
Real Name
Michael Levy
About My Library
A Truly Remarkable Existence. By Michael Levy.

There are places on earth, where once buffalo’s roam
now; large skyscrapers fill with luxurious commercial trappings,
which accommodate no true pleasure nor sincere cheerfulness.


There are still places on earth
where there is no need to read,
or workout mathematical equations,

There are silent places on earth
where there is no demand for scientific findings,
nor any necessity for philosophy,
or religious understanding

There are sacred places on earth,
where all effects live with natures intelligent wisdom,
and the simple joys of life do exist.......

Where eagles soar around high mountains,
where spiders relish homespun silken webs,
where ants assemble domestic hills,
where bees shape family hives,
where exotic flowers dance in the breeze,
to infuse the air with ambrosial perfumes,
where all animals frolic and play in sprightly abandonment
where every baby enjoys the moments of innocence
in unaffected love & joy

In the course of time everything returns to dust,

All creatures large and small that finds no justification
for dependence, on an intellectual mind-set, to enjoy life,
But rather chose to follow natures authentic sequence,
they dear friend, will enjoy a truly remarkable existence.
About Me
Michael is a professional optimist. He is an international talk show host, philosopher, poet and the author of ten inspirational books. His new book; CUTTING TRUTHS is now available at Michael's poetry, essays and investigative journalism enhance many web sites, newspapers, journals and magazines throughout the world. He is a prominent speaker on health and wellness maintenance, stress eradication, wealth creation and development, authentic happiness and inspirational poetry. Web site:

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