Dutch writing in English - An appreciation

This group has become officially dormant. It happens. If you want to revive this group, or create a new group on the same topic, see this page.

As a bit of a Netherlandophile I have read quite a few books by Dutch writers and thought it might be nice to exchange views and hopefully learn of new one’s I hadn’t heard of.

I thought I’d start by having threads for some of the writers I have enjoyed (or plan to enjoy) both fiction and non-fiction, and also a thread for works written by non-Dutch writers who write about the Netherlands. Then if there are any Dutch members to the group perhaps they will give us some input about how authentic the writers have been.

I shall also start a thread for biographies and histories related to the Dutch. And a thread for art.

I have to own that I haven’t read all the books in the photo, and most of the others need re-reading with a more alert eye before I can contribute fully, but I shall enjoy doing so over the coming months.

TopicTopicMessagesLast Message 
Dutch literature1 unread / 1Goldy1989, December 2012
Other Dutch Writers19 unread / 19edwinbcn, October 2012
Tessa de Loos3 unread / 3edwinbcn, September 2012
Hugo Claus10 unread / 10rebeccanyc, August 2012
Non-Dutch writers writing about the Netherlands16 unread / 16edwinbcn, August 2012
Cees Nooteboom6 unread / 6edwinbcn, August 2012
Maarten 't Hart3 unread / 3edwinbcn, August 2012
Harry Mulisch17 unread / 17Caroline_McElwee, November 2010
Louis Couperus2 unread / 2Caroline_McElwee, November 2010
Books by English authors about Holland1 unread / 1Williamsjb, October 2009
The Occupied Garden1 unread / 1Caroline_McElwee, June 2009
THE TWIN by Gerbrand Bakker2 unread / 2knarf, January 2009
Off topic7 unread / 7callmejacx, August 2008
New Dutch Writers:15 unread / 15kiwidoc, June 2008
Biography and History (Dutch related)10 unread / 10Caroline_McElwee, April 2008
Introduce yourself16 unread / 16kiwidoc, April 2008
Queries for dutch members5 unread / 5boekerij, February 2008
Theatre in the Low Countries4 unread / 4knarf, February 2008
General Messageboard7 unread / 7kiwidoc, February 2008
Anja Sicking1 unread / 1Caroline_McElwee, January 2008
Marcellus Emants3 unread / 3Randy_Hierodule, January 2008
Marcel Moring5 unread / 5xtien, November 2007
Read in Dutch (Recommendations)19 unread / 19kiwidoc, November 2007
Jan Wolkers7 unread / 7Caroline_McElwee, October 2007
Art10 unread / 10Caroline_McElwee, October 2007
Translation1 unread / 1Caroline_McElwee, October 2007
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