Publisher SeriesOrpheuse Raamatukogu

At the Mountains of Madness [novella] by H. P. Lovecraft 1,255 copies, 50 reviews1
Palimpsest by Charles Stross 124 copies, 7 reviews2
Bal-Sagothi jumalad by Robert E. Howard 2 copies3
The Lion of Comarre by Arthur C. Clarke 23 copies, 1 review4
Professor Dowell's Head by Alexander Beliaev 96 copies, 1 review5
Tales from Earthsea by Ursula K. Le Guin 3,686 copies, 58 reviews7
The Alchemist by Paolo Bacigalupi 335 copies, 20 reviews8
Great Wall of Mars by Alastair Reynolds 17 copies, 2 reviews9
Viimane inimene Atlantisest by Aleksandr Beljajev 2 copies10
Vari aja sügavusest by Howard Phillips Lovecraft 4 copies11
A Colder War {short story} by Charles Stross 67 copies, 2 reviews12
The Snail on the Slope by Arkady Strugatsky 305 copies, 6 reviews13
Väikemees by Arkadi Strugatski 4 copies14
Lääne-India valgus by Henry S. Whitehead 3 copies15
Horror Horn by E. F. Benson 25 copies16
Põrmust tõusnud by Ray Bradbury 4 copies17
The Hemingway Hoax by Joe Haldeman 350 copies, 13 reviews19
Marslaste teine sissetung : ühe tervemõistusliku märkmed by Arkadi Strugatski 5 copies20
Orphans of the Sky by Robert A. Heinlein 2,488 copies, 39 reviews21
Poliitohvitser, poliitvang by Charles Coleman Finlay 3 copies22
Tont nr 5 : kõik Gregori ja Arnoldi jutud by Robert Sheckley 4 copies23
Uurimismeeskond : Kolooniate Inspektsiooni jutud by pseud. Murray Leinster 3 copies24
Nine Tomorrows by Isaac Asimov 1,455 copies, 23 reviews25
The Chrysalids by John Wyndham 4,839 copies, 124 reviews26
Slow Bullets by Alastair Reynolds 461 copies, 35 reviews27
Guardians of Time by Poul Anderson 650 copies, 11 reviews28
Orphans of the Helix (Hyperion Cantos #4.5) by Dan Simmons 47 copies, 2 reviews29
Peatumata by Brian Wilson Aldiss 4 copies30
A Choice of Gods by Clifford D. Simak 687 copies, 11 reviews31
Kosmoselaevastiku agent by pseud. Kir Bulõtšov 4 copies32
Kuningate tagasitulek by Triinu Meres 5 copies33
A Spy in Europa {short story} by Alastair Reynolds 16 copies, 1 review34
The Dispossessed by Ursula K. Le Guin 11,007 copies, 267 reviews35
Jack of Shadows by Roger Zelazny 1,269 copies, 32 reviews37
The Tangled Lands by Paolo Bacigalupi 327 copies, 9 reviews38
Topeltstaar by Robert A. Heinlein 4 copies39
Night Shift by Stephen King 9,308 copies, 116 reviews40
Vildaka homse kroonikad ; [Vabariigi esimene aasta] by Lev Veršinin 5 copies41
Kuutolmu varing by Arthur C. Clarke 6 copies42
Orioni vöö. 1 by Aliette de Bodard 5 copies43
Dying of the Light by George R. R. Martin 1,190 copies, 23 reviews44
Tale of the Troika by Arkady Strugatsky 43 copies, 1 review45
Tuf Voyaging by George R. R. Martin 1,298 copies, 35 reviews46
A Talent for War by Jack McDevitt 1,346 copies, 43 reviews47
Maailmalõpu päevik by Marek Tihhonov 4 copies48
Halloweenipuu by Ray Bradbury 4 copies49
Time and Again by Clifford D. Simak 895 copies, 15 reviews50
Mina, robot by Isaac Asimov 2 copies51
Mõõgad ja nõidus by Fritz Leiber 1 copy52
Nemesis by Isaac Asimov 3,610 copies, 37 reviews53
Galaktika kodanik by Robert A. Heinlein 1 copy54
The Exorcist by William Peter Blatty 5,643 copies, 153 reviews55
The Eyes of the Dragon by Stephen King 10,728 copies, 156 reviews56
Kaarnalaul by Manfred Kalmsten 2 copies57
Doorways in the Sand by Roger Zelazny 1,307 copies, 21 reviews58
The Midwich Cuckoos by John Wyndham 3,028 copies, 87 reviews59
Vangistatud universum by Harry Harrison 1 copy60
Kalmistumaailm by Clifford D. Simak 1 copy61
Pajatus by Ursula K. Le Guin 1 copy62
Songmaster by Orson Scott Card 1,919 copies, 19 reviews64
Täheraua saaga by Manfred Kalmsten 2 copies66
Ajavalvur by Poul Anderson 2 copies67
Meie laste lapsed by Clifford D. Simak 2 copies68

