
20c. (176), In French (167), Novel (146), English literature (128), History (122), England (89), French literature (87), France (76), 21c. (75), 19c. (70), London (51), Essay (45), Love (42), Humour (35), Reference (34), Paris (34), War (32), Adventures (32), Politics (31), Restoration (30), Diary (29), Biography (29), Autobiography (28), -ROM (27), Travel (26), Science (25), 18c. (25), Pepys (23), Literature (22), Religion (22), Philosophy (22), 17c. (22), Exploration (21), Antiquity (20), Setting: 17c. (20), Antarctica (18), Countryside (18), Fantasy (18), Crime (18), Rome (15), Middle Ages (14), Oulipo (14), Naturalism (14), Dictionary (14), Language (13), -PEP (12), Writing (11), Greece (10), United States (10), Science fiction (10), -DIC (10), Workers (10), American literature (10), Detective (9), Setting: 20c. (9), -HUY (9), -TRO (9), Tales (9), America (8), -ONF (8), Mathematics (8), Australia (8), Orphans (8), Setting: 19c. (8), -GIB (8), Classic literature (8), In German (8), Adélie Land (8), Setting: Middle Ages (7), Church (7), -VAR (7), Children (7), Maps (7), Black humour (7), Espionage (7), Setting: 18c. (7), Money (7), Short stories (7), Poetry (7), Children's literature (6), Excerpts (6), -SHA (6), Ambition (6), Nature (6), -MAY (6), -STE (6), Provence (6), Berlin (6), -CHA (5), New York (5), Mawson (5), Germany (5), Reading (5), -DAR (5), -MAU (5), -MAR (5), English Civil war (5), Sociology (5), Horror (5), -FRA (5), Ireland (5), German literature (5), Animals (4), -ROU (4), -GRA (4), Provinces (4), Letters (4), Hercule Poirot (4), Astronomy (4), -JOH (4), -BOS (4), Communism (4), -BUR (4), Gambling (4), Johnson (4), Royalty (4), Erotic (4), Theatre (4), Drawings (4), Old people (4), -CHR (4), Russia (4), Memoirs (4), Setting: Antiquity (4), Papua New Guinea (4), Melancholy (4), -TOM (4), Geography (4), Bourgeoisie (4), Geophysics (4), Cinema (3), Thames (3), Constantinople (3), 17-18c. (3), Dublin (3), Ships (3), Brittany (3), -PIN (3), Byzantium (3), Navy (3), Pilgrims (3), Emperors (3), Prostitution (3), Wessex (3), Shipwreck (3), Alps (3), -HAR (3), Aristocracy (3), Solitude (3), Pirates (3), San-Antonio (3), -PER (3), -WOO (3), -GUI (3), Physics (3), Vosges (3), University (3), Satire (3), -BRY (3), Irish literature (3), Italian literature (3), Chivalry (3), Scotland (3), Great Britain (3), Palestine (3), French revolution (3), -VOL (3), Macabre (3), Death (3), Shetland (3), Ghosts (3), Verdun (3), Earthquakes (3), Scatology (3), Zoology (3), Jews (3), -LET (2), -FAL (2), -HER (2), -CAR (2), -LEW (2), 16-17c. (2), -DEF (2), -WOD (2), -JON (2), -SCH (2), -BAR (2), -ALL (2), Setting: 16c. (2), -HUG (2), -SHE (2), -BEL (2), -BOR (2), -JOY (2), -ZOL (2), -MOR (2), -HOM (2), -DUV (2), -VER (2), Setting: 16-17c. (2), Setting: 17-18c. (2), -UNK (2), Setting: 19-20c. (2), -FUL (2), -MON (2), -HOL (2), -BED (2), Massif central (2), -BOU (2), -PRO (2), -BRO (2), -SIM (2), -LAC (2), -ZWE (2), Central Europe (2), -KIN (2), Medicine (2), Feminism (2), Egypt (2), Crusades (2), Freemasonry (2), Geology (2), Games (2), Poverty (2), Food (2), Renaissance (2), -THO (2), Italy (2), Islam (2), Sea (2), Utopia (2), Asia (2), Napoleon (2), Africa (2), Aquitaine (2), Norway (2), Moscow (2), Cartoons (2), Glaciology (2), 16c. (2), Normandy (2), Quotations (2), Algeria (2), Prague (2), Russian literature (2), Oxford (2), -LEM (2), Andes (2), -AUS (2), -KIL (2), In Latin (2), Beyrouth (2), -WAU (2), Mythology (2), Norwegian literature (2), Decadence (2), -JER (2), -LAT (2), Memory (2), -LIN (2), Painting (2), Pastiche (2), -GRE (2), -DEL (2), -WAI (1), -GAL (1), Setting: 18-19c. (1), -LAM (1), -IZA (1), Setting: 15-16c. (1), Near East (1), 14c. (1), -ATW (1), -TAH (1), -GRO (1), 20-21c. (1), Tunisia (1), Brazil (1), -ECO (1), Fishing (1), -FRO (1), -RAB (1), Canadian literature (1), Translation (1), Spanish literature (1), Suicide (1), Convicts (1), Portugal (1), Turkey (1), Unesco (1), -LOV (1), -BLA (1), -BIC (1), Denmark (1), Loire (1), Sweden (1), Kerguelen (1), -RAT (1), -SOA (1), -KEN (1)
Tag Cloud, Author Cloud, Tag Mirror
Dec 5, 2006
Real Name
About My Library
Thanks to my subscription to The Folio Society from 2003 onward, I discovered classics I had never heard of before: like Elizabeth in Alan Bennett's novella, I am an opsimath. I almost never read books twice. (So why do I keep them?) There are so many works to discover, & I am such a slow reader that I am doomed to die facing a mountain of books I would have liked to read. (This last sentence influenced by my reading of The Anatomy of Melancholy. ;-) However, I do not buy too many books in advance.
    My main interest lies in diaries & biographies, sometimes linked to scientific discoveries or explorations.
    We (my wife & I) own an indeterminate number of books in French (she is a much quicker reader than me, but our books are two disjoint sets, if I may borrow this terminology used in set theory). I also own some books in German.

My rating
Some books are left unrated. The reason is that either I read them too many years ago, or I haven't read them yet. I don't see the point in rating all books with 4 or 5 stars. The following guidelines allow me to keep the average rating close to 2.75:
= I have re-read this book
= I must re-read this book
= You must read this book
= I recommend this book
= It has been rewarding to read this book
= Some rare passages were uninteresting
= Some passages were interesting
= Some rare passages were interesting
= Boring
= I couldn't finish this book
For reference books:
= Daily use
= Once a week
= Once a month
= Once every 4 months
= Once a year
Note: use can vary a lot over months or years. I decided to rate it here when it reached its maximum.

About Me

French, b.1952. Retired seismologist & occasional translator. I appreciate l'humour anglais, especially the Monty Python's—sorry for those who hate them.
Picture credit: John Hayls painted my portrait in 1666, long before the computer era. I have allowed The National Portrait Gallery, London to display it in their room 7.
My first post on LT, dated December 7, 2006: It’s funny to read that there are so many Folio book owners who haven't read a large proportion of their collection. But maybe it's like collecting stamps and not using them on letters eventually...


Grenoble, France
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