SeriesSwedenborg Studies

18 Works Popularity 30,177 (223 Members) 340 Books 0 Reviews 4.0
Sampson Reed: Primary Source Material for Emerson Studies by George F. Dole 3 copies1
Swedenborg and Kant: Swedenborg's Mystical View of Mankind and the Dual Nature of Humankind in Emmanuel Kant by Gottlieb Florschütz 4 copies2
With Absolute Respect: The Swedenborgian Theology of Charles Carroll Bonney by George F. Dole 4 copies3
Swedenborg and Esoteric Islam by Henry Corbin 66 copies4
Swedenborg: The Buddha of the North by D. T. Suzuki 38 copies5
Schelling and Swedenborg: Mysticism and Idealism by Friedemann Horn 11 copies6
Gallery of Mirrors: Reflections on Swedenborgian Thought by Anders Hallengren 13 copies7
Visionary Scientist: The Effects of Science and Philosophy on Swedenborg's Cosmology by Inge Jonsson 6 copies8
Emanuel Swedenborg: The Development of His Thought by Martin Lamm 16 copies9
Swedenborg and New Paradigm Science by Ursula Groll 8 copies10
Swedenborg's Dream Diary by Lars Bergquist 22 copies11
Epic of the Afterlife: A Literary Approach to Swedenborg by Olof Lagercrantz 34 copies13
Swedenborg: Visionary Savant in the Age of Reason by Ernst Benz 19 copies14
Dreams of a Spirit-Seer, Illustrated by Dreams of Metaphysics by Immanuel Kant 71 copies15
Drama of Creation: Sources and Influences in Swedenborg's Worship and Love of God by Inge Jonsson 3 copies16
The Covert Enlightenment by Alfred J. Gabay 2 copies17
Swedenborg, Oetinger, Kant: Three Perspectives on the Secrets of Heaven by Wouter J. Hanegraaff 9 copies18

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This is about how Swedenborg effected other writers, philosophers, and contributed to the development of western culture and thinking. (English, Unclassified)


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