Nobel Laureates in Literature

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Since we're reading the winners of the Nobel Prize in Literature, let's talk about them!

TopicTopicMessagesLast Message 
In the same place as a Laureate3 unread / 3bergs47, July 2014
Has anyone read anything by Claude Simon?5 unread / 5richardderus, September 2013
Wisława Szymborska, in memoriam14 unread / 14michalsuz, April 2013
Happy 100th to The Lord of the Fly in the Ointment, Sir William Golding4 unread / 4michalsuz, March 2013
Is Mo Yan one of the Nobel laureates who shouldn't be?2 unread / 2banjo123, February 2013
Nobel 2012: A few weeks out, what is The Committee up to?30 unread / 30StevenTX, November 2012
Rachel's Reviews of Nobel Prize Winners3 unread / 3The_Hibernator, June 2012
As Patrick White's centenary approaches, why is no one reading him?1 unread / 1Davidattheshelf, May 2012
Christmas Greetings from Joseph Brodsky1 unread / 1Davidattheshelf, December 2011
Honors to Odysseus Elytis and Naguib Mahfouz on the occasion of their centennaries1 unread / 1Davidattheshelf, December 2011
Are American authors too "closed" and "self-involved" for the prize?6 unread / 6lriley, October 2011
Tomas Transtromer Wins the 2011 Nobel Prize2 unread / 2Davidattheshelf, October 2011
Günter Grass - Tin Drum2 unread / 2Honya451, October 2011
And the laureate for 2011 is...3 unread / 3Rosa_Saks, October 2011
Tomas Transtromer wins the 2011 Nobel Prize1 unread / 1Davidattheshelf, October 2011
The Nobel Prize Blog: "The Stockholm Shelf"17 unread / 17kidzdoc, October 2011
The Nobel Laureates in Literature31 unread / 31lriley, September 2011
English translations, anyone?2 unread / 2lriley, September 2011
I'm a new member2 unread / 2lriley, February 2011
R.I.P., José Saramago1 unread / 1kidzdoc, June 2010
Read the Nobels review blog1 unread / 1guiltlessreader, March 2010
Which Nobel winners have you read? Which are favorites?21 unread / 21ChrisWildman, January 2010
Nobel lectures online1 unread / 1Annix, December 2008
Another group you might be interested in ...2 unread / 2rebeccareid, November 2008
Which Nobel winners have your read?1 unread / 1rebeccareid, November 2008
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