What new books or types of books have you found using LibraryThing?

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What new books or types of books have you found using LibraryThing?

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Oct 29, 2006, 10:03 am

I have certainly noticed that my world war II fiction has become focused on the types of books that I want to read. Stories about the people rather than the battles, the strategies, the weapons and planes and tanks, and the politics of the time. I have been pointed to some excellent titles and have a list of at least 40 more that I am still searching for. This has been a great help for me in finding the type of book I want rather than reading the bookjacket and hoping that the book is what I am interested in. Bravo folks of LibraryThing and thanks for all your help in this.

Oct 29, 2006, 10:13 am

I read more that I'm interested in. Quality rather than crap I found along the way to finding a good book. I too have noticed my reading becoming more focused.

Oct 29, 2006, 3:56 pm

I've started using the tag "lt-inspired" to mark books that I picked up specifically because I heard them mentioned on Library Thing.

It's not a large pile yet, but I'm sure that's going to change... once I get through my giant stack of to-be-read-ers and so can let myself go back to the Friends of the Library Book Sale.... which I'm sure will happen any day now... :)

Oct 29, 2006, 5:43 pm

ooooh can't believe I didn't think of tagging my LT finds!!!! You're a smart one!

I've been reading alot of Japanese fiction--Haruki Murakami, and Banana Yoshimoto for starters, once I've read all their work, I'll move on to some more authors on my groups zeitgeist.

Sofar 9 books just from librarything, with several more on my too be read list

Oct 29, 2006, 7:46 pm

I was so curious about the group at LT called Erotica that I ordered and read Little Birds by Anais Nin :-) I'd always heard about this author, but never read any of her books.

I am also interested in Japanese literature and was pleased to find a listing by signature103 of many new Japanese authors whose writing I've not yet tried. The list on that group is a great place for me to start.

Edited: Oct 30, 2006, 7:28 pm

You can actually search for the tag LT-inspired in the normal tag search (there are enough people using it).

Nov 1, 2006, 11:34 pm

Opinicus (#2), me too. Put me down as another LT'er who has found that loading in my library has

a) reminded me of some glaring gaps in my collection, and

b) pointed out gaps in my reading.

The word 'focus' has been used. In my case, re-evaluating my accumulation of books has forced me to realize that I have more books than I could ever read (not at my current pace...) - and that therefore I should probably spend more time reading 'Quality rather than crap'.

Apr 9, 2007, 8:32 am

I found some obscure sword and sorcery. I think Bob probably already had a bunch of it! :)

Apr 3, 2008, 2:42 pm

LT certainly has opened my eyes up to a bunch of Authors and their books that I may have never thought of reading in the first place as well as recommenations to be added to my TBR list. And to find out other people like to read multiple books at the same time like I do and be able to talk to others like myself who are huge book collectors that are obsessed with books. Bibliophiles one and all.


May 15, 2009, 10:00 am

I have noticed that I am looking at the classics more then before. I use to only read mystery or romance books. Now I am trying all sorts of books from classic, to informational, to history, to just plain fun books.

May 15, 2009, 10:02 am

I haven't been back to this thread for a year and a half!

Most recently, LT has inspired me to read books by African authors. Luckily, I just won an ER book called Secret Son by the Moroccan-born author Laila Lalami. I'll be reading it soon.

May 15, 2009, 7:30 pm

I just found the group/thread today. I too use the tag: LT inspired because I have found books mentioned here that I would never have known about if not for LT.

I have always thought of my books as a library, I grew up with one (my parents' books). I have had my own DB since 2001 - mainly as a way not buy duplicates, and to make sure that I have all books in a series. So LT didn't impact that.

What I find is that I am reading more broadly. Before I was mostly SFF, HF, some mystery, a small amount of romance, history and science. I read a little regular fiction, but it was hard to find good stuff.

Now I am reading much more regular fiction, and much more mystery. I also have read more foreign authors (translated into English), and more memoirs.