11th Mar2022

‘Sand World’ DVD Review

by Jim Morazzini

Stars: Samantha Coolidge, Ryan Dalton, Drew Patrick, Houston Baker, A.T. Tomas, Jeff Kirkendall, Cassandra Hayes | Written by John Oak Dalton | Directed by Mark Polonia [NOTE: With the film now out on DVD, here’s a reposting of our review of Sand World, formerly Dune World, from its digital review last year] With Denis Villeneuve’s […]

21st Sep2021

‘Dune World’ VOD Review

by Jim Morazzini

Stars: Samantha Coolidge, Ryan Dalton, Drew Patrick, Houston Baker, A.T. Tomas, Jeff Kirkendall, Cassandra Hayes | Written by John Oak Dalton | Directed by Mark Polonia With Denis Villeneuve’s Dune getting its first festival showings, Mark Polonia, (Virus Shark, Shark Encounters of the Third Kind) is here to cash in with Dune World. And not […]

09th Nov2020

‘Shark Encounters of the Third Kind’ VOD Review

by Phil Wheat

Stars: Titus Himmelberger, Natalie Himmelberger, Jennie Russo, Steve Diasparra, Jeff Kirkendall | Written by John Oak Dalton | Directed by Mark Polonia Ahhh, the late ’80s/early ’90s… the heyday of shot-on-video horror. Where anyone could pick up a camera, make a movie and get it into video stores; well at least in the US. This […]

28th Apr2017

‘Jurassic Prey’ DVD Review

by Phil Wheat

Stars: Danielle Donahue, Jeff Kirkendall, Bob Dennis, James Carolus, Steve Diasparra, Ken Van Sant, Todd Carpenter, Austin Dragovich, Laurie Smith, Frank Humes, Houston Baker | Written by John Oak Dalton | Directed by Mark Polonia I’m not going to lie, the oeuvre of the Polonia Brothers is somewhat of an acquired taste. Always low budget, […]