias legendarias y de reencarnación que tanto le gustan a Sherrilyn, pero algo me pasó con su relación y es que a Bet la odié en una parte de la historia porque lo pudo ahorrar muchos sufrimiento a Styxx y como que no se pudo revindicar conmigo además son felices en tan pocas páginas que no borró toda la amargura y el mal sabor de boca.

Yo esperaba llorar a mares con este libro y no sucedió está bien pueden tacharme de perra insensible, si sentí el libro y todo pero no sé no provocó ese sentimiento que me pusieran a llorar,

Tal vez un par de escenas como:

- Cuando Ash tiene tanto sufrimiento que se quiere morir o cuando se reconcilia con Styxx ahí si se me salieron un par de lágrimas para que digo que no, esperen me falta una escena cuando Ash se entera lo que le hizo a Styxx cuando el lo quiere sacar de la Atlántida eso fue lo más cruel que pudiste hacer Sherrilyn Kenyon y no te lo perdono me desgarró el corazón

Profile Image for Ms. Nikki.
1,053 reviews314 followers
September 9, 2013
*******************BIG ASS SPOILERS AHEAD*****************************

Ahem *clears throat from all the bullshit I just swallowed* It leaves a bitter aftertaste.

First, so I won't be a complete bi-atch. It's totally awesome that authors take the time to write, sometimes to the exclusion of family and a life. Not to mention carpal tunnel and hemorrhoids. I have not been able to make myself finish my own writing, so I know it takes determination, will-power, time, and self-motivation.

I have really enjoyed Kenyon's Dark-Hunter series and Acheron put the icing on the cake. I feared that she could not out-do herself and to my utter disappointed she didn't.

If you're Kenyon's butt buddy and are not mature enough to understand everyone has their own opinion, look away now, for I do not intentionally set out to hurt feelings..

This book was:

Frivolous: unworthy of serious or sensible treatment

incongruous: out of keeping or place; inappropriate; unbecoming

inconsistent:lacking agreement, as one thing with another or two or more things in relation to each other

filler:an object or substance used to add weight or size to something or to fill in a gap

600 Pages of Suffering:

1. Styxx took the beatings in stride, always protecting his brother.
2. Everyone (emphasis on everyone) hated, no, loathed Styxx with a passion. We're talking about a little boy, since the moment he was born.
3. The hating and abuse never really let up.
4. His mother drinks herself into a stupor wishing she'd never birthed her or Acheron and says so constantly.
5. The mother slaps him.
6. The mother stabs him 20 some times.
7. His sister Ryssa constantly wishes he would die and be raped.
8. Acheron is raped and beaten.
9. Styxx is raped and owned.
10. Acheron is taken away by his incestuous uncle Estes, who whores him out to everyone who actually wants a piece of Styxx, since they are twins.
11. Acheron is drugged and turned away from his brother.
12. Styxx tries to help him escape, but this new bitch-ass Acheron tells on him and Styxx gets branded physically and raped for like 2 months while Acheron laughs.
13. Ryssa hates him some more and slaps him at least 20 times in this book. I wish I had the ebook to look up how many times it was typed. If you include Xerses, Estes, Ryssa, and his mom, I'm sure it's over 50 times at different time periods in the book. THAT GOT ON MY NERVES SO BAD.
14.Okay, I felt sorrow for Styxx after his first, second, and fifth smackdown, but by the 15th he's starting to look like a wimpy punk.
15. Galen beat the snot out of him for years, but magically on the 1,110 training session, he feels he went too far and starts to respect him and not look at him as a stuck-up brat, then call him SON. What the HEE-HAW?!?!?!?!?!?!
15. Styxx is a bad mamma-jamma when he's on the battlefield kicking god-children and giants asses, but come home and Appolo throws him across the room like a football and Xerses punches him in the ribs and kick him?
16. Ryssa smacks him some more and scratches him with her nails.
17. Acheron, Ryssa, and their mom try to kill him.
18. Styxx was constantly put between a rock and a hard place and no one. I mean NO ONE was there for him until he met Bethany. (oh, and Galen)
19. What? Artemis lied about Styxx. *sarcastic voice* She would never do that.
20. Characters were flipping the script left and right, doing things totally out of character. Galen was the biggest and then when Xerses started loving on him, then when Acheron said "brothers" near the end of the book like they were about to tag into a ring to fight.
21. What about the bullshit way everything was told to Acheron at the end of the book to get him to feel for Styxx? Sav said he wasn't going to tell him anything saying something like, "some thinga are best not known or remembered." Then he goes on to tell him all the things that happened to Styxx and how Acheron knew about it.
22. Oh, and the end. I just couldn't kill your baby. Turn around, he's right there.

My main peeve is all the rape. We get it! He was horribly abused and he's still a good guy even though he went through so much. I didn't count, but he was getting raped or beaten for like 600 pages. The boy got raped right before he went to go see his girlfriend.


I wanted Styxx to die so I didn't have to read anymore of this book. I hate that I read how wimpy Styxx was and how Acheron was a complete asshole. I now see him in a different light. Styxx to me, was no hero. They didn't even let him have that glory. The best part of this book was when he was fighting and that ended all too soon. I didn't even care that Bethany was back by the end of the book. This book sucked the happiness out of me. No Joke.

If this was a first time author it would have gotten more hell over the constant raping. Even though it is not described in excessive detail, it came up way too much to not have your mind go there. There was no skimming it. There was no pretending it wasn't happening. This whole book was overdone and I'm finished chewing on it. I'd rather a great book with fantastic characters be 300 pages than 600 pages of repetition and filler.

Profile Image for Lil.
31 reviews16 followers
September 30, 2013

From the first time we met him, I, like so many other fans of Sherrilyn Kenyon's Dark Hunter series, hated Styxx. He was our hero's twin. The evil one. The one who hated his brother Acheron, and wished him no good, ever.

Sherrilyn Kenyon blows all that to hell with Styxx's story.

And I'm so glad she did.

Styxx, the hero of Didymos, the future King of the two islands that make up the Greek City-State. He's the Heir. And you would think that he has it easy. Only, that's not true. He has it as hard, or harder than his brother Acheron has ever had it. But he can't show it. So, he shores up his defenses, becomes the best warrior and cuts a huge swath through the Atlanteans while they're at war, gaining the total respect of his warriors.

But once they're called home, his family is still the same. His father hates him, his mother and sister do too, and his brother is still gone. Taken when they were only seven.

After all the horror of his childhood, Styxx finds a woman whom he loves dearly, and though she protests at first, and holds her own secrets from him, eventually consents to marry him. What should be the happiest days of his life turn to ashes in his mouth and Styxx is again left with nothing.

Where he goes from there, and none of what happens to him, is the easiest story to read. It hurts and I cried through a lot of it. But I also laughed and the end? Was absolutely worth what he went through.

There are some big secrets about the Dark-Hunter world that come to light in this one, and we find out that our hero from previous books, Acheron, is sometimes all-too-human in his emotions.That even he, can allow pain and bad memories or what other people think, cloud his judgement.

Nothing is ever just black and white. Nothing.

Read Styxx. If you're a Dark-Hunter fan, it's a must. In my opinion, best book in the series since Acheron.

Thank you, Sherri. For listening to Styxx tell you his story, even though at first, you didn't want to.
Profile Image for Delilah Stephans.
106 reviews33 followers
January 13, 2018
Okay, I'll admit it - I came into this book with very low expectations. Honestly my thought was "Oh she's going to reform Styxx and turn him into a hero - whatever."

The review part of the book - where Acheron and Styxx's books overlapped realy didn't effect me. But the things that weren't in Acheron - yeah those got to me. But what had me tearing up was when Acheron finally realized what a bastard he'd been. Now I love Ash and his story broke my heart - to this day I haven't read the first half of his book again - but he was every bit as self absorbed as Styxx was accused of being.

Ryssa - okay hate away for this but I never really bought the goody-goody long-suffering put upon view Ash had of her. No one is that GOOD and never loses their temper or gets snotty - please. Styxx's book - well I don't fully believe that version of her either - I think there is truth in both books.

I loved Bethany! And whoo boy! The twist about Urian at the end? I was smiling and pumping my fist YES!

I'm editing this after reading some other reviews - was the book graphic? Yes. That never really upset me. Mainly because it made such complete sense of things in previous books. Yes I was one of those that thought when Ash poofed his brother off in an earlier book that it was harsh and unfeeling. I didn't like Ash for that, understood it but didn't like it. Now I am so much angrier at Ash for it.
Profile Image for Stephanie E.
99 reviews4 followers
September 5, 2013
Wait a minute...Styxx? What the heck? What happened to Jaden's book? What about Savitar? I mean, I would like to hear Styxx's story, but he is just a blip in the Dark Hunter universe and his story can wait. How long must my poor Jaden be locked in Azmodea? And what about Savitar? What about Jared (and Nim) even? This is what I hate about authors and Book Series. They never go the way I want them to. I say stop introducing characters and forgetting that you left their story open, and wait years to address again...it is very annoying (end of rant!).

8/7 - I per-ordered this in Audio (31 hours!!!!!)...I will be writing a review as soon as I am done (There had better be some Savitar and Jaden in this...I will take some Vane at this point...) And I hate to say this, but I am hoping that Acheron gets some comeuppance in this book...he really needs to be brought down a peg.

9/3 - THIS.IS.BRUTAL. I have been skipping thru most of this book...

9/4 - All done! What a ride. Great job, Ms. Kenyon. Loved the ending (great twist!) Hope to see these two more in the future...
Profile Image for Jen.
1,655 reviews1,117 followers
October 9, 2013

"The most beautiful heart of all
is the one that can still love even while it bleeds,
and especially after it's been shattered into thousands of pieces."

First I want to say thank you to my Buddies who experienced this book with, or listened to me whine about how upset I was during the reading of this book! Thank you to Steph, BK, and Paula; I truly appreciated your support while going on this emtional journey.

Wow! I can't believe that I made it through over 900 pages; which I will add that most of them were heartbreaking and at times so gruesome I felt physically ill. Sherrilyn Kenyon is the one author that has always been able to pull me into her world that she has created, as if I were living there myself. I also feel like I am experiencing the characters life through their eyes and body, and it usually leaves me quite drained once I am finished. In the case of "Styxx," it was one of the hardest books I have ever read, and I am literally feeling as if I have been on a ride through the house of terrors. My biggest complaint for his book is that out of 900 plus pages, about 100 of them were about something happy. That means 100 pages not together, but sporadically placed through out the book. That was just not enough! This man was put through hell and then some. There was so much torture, rape, and humiliation that it felt like that was the main theme of the book. I see no reason why there was so much. It felt like SK was trying to make Styxx's life 50 times worse than Acheron's; which was terrible enough. I think she could have got her point across that Styxx was absolutely tormented and reviled without dragging it on for most of the book. This was the reason I rated it four stars instead of five.
This book was done in two parts, just as Acheron's was. The difference between the two is that by the second part in Acheron's, we got a love story and a reprieve from all of the horrendous torture and pain he had to endure. With Styxx's, the second part of the book didn't end his misery. Yes, there was torture and rape, but there was mostly lonliness, sadness, and terrible luck. My heart bled for that guy, to the point that I just wanted to scream, "Enough already...I get it..his life sucks!!!"

As for the good, I fell in love with Styxx; which is something I honestly didn't think SK would be able to get me to do. He was truly a hero in my eyes, and his love for Bethany was one of the deepest loves I have ever read about. To love her and stay faithful to her for over 11 thousand years...amazing! Better yet, she loved him with the same loyalty, and when she fought for him, I was cheering her on out loud!! (I really did get into this book!!) Even though, we didn't get near enough time with Bethany and Styxx; there will never be a romance that could ever top these two in my eyes. It was EPIC!! I just wish I had more of them; but maybe that contributed to the beauty, not having enough made me crave them even more!

Acheron was picked apart by the readers, and I can understand why as he came across as a heartless prick most of the time. I don't blame either Styxx or Acheron for their anger or their behaviour though. Both of them had been through hell and back, and they both had misconceptions and misinterpretations. They were a product of their environment. There were a few quotes that really stood out for me regarding the volatile relationship between the brothers:

"It's amazing the damage we do to ourselves and others when all we're trying to do is protect ourselves from being hurt."

"Every man, woman,and child is capable of extreme and utter prejudice and cruelty when they feel justified in their hatred....As Plato said, be kind to everyone you meet for we are all fighting difficult battles."

"Our lives are marked and shaped by our regrets. THings we all want to take back but we can't. In a perfect world, we would never hurt the ones we love or cause hurt to befall them. But the world isn't perfect and neither are we."

Such terrible things were done to both of them, and they lashed out due to their assumptions that each brother was the cause of some of their pain and suffering. There was also envy on both sides, each of them thinking the other was better off and wouldn't understand what they were going through. In reality, how could either one of them give any other human being trust, considering every single person in their lives had let them down in some way or another. The tortures and rapes were a part of the abuse; but their was also the constant ridicule and lack of love that fed their lives on a daily basis. I was glad to see Styxx and Acheron's relationship evolve, and I hope that they will keep healing their relationship in future books to come.
Ryssa, Acheron and Styxx's sister was a surprise in this book. She was a bitch, and I didn't like her at all. It was strange as she was so different in this book as she was in Acheron's. She gave all of her love to Ash, and all of her venom to Styxx. She came across as a spoiled brat and just plain mean. Again though, we see her in Styxx's perspective; who knows what she had endured through out her young life.

It was wonderful to have a reunion with some of my favorite characters from past Dark-Hunter books! I love Simi, and especially some of her interactions with Styxx. It was sweet what she did for his birthday, and I loved how she called him "Akri-copy!" This scene added a much needed reprieve from all of the sadness.
This book has set us up for some more Dark Hunter books, and I can't wait to see who is up next. One thing about SK is she knows how to write and she does it extremely well. I am impressed that even though the series has twenty plus books; it's still going strong in my eyes. I admit the last few books weren't as great as others; but again, this has blew the series wide open again in my opinion. There is a lot more to come, and I am eager to see what is in store for Nick! I will remain a dedicated fan, and if you haven't given this series a try; but are wondering if you should or not? Do it! Very few series can beat this one, it has everything from humor,sex,violence, friendship, and sadness. It is series that has no equal, and characters that you will grow to love like friends and family.
Profile Image for Yodamom.
2,085 reviews210 followers
November 27, 2015
Thank the gods I lived through this. Beaten bruised, bloodied, and heartbroken, but I lived. Styxx, man I just keep shaking my head at his 11,000 years + of extreme torture. It didn't rip and gut me like Acheron's book did but it hurt. Acheron's book took me out of this series for two years. Recovery time for this one, a couple days. What ? am I just so jaded now I can take it easier ? Isn't that a dark thought. I think Ms. Kenyon did everything imaginable she could think up to hurt and humiliate him. Oh dang it lasted, and lasted and lasted and then it came back and slapped him upside his heart again ! It was too much for this reader, I was so grateful, relieved and exhausted when it ended. "Thank the gods it ended" Styxx finally got a life worth living, forgiveness was fast and to me unbelievable. I would have never forgiven 11 minutes of what he lived through and he did it fro 11,000+.
I am amazed at the details and massive amounts information juggled and placed just so, and it all worked. This author is truly amazing and cruel to her characters. : ) I'm on to the next one in line.
Profile Image for Lelyana's Reviews.
3,326 reviews388 followers
December 7, 2017
*****Five and more definite eternally "forever and always" tear jerking sparkling stars!*****

This review came with warning, there's too much abuse, rape, explicit torturing sex scene,and so many tears will fall. Eternally torturing hero, prick little brother and siter's torturing, everybody torturing a hero, like it's not going to end! If you're a soft at heart, this one is NOT for you. Kenyon is a true soul slayer.

Styxx and Acheron , the twins.

Honestly, this book turned my world upside down. I used to believe that Ryssa was an angel, and Acheron was a damaged soul his twin caused. But Ryssa was a complete bitch here, I hate it how she threatened Styxx like that. But the fact was, Ash and Styxx, they’re both cursed, damaged.

This is Styxx POV.

I can read what’s on his mind now.
Styxx was LONELY.
Ash got Ryssa and the gods protection. But Styxx, he’s on his own. Alone.

And if you think, Acheron’s pain was hell, Styxx's doubled it. It was double hell for him. And I wanted to yell at Sherri why did she’s so cruel of making Styxx like this. Live wearing a mask as a spoiled Prince of Didymos, Styxx actually the most damaged, tortured soul. In his case, body and soul.

And don’t think even Hell won’t be like that. He destroyed, slayed into pieces. And I cried and cried and cried for him. How can I not? He keep it alone, all the rapes he had, all the torturing, all the hates he accepted from everyone…He’s sacrificed too much for whom? Nobody deserved his untold sacrifice. Nobody.

I read Acheron a year ago,read about his painful, torturing youth,Styxx painful faith, covered what was I read in Acheron.
And shit! The incest was unbearable!

I really wanted to slap Ash and Ryssa in so many times...how can they're NOT see his pain, his loneliness?
While Ash and Ryssa laughing playing, he's been tortured and sick, and lonely...rejected from his own "family">
Family my ass!
His only family was JUST Galen!!!!

"Will you keep it for me, Styxx? I would weep if it were lost.Pulling it toward him, he cradled it to his chest. “I won’t let it be harmed, Acheron. It will be here for your return. I promise.”No matter where they lived or how far apart, they were still brothers.Forever and always."

And this one was part of his suffered tortured life...Apollo....!

Until 90% how can't Ash was so prick??? And God! I really wanted to punch his face and ripped his hair and tear it and thrown him to the wall! Damn Ash!
Can't you "see",? Dammit!!!!
I cried a river while read what Savitar told Ash about Styxx, and what was Tory tried to made Ash see what he can't see all this time...

Thank God Styxx at least have Urian and Savitar while Ash acted like a total jerk!
And Urian him self surprised me for what he is...really surprised me...

What I loved about Styxx was, damn...this guy was a total faithful man...Bethany was so lucky having him!

I can see why Ash's fan base was so upset with this book, Ash here was...OMG! Am speechless....while Styxx is now my new hero...
Well...I never expected one bit I will like Styxx...but like I said earlier, Sherrilyn Kenyon turned my world upside down like the sinked Atlantis...you can feel it while reading it.

"The most beautiful heart of all is the one
that can still love, even while it bleeds, and
especially after its been broken into
thousands of pieces" ~ Styxx

“You know, a long time ago, my mentor taught me that there’s only one reason to go to war. To protect the ones you love. But life has taught me that sometimes protecting isn’t about leaving them. It’s about being here when they need you. It doesn’t take courage to die, Acheron. It takes courage to live and to fight.”

Highly Recommended , for a strong heart.
Profile Image for CC.
1,770 reviews229 followers
May 17, 2019
Please tell me I am going to get an award or a medal for reading this book. I feel like I submitted to days of torture. I cried, cried some more, and kept crying. Now that I have finished, my eyes are swollen, my nose hurts from blowing it and my head hurts. I my never read again. I am totally emotionally spent and still pissed off about what happened. It was an epic book.

If you thought Acheron was hard, you ain't seen nothing yet!!!!

There are TONS of reviews out there; so I am not going to go on and on about the book.

The content was HORRIBLY upsetting! Rape, gang rape, sodomy, child abuse and rape, torture, humiliation, murder...Seriously, this author has ISSUES! She normally tortures her heroes, but I do not understand how she came up with all of the sick shit she put Styxx through. I did feel like we got a bit bogged down during the early years of his life. Since everything was on repeat with no reprieve from the rape and abuse, I just did not need so many hundreds of pages of it.

For most of the story I loved Styxx, although there were times I was frustrated that he put up with so much. But I always felt such sympathy for him and anger on his behalf, I could never be upset with him. And while I like Acheron (have never loved him) this book made me want to hate him. If he had not been so terribly tortured himself, I would hate him. Because he is seriously fucked up. And boy did he fuck Styxx over. Too many times to count. Even when he was living a better life, he continued to be cruel, heartless and quite out of character, towards Styxx.

Ryssa (their sister). Do not get me started. She got off easy. I would have found endless ways to torture that selfish bitch.

His Father and Uncle. There are no words.

Galen - thank goodness for Galen. The true father figure to Styxx. He saved his life multiple times and NEVER abandoned him (take that - you bitch Bethany)!

Bethany, the heroine. Hmmm. I do not like liars. So...I have some issues with her. But her abandonment of Styxx, I will never forgive her for that. She should have paid some price for what she did to him. He should have never taken her back so easily. But I totally understand that he was so beat down, he could never deny her. But her attitude towards him when she went to see him in the market, made me want to slap her. Total bitch. But at the end of the day, she was actually not in the story that much and she was what he wanted and I wanted Styxx to have what he wanted. So their HEA was good for me.

This story is really an epic story about the life of Styxx that happens to include an epic romance. But the book was about his life. The main characters were Styxx, his father, sister and mentor. Acheron to some extent, Apollo and Bethany is probably after all of them. Please understand what you are getting into.

The ending was too quick. I really would have loved some time, with them together. The reunion happens and then a very short epilogue. After over 11,000 years apart, I really would have liked a few chapters. Or at least some substantial happy times to balance out the total despair and sadness of the vast majority of the book.

A couple of little nits and annoyances. What the hell is up with trying to portray Artemis in a positive light in the past few books? Why is Soltera comfortable with her around? I would have killed her by now (the world be damned) but would never, ever, be in the same room with the heifer bitch goddess. I am sick of it! I will stop reading the series if she is ever made into a main character (like with Nick). Also, what was up with the girl in the desert? What was the point of that scene? It just totally pissed me off.

Triggers - I think I hinted at them above. There are more. Some of it is detailed, but not all. It is really hard content. But neither of them were cheaters. Thank goodness!
Profile Image for Steph.
1,355 reviews3 followers
October 8, 2013
I cannot believe that I thought so badly of Styxx before this book. The pain and suffering he faced throughout his life is just unimaginable.
This was an absolutely incredible book, and in ‘Part 2’ it really felt like we were back in the Dark Hunter world. I loved all the crossovers from previous books too.

The reason, well the two reasons I didn’t give this book the full five stars was, One... the first part of the book where we saw Styxx and Acheron’s past again was absolutely brutal and heavy. It felt to me like Sherrilyn Kenyon was trying to make Styxx’s past worse than Acheron’s. It felt a little forced because there was just so much of it.
Some of the rapes scenes just weren’t necessary. By this point, we understand what Apollo and Estes were doing to him we didn’t need to see it quite so many times. And when Styxx was held prisoner for a year? I just felt like it was overkill.

Reason two was the ending . Things were going so great, and then all of a sudden there’s this huge and complicated story about them in the past life, who he was really supposed to be… it was just too much. The author completely overdid it, again.

But anyway onto the good stuff.

Styxx and Bethany were such a beautiful couple. She definitely saved his life. She was there when he was at one of his lowest points and she gave him someone to trust, someone to love.
As much as I hated reading about all the awful things that happened to Styxx, it was great to see how different the same story was, just from Styxx’s point of view.

Ryssa seemed like a completely different person. It was astonishing how one person can be so sweet, caring and kind to Ash. But to Styxx, she was like poison. Every time she came close to him she was spitting insults and making him feel worthless. She was truly despicable to him. I hated the Ryssa we saw in this book.

Apollo… Jesus. If I thought this guy was a monster before, I had no idea. The way he targeted and pursued Styxx was terrifying and disgusting. He made his life a living hell, always being terrified of when Apollo would come for him. Even after his first victory in war, Apollo couldn’t let him be happy. He had to come and destroy him worse than ever before. It was horrifying.

Estes was really the worst thing that ever happened to Styxx. He was the one that started everything off and who separated Styxx and Acheron when they were just children. He drove the wedge between them.

I saw quite a few people saying that they hated Ash while reading this book, and while I understand their reasons I have to say that I could never hate him. Never. I think what people have to remember whilst reading this book is that Styxx and Acheron have been pitted against each other since the very day they were born. Their situation was impossible. They were destined to be destroyed, destined to hate each other. It was heart-breaking.

The very best thing about this book, I think was Styxx and Acheron’s relationship. I loved seeing them more as young boys. Sleeping back to back, sharing toys and being there for each other. They were so sweet together.
Then watching as they were torn apart and reunited thousands of years later… I loved watching their journey.

There wasn’t a huge amount of storyline progression, I have to say. But there was a little bit at the end steering us in the next direction.
There is so much more I could say. So many things happened. It was so good to see Savitar, Nick, Set was brilliant, Appolymi was wonderful (sometimes), Simi is back on form… and so many more.

I am so happy to have gotten a book like this in the series. The last few books have been a bit of a let-down for me. So I have every faith that the next Dark Hunter book will be back to its old standard.

Profile Image for Exina.
1,252 reviews405 followers
March 21, 2020
DNF at 14%.

I just can't... It's extremely brutal. Based on the reviews here, I don't think I'm going to ever finish it.
No rating.
Profile Image for Rhona.
28 reviews1 follower
September 4, 2013
In a word, brutal.
Sherrilyn Kenyon re-takes her crown as the ultimate mistress of the Tortured Hero.
To think, I had assumed Acheron was difficult to read. This time, I held out longer before the tears began to flow, but eventually I succumbed to periodic bouts of weeping. Because of the late hour I started, I ended up pulling an all nighter and now I have a throbbing headache. But I'd do it all again.
This was a hard read for various reasons. The underlying and unpalatable issues of child molestation and rape, of course, being the main ones. Kenyon somehow managed to outdo herself with the gruesome abuse. At points, I was almost ill. I don't know what it says about me as a reader, but I must have been numbed from Acheron's book because I held it together until Styxx met Bethany. It was their issues that really brought on the waterworks.
Sherrilyn Kenyon has always had a special place for me as an author. Hers was the first PNR I ever read and she was the one who whet my appetite for the genre. Without the author goddess I would never have picked up the IAD or BDB books.
Truthfully, this book was the final straw for me. I have been quite vocal with my friends that with the exception of The Guardian, the quality of the DH series has been on a decline since Bad Moon Rising in my opinion. No Mercy was a huge disappointment to me and the arc with Retribution and Time Untime was confusing. My decision to hold on or give up entirely on this series hinged on this book. And Kenyon made me a believer again. She delivered big time and I'm back for the long haul.
I don't know where this SK has been recently, but I'm thrilled she's back.
I have tremendous respect for this woman as a writer and a person. From what she's revealed about her personal struggles and her posts on facebook, Miss Kenyon sets herself apart as a truly caring person. Her stance against abuse and bullying which are constantly subjects of her books are commendable. She's one of the reasons it was hard to put this series to bed. (Savitar comes a close second)
I wanted this book to be a hit. Badly. I got my wish.
This progress of this series is completely organic and I can see the Dark-Hunter books continuing for years to come. The flow isn't forced. Unlike some other authors, SK set it up from the first book that this was a series that could go on for a really long time with the premise of numerous Dark-Hunters, Were-Hunters and other assorted supernatural beings. It's obvious to me, that the author isn't interested in just fleecing her pockets, but is devoted to producing a quality product. Along that same vein, I have to mention the amazing kindle price for this book. I got the UK kindle version for 12 dollars which I thought was quite a bargain considering the size of the book and I was told that the US version was an incredible 8 dollars. I could easily see myself paying 16 dollars plus for this one. That you get so much bang for your buck is a testament to her and her publishers dedication to her fans.
About the book now... I have always liked Styxx. I'm sure that at some point during and after Acheron I must have disliked him intensely, but for the life of me I can't remember. Styxx's actions in the retrieval of Tory from Kalosis changed my mind about him. SK doesn't do one dimensional characters. Even the most hateful Artemis is shown in an almost human and likable light in this one.
Like Acheron, quite a bit of this book occurs in the past. It was very illuminating watching the events in Acheron unfold from a different perspective. Young Styxx grabbed onto my heart from the first page and he never let go. Arguably, this guy had it worse than Acheron, condemned to feel Ash's pain as well as his own. We are swiftly disabused of the misconception that Styxx was the spoiled, favored and pampered prince who scorned his twin. Instead we are introduced to an emotionally and physically abused young child, despised by everyone, but his twin. The abuse escalates to sickening levels as time goes by. Parts of this book were so horrific to me, it was difficult to continue. Styxx suffered... Ash suffered... So much pain. Kenyon pulls no punches when it comes to the unpleasant stuff. Instead of being told of what shaped him into the bumbling potential brother killer we met in Night Embrace we are shown in graphic detail the trials and tribulations he lived through that led him there.
Without being spoilerific, there were parts of this book where I disliked everyone in it except Styxx (and Savitar lol). Kenyon walked a very fine line when it came to Acheron's actions, that could have resulted in the reader hating the leader of the Dark-Hunters. Styxx went above and beyond for people who couldn't care less about him. His self sacrifice was what brought on the tears for me. Here was a silently suffering victim, misunderstood and treated atrociously by the very people who should have protected him.
Be warned that right up until the very end, this is a very sad story. Styxx had every right and opportunity to become a monster, but he managed to hold on to his humanity despite the depravity he is subjected to. His stoicism hid a vulnerable heart. Yet his eventual rejected attempts to forge a relationship with his estranged twin demonstrated that he was willing to risk it all to have a crumb of acceptance. Savitar's revelation at the end about Styxx's true calling left me reeling. Styxx is a better human being than I could ever hope to be.
Bethany had a lot less page time than I expected. The heart of this book is Styxx and his relationships with the people in his life. The most important of these being that with the only person to love him unconditionally. The goddess of wrath and misery belongs to two pantheons which means that she was pretty powerful. Tasked by Archon to locate and destroy Apostolos, she sympathized with the imprisoned Apollymi, but dutifully carried out her duties.
Whenever she took human form, she lost her sight and a teenaged Styxx happened upon her in such a state after an unsuccessful suicide attempt. Aware that his title as prince of Didymos was mostly reviled he pretended to be a commoner and gave a false name. I will admit here, that even though I know at that time, kids his age were already married and after all he went through he was a mature guy, it kinda bothered me that he began a sexual relationship at sixteen with a goddess presumably centuries older than him. I got over it. Eventually. I liked her for the most part even though her actions unintentionally left Styxx as a target. For a goddess, I felt she was a bit slow putting it all together. Still, she was a lot less offensive as a heroine than previous ones like Abby from Retribution. She could kick butt, but I felt she didn't do nearly enough of it.
Acheron... Poor, abused Ash. I honestly don't know how it was possible for Styxx to forgive Acheron after that failed rescue attempt in Atlantis. I know he was drugged and brainwashed, but the things he did to Styxx... The twins were born to suffer. Kenyon did a wonderful job showing how we as humans don't know what inner battles others are fighting, that someone's actions are not always indicative of the person they are underneath. Acheron allowed other people to influence his opinion of a brother who loved him. It goes to show that none of us are infallible and we all can make swift and erroneous judgments about people we don't know.
Ryssa always disturbed me. I'm going to go ahead and say it. I knew something was off with her since Acheron's book. Her actions here are left to the reader to interpret. Why so much hate for one brother and so much love for the other? My guess is that Acheron had never been a threat to her parents' love. From the time of his birth Ash had been rejected, but as the male heir, Styxx supposedly usurped her place and importance as beloved and only child. Even after her death she is an unyielding and unforgiving shrew to Styxx and for the life of me I can't understand why Styxx continually tried to win her affections.
I never realized before this book just how truly awful Apollo was. It's hard to imagine a more selfish, cruel and downright nasty god than Archon and Artemis, but Apollo takes the prize. With the morals of an alley cat and no compassion, this guy... I wanted to kill him.
In the interests of keeping things spoiler free I won't go into any more character analysis, but I will say I love Savitar more than ever now. I am convinced that there's a deeper connection with Acheron than mere friendship/mentoring, but I'm not willing to speculate since Kenyon is very vague and I freely admit to lacking her imagination.
I did feel however, this book could have been shorter; some events could have been 'told' rather than shown. The continual rape was jarring and I know that the repetition was to really hit it home that Styxx had it bad, but really, after that ill fated hunting trip with uncle Estes I was very clear on the horror and was Team Styxx. The end is typical Kenyon with the smart alec commentary and clichéd sayings from the various characters.
It's very obvious that Kenyon knows her stuff and while a lot of writers may try to imitate, her success is partly due to her extensive knowledge and study of ancient civilizations. Chick does her research. Before the book begins, she has a disclaimer about taking liberties with some historical aspects, but as someone with limited enlightenment in that sphere I appreciate her efforts to create such a vivid and thoroughly believable backdrop.

Flaws: As I mentioned before, I don't think the length was strictly necessary. Reading about the constant violence was revolting at times. As a consequence, it was a bit frustrating to check my progress and realize that the end of the book was hours away. I wanted to get to the happy part and felt at times that I would never finish.
It seemed as if 99 percent of the males in this book, be they god, aristocracy or commoner were gay/bisexual with aggressive tendencies. I know Ash and Styxx were touched by the goddess of desire, but still...
The end felt rushed and bad guys weren't punished enough. After all that suffering, I think we could have used some more happiness at the end.
Not nearly Savitar. Just because.

I took away a half star because of a minor issue. In a previous book (or 2?) it was mentioned that the sun never sets on Sav's island, but in this book there was a sunset and a dawn if I'm not mistaken. It's not that big a deal in the long run, but as a Savitar fan, I couldn't help but notice.
In the end it didn't matter; I rounded it up to 5 stars, but I hope for my mental state, SK never writes a book like this again. Right now, I am emotionally drained and running on very little sleep. Here's hoping Savitar's book is just as good and the wait is littered with quality stories like this one.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 2,639 reviews

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