10 Ways to Protect Your Health During Wildfire Season

Hey there, pack mates! The Earthy Alchemist, here to share some valuable insights with you. Today, I want to discuss something many of us face more often – the invisible menace lurking in the air during wildfires. Wildfire smoke is no trivial matter, but there are ways to stay safe and entertained indoors when the outside world is cloaked in haze.

Wildfires have become more frequent and intense as the seasons shift and climate change looms large. With them, a host of harmful pollutants fills the air, posing a severe health hazard to our precious pack members. We all have apps on our phones to track the Air Quality Index. Here in New Hampshire today, a thick haze again obscured my view of the lake and mountains.Across the world, I read about of wildfires in Loutraki, Greece – a neighborhood near where I have family, and although they are safe – thankfully – indeed, they are dealing with poor air quality. Ironically, despite having active fires nearby, their air quality Index reads 51 US AQI PM2.5 vs. my town’s current 117 US AQI PM2.5. What’s PM2.5 – it’s good to know what this means since it can affect your health. According to my Air Quality Index app – PM2.5 particles are floating particulate matter in the air measuring 2.5 micrometers in diameter or less. That’s so small that it can be absorbed into your bloodstream upon inhalation. So, this pollutant is something to understand since it poses the most significant health threat.

Greek City Times

Between the smoke-filled, poor-air-quality days and the torrential downpours that make it impossible to be outside, I managed to steal a moment of bliss in my garden. Despite the haze of Canadian wildfire smoke, I nestled on my very uncomfortable porcelain ornate garden stool that could use a cushion. I weeded away, savoring the melodious words of my audiobook, Here’s to Us. I highly recommend listening to audiobooks while weeding – I find time flies when I am absorbed in a good listen. I feel a deep connection to the earth in precious minutes like these, as if our roots intertwine and whisper secrets. The scent of the rosemary and tomato plants, accompanied by the tender caress of the breeze and the songs of the birds, created a harmonious symphony that soothed my spirit. It’s one of my favorite feelings. I am grateful for these moments.

With an eye on the clock, I savored the time outdoors without overextending my stay. An hour it was, no more, as I listened to the audiobook’s tales of life, love, and resilience. Then, with gratitude in my heart for that serene escape, I returned to the safety of my den, where clean air embraced me like a warm hug – despite being cold from the air conditioner filtering the air. Ah, what a delicate balance it is – enjoying the wonders of nature while safeguarding our health in these challenging times. But with mindful actions and awareness, we can still bask in the wonders of the great outdoors, even as we cherish the comforts of our indoor adventures.

When the air quality takes a nosedive, it’s time to retreat indoors. Gather ’round, pack, and huddle in the safety of your den! Keep those windows and doors closed tight to keep the smoke at bay. If you’re lucky enough to have air conditioning, crank it up – it’s like having your very own air purification system!

Now let’s delve deeper into staying healthy amidst the smoky haze. Hydration, my friends, is a magical elixir that can work wonders in flushing out those pesky pollutants from our bodies. Breathing in polluted air can irritate our airways and lungs, causing discomfort like coughing and wheezing. But fear not, for staying hydrated helps to thin the mucus in our airways, making coughing up those bothersome particles easier. Not only that, but it keeps our airways moist, providing a protective shield against further irritation. So, let’s raise our metaphorical chalices and drink up – water, clear broth, unsweetened tea, whatever tickles your fancy – and keep ourselves refreshed and ready to howl with vitality.

When the air quality is poor, it’s essential to be mindful of our physical activities. You see, my active pack members, engaging in strenuous exercises can increase our breathing rate, exposing us to even more pollutants. But fret not, for we have a cunning plan. If you must be active, why not seek refuge indoors or find a spot with pristine air quality for your escapades? By doing so, you protect yourself from unnecessary exposure while still getting your much-needed dose of fun.

So, let’s sum up our master plan for days with less than stellar air quality: Stay hydrated like a true Earthy Alchemist, and drink plenty of fluids like water, clear broth, and unsweetened tea. Remember, sugary drinks won’t do the trick, so let’s leave those behind. Fill your plates with the bounty of fruits and veggies, with their high water content, to keep you refreshed and satisfied. And when you’re out and about, exercising and exploring, take those well-deserved breaks to rest and hydrate – after all, we’re in this adventure together!

With these tips, my dear pack, we can stay hydrated and vibrant, even amidst the haze of wildfire smoke. So let’s drink up, stay wise, and be ready for whatever this unpredictable wilderness throws our way!

Now, for our brave pack members who must work outside despite the smoke, fear not; there are things that you can do to protect yourself! Equip yourself with an N95 mask or respirator – your lungs will thank you. Take breaks often, dash back indoors to breathe clean air, and recharge when you can. If you labor in areas with heavy smoke, consider seeking refuge in well-ventilated buildings or using fans to keep the air circulating. And remember, always listen to your body – if you’re feeling unwell, take a break and prioritize your health.

But when the smoke gets unbearable, it’s time to find adventure within the cozy confines of your den! As a wolf with a love for exploration, I know that staying entertained indoors is crucial. But first, let’s talk about the importance of having the proper air filtration in our cozy dens. I can’t stress enough how crucial it is to keep the air we breathe pure and invigorating. With wildfire smoke and various pollutants floating about, having a reliable air purifier can be a lifesaver. These magical devices work tirelessly to filter out those pesky particles, ensuring that our den becomes a sanctuary of fresh, clean air. So, consider investing in a top-notch air filtration system – your lungs will thank you, and your pack will howl with joy at the difference it makes!

Instead of scrolling the hours away – use your time indoors productively.

There are always more than enough indoor chores that we put off – or at least I do. There are the financial things we could be more focused on – downloading and categorizing the monthly charges from the credit cards into a financial program or spreadsheet. Not so much fun to do but important. Again, I find that the time goes much faster when I am listening to a good book or podcast.

Then there are the “fun” things like going through closets and drawers to go through clothes to purge, donate, and keep. It’s always good to look around to see if there is anything that you can contribute to the local community thrift shop or church for others in need. Then you can always have the option to unleash your creativity! Embrace your inner artist and dabble in painting, drawing, writing, or crafting. The possibilities are endless, and creating something with your hands is genuinely fulfilling. Or perhaps you have a thirst for knowledge. Dive into the vast realm of online courses and tutorials, where you can learn anything from cooking delightful treats to mastering coding skills – talk about a howling good time! I take many classes online from teachers on Masterclass, BBC Maestro, and Patreon in various topics, including writing, drawing zen meditation, and cooking.

Games, anyone?

Howl excitedly as you gather your pack members for board, video, or thrilling card games. I have always loved playing games – board, dice, card, lawn games – you name it, I love playing them. The conversations, bonds, and memories formed over game sessions are unforgettable! When you have had enough bonding time and need to retreat for some private time, why not lose yourself in a captivating book? Reading is an excellent way to unwind and escape into other worlds, leaving the worries of wildfire smoke behind. And, of course, if you need help picking a book, check out my reviews on Goodreads for a selection of must-reads.

I live with a musician, so music is a part of my life. Mark is always playing his guitar, playing one tune or another. Let the soothing sounds of music fill your space as you relax and rejuvenate. Create a playlist for your commute to work or the trip you plan to take. Explore new genres – music has the power to heal our spirits. We tend to listen to the same old thing all the time – mix it up! You will be surprised at the music you might like. For instance, earlier today, Mark asked our Alexa AI to play something – I forget exactly what he wanted it to play, but what it played was a very catchy tune that made you want to dance. The song, according to our Alexa activity log, is Maahi Ve by Shankar Mahadevan, Sadhana Sargam, Udit Narayan, Sonu Nigam, Madhushtree, Loy Mendonsa, Ehsaan Noorani & Javed Akhtar. I guess they couldn’t decide on a band name. It was a fun song, and we will listen to it again sometime – it was happy music that made you want to move your body to it.

Remember the importance of spending quality time with your pack. Whether it’s playing games, listening to music, watching a movie, or simply sharing stories, cherish these moments of togetherness. And when cabin fever creeps in, take a break from the pack. Embrace some downtime by taking a nap, relaxing bath, or simply sitting in silence to reconnect with your inner wolf. Remember, the key is to find indoor activities that bring joy and fulfillment. And even indoors, make it a point to venture outside for fresh air and bask in the sunshine when the smoke clears.

So there you have it. Wildfire smoke may be a formidable foe, but we can protect our health, connect, and thrive amidst any challenge that comes our way. Stay safe and curious. Let’s continue to seize these precious moments, both inside and out, finding solace in creativity, knowledge, games, and togetherness. As the wildfire smoke dances in the distance, we’ll hold on to our strong bond and navigate this journey together. Here’s to us, my dear pack, facing each day with courage and wisdom. Embrace life, literature, and everything in between as we journey through the ever-changing wilderness of life. Inch by inch, step by step. Until we howl again, let’s keep thriving and howling with joy!

Sources include:

Compost for Change – My Path to a Greener Lifestyle -How We Diverted 2,205 Metric Tons of Food Waste

Are there things you try to practice daily to live a more sustainable lifestyle?

Mark and I have been on a remarkable sustainability journey for the past decade. Every day, we diligently compost our food scraps and waste. Knowing that there’s a distinction between the two is important. Food scraps are the remnants of the meals we’ve enjoyed, while food waste represents the uneaten and discarded portions. It’s alarming to realize that a staggering 40% of all food in the United States goes to waste, generating a mind-boggling 135 million tons of emissions. This colossal problem stems from the food we never even savored but instead allowed to go to waste.

Rotten fruit and vegetables, farmers waste, unsustainable agriculture concept.

When we founded Homegrown Harvest in 2011, our mission was crystal clear: to live a more sustainable lifestyle ourselves and inspire others to do the same. We embarked on a journey of selling, installing, and nurturing raised bed gardens to encourage and educate people about the significance of growing their own food. I would often take the stage to deliver engaging lectures on gardening and composting, spreading the message of sustainability far and wide.

Composting, as we soon discovered, could be quite a challenging endeavor. It had its fair share of messiness, odors, and time-consuming aspects. If not done correctly, it could turn into a toxic mess, attracting critters from all corners of the woods. We initially followed the traditional cold process, mixing, mashing, and repeating, but it took an eternity to obtain usable compost. Winter posed another obstacle, making composting nearly impossible depending on where one lived. The barriers to ease and success were abundant, frustrating our composting ambitions.

“Composting is not only about recycling waste; it’s about creating life. It’s a way of honoring the cycle of nature and nourishing the earth that sustains us.”

-Beth Ojczyk, Composting enthusiast

While running Homegrown Harvest, I constantly sought out companies offering sustainable solutions. That’s when I stumbled upon a great Canadian company that manufactured a game-changing machine called FoodCycler. No larger than a bread machine, this compact device could sit right on your kitchen counter, transforming food scraps and waste into compost. With FoodCycler, you can instantly replenish your garden with nutrient-rich compost. Collecting your food scraps and waste in the cast iron container, starting the process in the FoodCycler, the machine would heat the food, eliminating harmful molds and bacteria, and pulverize it into compost. The beauty of it was that even meat, poultry, and fish scraps were welcome, bones included. Vitamix acquired the company a few years back, revamping the design, and while we have yet to try the new version, it’s heartening to witness companies focusing on such innovative products. I’ve heard of another company called Lume with a similar product, but I have yet to have the chance to explore it. It’s incredibly inspiring to witness these companies addressing a solvable problem, offering consumers a tangible way to live more sustainably and reduce their carbon footprint.

During our early FoodCycler days, we were still raising three kids, two in high school and one living with us. As a family of five, our garbage output was substantial. However, with two FoodCyclers running daily, we found solace in having a system that worked for us before moving to New Hampshire. Given the local wildlife, harsh winters, and subzero temperatures, outdoor composting was simply out of the question.

Our town boasts an impressive recycling and refuse center, segregating our waste into at least eight categories. We separate burnable items, including food scraps and waste, aluminum foil, batteries, plastic, glass, cans, cardboard, and newspapers/magazines. This comprehensive recycling system occupies three of my kitchen cabinets and requires a minimum of two trash cans per room, even in the bathrooms. Everything that ascends the mountain eventually makes its way back down. By subtracting food scraps and waste, we significantly reduce the amount of garbage we haul to the dump each week.

It’s vital to understand that when food ends up in landfills, it generates methane, a greenhouse gas more potent than carbon dioxide. People often overlook this fact, assuming that since food is biodegradable, there’s no harm in tossing it in the garbage—it’s not like plastic, right? Unfortunately it doesn’t work out that way. The problem lies in the way landfills operate. Initially, food waste undergoes aerobic decomposition, releasing minimal methane in the first year. However, the trouble arises afterward when anaerobic conditions set in, and bacteria decompose the waste, producing copious amounts of methane as the food slowly breaks down.

Landfill with burning trash piles. Environment pollution concept. Birds flying over the trash dump

Sadly, landfills and wastewater globally contribute to a staggering 67 million metric tons of methane emissions, accounting for 20% of all methane released. The climate impact of methane is significant, as it possesses global warming potential 25 times higher than carbon dioxide and is a whopping 84 times more potent in the first two decades.

The U.N. Food and Agricultural Organization estimates that throwing away just one pound of food results in a staggering 3.8 pounds of methane gas. Applying this calculation to our composting efforts, Mark and I conservatively estimate that we composted approximately 1.5 pounds of food scraps and waste daily, which adds up to at least 547.5 pounds of food per year. Over ten years, we prevented a jaw-dropping 5,475 pounds or 2,205 metric tons of food scraps and waste from reaching the landfill. That’s thousands of tons—tremendous amounts of sustainable impact. This equates to 20,805 pounds or 9.437 metric tons (10.4 short tons) of methane we diverted from polluting our atmosphere.

Nowadays, whenever I travel, a sense of guilt washes over me when I have to dispose of food scraps or waste into a non-compostable bin. It’s one of the simplest ways everyone can contribute to a more sustainable lifestyle and care for our planet. Our kids, too, have embraced the benefits of the FoodCycler, even using it in their apartments. They’ve discovered it’s cleaner than letting food waste sit around in the garbage can; even throwing the compost in the trash is a better alternative than filling the landfill. I hope more companies focus on creating manageable and affordable home composting solutions. Moreover, companies in the food industry should be held accountable for composting, considering the significant amount of food waste generated by restaurants and other food-related businesses. Adopting simple measures like these could result in a substantial reduction in methane emissions.

Renowned environmentalist Wangari Maathai once said, “In the course of history, there comes a time when humanity is called to shift to a new level of consciousness, to reach a higher moral ground. A time when we have to shed our fear and give hope to each other. That time is now.” Living a sustainable lifestyle is our opportunity to embrace this new level of consciousness and leave a positive mark on our planet for generations.

Living History: The Oldest Relic That Grounds My Daily Existence

Daily writing prompt
What’s the oldest thing you own that you still use daily?

My Nana’s Desk

One of my most cherished possessions, and the oldest thing I use daily, is my Nana’s desk. This beloved relic of my daily existence is a testament to the enduring legacy of my Nana—an exquisite dark walnut secretary, which I lovingly still referred to as her desk. This little desk is filled with nooks and crannies, thoughtfully crafted slots to secure one’s belongings, and a pair of drawers discreetly concealing treasures. Whoever made this desk expected its owner to be able to keep it closed when not in use. I have stacks of papers and books and magazines, bowls of paper clips, and God Knows what else in front of all these carefully crafted spaces. My things are assuredly secured behind the clutter.

Author’s photo of her Nana’s desk – used daily to write

Childhood Memories

Throughout my childhood, the desk occupied a place of prominence just outside her kitchen, nestled comfortably in the living room of her modest abode. Such proximity ensured that my interactions with Nana were abundant and profound, shaping the very core of my being.

I remember her sitting at this similarly cluttered desk – her stacks are just the foothills to my mountainous heaps. She would write to her mother in sunny Florida and her two sisters—one down in Virginia, the other out in Arizona. She was the oldest among the three sisters; they all bore the distinction of being born and raised in Macon, Georgia. Her recollections often painted vivid pictures of her eager escape from the clutches of her father’s chicken farm, an existence she deemed suffocating. New York City was the place for her, and despite decades of living there, it did nothing to cut that thick Southern accent.

Part of the Morning Routine

These days before the sun shows its first light, I start my daily rituals, assuming my rightful place at this ancestral desk, carrying on the torch of creative expression. With pen in hand, I turn to my journal, its pages yearning to be filled with my soul’s reflections, musings, and whispers. Good Lord! She would exclaim if she ever caught sight of the clutter that had come to rest upon this once clean surface. I can see her shaking her head. Regrettably, the disarray is such that the drop-down leaf, where my writing takes flight, can only be closed with much rearranging and piling of papers elsewhere. An unfamiliar sight, indeed, to witness the dark wood peeking through the gaps in my journal’s sprawl. Controlled chaos – I do know where everything is, despite appearances.

This beloved desk, a venerable witness to the passage of time, has graced our family for no fewer than eight decades. Maybe it’s seven. But as I sit here I realize that near stands another heirloom—an ancestral chest belonging to my Great-Nana. It now serves as a foundation for my television, while within its protective confines reside cherished remnants of our lineage: old family photographs. Fashioned from the wood of my great-grandparents’ farm, this chest bears witness to its origin through a modest silver plaque that silently proclaims, “This is made of cedar from Knightwood by Jessie H. Moore for Edna E. Knight, August 4, 1933.” This chest will mark ninety years since its creation in a few short months—ninety years of preserving our collective memories.

The presence of these relics, infused with the essence of my Nana and Great-Nana, fills my life with an indescribable sense of connection. They symbolize the strength and resilience that coursed through the veins of these formidable women, who weathered the tempestuous storms of their existence with unyielding resolve. Recently, through the meticulous exploration of our ancestry and the fortuitous acquisition of family archives following my mother’s untimely death a couple of years ago, I have gleaned newfound insights into their remarkable journeys. Oh, how I wish I knew the right questions to ask while they walked among us! Hindsight is bittersweet indeed.

As I sit at this venerable desk, surrounded by the echoes of generations past, I am reminded of the enduring power of lineage and the stories within these treasured artifacts. They are not mere objects but conduits through which the spirit of my Nana and Great-Nana breathes, whispering tales of strength and resilience. With each pen stroke upon the waiting pages, I pay homage to their unwavering resolve and the indomitable spirit that courses through my veins. In this eternal interplay of past and present, I am both custodian and seeker, unearthing fragments of wisdom and unlocking the secrets that bind us together across time. Through these delicate threads woven with love and memories, I honor these remarkable women’s profound impact on my journey. Their legacy lives on, an eternal flame guiding me forward gracefully and purposefully.

Elevate Your Salsa Game with 11 Peppers with the Earthy Alchemist

Unleashing the Flavors of Pepper Paradise

Welcome to Pepper Paradise, where peppers of all varieties come together to create sensational salsas. Join me, the Earthy Alchemist, on a journey through the world of salsa-making as we explore the distinct flavors and heat levels of these 11 carefully selected peppers. Each pepper has unique qualities that transform your salsa into a flavor-packed masterpiece. Let’s dive in!

We recently completed this year’s planting on the mountain in our pepper-infused garden oasis, nestled against a stonewall with a canoe brimming with bags of soil. Spring got away from me, and I realized I had missed ordering some of the fantastic peppers that made last season’s salsa batch a true delight. However, I’ve sourced an array of peppers bound to elevate our salsa game and add a personal touch to your culinary adventures. These peppers have been carefully chosen based on their unique flavors, heat levels, and my own experiences. Let’s delve into this pepper paradise and uncover how they can help you create great salsas that will tantalize your taste buds.

  1. Hungarian Wax: Bursting with vibrant yellow hues, these peppers add a tangy kick and subtle sweetness to your salsa. Their medium heat level strikes the perfect balance for those seeking a flavorful yet milder salsa experience. I managed to get my hands on some of these for this year’s garden.
  2. Ghost Pepper: Brace yourself for an intense, fiery encounter! These red-hot peppers boast a scorching heat that will awaken even the most daring taste buds. I was thrilled to pick up a 6-pack of these for this year’s salsa! Approach with caution and savor the thrill of the spiciest salsa adventure.
  3. Cayenne: A timeless classic in the salsa world, cayenne peppers bring moderate heat and a distinctive smoky flavor. Their versatility allows them to harmonize beautifully with other ingredients, adding depth and complexity to your salsa. I breathed a sigh of relief when I managed to grab the last 6-pack of these.
  4. Jalapeno: No salsa is complete without the iconic jalapeno pepper. Known for its medium heat and bright, zesty flavor, this beloved pepper brings a familiar kick that will transport your taste buds to salsa heaven. Unfortunately, I’ll have to depend on my local farmstands to deliver these for this season as they were sold out at the nursery.
  5. Barbados: Hailing from a habanero lineage, Barbados peppers are a treasure trove of medium-thick flesh that transitions from a pale green to a passionate red. Their fiery essence and a touch of tropical nostalgia will infuse your salsa with vibrant flavors and fond memories. These peppers have been an excellent addition to our salsa in the past, bringing back fond memories of our vacation to the island years ago.
  6. Ring of Fire: Perfectly suited for early-season salsa-making, these hot cayenne peppers offer a thin flesh that matures from green to a fiery red. Their robust flavor and heat make them ideal for crafting zesty salsas and flavor-packed powders. They were so good and another fantastic addition to last year’s salsa.
  7. Dragon’s Claws: Unleash the captivating allure of these midseason medium cayenne peppers. With lengths of up to 10 inches, they boast a smoky intensity when roasted, infusing your salsa with a tantalizing depth of flavor that will leave you yearning for more. They were so good and another fantastic addition to last year’s salsa.
  8. Candy Cane Red Hybrid: Add a touch of sweetness and visual flair to your salsa with these stunning peppers. As their medium-thick flesh transitions from green with yellow stripes to a fiery red, their distinct flavor profile will complement and enhance your salsa’s overall appeal. They were so good and another fantastic addition to last year’s salsa.
  9. Sigaretto Di Bergamo: Embrace the rich heritage of Italian cuisine with these peppers that mature from green to brownish before revealing their vibrant red hue. With their length of 4.5 inches, they’re a perfect choice for pickling or providing a delightful crunch when fried or stir-fried. They pair deliciously with steak. But good in salsa too.
  10. Yummy Orange & Yummy Red: Despite their small size, these pendant-shaped peppers pack an extraordinary sweetness that will surprise and delight your taste buds. Their radiant orange and dazzling red colors add visual appeal and flavor to any salsa creation. They were so good and another fantastic addition to last year’s salsa.

Now that we’ve explored these peppers’ remarkable qualities let’s put them to good use in a simple and delicious salsa recipe. Here’s a personal favorite that encompasses the flavors of these 11 peppers while leaving room for your creativity to shine:

garlic searing in pot as tomatoes get ready to be sliced up and added to the pot

I started making my salsa for canning using The Best Homemade Salsa for Canning as a base. I don’t bother to remove the skins since the skin of a tomato can provide additional nutritional benefits and it saves some steps and mess. Plus, I don’t have a freezer that has a working ice-maker so ice is a luxury until I get a new refrigerator with a working ice maker. First-world problems. I also add more peppers but here’s were I like to layer in the heat.

Xine’s Salsa
A Modified version of The Best Homemade Salsa for Canning by Alex Caspero

Cook Time : 60 minutes, Total time : 1 hour, 30 minutes
yield: 7-8 Pints

9 cups chopped tomatoes
3 cups, bell peppers (green, red, yellow – any combination or one of each)
3 cups chopped white onion
4 jalapeños – chopped – with seeds for hot
2-4 other peppers of varying heat like Yummy Red or Candy Cane Red with Dragon’s Claw and Ring of Fire – the key is a little sweet with some heat – a little goes a long way
8 cloves garlic, chopped
6 teaspoons canning salt
1 cup white vinegar
1 can (12 oz) tomato paste)

  1. Chop up your ingredients and have them in separate bowls to easy, quick access.
  2. Place ingredients in a 10 qt. saucepan or spaghetti pot and simmer for 20-30 minutes. Taste. Add spices as needed. Personal preference – everyone is different. I hate cilantro but if you like it throw it in. Taste like soap to me. I buy a lot of our spices from The Spice House and have been known to throw in some Ukrainan Village – a Bell Pepper blend, Hot Roasted Tomato Flakes and /or some Aleppo Pepper flakes in. (I have no affiliation to Spice House, I just like their stuff.)
  3. When salsa is done – add to jars and either can using water bath method or pressure-cooker

I’ve whipped up countless gallons of this incredible salsa recipe, it’s a breeze to make and delightful to behold! There’s something truly special about using vibrant, freshly harvested produce that adds an extra touch of beauty to the dish. Our garden has an abundance of luscious yellow tomatoes, which are lower in acid and make a perfect addition to the salsa.

One of my favorite parts of the salsa-making process is canning it. A sense of pure joy and satisfaction fills my heart as I seal those jars, knowing that I’m preserving our homemade goodness for the future. And when my kids come to visit, it warms my soul to send them off with a few jars of this homemade treasure. It’s a gift from the heart, filled with love and flavors that remind them of home. I can’t make enough of it – we eat all throughout the year – devouring it on Taco Tuesdays in particular.

¡Vamonos! Let’s go! It’s time to wrap up our spicy journey through Pepper Paradise. But fear not, for the salsa adventure doesn’t stop here. Stay tuned for more personal anecdotes, mouthwatering recipes, and captivating tales of peppers in future editions of The Earthy Alchemist. Let these peppers be your companions as you explore flavors and create salsas that will make your friends and family ask for more. The spirit of salsa is alive and vibrant, ready to infuse your meals with a touch of spice and a whole lot of joy!

As we bid farewell to our pepper-infused garden oasis, let’s take a moment to appreciate the mindfulness and health benefits of gardening. There’s something gratifying about feeling the dirt under your fingernails and inhaling the aroma of rosemary on your fingertips—a reminder of our deep connection to nature. And now, we must exercise patience and tend to our plants, knowing that the rewards will come in due time. Through gardening, we learn valuable lessons about patience, care, and being fully present in the tasks at hand. As we tend to our plants, we become attuned to their needs, observing their growth and responding to their requirements. This process encourages us to slow down, appreciate the present moment, and cultivate a sense of mindfulness.

Kona is one of the unpredictable things I find in our garden

Additionally, the unpredictability and occasional surprises that arise in gardening can bring a sense of humor to our journey. Whether it’s a mischievous squirrel nibbling on our vegetables or a flower blooming in an unexpected spot, these lighthearted moments remind us to embrace nature’s joy and spontaneity. Gardening, therefore, becomes a holistic experience that nourishes our souls, connects us to the natural world, and adds a touch of laughter to our lives.

So, my fellow salsa enthusiasts, take care, be patient, and tend to your gardens with love. Embrace the joy of watching your plants thrive and eagerly anticipate the bountiful harvest that awaits. In the meantime, let’s keep our taste buds tingling with the sensational salsas we create from the peppers we’ve gathered. Happy salsa-making, my friends! May your culinary adventures be filled with laughter, deliciousness, and a sprinkle of spice. ¡Buen provecho! Enjoy your meal!

The Earthy Alchemist

Welcome to “The Earthy Alchemist,” where we dive headfirst into the captivating world of gardening and the wonders of the natural realm.

As the dandelions bloom and nature signals the perfect time to plant potatoes, I can’t help but feel like an excited child at the window. Although Mark and I have retired from our gardening business, Homegrown Harvest, our passion for gardening knows no bounds. With a focus on savoring the flavors of homegrown delights, we craft our garden with our stomachs in mind. And let me tell you, there’s nothing quite like homemade potato soup or salsa made from our bountiful harvests! We can the salsa and freeze portions of the potato soup, ensuring we can enjoy tastes of homegrown goodness even on those tired winter days when starting from scratch seems daunting.

Fabric bags, like the ones we use for growing potatoes, offer remarkable versatility, especially when space is limited or unconventional. You can transform patios, balconies, and driveways with fabric bags into thriving gardens. As long as you have access to adequate light and quality soil, you can grow a wide variety of plants in these bags, from vegetables to herbs and even vibrant flowers. The best part is that the yield can be just as impressive, if not better, than traditional in-ground gardening. We’ve experienced bumper harvests of potatoes, tomatoes, and other crops that rival those grown in traditional beds. And let’s not forget about the convenience factor—harvesting from fabric bags is an absolute breeze. When it’s time to collect your bounty, you only need to dump out the bags and sift through the soil, revealing a treasure trove of homegrown goodness. So whether you’re short on garden space or prefer a more manageable gardening experience, fabric bags are a versatile solution that will deliver impressive results and make your harvests a joy to gather.

Now, if you’re eager to grow your own potatoes, starting with quality seed potatoes is essential. Old grocery store potatoes aren’t recommended since commercially grown varieties prioritize shelf life over flavor. Aren’t we all tired of the same lackluster selection at the local store? I highly recommend exploring reputable sources like the Maine Potato Lady and John Scheepers Kitchen Garden Seeds. The variety of colors, tastes, and textures they offer will mesmerize you. We fell head over heels for the German Butterball, its creamy and buttery texture creating the most heavenly soups.

Once you find a potato variety that tickles your taste buds, I encourage you to save your seed potatoes from the harvest. It’s a satisfying and sustainable practice that ensures a repeat performance of your favorite spuds. As for our preferred method, growing potatoes in grow bags has proven to be an absolute game-changer. Not only does it save planting space, but it also simplifies the harvest process. Just tip over the bags; it becomes an exhilarating potato treasure hunt! The flexibility of the bags allows us to reuse the soil, filling eroded areas and replenishing nutrients through composting.

But that’s not all—grow bags offer even more garden freedom. Once emptied, they can be folded and stored for future use. And guess what? You can enhance the flavor of your tubers by adding companion plants to the tops, such as basil, parsley, or thyme. The beans contribute nitrogen to the soil, while flowers like petunias and marigolds add beauty and beneficial companionship. Lettuce and radishes make excellent companions, too, offering a quick-growing and delicious secondary crop.

Now, let’s discuss one of our favorite recipes—potato soup! Thanks to The Pioneer Woman, we discovered a perfect potato soup that never fails to delight. When you have homegrown potatoes selected explicitly for their creamy texture, you can dial back on the added dairy while still enjoying a luscious soup.


Life is all about embracing new experiences, including stepping into the gardening world. Don’t let fear of the unknown or fear of failure hold you back. Whether trying out fabric bags for growing food or experimenting with new vegetable varieties, taking that first step can be the hardest. But trust me, the fruits of your labor will be incredibly satisfying.

Remember, every seed holds the potential for a bountiful harvest. Embrace the transformative power of gardening and nurture your connection with the natural world.

April Fool’s Day 2023

No joke – we woke to four inches of heavy wet snow up here on the mountain. Just as there were patches of grass and parts of the rock wall had started to appear the other day, nature decided — not yet! I prefer spring snow to dreary spring rain, but I am sure that will come in time too. At least I hope so. A few years ago we were in a terrible drought while ironically reading Dune during that time, Since then, I never take the rainy season for granted — I welcome it. We have plans to add a barn to our property hopefully soon and are planning on trying to collect out water runoff for our gardens and since we are on well water, we welcome the chance for the underground aquifers to replenish and fill.

April 1 2023 – Bridgewater, New Hampshire