Start Select Reset Zine 📑

Start Select Reset Zine (SSRZ) is a physical newsletter posted via snail mail 4 times a year.

As the old certainties of Web2 creator capitalism crumble around us the ‘Support my email newsletter for just £5 a month and in return you’ll receive … more email‘ model seems like part of the problem not a solution. I’m trying to do something ‘real’ in a post Web2 world.

Your subscription keeps my creative work flowing. Supports both Permanently Moved and Experience.Computer and of course, keeps this blog’s lights on.

£5 a Month

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Like paying £1.15 a week but only once a month

£100 a Year

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Like paying £1.90 a week but only once a year

Past Issues

A collection of transcripts on the attention economy, social media, and device use taken from my weekly podcast Permanently Moved.

Since its release in Sep 2019 it has been downloaded over 18,000 times. I’ve received 100’s of emails from people who have found its contents hopeful and motivating.

Download the Issue Here

Includes an essay about *real* things.

“A return to the real is the re-integration of natural daily rhythms (where possible) into one’s life. Do you know what the moon is doing tonight? The day begins when the dawn breaks the night, not when a clock strikes midnight. The sun sets, the day ends and the night begins.”

Q2 2022

Test run of a play-by-mail collective story telling game I am designing. A Slobbovia variant, loosely based on the rule’s for Carthage (1974).

Includes an essay on the power of imaginary maps to create the territory.

Q3 2022

A per-zine containing short fragments, image macros, and black and white photography.

A very personal document that captures where I was in the winter of 2022.

Q4 2022

A zine was inspired by a general period of ‘sorting out’ in Jan.

Includes 5 short micro essays on my stuggles to be a tidy person, how Marie Kondo changed my life, losing things, labelling things, and how using a tool competes it.

Q1 2023

First zine in the new format.

Includes a series of 5 hand made/cut/stamped linocut prints made my me. Newsletter reflecting on the first year of the zine and where I want to take it in future.

Q2 2023

Quiet Quests is a solo RPG / Lite-LARP crafted for workplace play, inviting you to undertake a covert journey of compassion.

Q3 2023

The interior of the issue contains my most ambitious linocut print yet. Fan art of the character Zuno from J David Osbornes cyberpunk series: God’s Fare No Better!

Q4 2023

A double essay issue. On the matter of what’s next after 301 comes to an end, and the current state of licensing data sets for training AI.

Q1 2024

SSRZ #010
Something Like This

[All Gone]

This issue has an ‘aesthetic preview’ of a new creative project and contains an update on future plans at thejaymo industries

Q2 2024

SSRZ #011
Coming Soon!

[Q3 2024]

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Past Zines

The Sega Club – Mid 90s

I have been making and creating zines for myself and my friends since I was about 10 years old.

My first ever zine was made during the summer holidays around 94/95. My friend Ben and I had a typewriter, pens, and the abuse of his dads workplace risograph machine. (An important lesson about how zines get made learnt at an early age!).

It ran for 3 issues.

I still experience the same thrill holding a zine I’ve in my hands 30 years later.

On The Rag – Early 00’s

I was a regular contributor to the RIOT GRRL / feminist punk zine – On The Rag.

Published sporadically in Margate for several years. Next time I’m at my parents I’ll dig out some more issues and take photos.

Geekzine – Early 00s

I need to dig out some old issues and photograph them.

Geekzine was the semi-regular fanzine from the Margate based Geekscene DIY collective.

Poptastic Fantastic – Mid 00s

Absolute hipster bait. I don’t have any issues of this at all despite running for 20 something issues 🙁

If you picked up any copies of this zine in Dalston/Shoreditch/Nottingham/Leeds between 05-07 and still have one tucked away, please send me documentation! 🙏

Zine and Not Heard – 2011-15

ZANH was started by Tommy and Joel in 2011. A London based zine on at the forefront of the modern emo revival. I was a regular contributor to issues: Gig reviews, album reviews, live photos etc.

Floating Worlds

Floating worlds is a semi-regular journal/zine on the subject of worlds. Made by a group chat.

The zine included essays from Tonk, J David Osborne, AWTNMY, Me, A manifesto from the AUTONOMOUS CULTURE RESEARCH BUREAU, OPNPC, and Kitty Mayo. And includes a games corner with a word search and a pastry related solo RPG.


£5 a Month

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Like paying £1.15 a week but only once a month

£100 a Year

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Like paying £1.90 a week but only once a year