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Season 13: Episode 4

Premiere date: April 7, 2024
The pupil midwives reach their third month of training. An anxious Trixie receives an urgent phone call that leads to dire consequences for her patient. Elsewhere, the Turner’s Apollo 11 moon landing party is in full swing at Nonnatus House.

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Anticipation for Liftoff
While the residents of Poplar prepare for the Apollo 11 mission, Sister Julienne, Shelagh, and Nurse Crane review the pupil midwives' casebooks. The women agree that Rosalind could benefit from more self-confidence while Joyce could do with more experience overseeing home births.
Clip 2m 57s

About the Episode

The pupil midwives are now into their third month of training and undergo a review. Joyce (Renee Bailey) is assigned to a patient but complications mean Trixie (Helen George) must take over and deliver the baby. However, Trixie has to head out to return a seemingly urgent phone call from Matthew (Olly Rix) and becomes very anxious to get back to her own family. She too quickly signs off the final stages which results in dire consequences for the patient and some hard decisions for Trixie.

Sister Veronica (Rebecca Gethings) and Nancy (Megan Cusack) preside over a BCG vaccination clinic for secondary school age children. Nancy subsequently visits a Nigerian family at home only to discover that the father is gravely unwell with advanced TB. Whilst overseeing their care, a distant memory of her late mother is triggered and Nancy delves deep into her past, uncovering new information surrounding her admission to the orphanage.

Meanwhile, Violet (Annabelle Apsion) cooks a special dinner but Fred (Cliff Parisi) doesn’t think much of it, and isn’t using the right cutlery etiquette. She wishes he’d show a bit more interest, as she wants him to join her at official functions in his role as the mayor’s consort.  

Elsewhere, there is huge excitement about the Apollo 11 mission to land a man on the moon. The Turner’s moon landing party is in full swing and over at Nonnatus House, the sisters and midwives welcome local people to join them in watching the event late into the night.

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