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September 2024

Each month The Dark brings you the best in dark fantasy and horror! Selected by award-winning editor Sean Wallace and published by Prime Books, this issue includes two all-new stories and two reprints:

“Wiremother” by Laura Mauro
“Sundown in Duffield” by Steve Rasnic Tem (reprint)
“The Ribbon Rule” by Mae Jimenez
“Big Boned” by Kristi DeMeester (reprint)

August 2024

Each month The Dark brings you the best in dark fantasy and horror! Selected by award-winning editor Sean Wallace and published by Prime Books, this issue includes two all-new stories and two reprints:

“Once There Was Water” by Katie McIvor
“The Operculum Necklace” by Alison Littlewood (reprint)
“Bite Me, Drink Me, Eat Me” by H. Pueyo
“Garden of Guiding Eyes and Grabbing Bones” by Ai Jiang (reprint)

July 2024

Each month The Dark brings you the best in dark fantasy and horror! Selected by award-winning editor Sean Wallace and published by Prime Books, this issue includes two all-new stories and two reprints:

“The Terms & Conditions of Kindness” by James Bennett
“That Maddening Heat” by Ray Cluley (reprint)
“The Debt I Owe” by Alex Sobel
“Solivagant” by Angela Slatter (reprint)

June 2024

Each month The Dark brings you the best in dark fantasy and horror! Selected by award-winning editor Sean Wallace and published by Prime Books, this issue includes two all-new stories and two reprints:

“The Abandoned” by Jack Klausner
“Rivergrace” by E. Catherine Tobler (reprint)
“Labyrinth” by Beth Goder
“The Sea-Change” by Sara Omer (reprint)

May 2024

Each month The Dark brings you the best in dark fantasy and horror! Selected by award-winning editor Sean Wallace and published by Prime Books, this issue includes two all-new stories and two reprints:

“Bread Water” by Jorja Osha
“You Can Have the Ground, My Love” by Carlie St. George (reprint)
“In Thin Air” by Phoenix Alexander
“Rabbit’s Foot” by H. Pueyo (reprint)

April 2024

Each month The Dark brings you the best in dark fantasy and horror! Selected by award-winning editor Sean Wallace and published by Prime Books, this issue includes two all-new stories and two reprints:

“Vivisepulture” by James Bennett
“Water Like Broken Glass” by Carina Bissett (reprint)
“Imago” by Steve Rasnic Tem
“Dead But Dreaming Still” by Michael Kelly (reprint)

March 2024

Each month The Dark brings you the best in dark fantasy and horror! Selected by award-winning editor Sean Wallace and published by Prime Books, this issue includes two all-new stories and two reprints:

“Rare Bindings” by Matthew Cheney
“Burial” by Kristi DeMeester (reprint)
“Marshman” by Sara Omer
“Breathe, Blow, Burn” by Ai Jiang (reprint)

February 2024

Each month The Dark brings you the best in dark fantasy and horror! Selected by award-winning editor Sean Wallace and published by Prime Books, this issue includes two all-new stories and two reprints:

“Some There Be That Shadows Kiss” by James Bennett
“Dusk” by Angela Slatter (reprint)
“You, the Listener, on a Heavenly Trip” by Françoise Harvey
“W is for Whispers” by Steve Rasnic Tem (reprint)

January 2024

Each month The Dark brings you the best in dark fantasy and horror! Selected by award-winning editor Sean Wallace and published by Prime Books, this issue includes two all-new stories and two reprints:

“The Grit Born” by Frances Ogamba
“Klang Crow” by Joshua Lim (reprint)
“Garlands for Your Bridal Chamber” by Fatima Taqvi
“Of a Thousand Arms and More” by Ai Jiang (reprint)

December 2023

Each month The Dark brings you the best in dark fantasy and horror! Selected by award-winning editor Sean Wallace and published by Prime Books, this issue includes two all-new stories and two reprints:

“A Strange & Terrible Wonder” by James Bennett
“The Sisters” by Ai Jiang (reprint)
“The Fish’s Wife” by Jorja Osha
“The Dreadful and Specific Monster of Starosibirsk” by Kristina Ten (reprint)