

Throowa討論貢獻喺2024年9月17號 (二) 15:56嘅修訂。
Antonio Canova 作品 Amore e Psiche愛神同茜琪英文Psyche Revived by Cupid's Kiss)第一版本 1787–1793

痴迷係一種精神狀態英文Mental state,即係指浪漫情感而成,注意聚焦喺愛慕對象[1]、渴求對方又滿足唔到[2]、勢不可擋[3]嘅強烈[4]熱情。痴迷者通常會有侵擾英文Intrusive thought憂鬱英文Melancholia嘅諗法或者對愛慕對象嘅擔憂,仲有同對方建立或維繫關係同得到佢回應嘅渴望。痴迷可能係依附嘅過程。

痴迷嘅定義甚至係存在與否都有爭議。[5]學者Helen Fisher指痴迷就係浪漫愛情,只不過有負面含意而且可能係一個精神障礙[6]佢提出浪漫愛情係一種自然嘅,好壞視乎情況而定。[7]佢喺2024年重伸佢唔覺得痴迷同浪漫愛情有分別。[8]


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  1. Fisher, Helen (October 2002). "Defining the Brain Systems of Lust, Romantic Attraction, and Attachment". Archives of Sexual Behavior. 31 (5): 413–419. doi:10.1023/A:1019888024255. PMID 12238608. 原先內容歸檔喺18 February 2024. 喺18 February 2024搵到.
  2. Hayes, Nicky (2000), Foundations of Psychology (第3版), London: Thomson Learning, p. 457, ISBN 1861525893
  3. "That crazy little thing called love". The Guardian. 14 December 2003. 原先內容歸檔喺25 May 2024. 喺15 April 2009搵到.
  4. McCracken, Amanda (27 January 2024). "Is It a Crush or Have You Fallen Into Limerence?" (web). The New York Times. 原先內容歸檔喺30 January 2024. 喺30 January 2024搵到.
  5. Tennov 1999, pp. x,14,110–118,166–185
  6. Jayson, Sharon (6 February 2008). "'Limerence' makes the heart grow far too fonder". USA Today. Gannett Co. Inc. 原著 (web)喺10 February 2008歸檔. 喺16 October 2008搵到.
  7. Fisher, Helen; Xu, Xiaomeng; Aron, Arthur; Brown, Lucy (9 May 2016). "Intense, Passionate, Romantic Love: A Natural Addiction? How the Fields That Investigate Romance and Substance Abuse Can Inform Each Other". Frontiers in Psychology. 7: 687. doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2016.00687. PMC 4861725. PMID 27242601.
  8. Template:Cite podcast