

Yep, it's that time folks… the finals of the 100-word sprint challenge, hosted by fighterwriter, J.C.Martin. For the final, the finalists have to write a 100-word story (not including title and prompt), that starts with the prompt: “The finish line beckoned…” This time, finalists will e-mail the links to their stories to me by Friday…

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THE 100-WORD SPRINT: Round 2

I love my flash fiction, and so I've decided to enter round 2 of the challenge over at J.C. Martin's place. For more details, go here. Remember: Your story must be 100 words (not including title and prompt) — no more, no less. Post your story on your blog and enter the link in the…

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THE 100-WORD SPRINT: Round 1

Attention all flash fiction lovers! There's an exciting 100-word challenge over at J.C. Martin's place. The Fighter Writer is hosting the Oracle Olympics, in connection with her new book, ORACLE.         The rules are  simple: A prompt is released every Monday. Write a 100-word (exactly) short story based on the prompt (does not…

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It was a day like any other day. Bright. Fresh. Promising. It was a letter like any other letter. Standard. Manila. Window envelope. It was a moment like countless others that had gone before… was it the electricity bill which was always a week late? Another letter of demand from the ongoing mess of a…

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A hundred roses couldn't compensate for the devastation. A hundred apologies couldn't erase the pain. A hundred Lindt chocolates couldn't sweeten the bitter aftermath of betrayal. A hundred phone calls failed to erase the sound of 'her' voice on his answering machine. And then the brainwave hit. After a hundred days filled with nerve-wracking moments……

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The mutilated, bloodied appendage nestled against the soft, fluffy cushion. A shudder rippled through my body… the icy hand of fear gripped… squeezed… squeezed… at the core of my being… This was sheer madness! The stakes had been raised. It had advanced from the simple, cat-and-mouse fun that had prompted the crazy feud, spiralled out…

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The return was momentous, accompanied by pomp and ceremony. She literally waltzed in, larger-than-life, amidst tears and laughter, a lavish feast to rival any that had been hosted within her five year absence. And it took just a few moments to turn my cosy world around… and make a mockery of my hard-earned position within…

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She was from the wrong side of the track. The side that sported dusty, pot-holed, rutted roads, strewn with an assortment of papers, broken bottles, stones and other debris; where mongrels scavenged for left-over scraps from a nearby heap of dirt…  far removed from the green, freshly-mowed, sprinkler-studded, well-manicured lawns of suburban existence. You know…

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