
Emergency, read my story and help me ‼️

Please Share Or Replog Or Donate For My Family 💔🙏

I am reham, his condition, and all the families of Gaza are very difficult, they do not have the necessities of life, no medicine, no food, no health, no education, nothing but death and destruction I appeal to everyone who sees my campaign to stand by my family, Whether by donating or sharing the story with your friends to raise an amount that will help my family get out of Gaza safely 💔🍉

I am a nurse at Nasser and Al-Khair Hospital in Khan Yunis I also used to work for Dentist K But at the present time, I have lost my job, which was a source of income for me and my family in the past, and now all I will have left is the donation link that I made in order to help my family, about thousands.But it takes timeI hope to achieve the goal of my campaign.

I also want to do charitable work and spread the first aid course to children and women because we really need that urgently at the present time because of this war and genocide that we are exposed to.I lost my brother because of this war, and I really miss him. The loss is painful.

I have been afflicted with a great emptiness and depression because of his distance from me. I hope you pray for him too, may God have mercy on him. 💔🥺🙏

Donate 5$ enough the change my life


instagram account @/nutella_i_i .

Verified by @palestinegenocide @queerstudiesnatural @90-ghost @el-shab-hussein @northgazaupdates @apollos-olives @riding-with-the-wild-hunt

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