What are some of the best book stores in San Diego?

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What are some of the best book stores in San Diego?

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Apr 2, 2012, 2:07 pm

I am going to be in San Diego for a few days and I would love to visit some used books stores. I am always looking for mid to late 19th century editions of the classics, Heritage press, Easton Press and early Franklin editions, Folio Society and of course LECs. I would appeiciate any suggestions you may be able to give. The list of books stores in the San Diego area is daunting and I would love to narrow it down some. Thanks.


Apr 2, 2012, 8:25 pm

My favorite bookstore in San Diego is Adams Avenue Book Store. There's a couple of smaller used book stores within walking distance of that store as well. Check out the reviews of it in Yelp and that has the address as well:

Apr 3, 2012, 10:08 pm

Thanks Rudel519! That was helpful.