
nonfiction (5), Alaska (3), plant identification books (2), Worldwatch [magazine] special editions (2), oilsands (2), Alberta (2), Canada (2), handbooks (2), fungi (2), British Columbia (2), mushrooms (2), water (2), environment (2), sustainability (1), tailing caribou herd (1), dirty oil (1), groundwater in oil pumping (1), groundwater marketing (1), water pollutoin (1), cap-and-trade (1), climate change policy (1), writing (1), water as commodity; water conservation (1), Old Crow (1), birthing grounds (1), Vuntut Gwich'in (1), unsustainable forest practices (1), ANWR (1), science textbooks (1), copy-reading (1), the Yukon (1), maps (1), mycelium (1), Cordova (1), self-editing (1), precious resources (1), armageddenouttahere (1), aberrant trees (1), green products (1), damaging human habits (1), head-in-sand (1), taxonomical guides (1), plant identification guides; wetland identification guides (1), water-rock interaction (1), Tailings (Metallurgy) (1), earth-saving guides (1), plant-identification guidebooks (1), small-engine machines (1), snowmachines (1), ATVs (1), rippers (1), rogue employees (1), history of natural resources (1), chemicals in toys (1), historical Arctic (1), design award winning books (1), carbon sinks (1), cruel treatments (1), DVD! (1), soil-building (1), procyonids (1), ursids (1), environmental protestors (1), coffeetable books (1), psychology (1), aquifer (1), field guides (1), Exxon Valdez (1), canids (1), morphology (1), feathers (1), tundra (1), Eskimos (1), Arctic (1), overfishing (1), cultural conflicts (1), environmental classics (1), First Aid (1), plant identification (1), limnology (1), whale (1), editing (1), theses (1), Yukon (1), forests (1), guidebooks (1), climate change (1), extinction (1), environmental issues (1), canoeing (1), sewage (1), natural resources (1), logging industry (1), NFB (1), drilling (1), BHA (1), plant guides (1), migration (1), pollution (1), reference books (1), Inuit (1), north (1), Haida (1), greenhouse gas mitigation (1), climatic changes (1), logging history (1), French-English dictionaries (1), oil spills (1), Icarus (1), photography books (1), natural history (1), Queen Charlotte Islands (1), weasels (1), plastics (1), rationalisation (1), caribou (1), war (1)
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Nov 18, 2008

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