X-Wing Miniatures: Second Edition Wiki

These cards allow players to modify their dice results after they have been rolled.

There are four ways the results can be modified:

  • Adding to results allows players to adds an additional dice with that outcome to the pool that could then be modified by the player (eg. adding a focus result to a two dice roll that turned up two hits would give the player two hits and a focus result).
  • Changing results allows players to change the result of a dice from one outcome to another (eg. changing a Focus result to a Critical Hit result)
  • Cancelling results removes the die with that outcome from the pool (eg. cancelling a hit result removes one die with a hit result from the pool).
  • Rerolling results allows players to take a number of dice and reroll them. Unless otherwise stated, each individual die can only be rerolled once.

All items (37)
