Gain a full view of your market trends and competitive landscape

Elevate your market intelligence research using Feedly AI
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Trusted by leading strategy and innovation teams

Canada Media Fund
DB Schenker
Insider Intelligence
Royal Bank of Scotland
Delta Dental
River Cap
Sopra Steria
Canada Media Fund
DB Schenker
Insider Intelligence
Royal Bank of Scotland
Delta Dental
River Cap
Sopra Steria
“Feedly helps us collect better intelligence faster and saves 25 hours per week across the team”
Jacek Pucher
Innovation Manager
AI Feeds

Comprehensive insights into the companies and trends that matter

Continuously collect real-time intelligence from the open web with AI feeds

Competitive Intelligence

Leverage real-time competitive intelligence to inform product and sales decisions

Tech Innovation

Stay current on industry trends and tech innovations shaping your organization’s future

Consumer Trends

Monitor opportunities for your brand, easily share new insights, and inspire innovation across teams

Market Data

Obtain hard-to-find industry data, like revenue or market size, and integrate them in your tools

The Feedly Market Intelligence interface with a query built to track Adobe Product launches.
140 Million Open Web Sources

Reduce your blind spots

Follow the most relevant news sources, tech blogs, newsletters, trade publications, business magazines, research journals, social media, and more
4 logos in a grid including "Business Insider" & "Harvard Business Review"Business Magazines
4 logos in a grid including "McKinsey & Company" & "FutureLab"Strategy Magazines
4 logos in a grid, including "TechCrunch" and "Wired"Tech Blogs
4 logos in a grid, including "The Business of Fashion" and "Industry Dive"Trade Publications
4 logos in a grid including "Nature" & "PubMed"Research Journals
4 logos in a grid including "Reddit" & "Twitter"Social Media
Meet Feedly AI

A toolkit of 1,000+ AI Models

Find exactly what you need
Automated Newsletters

Share insights with stakeholders using Newsletters

Create branded intelligence briefs
Automatically add content and AI summaries
Analyze metrics to improve engagement
AI Insights

Cut through the noise

Immediately spot relevant insights with a summarized article overview and highlighted key sentences
AI Actions

Jumpstart your analysis

Quickly summarize the article
Translate it to another language
Extract customized content using AI
Insights Cards

Get a 360 degree view of key trends and companies

Dive into specific companies or trends
See number of mentions across the web
Discover and share relevant data
Team Boards

Distill and save key insights to Team Boards

Research and analyze collaboratively
Annotate and summarize findings with AI
Avoid duplicate efforts
Integrations & API

Instantly share insights with your team and market intel ecosystem

“Feedly is the core of our toolbox. We appreciate the close collaboration we have, and we really like the improvements and new features they are releasing.”
Tino Klaehne
Director of Strategic Innovation
Faster intelligence gathering with Feedly Market Intelligence
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