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Jul 15, 2008
Real Name
Jacqueline Bos
About My Library
Here I have my very own library. I always wanted my own library and now I have it. Since I found this site I haven't been able to stay away from it.

I have read a lot in my years. I am very, very bad at remembering the titles of the books I have read or the authors. What I can say is that I thoroughly enjoyed 99% of them. I feel strongly when I say that every book bad or good, I have learned something from that book.

I rarely buy new books unless they are on sale. Holding a book that someone else has read has meaning to me. I never ever crease a book and treat it with special care, but at the same time, I enjoy buying a used book where the pages are folded at the corners and creased. It builds characture. It gives the book it's own personality.

My "bestest" friend, has been sharing her books with me. Everyone that she has given to me so far have been very enjoyable. I enjoy talking to her about the book afterwards and can't wait for her to share the next one with me.

My husband, who is a retired teacher, picks out books he knows I would enjoy. The very first one, he picked out for me was one of his called [Old Man and the Sea].

Since then he has introduced me to some good classics.

My youngest son picks also likes to pick out books for me. His choices are always the big, thick ones. Gotta love him.

My oldest son, who is an avid reader, has been sharing books for a long time with me. For years now he has been begging me to read The Hobbit and Lord of the Rings. He is also in the process of writing his first novel. He has had some of his work in magazines and short story books. He really has a gift.

All the books that are listed here on LT I have read or on my wish list. My TBR list is growing every day.

In 2007, I started to write down and rate all the books I read. My husband and I would talk about the books I have read and forgot that I had read them. I wasn't about to let that happen again so I started my list.

Then I found a wonderful place called Librarything and started listing my books again. I must admit that being on LT has put more smiles on my face than my own list did. Glad I found this place. Will always be a part of it.

Books may well be the only true magic." Alice Hoffma

Threads that I am currently following are:
What have your currently read:
Share a line or passage from your current book:
New words encountered in your reading:
Hi-jacking 'a silly book game':
How many books do you read that have been on your self for over 6 months?:
What's the missing word:
How much?:
About Me
As an only child I was never encouraged to read. My parents were Dutch and couldn't read English when they first came to Canada. In school I wasn't considered a good reader. I had a hard time understanding what I read. It was a real challange. I hated reading.

It was when I was about 12 years old when my school mates would talk about books they have read. I begged for my mother to buy me a book. My parents would tell me that they had reading material around the house if I wanted to read, like the local newspaper, TV Guide, dictionary, Bible and asked if I finish reading my school text book.

I didn't want to read to learn I wanted to enjoy reading as I saw kids around me enjoying it. I wanted to find out what I was missing. Finally, after many discussions about wanting to read a book that was bought in a bookstore my mother went with me to choose help me choose a book.

I will always remember my first book. It was a Nancy Drew book and called The Secret of the Old Clock. It was number one in the series and I was under the impression that I had to start with the first one. That made complete sense to me.

I remember feeling so grown up and happy sitting in my room all alone and reading my first book. I was a slow reader, but that didn't matter to me. Being a slow reader I was able to absorb every word and did. With my dictionary by my side, I looked up new words that I came across.

When finishing my first book I felt proud and I had a book that I could now talk about.

Not long after that, you would not find me without a book in my hands. I couldn't get enough. It took me places that I never dreamed of going. Gave me feelings I didn't know I had. Made me understand that I wasn't really alone in this big world.

In 1999, I suffered with chronic fatigue. I couldn't do anything without feeling exhausted. Performing every day tasks was a real effort. Things like scratching an itch, blinking an eye, coughing, eating, thinking and breathing took effort, but the worse part of this was that I couldn't understand anything that I read. I felt a big part of me died. The chronic fatigue was horrible but not being able to read a few words at a time made it so much worse.

My doctor assured me that I will certainly read again, but probably not as well and it would take some time. I wasn't going to let the love of my life die. Books were so much a part of me. I couldn't let it slip away without trying to keep it alive.

My youngest son understood how upset I was. He helped me first by buying my search word puzzles and then started me slowly reading Chicken Soup for the Soul books.

It would take me hours to read and understand one story. So many times I would have to reread a sentence over and over again, but I felt I was on the right track. Sometimes taking days to read a story that was only a few pages long. Reading drained me but it was something I had to do.

Periodically, I would grab a novel and attempt read it. Sometimes not even three pages into it I had to give up. I just didn't understand. I would miss words or invent words that weren't there. It was so very frustrating. But I wasn't going to give up.

One bright sunny afternoon, while lying in bed, not feeling my best, I asked my boyfriend at the time to grab me a book out of a box he picked up at a yard sale half a year ago. I wanted to read something as I had now finished kinda sorta reading my Chicken Soup for the Soul book.

He handed me a book. I looked at it as he left the room. Why would he pick this one out of maybe 25 books? It wasn't the thinnest one in the pile. It was from an author I never even heard of. He could have given me one that he at least thought I would enjoy. Oh well, I was too sick to argue.

I picked it up after a big sigh. I was so sure that after a few pages I would toss it to the side and maybe, just maybe, try again later that day, if I was feeling up to it.

Well, I read and read and read and then after some more reading I read some more. I couldn't put it down. Being so tired for so long and not being able to keep my eyes open for more then half an hour I was so thrilled and happy that I was actually reading and staying awake.

I finished that book in 3 days. There were tears in my eyes. I could read again. I did it. I was saved.

Months later, I went to the authors web site and told him my story. I believe this author saved a big part of my life. He gave me the boost that I so needed. That author was Phillip Margolin and the book was Gone, But Not Forgotten.

I will never be able to express my feeling of how I felt when I closed that book and had actually finished it. I will never be able to thank this author in the way that he deserves.
Ajax, Ontario Canada (Just east of Toronto)
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