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Call the Midwife Season 13, Episode 1 GIF Recap

Posted by Audrey Porter on March 18, 2024
Warning: Spoilers ahead.
Call the Midwife S13 Ep 1
Sister Julienne and Violet Buckle | Credit: Neal Street Productions

The blue jays are chirping, the tulips are blooming, and the sun is finally beginning to shine, which can only mean one thing: the arrival of new midwives to Nonnatus House!

Many developments transpired during the Christmas season. Sister Monica Joan fell into a heap of depression and despair, but fortunately found generous support from her community members. Nancy and her daughter Colette moved into Nonnatus House, Miss Higgins grew fond of a tortoise, and Trixie and Matthew returned to Poplar to begin their married life together.

So what’s in store for our Poplar residents this week? Read below to find out.

New Arrivals

The day is finally here to welcome the four new pupil midwives: Joyce, Kathy, Norelle, and after a few traveling hiccups, Rosalind.

The women (and Matthew) receive the four new pupils with a tasteful lunch spread and tea. Of course, as with every welcoming lunch, it's an excellent opportunity for the experienced members of Nonnatus House to get to know more about the newest recruits.

It turns out Rosalind is a vegetarian, which is something she shares in common with Nurse Crane. Later, when unpacking her bags in her shared room with Joyce, we also learn that Rosalind grew up in a boarding school, with her father as headmaster. Meanwhile, Joyce comes across as a go-getter and high-achiever, as is demonstrated by the trophies and awards she hangs on the mantelpiece. How will the newest midwife additions transition to life in Poplar? We shall see.

Meanwhile, Trixie, our midwife veteran, is back to the job she loves so much. She’s called to visit the home of Iris Melia, a mother-to-be who’s experiencing pains similar to labor – however, Trixie assures her that she still has a bit longer to go before giving birth.

A Surprise Pregnancy

Over the years, Dr. Turner and his staff have provided medical care to patients from many diverse backgrounds, and this week is no different.

At the front office, Miss Higgins greets Doreen, a woman with cerebral palsy, and her sister, Anne. Miss Higgins is initially confused by Doreen’s presence at the clinic as Dr. Turner typically pays her house visits. But with a sample jar of her urine in hand, Doreen is insistent on seeing the doctor… in private…

After running a few examinations, Dr. Turner confirms Doreen’s suspicion: she is pregnant. However, the doctor reveals that Doreen’s time estimation is a bit off. In fact, way off – he anticipates she’s expected to deliver her baby in two weeks.

This is big news, naturally, and even more so when we learn that Doreen’s mother is completely in the dark about the pregnancy. Nancy does her best to console Anne and Doreen’s stress – but it sounds like breaking the news to their mum is not going to be a smooth sailing feat.

Later at Nonnatus House, the midwives discuss the special circumstances of Doreen’s situation. Many of the women are surprised by how Doreen was able to conceal her pregnancy for so long, while Sister Monica Joan points out how a woman like Doreen would have once been confined to a medical institution for her entire life. Sister Julienne echoes these sentiments and applauds Doreen’s mother for deciding to tend to Doreen full-time.

Doreen's History

As anticipated, Doreen’s mother, Ada, is shocked, confused, and vexed by the news. It’s clear that Ada has dedicated so much of her life to ensuring Doreen’s health and well-being, and she can’t wrap her head around how her daughter managed to get pregnant…

It turns out Graham, the man who comes to the Challis’ house to tune their piano, is the father of Doreen’s child. When learning that Graham is lingering outside their house, Ava steps outside and slaps him across the face.

However, Graham is insistent that he’s not going anywhere and intends to stay by Doreen’s side. Judging by the way he and Doreen embrace one another, perhaps there is some veracity to his statement.

Recreation Time

Despite all the hustle and bustle that comes with being a midwife, there’s certainly some pleasure that comes from the downtime as well.

Well, maybe not for all the midwives. While Sister Veronica and Sister Monica Joan are absorbed with their jigsaw puzzle and Nurse Crane is focused on her knitting, both Joyce and Rosalind look a bit lost sitting on the couch.

Sister Veronica notes how recreation time is a marvelous opportunity to enjoy one another’s company and work on potential handicrafts, while Sister Julienne chimes in that the designated recreation time offers a productive alternative to watching television. It looks as though Joyce and Rosalind are in for a challenge to find a way to fill their time.

Spotting Abuse

At the clinic, Nurse Crane oversees Joyce conducting a check-up on Iris. However, when Iris is asked to remove her long-sleeved sweater, Nurse Crane immediately spots a series of bruises on the expectant mother’s arms. Alarmed but keeping calm, she sends for Joyce, the new midwife, to excuse herself from the examination.

Now alone with Iris, Nurse Crane gently asks Iris about the source of the blemishes on her arm. The mother-to-be doesn’t appear too emotionally distressed when questioned and instead matter-of-factly states that her husband has been having some trouble at work. (Earlier on, she caught him removing a stack of money from their floorboards in the late hours of the night. Not a great sign).

Iris goes on to tell Nurse Crane that Les works “funny hours,” but is a “good provider,” to which Nurse Crane reminds the mother that it is Iris they are concerned with: “We never pry, but we do listen.”

Revelations from the Records

As requested by Dr. Turner, Miss Higgins searches and retrieves the older medical records for Doreen. However, the information she uncovers is quite surprising: Sister Julienne was the midwife on call for Doreen and oversaw her birth.

Upon learning the news from Shelagh, Sister Julienne falls into a state of despair – both for not remembering the delivery as well as the guilt for possibly being responsible for Doreen’s condition.

Sister Monica Joan finds Sister Julienne praying in the chapel and tries to offer her friend some consoling advice. Sister Julienne says that, upon studying Doreen’s records more, she’s put it together that the child was born during the height of the cataclysmic “Doodlebug Raids” during World War II.

Did she do her job well enough? Could she have done a better job of mitigating Doreen’s risk of developing cerebral palsy? These questions seem to be circling Sister Julienne’s mind – all without any clear answers in sight.

Testing Out Some Arts and Crafts

In an effort to prepare for the Easter pram competition, Rosalind, Nancy, and Joyce take a stab at boosting their handicraft skills.

The next day, Trixie and Rosalind respond to a call for Iris. The two midwives arrive at the Melia’s flat where they run into an agitated Les. He tells the women that if anyone rings the flat, they must inform him. Trixie is less interested in what Les has to say and bustles through the rooms to tend to Iris.

Finding Peace

Meanwhile, Sister Julienne makes her way to the Challis’ house, joined by Shelagh, who has come to inform Ada of Doreen’s medical and social services plan.

With the three women seated, Ada begins to describe her recollection of giving birth to Doreen, remarking that at the time of delivery, she hadn’t realized a nun was present. It’s at this moment that Sister Julienne finally lifts the weight off her chest and confesses to Ada that she was the nun with her.

While the truth is now out there, Sister Julienne’s face suggests her worry over Ada’s response to the revelation. However, instead of lashing out, Ada shows gratitude and thanks Sister Julienne for everything she did to help bring Doreen into the world. Her words mean more to Sister Julienne than most could imagine.

Shortly after, Doreen and Graham arrive back at the house, announcing that they’ve set the date for their wedding. However, Ada soon points out that Doreen looks washed out, and upon further examination from Sister Julienne, the midwife concludes that Doreen is in labor.

A Distressing Labor

Currently feeling the excruciating pains of labor is Iris, and to make matters worse, Trixie and Rosalind do not have any pain gas to give her. To solve the problem, Trixie rings Sister Veronica and asks her to bring the medical gas. However, while on her call, Trixie has to try and calm down Les who is currently locked out of the apartment. A lesson for us all: don’t let an aggravated husband into the same vicinity as his pregnant wife.

But Iris’ condition isn’t improving, and now she’s experiencing nausea. When the phone rings, Rosalind rushes to the living room to see if it’s from Nonnatus House. From outside the door, Les hears the phone ringing too and insists to be let inside. When his request is denied, he pulls out a gun… and shoots a round of bullets through the door.

Rosalind is naturally in shock but decides to let Les inside as long as he agrees to keep himself in the living room. The nurse rushes back into the bedroom with Trixie and Iris and creates a blockade behind the door.

Soon after, police are called onto the scene. However, Les evidently has no interest in turning himself in: he pushes a sofa behind the front entrance, flushes powder-like drugs down the toilet, and positions himself with his gun near the window facing the street.

Fortunately, Iris’ actual birth begins underway, with Trixie and Rosalind coaxing her through it.

A Standoff

On the street, a crowd forms outside the residence. Sister Veronica arrives on the scene, pain gas in hand, adamant about getting inside the flat to assist Iris. But, alas, Les demonstrates absolutely no inclination to move from his position, even after the police attempt to talk some reason into him.

However, because this is Sister Veronica after all, we know that there’s no chance in the world she’s backing away from this situation. She pulls the megaphone from the policeman and talks directly to Les who is lurking near his window.

Leave it to Sister Veronica to bluntly state the facts. She reminds Les that his wife is bringing his child into the world: “Do you not owe it to them to do what’s right?”

Meanwhile, Iris has delivered her baby – only, the newborn doesn’t appear to be breathing due to a short umbilical cord. Anxiety rises in the room as Trixie tries to administer oxygen to the child… until, finally, the baby lets out a cry.

Les can hear the newborn crying from the other room and shouts to the police and bystanders below about the news. But all is not well with Iris: she’s bleeding heavily and needs immediate medical attention at a hospital. Pronto.

Weighing her limited options, Trixie exits the bedroom with the newborn in her arms and approaches Les. She berates him for his selfishness and lack of having any consideration for his wife and child’s needs. Trixie’s words seem to be the much-needed sucker punch: at long last, Les turns himself in to the police.

While Iris is lifted into an ambulance, she catches one last glimpse of her ridiculous husband as he’s pushed inside a police vehicle.

A New Mother

Back at the hospital, far from the excitement and tension of Iris’ flat, is Doreen and her family. The expectant mother is officially in labor, and nerves from everyone are in the air.

Before approaching Doreen, Dr. Turner confers with his consultant. The two men agree that Doreen's contractions are strong and that she’s fully dilated. The potential issue appears to be her ability to coordinate her pushes. Dr. Turner asserts that he’ll use a ventouse – otherwise known as a vacuum extract – to assist the mother.

After many pushes, Doreen finally gives birth… to a baby boy. The mother can’t contain her joy when she holds her son in her arms.

Disagreements Over Wages

After a hectic day filled with two stressful births, Nurse Crane and Nancy are happy to catch a quiet moment in the clinic together. While Nancy cleans the incubator, the two women reflect on the perils Trixie, Rosalind, and Iris were exposed to.

Half-joking, half-serious, Nancy remarks that the National Health ought to pay their nurses more, adding that nurses are asked to do an impossible job while receiving very little money to live off of.

Nurse Crane appears surprised by Nancy’s words, and in response, reminds her younger colleague that their vocation as midwives is to care for others, regardless of how much or little money is involved. She tells Nancy that she doesn’t want to hear any more discussions of the matter.

It looks like this is going to continue to be a contentious topic for the weeks to come…

The Easter Pram Parade

In the spirit of Easter, the residents of Poplar gather for the jovial Easter pram competition. Everyone shows up in their most decorative, festive spirit – even Doreen with Graham and her baby boy!

What will the rest of spring provide for these Londoners? Tune in next week to find out.

Forgot how we got here? Catch up on “Call the Midwife” with the Season 13 Holiday GIF Recap.

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About the Author

Audrey Porter is a freelance contributor to PBS. She holds a bachelor's degree in Film & Television from Boston University. When not working, you can find her pouring herself too many cups of tea while consuming the latest TV drama series.