Home > About SFWA > Benevolent Funds > Emergency Medical Fund

Emergency Medical Fund

The Emergency Medical Fund (EMF) was established to help genre writers pay medical expenses not otherwise covered by insurance. The fund is meant to cover only short-term (i.e. emergency situations that interfere with the ability to write). Requests must specify the recipient, a description of the circumstances, and the amount of support needed. Additional information may be requested by the EMF Committee.

Contact the EMF Committee


Emergency Medical Fund Guidelines

i. The Emergency Medical Fund (EMF) is established to help writers pay medical expenses not otherwise covered by insurance. The fund is meant to cover only short-term (i.e. Emergency situations that interfere with the ability to write.)

ii. The EMF is available to all genre authors who have equivalent credentials as SFWA voting members.

iii. The EMF will be administered by the CFO, who will make disbursements as directed by the EMF Committee.

iv. Formal requests for EMF support should be sent to EMF@sfwa.org.

v. Requests must specify the recipient, a description of the circumstances, and the amount of support needed. Additional information may be requested by the EMF Committee.

vi. All requests and payments will be held in strict confidence.

vii. EMF Committee members will be appointed by the President, with the consent of the Board, and operate with complete independence.

viii. Donations to the EMF are considered to be charitable contributions and must be used for the express purposes of the EMF.